<br /> _. � 1
<br /> 89" 106082
<br /> – If l,enc�e� reqbited mor�gaRe insurauce as a condition of makm� the toan secured by �his Secur�ty Insteument,
<br /> - � Hc,rr�jwcr's ra�i't�e prenlitims required ta mainta�n the insurunce in efFect until such time as the requ�rement Par the
<br /> . insurance t ' , �n accor.dance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreeme�t ar applicable law.
<br /> 8. I ''��� . a 1.,�+der ar itz a�,eat may make reaaanable entries upan ae�d inspections of the Preperty. Lender
<br /> shall gi�e Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspectaon specifyin�reasonable causc for the inspection.
<br /> 9. Candemn�tioo. The proceeds of'an}pward or ClAim for damages,direct or cnnsequential.in connection with
<br /> any con�iemawtion ar other taking of any part os the Property,or for conveyance in lieu o1'condemnution, xre hereby
<br /> aaig�ed ant!shall be paid ta Lender.
<br /> ' In the.event of a tatal taking of the Property, the prooeedq shal!be applied ta the sums cecured by this Security
<br /> . Instrument,wht!�+w��►�aoi the�t due,with aay excesa paid to Horrower, in the event of a partial taking of the Progerty,
<br /> untess Borrawrr and Lender otherwise agree in w�iting.the sums secured by this Security lnstrument�hall be reduced by
<br /> . the amaunt of ehe pr�:eeds multiplied by the fol2ewing fraction:(al thz total amount af the sums secured immediately
<br /> , bcforc the taking,d�cided by(b)the fair market value oP�he Propert}°immediutely before the taking.Any balance shall be
<br /> paid ta 8arrawcr.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by aorrow•er,or if,after natice by Lender to Borrawer that the condemnor c�Sers to
<br /> �' mal:e�s�vsrt!�r w:t°lt a ctaim far s3ar�age°�.IIan�u•�;fa83a io respond tu Lri�dnr wilhiu 3��Iay.ai`ier ihe date the natice is
<br /> ' give�.Lender is authorized to collect and apply the procec�ds,at ita optian.either io restoration or repair af the Property or
<br /> to the sums securcd by this Security lnstrument.whether or not thea due.
<br /> Unless Lender and 8or�c�wtrotherwise agree in wsiting.atiy applicatian of Praceeds to principal shall nat exttnd or
<br /> poslpone the due date of the monthly payments referred ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt o1'such paymcnts.
<br /> . 10. Borrower I`vt Rele�sed; Forbearance Hy Lendes Not a �Valve�. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> modificatian of amortization af ihe sums secured by this Security Instrumen� granted by Lender to any succcssor in
<br /> ; intc�es�of Borrower sha11 not operate to release the liability of the original Borrawer or 8orrower's successors in interest.
<br /> ' Lender shall not be required to cammence proceedings against any successor in interest ar refuse to eatend time for
<br /> , pay ment ar otherwise sn�odify amortization oP t he sums secund by this S�curity Instrument by reason of any demand made
<br /> by the ariginai&�rr��wer or Bnrrower'c successars in inter�t.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> , shall nat be a waiver of or preclude the eaercise of any right os remedy.
<br /> I1. Swcceswn and Auigns Bound;Joint and Seveeal Llability;Ca-sianers. The cavenants and agreements of :�
<br /> this Sccuri�y Instrument shall bind and beneflt the successors and assigns af Lender and Borraaer,subject to the provisions :
<br /> oP paragraph 17.Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint attd sevoral.Any Borrower�uho co-signs this Sccurity
<br /> lnstrument but does not execute the Note:(a)is ca-signi�tg this Securitc Instrument only to mortgage.grant and convey
<br /> - C�iai uCr�iazwcP�b iidcic3i iii iiI"r i iv}'�c�iji iii�ucP tiic tciitt�avi i,ii5�ci.'tiiii}��iSit iititriil:�`vj is i�Gi}`�ci5vroiiji v�lit,-rniEti iv}�ny -
<br /> the sums stcured by this Security Instrument; and (c)agrees that Lender and any other BorroNer may agree to extend.
<br /> mc►dify, fc�rbear or make any areommodations with regard to the term�of this Security Instrument or the Note without
<br /> that Norrawer's consent. �
<br /> 12. Lwn CharRes. If the loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan ��
<br /> rharges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest ar other loan charges calleeted or tu be coltected in
<br /> cannect�on with the loan eaceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br /> necescary to reduce the charge ta the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrowtr whicl�exceeded
<br /> . permitted limits will be refunded ta 8orrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principaf owed
<br /> uncier�he Note or by making a direct payment to Borrawer.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated as a
<br /> pania�prepayment without any prepayment charge under ihe Notc.
<br /> 13. l.e�lslatioa Afiecting T.ender's Rights. If enactment or enpiration of applicable laws has the effect of:
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note ur this Security Instrument unenfnrceable according ta its terms,Lender,at its option.
<br /> may require immediate payment in fu13 of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any remed'aes
<br /> permuted by parugraph 19. If Lender exercises this option.Lender shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph af• —.
<br /> paragraph 17. ... �-
<br /> li. �Ol�Ct3. Any notice to Botrowet provided for in this Security Instrument shall bc given by delivering it or by • �
<br /> mailing it b� first cla�s mail unless applicable law requires use of another methvd. The notice shaU be directed to the •
<br /> Pmperty Addrest ur any other address Borrower designates by notice ta Lender. Anv natice tv Lender shall be given by , °
<br /> firtit cluss mail tc�l.encler's address stated herein or any other addresc Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> provided fiir in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided
<br /> �n this paragraph.
<br />. IS. Coverning I.aw:Severability. This Security�Instrument shall be go�•erned by fE;deral law and the law of the
<br /> �ur�cdicuon in wh�ch the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clau�e uf this Security lnstrument or the
<br /> NUIC COilfliClS 14!!Il apjt�tC3�lIC JBW,such contlieE slzalt not sffect other provisioas of this Securisy Instrument or the?�:ote
<br /> which can he given effect without the conflictsng pravision.Tio this end the provisions of this Security Instruroent and the
<br /> Note urc declsrcd t�bc severable.
<br /> 16. Hurrower'e!'opy, Bc�rrower shall be given one conformed copy of the AFnte and of this Security dnstrument.
<br /> 17. Transfer of the Praperty or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower, fE all or any� part of the Property or any
<br /> interrst�n i�i�u�ld nr transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred ancf Borrowec is nat a nutural
<br /> �rsun)v►�thnut l.ender'ti prmr written consent,Lender may,at its option, require immediate pay�ment m full of all sums
<br /> secured by �hi� Secwity� Ins�rument. However, this option shall not be exercised b}• Lender if exercise is prohibited by
<br /> federu0law nti uf tfie d���c��f thiti�erunty In�trument. ,__ _____
<br /> IF I.ender exrrcitie�Ihiti uptu�ri,l.rnder shall give Borrower notice of accelerat�on.The notice shall provide�peri�d �
<br /> �+f n�l Ictiti th�in��1 dayti frum the date the nc�ttcr is delivered or mailed within which Borroucr must pay all�ums secured by
<br /> tht�Se.unty Intiuumcut II Nurra�wer f:ulc to pay these sums pr�or to the exp�ration af th�s�ericxf, l.ender muy invoke any
<br />: remedieti permrttcd hy ihi�Securi�y Indttument without further notice or demand�n Borrowcr.
<br /> I1�. No�roNC�'s ftiKht tn Iteimt�te. If I�orr�wer meet�certain c���datirms, H�rreswer sha11 t�ave the nKht te►have
<br /> ctil„r�cmrnt��t�hiti 5cciiru� Inti�rumcnt di�r„ntuwed at any timc pri��r tc�the carlicr c+f (a15 deys tnr Siich othcr prri�xl a�
<br /> ;��rl�cah�c I,w► tn,�� y+r�i1� fnr F rintitalement►hcfure sale vf the Pr��perty rursuant tn an� pnttier c�f+alr cantamed �n thit
<br /> � ticcunty InStrumeni.��r Ih►��mr y of.��udp,mei�t cnforcing ih�s Secur�ty In�trament 'I f;n,e conditi�ai�are ihnt iiurr��wrc
<br /> (a1 [+ay� 1 ciutci ,�ll .uui� �hn i� ih�•n w��uld he duc unticr �Vhns Security lnstn�ment xr.d thr Nute had n�i .iccclerutu�n
<br /> �►ctu�r+:�{ (1�� �ni�•ti .�ny .Ict,nilt nl .ui� nthcr c�nctiatit5 ��r .��esmc:ntti. rt s pa�� a!I rt�cn�c. incurrcd in cnliircin�; th�� �'
<br /> �r�uni� imtrom�no. nr,iuismg i,u� nni hrnitcci tn, reacunebte attr•rncy� :�es. a�r� ��yi t:�kc� �uch :ict�t,n .�� 1 cn�icr may ��
<br /> rca�,�us►+1r rryu�rr t:• ,��..uiz• �h_�t ttic lu•n „I thi� 4�•�unty ln��rumera. f e^cfer'� r!�ht� nf thc 1'rn�,rrt} .tnti H�,rrnwer'ti �
<br /> r`
<br /> nh�l}!Allt:li li� r�.tl 1�1� ���Ili. ��', uI-+'.� 1�� t�i�� `��'�IIf11V �1'151fUid?.°I;E tiGtd��� : . ' :1',:' V)lt'tT:ltl�•C�� ( tu�t� Cl'Sf��{:1CCItiCtlf F�� k� •
<br /> H��tt��ti�cr �l�i.`.-•, �u�t� I�.•.t,mi ��n ,����1 tl�r ,�f•It��eiinn�te�urrd h��:t•�� •-!•:t; ��r.•.•s,:s�ully �ffccli�� .+,�t ����,ii�c!�•r:sft�,�� 1:.��1
<br /> ,• ,��r+,.! Il��ac•.� � tl,i r��t�t�, ��•�u,r,ii,�..L,�lir�•�t.i��j:l� n�th�•� .i�c,.•.:,�c1��,i'i.,,run�i�r �•�r.ipr.���h. t ��v �'
<br /> �
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