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1 <br />_ � � <br /> 1 <br /> gg,_ 1060'79 <br /> : l. 1952")�the Company��o�nds 3�►96 Sen d e�19 8,of whi 6 Ho ds of h 3'�%Series these <br /> to be IcaoW►a ars Fisst Mo ta� ac� ��t��of which werc paid ia Cull at or�ftcr maturity <br /> , �xere het�etofot'e iasuod S 1,0�0.000 Pd P� <br /> and are no{ani�er outstwdin�;�ad <br /> �,y�;�r:��n� 1� t�, t�snd vrovidon�of the Ori�in�1 ladenture�nd a Suppleriwntsl <br /> lockatun dated MaY 1, 1953(becei�utter refen�ed to as the'Su�1�,;,eata!l�dssetur 1 d �s�d <br /> 1953"). the Canp�aY cratad a new aedes of bonds, to be issued undee tLe Ori�nal <br /> to bo kno�wn as Fint Malpje Bonds. 3.80qb Series due 1983.ot�hich Honds of the 3.809b Series <br /> ' there •rere hcr�tofore iaued S�OOa000�dai�pal amount, W of ahicd aere D�d in t�ull at or atler <br /> n�aturity md are ao loarer ou s+ <br /> �yH��s pur:wnt to tde term�and provisioas of the Qriiinal lndentuso and s SuDPlemental <br />_ ?r«+�tttre datesl FE�uar►�1�1955 (�'�aCw fseen�'�of bonds, iu� � i��d nncler htz Ocip� <br /> F�ry 1, 1935'�, the C pau�Y <br /> Indeature,and to b�known as First Mortja�e Boads.3•3094 Senes�uz i98�,of whicb Sonds of the <br /> 3.3p9r,Serip Were were heretofore issucd 580�,000 Drincipal am°°nt,all of which were Daid in t1�11 <br /> at or atter m�turitY�nd are no lonper outstu►dinR aad <br /> � �yx�rws pnrsuant to the tern�s and proviaions of the Ori�inal lndenture and a Supplemeatal <br /> Indeature dsted October 1. 1956 (hereinafler referced to as the "Supplemental ladentura dated <br /> pctober 1, 1956"). the CompanY cte�ted s� n�`"' �a °%S�eria duebl9 3ueo�f wh ch Boads of� <br /> lndenture,and tu be knovm as Fic� Mort�a�e Bonds, 4�s <br /> q1�96 Seria there wece t�entoforc aesusd 51,300,OD0 Ar�ncipal am°unt,aU of whict�wer'e Paid in t�U <br /> .n�11�,r�t10 loti�ee outstat�tlin�aad <br /> at or ai�er nuturity...... . : <br /> �y�s�r,nuant ta che tez�s �nd pravisions of the Ori�iasl lndenture and a Supplemeatal �: <br /> lndenture dated Jut�r Z. 1957 (heasc�fter refeMd to as the "Suyplemeatal ladenture dated July 1, ;; :;- <br /> i 9s7")S the ComD�Y�ted a ne�r senes of bonds,ta bs issued�ua�d a.�a�f he 5 h96 Seria there <br /> � `� ,_� <br /> to be knowa at Fiat MS 1 5�00,000 Ocinci�al a�aaunt,�all of wtuch were psid in fuli at or after maturity . -- <br /> were bet+etofore�uued � ; �.� <br /> and are no lon�ar outstandin�;and �•�- <br /> Vyx�ans�ursusnt to the terms and provisions of the Ori�inal Indenture and a Supptemental �'��a <br /> 1ndenture dated Au=ust l. 1959(hereiaafter refened to as the"Supplemental ladeature dated Au�ust - <br /> 1� 1959"?,�e CompanY cnated a nrw seria of nn due 987uo wi�ichtBod�ti�as���� ` <br /> to be lcaoan as Firat Mort�afe Boads, 5.40% Se . <br /> there were heretofore issu�S�a� andC1D� �O�°s; �°f which ae�e paid in full at or siter . <br /> maturity and are no lo �er <br /> �yK��►s pursusnt to the term,s and Druvisions of the Orisinao Indenture and a Supplemental <br /> lndenture dated Jn1y► 1, 1961 i������ to as the"Supplaaental lndenture dated JuIY 1. _ <br /> 1961"),the CompaaY cnated �����s due 1$�of�which Honds of he S'/.%Setief lbete �� <br /> to be knoam as Firat Mort�afe . <br /> were heretofore iuual 54.000,000 Principa�araount.all ofwhich wen paid in full at or after matunty _, <br />� and are no ba�er outstandia�;and � ; _ <br /> y y H�+s p u�s u a n t t o t h c terms and provisions of the Ori�inal lndenture aad a Supplen�enla! � <br /> lndentun dated Juty 1. t966(hereinafler referred to as the"Supp leme n t a l I n d e a t u r c d a t e d J u l y i. , . <br /> 1966"). the ComD�Y �t�a °c"'xnes°f b°°ds, to be issued under the Ori�inal lndeature.and <br /> to be kaown as Fiist MortQa�e 8onds.6'�+°!��es due 1996,of wttich 8onds of t!►e 6�/+96 Sariea thete <br /> are isswed aad outstandin� as of the date of this Supplamental lndenture, 53,500,000 principal <br /> afnmue�e aeeQ fot which t:�e CompanY raxivcd. exc�s�sqcre of accrued intenst�. the ag�regate"sum of <br /> S3.a69,445:aod <br /> Wt��+s pursrsant to the terms and vrovisions of tl�e Origsnal lndenlure and a Supplemental <br /> lndeature dattd September 1, 1970 (hereinafter ref�rrsd to as the"Suppltmental lndenture dated <br /> September 1, 1970"), the Company cteated a new ser+es of bonds, to be issued under the Original <br /> 2 <br /> � <br /> � � � J <br /> � <br /> , ° <br /> �� <br /> r <br /> t. .. <br /> � � <br />