i:�:..t . _. .., . . . ._ ..
<br /> . v • - �iilUw< �
<br /> - � �—~—•_--_.��. _._._—.._. . _ . . .. ... _.._ 5i.
<br /> .. �., , ���TS 99� �a��.�
<br /> , ,� � �, p��. Bortower agraos to make 811 paymenta on tho sscured debt �+hcn dua. Unsase 6orrowor nnd lender agree otharwcse, any
<br /> .. . I exdys'rve ofaMetrest or1P rt pa1.s co dIIte iMeress�and then to prine'ipal.lt partial pro�p V�cnt ot tho soeu ad debt occurs for any ea anart w 1
<br /> no t re du c o o r e x c u s e a n y s e h a d u l ed pa y ment urrc�!th9 secured deDt is Oatd�^fi�►•
<br /> ' • p,C��imf A�t Tii[s.6onower wiii pay a:l taxes.assassmonta,and otht►►chargos attnhutaD'.9 to 4ho proporty whan daa and w[ll d�fand titto
<br /> � to tha propnrtY egainst tny c�aima v�hieh vrould imgair tha lien of this dead af trust.Lartder may ro�uire 8orrowflr to assign any righta.etaims or
<br /> th
<br /> • • detenses Y+hieh 8onower maY have against partias who suDDtY lahor or materiats to imDrova or m¢�ntam tho proparty.
<br /> 3.tnsureate.Borrov�rss�fill keap tfia propsrtY insured under terms eccoytnb!e to lendor at Hanowar'a enpanso und for I.endar's hanofrt.Ail
<br /> insuranco Ratidas sAan inetude e stacsderd mart9a$a cisuse in favor of Londa�.Lan4af�+n1i bo e�amad as loss DaYee or as thfl irL;urad on any sueh
<br /> . ' 1 or tar tho seas�as!deb�it tand�pr¢4u�'�.res mnAr g23��swesue.Bottot oirapreo9 to�muinta sueh In Lraneo tor as langias lend3raraQuIIes r�AB� ,
<br /> '- .� ! 4.Pro�enY.Borrov►er will Iceep the DropertS►in good eon.riiiion end ma':a�fl rt�:lis t�onabfy rtacossary. •-
<br /> ,
<br /> K I 5,�yIInssa.Borrowrer agreas to paY a l i L en s ler's o x p a n s e s,i n c l u d i n g r o a s a n a b f o a tt o r n e y s't e o s,if Borrower breaks any tovanants�n this deud
<br /> _ � of uust or in any oLliBattan setured by tfiis dnad of vust.Barrower c,nll pay thase amounts to Londsr as provida�tn C ovenera 9 o f t h i s d e e d o f
<br /> � trust.
<br /> 8.Prtm Seeuritry��•�^t�8onower first o6tains Lendar's writton cansent.BorrowEr v.ril)rsot make or parmit any changes to any prior ;�,
<br /> _ _ _; sewrity iMerests•Borrower s+vi:l Dartorm sU°4�Bo��etls�obligatians under nnY Dr�or mortgage. deed of trust or othar securitY agreament,
<br /> -- - -_ – --� inciust'mU BoiroweYs cnv^s�m�a g�Y� �:-__
<br /> r �":
<br /> q,ps�i�tnerit of R�Ms�d Rtofits•Borrovuar assigns to Lender the ronts and Drotits of the propertV•Unfess Borrower and LenQar hava agrea3
<br /> othervnsa m writing,oinied�ecaiver maey mka pos�sesstan and manago th pn�A nYtand coltaet ihe raMSBA Y ents Lender col ectsLshall be __
<br /> . agant,m o court aPP gth g
<br /> nee�sssary�rolatad expen es.Tha remaInmB amount of rnrts�w91�then aDD�V��P Ymanta on the sseuiedmdebt as provid d'inBCovenan d'any othaT
<br /> � niutna•Plannsd U�t 0sveloyrrtst+ts;Barrower agreas to tom �Y Wrth rtm Orovisions of any tea.e if this deed of trust is?n --
<br /> 8.L�uthoitfa;Con�omi
<br /> j a leas3hold. H thts deed of trust is an a�t�t in a condom�nium or a pFannsd unit eveloperserrt.Borrower witl perform all of Bottowa*'s dutias
<br /> . : � under the cm+cnants,by-laws,or regulsti¢ms�.t the wndomin!um ar planned unit davelapmBrK.
<br /> 9.A�oiEty at LendN to P�st°�n far B'n'aw�r' N Bfl�"aef�'����°n"eny o!BortoweYs dutles undar th�s desd of vusL l.ercder may
<br /> � parform the duties ot cawe them to te pertormed.I.andaz may Rtgn ortowar's namo or pay any amouM it necossarY tor Da�o�artce.If any
<br /> , . � � ���•�8�nH proy�p��cionnny��o�e t�mp!d�����on$nner.Lendu maV do whatevst is nscessary to protect L.ern9er'c
<br /> tft
<br /> . ,...�,fy
<br /> Lendafu fsilurr�to Pedorm w���R�p7°���T�er trom exareising any af its othar rfghts under tha law or this dsed of vusl. —
<br /> . ,. �nd v�injj Ge�tsFi res[tromaU e dapte of�c-pa-d/ment unul p 30 in t�1t at��a intar�est�rate n effecc un the�ea+red dembt�.unts wiU 6a due�demand
<br /> � A Aecd.erc'.�.M 8onowerr fails to make any paNment when dufl or brea&s acaele�rate th�e rr atdurity of he seaued deDi 8and _
<br /> 10. Qeiauit an
<br /> obligation secured by this dae�of Vuugtt rs�anY p�or mangaga or deed of vwt.Lender may e
<br /> u
<br /> .�'� damand irncrtadiate payment and may irccea3 tha power af sa►s and any othar remed:es parmlttad by apptic�bta lav�.
<br /> 11.Rsqs�4or Nottw of Datautt.tt is f,ra�L•y�epuested that eoDiss of the nntts�.s of defautt and sele be seM to eaeh parsnn who is a party
<br /> � ,:�i?� � hera:o,�tlse adQress of each such p�rr-.J+:�eet forth harein. -
<br /> ;,;, �;
<br /> •.� 12.Powar ot Ssf�.If eha�nso 9vo�o�a���Q eof i�s siwated a nottce of�detautt�w ai�nin g�the in ormatton r�oesruired b�law gThe Tru�eB
<br /> wherein the Wst Nop �}t P P hareto.and to other parsons as rescribad 6y
<br />- � shall also mail e�pias a�+tr�noUCe of defauR to the Borrower,to oaeh person who is a partY
<br /> applieebta taw. Not Iess��one montfi aiter ffiep trustes rawrds the �Uce of dofautt or two months'rf the trust DroPenll s rtot in any
<br /> . � .�; ineorpnraLed eitY ar vitlage and is ussdF�emDw Trustoe,without de and a Bo nwar�hatl setl t e�properiY at D�bi�auction to the highcst
<br /> . and in the manner prescnbed by ap�C•
<br /> bidder.«r�;uiied by�H Fan►►tiarn=�P�oteetion Act,Trustee shall oHar the proyarty in twa eeparate sates as reQuired by apg:��� a aw.
<br />_ � Tw�as rnay�.ostpone sate of all or cr.�I�+rae�ef 1he Praparty by Rubtic annauncament at the time and place of any pre�ousty cch��u:ed sa1o.
<br /> . � Lender ar:ac desigrtae may purchace thrs t�:PartY e=any sala.
<br /> � � ym g
<br /> • T unstee s dssd shall be prima facieeV d enrA of the p��of the statemonts�con4ainad theietnaTu stoa shnt18pp1Yt h praceeds of the�satei inthe
<br /> � ia�ti�zte�t teesa�ib)to�all�sums se��by Ui3s desd o��mist an�lc)�e bulaneo it any 4io UTia par ont legully entUedi tor o�nre iL tees and
<br /> �`= ; 1g,For�lr�urs.At Lenders optian,iia.s�eed of uust may bo(orectosad in tho manner arovido by opplicabta law tor toreclosure of mortgagas
<br /> _ . . ...r.:,:. on real propertV•
<br /> .�:7:A-.,,•.�..
<br /> � �q,hy Lender may enter tha Groyerty to inspect R it Lender givas Bortowar notico Detorehand.Tho notiee must ctata the reasonabla
<br /> ''==1��F= cause or Lender'9 inspection.
<br /> ••� : .f�
<br /> , .�=f';ti. �5•Cc�GtnnsUon•Bortov�et essi�rt^tn I.nrtder the_procesd�of any awnrd or cta?m for dama�eis assignment is subject to tha t�ims of eny prtro
<br /> j.. of a(I tr�:%p�of tho property.5ud�f•Tneeeds v�nll be aDPlicd as provtdod in Cover�ani 1.Th
<br /> �.-�.,,�
<br /> - . :�q�;;: : sec:u�ty ati!"�smoM. naII�:3tcising
<br /> ,�"',��t,'I any remedy upon Bo o e asydoi ulto-len�der does rtctRwaiva sy�right to Iater�eonsidentho evEnt e�@efauuftif8t hay�ns 88at�n.+.�
<br /> u ��.�p��g�v�rd Lt�bility; Co-styun; Succ�srn�a+nd Assf�s Baws� ��ss undar thlc d¢ed of wst aro joir►i and several. Arty
<br /> �'�:`��� Borrott+r.who co-sigrb this deed ot Ccast but daas nat co-sign the undcriving debt instrument(s) doas ao onry to grant artd canvey that
<br /> ����� Borrc;nu�a lntnrust in the propartY co dse Yn,stee under the tarms of this daeQ oi trust.�n aSdiUon,such a 8orrower agrees that th:.Lender and _
<br /> ;Y.�,�f.r., • any otf��r f.'orrowar under thts dead�(trust may oxter.d,m¢d�fv nr make.eny other changes in tha 4erms of this deed of trust ar�:.�3 secured
<br /> .;,.�,.,. . : debt Y�ftf��sut that Borrawar'o consent arn!without�a:eESSr.g that�orrower hom the terms of tAis desd oi tn[st•
<br /> � �. , The duties and Eenetit�.uf th�s daad cf trust shall birsd rrnd Cenefit the suewssors end assiQns of Lender and Borrower.
<br /> � 18.Notic�.Untess otherntse reputred by law,any rtotico to Borrowef sha11 Ce givnn by deliverina it or Dy mailing it by certifind mail addresse0 to
<br /> Borrower at the prop�rty ud�ess ar F.rty ather aQdress that Borrower has B►van to lendet.Bortower wiU g'ne any notiee to Lender by certified
<br /> , b�o cent to td.endere'e addrass es st ieA o[ht page 1 of t�deed o!Uru t�r rsddress whlch Lender has designated.Any othe►notira3 co Lender shaU
<br /> ;i::.;.�
<br /> . Any not}ea sha11 be deemed to hata�een given to Borrowe�or Lendcr when given in the manner atated above.
<br /> � v rthoat�l.endar"c G���tton con..�nt�lend�ar may dtnmand immediste payma i o!t e sa�ured deblBLendor may atsa Qemandm mediate
<br /> � � poymant it 4t�o 6ona��.-e*cs rtot �oattnal Retsen nnd a bonefrcial interost in tho Borrowtr ts sofd or transtattod. However,Lender may not
<br /> dem�o+d�ayment in the ahovo situat(a�sc tf�t�s p�oh�bitod by fedaret law as of tho dato ot tAis dead ot Vust.
<br /> •� ' urtdci itao nstrum nL^.horn�,yrCCmc�ms ceu adtby thi�Qa�d of vu t,�tho Trustev aha�l,upan wrttan raquest by etho LenQe�racon ay thoauust
<br /> ,��--.:�'' � �. propertY•Tho Lendcr shall dalive►to the Borrawnr,or to 6orroweYa sueeossor in interost,tho Vust dee0 and tho noto or othar avdence of tho
<br /> _ . '. obLgation so satisli¢d.Borrowct ch311 Pay any rocordatfon eost3. _
<br /> � � IIubstit�ut�'nn ofltruNSttss�a es ioquvod by e p1'•cabi�Im�nandHthen,by filirt$the suti tutDOn o trusieo for iosold in tha oHio�of ths registero!�eds �
<br /> � i �ue�d to 81n1 iha powotr,dutios3 au�!�aiiry an�tido olt he Tru tee name0 in h Gaed oPf trust end of sny�s�es o tr sten.01 tho property,shall
<br /> . '
<br /> �
<br /> • lya,,re 2 0171
<br /> eh.bc�s srsrc�+�s.nc_sr.ctovo.r.r.�ssso�n$II63�7�23�71 L0:.1�.!OCV-0lTfi':=_a•��.�+
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<br />