. _-�; , . ' .
<br /> ' . �, ..� . . . .. � , .
<br /> �• . ' .. , . : . . • ' . �`': .
<br /> � ` . � � �r. ,q.-'G�irda`r�:-- ..-.- . `. - � . ,. . _ . ....'_'_— — .
<br /> . c`-- . . . _...
<br /> `�� .
<br /> . .. , .
<br /> • �9m �0���
<br /> � of the Mort��gee,be applied in payment of any indeheedness.inatured or uaamanued secwred by this monga�e. - :
<br /> 3) 'fo keep a l i b u i l�i n g s o c c u p i�a�d i n�o o d r e p a i r,and to refrain froua the couamission of�►woo d or `'°`�
<br /> �� removal,demoliYios�or impairment t hereo f;no t t o c u t a r r e move, or gerffiit to be cut or removed,any .�.;.
<br /> _---.-.-.:--� tim#�er fr�sai�rcal property, and to comnait or germit no wastQ or impairmeni of the value of this security;
<br /> �
<br /> _--
<br /> to continuously practice approved methods of farming on said lauds,to p�vent�rc�sit3n aac!the sPrea�of nox�os�s 4 ,
<br /> � weeds,and to preserve the fertiliey of the soil. �;_.
<br /> _ -.._-r: and damagi�g mrs fail to a when due any taxes,rental charges ugon any leases assi�ned =
<br /> � .�. 4) That in th�event Mortgag P Y ��
<br /> as additional security for this�ortg�e,liens,judgments,or assessments lawfully assessed against the progerty ��:,
<br /> I�erein mozsgaged,or fa1 to��°���ce as hereinl�efore provid�d,Mortgagee may ma�e such PaYment _
<br /> or provide such insuran,c�, and e�e amounts paid there€ore shall become a part of the ir.d°hted�ess sesured --
<br /> hereby,due agd payable immediatek�,and sl�all bear i��r�t at ttce Note rate. �,,-�j:
<br /> 5� 'Thac_fra t�e event Mortgagors default in the payment of said principal sum,or in the repayment of any =
<br /> additional advaaces made as herein provided,or of any interest thereon,at the time v�+�h�e��II�e indebtedn ss
<br /> or with resgect to any covenant or condition hereof,tlien, at the option of Mortgag
<br /> ��:,u,. secured hereby shall fortbwith bec��e due and payable,shaU bear interest at the default sate provided for in the
<br /> �'"��` applicable notes aad the Mortgagee s�ay immediatelY forecl��s this raartgage or puzsue amy other available legal
<br /> �` rzmedy. The Mortgags�r in order to acc�lerate said iadsb�ss,shall aQi be r�'.r:�-"�to malce demaa�l or give
<br /> .�� mrface. In the event af�-'�actian by mortgagee��enforce caL'.ectiag o�;:�r�QTe��'n��.���"��ors agree —
<br /> . e s incurreu to rocias�or extend��:L'�tf`dtI Q b�'':s...zSI_�,+�•���:=:�G��'�:�=��'�°'`'�ome a pari
<br /> �,�� d��;:�za.y x���� P � _ ail o:�i,z isr.�����x���s�f such action. —
<br /> , .'� ` R���cid.��=��1red hereby,and s� paid by Mvr��-���,:��'.;'ether w:�
<br /> . �), 'r�at in the eveut aciion:�6rought to fo�c��•���s.-1�:Mortgage for��re�es��th bCa�,od
<br />',;. . ,:.:�<<f.' t�r-���:r,ti�Mortgage�shall be en€ided w im���t�gess•�s��n of t�e�a�� p Qs to ca�"ect a�d receive
<br /> _ �yf,.
<br /> . .. :;; �Tu��tL;a�f in vacati�n, �y �t'point a receiver to�:sossessi��ef s�ad;���s
<br /> . ` . renis aud rro�ts arisin.�:�r��c�,aud&om any monxys s3 coll�, co F�y ta..'��n Provide insura¢ce,rc'-�ke
<br /> .:.;-; attd mafce aay ost�:exper�i:w:zs authorized by the����rt;
<br /> ueeded repairs to i�gj���=.�.en�s ugon the gremises,
<br /> � ent of such autliorizedexp��ituresuPonthe martgage indebtedaeSS
<br /> � and apgly any sum rem.�.�ing after the paym � nt of
<br /> . ;^ This right shall be in addi�ion to aad not a iimitation to tb�e rights of Mort agee under a separate Elssignme
<br /> Rents which may be exeicuted by the Mortgagors.
<br /> 7) That failure or delay of Mortgagee to exercise any of its rights or priv�eges shall not be construed
<br /> � �fic def�ult or Mortgagors sha19 not be con�trued
<br /> ' as a wai�rer thereof.that any act or Mortgagee waivin�any spec' ''
<br /> , as a waiver of any fut+ue defaults;that in case of default in the paymen�t o��or e tes.�aid Mo�agee shall
<br /> or in case of payment by Mortgagee of any liem,judgment,tax,u�suranr • �
<br /> �..,:. ,,,�� , have the privilege, without declaring the whole i�debtedn�ss duiaml eaY�ab��e,��s;�y����e land
<br /> ' . �:�� specific default for such sums as are in default aad such forec P
<br /> -=:•i:°'�.:`'�a. described herein may b�sol�,subject to the u�nai�indebtedness herby secured,and this mortgage shall continue
<br /> - _ -- t-�..
<br /> as a tien for an�ungai�balance•
<br /> N�' g) That in the event tiny awards are t�ade to t9re MoTtgagors or their sur,cessars ua n�terest for ta�ang
<br /> .��'�� ���,� ar danaagia��Y the exercise of eminent do�aisn the who'.e or any part of the mort�aged premnses ar any e�.s�r�z�rt
<br /> "+�'� the Mortgagee is hereby a�a¢�arized to co"r�ct,
<br /> ~� . ,..., therein,the said awards are tcereby assigned��e 1V�o�agee;
<br /> " �;'. receive,aad receipt therefare acd the to apply¢���a��em�ayment of any in.debtedaess,ma�ued or u�atured,
<br /> _�^.�,�r:���;�;�. .« .
<br /> ,-"'��:�-',..�' secure�by this�ortgage.
<br /> _ � 9) T1nat ttre IuL��tgagee may exteatd a��dsfer the maturiry of and rensw aIId reamoRize said indeb� e�
<br /> Y'~ � � , release from liabaIl�ry�y p�Y liable thereon.ancl release from the lien thereof portions of the property
<br /> • . hereby, e.vitDxout affecting the priority hereof or she liability of Mortgagors of any otlter parry for the payraent
<br /> � of sai�im��ID�dness,all such extensions.deferment., r�newals,and rea�ortizations to be secured�¢eab:by.
<br /> - � Y0) TranSfer of Security It is agrced I�em►een the parti�s heret�.their heirs,legal repaesenta���es and
<br /> ,� assigns,that the inte�ity�feSP°�ibility of the Mortgagors constataates a part of the co�ideration for the mote
<br /> . . �'� secvred hereby,aad that in the event the Morigagors shall sell.aan�fer.or convey the pro�erry described herein
<br /> ' ;.� the Mottgagee may at its option dectare the entire indebtedness immediately due and payable and may prnceed
<br /> " in the enforcemeni o f i t s ri g h t s a s o n an y o t h e r d e f a u l t i n t h e t erms of the note aad mortgage.
<br /> ` � 11) To com ply with a11 laws,ordinaaces,and regulations affecting tiie psoperty. S�'be
<br />- -� � 12� ?�r►n�n�•rot'C A[:t1Vl�IP.S, Bonower's acriv ides reg�d i n g, a n d u g o n t h e s u b j e�t p r o p e rt y
<br /> � ' carried out in such a manrfer s�as to be at all ticr�es in complete compliaccc� with ali la�vs, ordinances, and
<br /> �. , regulat��ns affecting the property,ucc lu d i ng a U a p p l i c�t°e l a v�s an d rewlations concerning public heal�, safery
<br /> � �d�'��''uo��t. , �, av� . '�ae�orrawer shall not do or ge�nt any 2.ct, EDzing,
<br /> - 9 nrs• �xri�� Fflvixa n'��
<br /> _ 'I 13) ��ul�l�
<br /> � busin���cr opsration,ugon tl�e Pr�pertY�vPuch materi�I��r in�re���.ge dan�eES,or posss an uareasona��e n:�
<br /> . � of harcc�: or contamination af cih�properiy, or imPairs, er may is��s� t�� u�l.��of the praperty, oc �n.��r�are
<br /> � . `' ! initials:� �
<br /> , � �
<br /> _ �.. •._.. ...- .. �
<br /> .. ' --------�--��-a-,-°:�--�_.._.
<br /> R. ....�- _ —_ ,_.-,--�— �-- ._
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