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. _�:.�j . ..;.Np,i�:4a."e�.lfi'F�t�'.'.�''d�tis.k"'Stf'.k`sis� -- <br /> —•�==--•—g� . . . • � --- .------- - --- <br /> . . . , . ' ' (' . . <br /> .._ _ .,.e.i.�.:.��fi.�-'�`{�� ' _..�_.'----'-"'- _--_—_. '.._f�. _._.�_._._.. � —._. __����� ,. <br /> . ' �' <br /> . . . .. � , <br /> , . � � <br /> � � . � 99• �o��� "::� <br /> . <br /> �,. , damaged,unles�both parties othervvi�e agree, excep€i�restoration or repair is not economically feasible. The F�� <br /> h <br /> � f� Bonower shall not cance�i or macli�ry said inswance without prior writt�n nodce to the Lender. �'_: <br /> � °� Unless Lender aasi Bora�ower o�thernvise agree in writing,anY Faymems or proceeds&om insurance shall �^ <br /> � ' � � not extend or pastpflne the due date of the monthiy paymen�.s provisled in said note,or change the amount of the �;. <br /> -- _� payments. -- <br /> 6. &�rr�wer s�11� keep the ptoperty in compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations �- <br /> � . '�'� � relaring to inchastrial bygiene or environinenial protection {collectiveIy referred to herein as "figvifou�n€at _ <br /> Laws"). Borro�aer shall keep the�sog�rty free fram a11 substaures deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any � <br /> Environmental�.aws(col��ctively referred to as "Hazardous Materials"). Boaower hereby agrees to indemnify _- <br /> ` � ��hold harciless Berer�iaries an'�'�ir succ�"ors in interest, from and against any aud all c�ims,damages, <br /> �' � -` �iliues w^ws:rg �n ca�ra�u:.� -w*Yh �e gres;�:e, use, disposal or eeanspor� �'��� Hazard�us =_- <br /> ;os:,e� �� iiL .�._._. <br /> ;f . 1Viu.��."; c�.. u��ex, �o� a�- ac��:x �a: prc�er:y_ 'THE FOREGa�� ���i�:'4�.'�'�ES A.�"ai3� - <br /> • . .°�;;, ; �£PRESENTATION� _�:\� �D}L�����'S C�'?��'tl:3NS PURSUAN'I' L� � �0�.�,�a�t�T�G _ <br />"�:?��;d' .�. �,.���� �.'VDEMNITY SH�LL��.'R«'� ��0����,'��E��'TI�S D�ED OF TRUST. <br />_.,:_:.., _ . ..:.. <br />-:;;;�.;; •� , ` 7. If�ottower faals to g�rC'�rm the covenants and agreements herein contaiaed,Lender may do an pay <br />'�" � ,� for whatever it deems is necessary to protect the value of the properry and Lender's right in ths progerty, <br />� �, � i including tbe paying of any sum secvred by a lien which has priority over this security insttvment,apgearing in <br /> � ' Court, paying reasonable attoraey fees and entering the praperry to make repairs. Arry amount disbwsed by <br /> , ° Lender under ttris paragraph shall become aa addition�l debi of Bonower s�cured by ttus security instrument, <br /> . to bear interest from the date of disbursement and said amouat,togeth�r�vith the then unpaid principai amount, <br /> � shall bear interest at the I�ighest contractual rate until refunded by Bonower. <br /> �- . - - 8. T&e proceeds of any condemnation award ac+a hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender and shall <br /> ` be applied to the suias secured by tlus security instrument.�vhether or�ot then due, with aity excess paid to <br /> .-::;: .`' , Borrower. The Lender stiaU have the right to apgear,contest. settle and compramise such proceedings in the <br /> ���.,�r:::.{ aame of the Honower. <br /> =�� . � .' 9. Any extensions or modificadons of the loaa geanted by Leader to any successor in int�rest of <br /> ��Y'YC• �I' .• <br /> -__ �.� Bvrrower shaU not operaYe to release the liablity of the or�ginal Bortower or Borrower's succ�sof�ia interes� <br /> ':r-�'�:��=�,��•�, Any forbearanceby I.en.der in exercising any rigiat.or remedy shall not be a wa'rver of or preclude the exercise <br /> 4.� '• of any right or remedy. <br /> = ��:� <br /> ---,. 10. Any no4ice to Bormwer provided for in this security instrunnsnt sball t�e given by delivering zt or <br /> ,.j�;-�,.., � <br /> -�-�,� ,. �,;. mailing it by first class s�ail unless Nebraska g.ativ requires use of z��¢Rher�ethod,at the Borr�.���r's last own <br /> _ _=�''-.>n j� address. <br /> • �. .,'�': � 1�. T�nis s�curitgr instrum�nt and the note which::s���r�_°�1 b�g���.�:;�by Net�zaska La�sr_ <br /> ��_.:.�.;-:.,r�� <br /> --=-� �.: <br /> -�__� 1�. �nd��sh�ll give notice to Bondc�=�r followingBo�rorbe�`sbreach oY�riy covena�t or agrec��n���':�n <br /> ------ t2us sect�::ty a��rnr and the mote which c��acures. The notic� �kell specifY (a)the c1��:�r'..'t. (b)the s�+.ion <br /> __-= requirai'i:�:y.u���:e�efault,�'a dr�te aot less t�'�:�30 days from the daxz the notice i�given ta 1�:*rower by which <br /> __��_- the de�z�'1 mustige cured,and(d)that failure t�cure the d�fault on or before the date specified in the n�a�ce may <br /> ����_-�:'�� � �esult in accelerativn of the sura secured by t�security agreement and resale of the properry. This notice shall <br /> ==-°"�-'�' .�vrther inform Bonower of the right to reirt�����,after acceleratian,and the right to bring c��-t action w assert <br /> �'`'"� the non-existence of a default or any other de.`ense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If�:.:��ult is not cured, <br /> _:�r:�"�;?" on or lr���re the date sgecified ia the nutice, Lender at its oprion, may require ir.�as�=diate paymeni i�n��r�of all <br /> ---=-r�,..��;'� <br /> - sums secured by this security agreement without fiurther demand and may invoke��::.e power of sale aud�;?�tlier <br /> --;_:�;v�.�=?s- '° � � �� - <br /> �:::-;..:.,•.:,. 7� semedies permitted by I+lebraska Law. Lene..r shall be ea�titled to::.Ject all e nsss incu�ed in p�;:i:��the <br /> -- - - remedizs provided in this paragraph, including but not lunited to a reasonable attomey fe� and cas���-f z':.� <br /> '-;:.,•:._ ._ . <br /> -,.,Y.....��. evidery�. <br /> .�z�_,. . � <br /> xM:�r;a�'`� 13. If th$power of sale is invvked,Trustee shal�:�ord a notice of default in each count}+in w i�isJy any <br /> �•z:�,��'�'yi��,j�. part of the property is located and shall mai1��:opies of such notice in the manner prescribgsl by Nebraska Law. <br /> � Trustee shall�ive public notice of sale to the persons and in ttie manner prescribed by Nebraska Law• Tcustee, <br /> � '�� � �vithaut demand on Bonower,shall sell the property at public auction to the hi�hssst bidder at the time and place <br /> . and under the terms designated in the notice of sale in one or more parcels in aay order Trustee determines. <br /> ' ��;�. Tnastee rnay postpone s�le of all or any parcel of the property by public announcement at the tune and place of _ <br /> ��`-�� :, any previously scheduled sale.Lender or its designee may purchase the property at any sale. _ <br /> , •" ` Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to the purchassr Trustee's Deed conv�ying � <br /> — � �- the propztiy. Th°r�itals i�the Tnasise's�T�ed shall be prira�f�cie evidence of the truth of the stateffi�nts made _ <br /> ._ : � � therein.Trustee shall apply the proc�ds of sale in the following order: (a)to all expenses of the sale i:s,�.luding, _ <br /> but not limited to,Trustee's fees as per�ixeed by Nebraska g.a�v and reasonable atiorn�y�'�s; (b)���all sums <br /> . . � . secured by thES securit��+agr�ment; °co Fay�rnent of junior tro�st d.,eiis,mortgages or oth�1•.�ic?�.�*:�'�ir_�and(d) _ <br /> � " any excess to the pers�n or pErsans legally enritled to it. - <br /> . � initials:.� ` � <br /> _ , i <br />