.+i.iY� . . cx " .' . .. .
<br /> C;:
<br /> �` � .
<br /> ` .. �
<br /> , � � . - ` , , . . '
<br />� . • . �. ` � �' � ^ _ ,�, , '_ __. . � .. . _..�`r•;_:_.�',�� .
<br /> : � �o�� gg� ����� ��
<br /> 1. Piymss�ts• EorroNter agruas to�aka all aymerrta on th9 secured debt when duo. Uniass Bdrrower and lender agreo oth�nriBC. Eny � -
<br /> � oxcl�ifs�ve oti rnit�errtot pnnclpaf,escon�to int�OSt9IIRd th0 to pdnnpaL bf partPa!prepaV+nent of the sec�'u ad d bt ac�cwues for any easo�a�tda+�► :, �
<br /> � not reduce or excuso any cehaduted payment until the socured dobt is pald m fuil. :,
<br /> � �,qtdrna pyeinat Ti4ls.Bcrrousr8r rrill pay ail taxes,asssssmantfi,and othar charges attributahle to ths Bproperty when dufl and�vdl dofartd tiUo
<br /> to tR9 proRertY 8gatnst any ctalms which would�mpair the lian of��Df oa materia�9 to imy¢o e orvma nta n th9 pippettye��8�$ny rights,ctatms or
<br /> � detans�wh!ch Borrovrar may have against Dartiea wRo suppSY
<br /> � 3,(stturanss. Bottower rrili keap tha propErty jr.eurad unEsr tarme aceoDtable to CendQr at 6onowsr's oxpae+se and to�lendnr'a beaofit.All �
<br /> � insuranee pnlictas shall include a standard mortgaga ctause�n 4avor ot�LenIIer.Leader aJi:l Ga nsmed as loss Rsyee or us tha inswed cn any such ,
<br /> oto tha secu�d dab2�If Land�Po4utre Sm SaB�Ans�uranc 8jottowar�grees w2�maint�al�n suchhinsueranae foi ns tnngiag Lana da equi es roRo�Y
<br /> .
<br /> • '� I 4.Ptoysrty Bonower wiil&eea tha propertY in good wnditmn and make a0 repairs reasonaCty necessary. _
<br /> . ^+t-
<br /> 5.EYDansea.Baaower egraes to pay ail Londer's expansea.�nctudirtg reasonabte attomays'taes,if Borrowar 6reaks anY covenarts in this daed
<br /> � � �� of Vus3 or in anY eb�8atton secured by this dsed of uusL 6er►awer w�li pay thase amourrts w Lfsndsr as provided in Covenant 9 of thts dectd of _
<br /> trust. _�•�- .
<br />---— .._ - ._ 8.Rrtaa Seeuriip lrtaretts.Untecs Borro�ver ftrst aDtains Lands's writter++ansesit. f$osTO+�c�deed ot uu�st�ory o�ar ecu�ti/agreerrpert ['-:--
<br /> securitY intarosts. Bonower wii!parform all of Bor�ower's abligations under any D' fl 9 • �4-
<br /> including Boaower's eovenants to make paymema when dua. e�-�
<br /> �,:---
<br /> 7,pest�ment o f R a n t s a�e d P r o f i b.6 o r r o w e t a s a i g n s t o l e n d e r t h e r flnts artd p rofrt&of tlio itroperty.Uniess Borcotiver and Lender hava egrCed �-�
<br /> ::, o t hErw�so m�nrriting, Borrower may cullact and reTatn ths reMS as[ong as Barrov�erand o1 E:t t ha ro:fT&BAny re�rts Lendsr c o l ects`shall 6e _
<br /> �.��r��� _ agem, or a court aapointad receiver may take possesaion and mar�a8e tha propertY
<br /> ;ry+;-w,, ` apyited firei to ths eosts of managin�the pmpertY.inctudin�wurt eosts and attorneys'feas,commiss:ons to ►ental agents,and any other =_
<br /> .:�n�`.;� � nscessary related oxjsanses•'�a rema�ning amount of rents w�I shan t►ppiy to paymants on ttte secured debt as provided in Covenant 1.
<br /> , `'" 8.Lasehdds•Coadamtafums:Pianne�Unit DaveloII�esms:Borrower agrees to campty with the provisians of arry tease if this deed of trust is on
<br /> a leasahold.if this deed of trust is on a unit in a condommium ot a planned unit devaiopment,Honower wili perform aQ of Borrowers duties
<br /> � undar tha covenants,bydavls,ot regutations of the condominium or plannsd unit davatopment_
<br /> ' � ` g,qytho�ity of Ls�ar to Psr[otm fa►Bortowsr.If Hortowes tails to pertorm any of @oaower's dutias undar this deed of trust. Lertder may —
<br /> - . . • � peAarm the du�ss m��a ia 6isco unued or�not carded on in a�reasana6ta msnnor,Lender may do whaLever isHSee sary to prate t Lender's
<br /> . ..� rf.1 construetion an tha p:openy _
<br /> sacurity iMnrest in tha DroGBrttl.T�may inetuda eomptating the cansfi+etian.
<br /> • , � �` l.ender's taGure to perform wi0 not preGude Lendar from e�careising any of its other r[ghts undar the law or this dec�i af trust.
<br /> � d� � An amounts paid by Landet to protect Lender's security interest will be seeured by this daed of uust.Such ema_nts w�l ba due on dnmand _
<br /> ' ;;rt�;; '�� an��vil bear irterest irom the date of the paymmnt until paid in futl at the Intarest rate�n effect on the secured da'.:t. _,
<br /> _._ �r:tya�,: ..
<br /> ,:�`��� • yp,Qa',�tt and prr�cieratlon, t!Borrower faita to make any payment when duo or breofs anv covenants under this deed of trust ar any _
<br /> � obligattnn secured f;,y;r.is dead of trust ot any prior moRga9e or deed of trust,lender may a�r-r•�te Use maturrty of ihe setured debt and
<br /> ' " demand immadizr��s��nt and may invofce the power of sale and any other remediss Partnittea 4'r'�rJ%���ble tav,�.
<br /> �.
<br /> .�� �• �. y� 11.Request fir F11Ca�of Osfailt it i�hereby requestod that cop3es of the no��=`=efa�%��'=�a be sent tra eaeh person wha is a pnrty
<br /> `•�,�:'�-�� heseto.-.t the 8ddress of each such parson,es set forth herein.
<br /> ''`�i'�'�^%' 3�, �Z,ro*,ru of Snts.If the lendar invokes the power of sate,the ta�:e shall fFrst record in tha o•na�of the�egister of desds of each cauntlr
<br /> , �ii':j .
<br /> • '� � +i�. wh2�i�3's��OraDe�Y at soms part or parcel thereot is situ��9 a ioUCe of default eontaining Y:�ae intormation required by taw.The Trustee
<br /> eroto,and to other persans as presuihed by
<br /> shsil alss mail coytes of the notice of detautt to the Bortower,tc �aCh Farson who i3 a party h s not in any
<br /> � appl:rabte law.Nci?-:s than ono month aiter tha T��stee records tfis rtotico of dflfaufl, or two months if L'*.e trust propttrtY 1
<br /> �•.�,`'I•. intotpotatad city cr'rif.z�e and is used in farming ai�a-�=ns cartted on by ths tni..�':nr,tho Trustea shoil give�ui�:.otica of ca!o to thu parsans
<br /> � 1 and in the menner r:���hn d by�apap ii c a b t o I a v�.�r.u�a e.w R h o u t d o m a rt d oa�:r.�-ower,sieali sell tho prope.�tF���blio suction to thn h3ghes°
<br /> � }• � ''. ' � bi_ra:.1f required b,'�a Farm Homeatead Protectia��~,Trustes sha0 oHer t'+a��PartY�n two separete sae��reau fr e d by app fi e a b t a!a w-
<br /> � �:���%�•� . + trtc�:�may pastpono sa►s ot aA or arry Parco!of�±tie 9-aperty by D�t�a announcemont at the tirt�e and plac0 of any prev[ousN sehadulod saia.
<br /> �•.;i,�;t,.t:.
<br /> ,.�„ .p„ Len���or its designeo may purChase the proyeriy at�.-�Y sata.
<br /> . 'F;'�k:N� Upan reeeipt of payrt:�z of tF:e prico btd,Tncstee s''ztt deliver to the purchaser Trustae's daad cc?rsVNig the proporty.The recitiais containad in
<br /> Trustea's daed aha11 te prima f�cio evidtonce of the�.'h of tho statemonts contained thorein.Trustee shatl eppfy the procaeds of tho seta In the
<br /> foito�ving ordoT: (a) tc all exponsoa ot thc� sale,. rr-wudrtg, but not limited to, roosonnble 7tustee's feos, toasonabta at4mrtay's teas and
<br /> reinstatem3m foos;ib)to all sum.n saeue�M b•/tlia��of truct.8nd lcl the bale:�a�,ii any.4o the persons legaity ontiticd to resteiva it.
<br /> r„� 13.Fcrat:osure.At Lende►'s optlan,thJn QoAd of.;r-:may ba forectasad in the mannor provide by applicabla law for torectosure of mortgage.
<br /> �' on rea`Droperty.
<br /> ``x,��::.,'''��i� to ir.�,;�ct it if S.c.��a�givos Borrower notice bet�:c'hand.The nottce must state the reasanabte
<br /> 14.1m�aeUon.Lende►may orter tho prapartY
<br /> Y`•:"y„: causa`.br Lendor'u inspection.
<br /> s,';i,, � . `.} �. 78.Cflnd�rtmalloe.Ccrower ausigrw to Lami�tt ttrf��«�of any award or c:�-`�r domagas connected with a condemnailon or oth2r takn�
<br /> . ot flN ot eny part cf C,.e Droperty Such proeands vrll�:��,pl'sed as providad in Ca��a'ant 1.7his assignmant is subject 4o tho terms of any g��o�
<br /> "_ �,;� _ sec_r:�Yagreemsnt.
<br /> ~_•<i,�,':�� ' 18.a1�trK.By exercisinp anY rem.udv avuitoble to Lender. Lender does not give up any dghto to tater uso any other romedy.Bq not exercisiny
<br /> _ ,,:;y�, any�omedy upnn Borrower s dofault,Lortdor doos not waive any rlght to Iator cons�der�the event a defautt it it happens again. _
<br /> ':In'�M:....:.�..y
<br /> ,.7.s.,..,,:�. .,. 17. Jdm and Ssvani li�i�Co-aignaro; Suscason and Atsl�s Bound. ��-duties urtder this daed of uust are]oint and sevoral. Any
<br /> — Borrower who co-signs thia dsed of trult buc d:e� nat eo-sign the untiedyi%. 'ebt irtsuument(s)does so onty to grnnt and eonvey thet
<br /> •.`�'w . '� � Bcrra�ver'o intorost in tho pto�erry to ttu Truatee�c�r.r-.r tho terms of this deed 2�+r..st.M uddiUon,suCh e Barrawer agtctos that the Lender aa2•
<br /> _..
<br /> ;_,fd.:`�`y"'• a^r,2�et Borrowar undet thia dsad o!ui�t may��'d,modifv or makp•any c!S�sr chungas in the tarms of this doed of trust o�the socuro�
<br /> �z;��t m;ithout that Bortowar's conaent artd vsithout rb.:asing thatL�.,rawer from tne terma of this daed of Vust.
<br /> � � 7Ae:,rtlas and bonofits ot thta deod oJ truot shall bind and 4anef?2:�e successots und nssi8na of Lendar and Borrowor.
<br /> 18.Notls�.Untess othotwiso required by�evi,an;�r..�co to BortAwer ahall be given by dolivortng it or by mattir.11 it by eertifla��^•nJ eddresssd to
<br /> ' , Borrovver a!the proparty eEdtesa ar cmf ether ed�.i-c�.a thot Borrower Aas give�to Lendot.BonoweT w�D gluir z:•y rtotiu►to lendar by cereii�sd
<br /> ' � , taIISOnt t f Lendar s a d esa as ct taE o jp SB 1 af T•"'.3 deed of tntstt�r addre«>cahiah Lendar hos dosignate�..-!4•y other no:ice to LenQe�eJ�r.tt,
<br /> � C..r,-„r+aUca shail bo deemed to havo Caen qlven t�Borrower or Lender wAen��=�^::�tho mnnna r_s:tod ubavs.
<br /> � 19.TntuPet of th�PtoputY o+�Bu»fteial tr.tecas'in ths Borrow�r.�f af1 or�, tEr4 of tht���-�a or anq interest tn it i�s��J ca uar�cnr>9
<br /> wift�ovt Lender'a prior writtsn consent Lert�rr m..:,i doman�l immed�ate pa,�:,�sr'D}thD GBC:ItBO�ebt. Len�or mny atso do.�na10 Ir,:-^o'rac;� _
<br /> � • 4 Ce�.�ne�paymonBin thoaabovo strHationsf If nes��ted by t�e I law n�of�+e�ato ofLthis do dtot uu tens°e^��.Mowavar,Lendz� rt:s-r'rc —
<br /> . • � ZQ. �ssomeyanee.Whon tho ohligatlon secc:e2 C��this deed of trust has baen Oaid,and Lendor has no turthor obligotior+to mako aCra:�au,- _
<br /> urr�zr the instruments or agreorrtoMS socure�L;��:is dnad of Vust,the Trustaa shop,upon vaitton requost by tho Londer,reaonvoy tho�ssi �
<br /> � � rop�rty Tho Lartdor cha0 dnlivor to the @orrc•:�rsr.cr to[iono�r¢^'s succossor in intoroet,tho uust daad and the noto ar oths:ovidcnco of the a
<br /> • � _ - � •- ob'cgaiion so satisTiod.Bmrovrer chall pay any re�x,n:ation cc�s. �'
<br /> first, mailin a eo of tho
<br /> � • � � 21. Susceum Tmatss.Lender, et Lander's a�ba��, may tumavo Trustae and aD,Poi�rc a successor Vustee by 9 VY
<br /> substitutian of tru34co as roQuirud by applicable a•a,and t�hen,by fiiing tha substitut�on of trustaa tor rtcq�0 in tho affico of tho rogister of desds
<br /> euaec d to all�thD povrch tQuttasg authariry IIn�d titto oT tho Trust�nnrrt^d i;n tha deed of uu t end of eny�succeesor uuatao.of tho propfttrtyr,sha11
<br /> �..
<br /> �.
<br /> • � IOag�?ol?l -
<br /> . -_ . � a,ut�ea:�srs^....:..�x.�:.uot�!�.uL tirs�,n-an�sa�s•�ss»coran ocvs.�ro-a�c enor.n =
<br /> -i: -
<br /> �E � � -
<br /> f :
<br /> - �
<br />