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.T _ . . _ _ . _.. �. �. _ ��.e. <br /> 1 <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> 89�-- 1060'79 <br /> azcumpanied by a copy of the written notice Qiven by the Computin� Holder whioh sets fortb the <br /> computation of tha Yield M�iatenance Prica of the Bonds aF the Series due 1999 held by tbe <br /> � Cumputin�Holder. 'Tlic Compsny covenanis and a�rees that it will on such redemption date redeem <br /> the Honds of tha Series due 1999 held by esch holder so to be redeetned by puyment to snch holder <br /> t�� Yi.!d 1l+L�i-nt�nce �'nce tberd'or= tosether witb iaterest uxrued thereon to the date �xed for <br /> tafemptioa <br /> As u�d in this Section 1: <br /> "Compu�inj Holder" shall yaean the holder who hold� Bonds of tbe Series duo 1999 with aa <br /> �µte princip�!�mount outstsadiai hi�hhar t6an that of Honds of the Seria dua�1999 held by any <br /> other hdder,or in the event t�o ar more h�lders hold•an equal smount whiah constitutes the hi�est <br /> princip�l amount of t6e Honds of the Seria dua�1999;�anY hotder desi�aatad by•ihe olher holders. <br /> Fur pu=�i�ia}c,i uct�ains ihe Com�uwst Holdsr,tka as� Q��he�ris-��n!� 1999 thsn hFlc! �y <br /> Metropditaa Life lnsuraaae Com�anY and its aubsidisries sl�sil be a�ted. <br /> "W�i�hted Avera�e Life to Final Maturiry" of any of the 8onds of the Series due 1999 to be <br /> redeaaed,s6sll mean the aumber of yeata(rounded to the aearat onatwelfld of a year)which will <br /> N�pu betwoen tbe schedule� date of redemption thereof and the scheduled date of maturity of t1� <br /> � Bcads of tbe Seties due 1999. <br /> "Yi�id Msintenance Price"sball m�aa the hi�hher of(1)the entire unpaid principal amount of <br /> the Bonds of the Saia due 1999 to be redaraed aad(2)the sum of the rapective Payment Values <br /> of ach pro�pective intertat p�yment and the priacip�l paymeat at maturity in rapect of the priacigal <br /> amouat of the Bends of the Series due 1999 to be redamed(the�aount of each suc6 p�yment being <br /> henin refen+ed to as a"Psyment"). The Psymmt Value of esch Payment shall be daermined by <br /> di:oouatin�such Payment at the Reinvatment Rate,for the period from the scheduted date oa aluch ; <br /> snch Payment ia due to be made to tbe appticable date of redemp�ion. The Reinvestment Rate is the � <br /> � :.��..►h.�h �hall t�e imnnted fmm the yields of those aciively traded "On The Run" United Statts � <br /> Y---- ------- t.= <br /> Tre�wry securitiea havinf msturitia as close as prutiqbfe to the Weip,hted �►vera� Life to Finai - - <br /> Maturiry of the Bonds of the Seria due 1999 to be redamed. The yields of such United States <br /> Treasury securities shal!be determinod as of 10 A.M. Eastem Time on t 6e da te on w h ic h t he Yi e l d - <br /> Mainteaance Price is detemained. . � <br /> SECnoN 2. Upon the notice and in tbe maaner and vrith the effect provided in Article V of the � � <br /> Ori�inal Indenture, as amended by Section 3 of this Anicie 111,any of the Bonda af the Series due .` <br /> f999 shall be redamable at any time and from time to time(a),at ihe option af t�e Company,out <br /> of moneys a�re�atia=less than SS00,000 received by thc Tnutee durin�any c2lendar year,pursuanl <br /> to the provisiona of Articie VIII of the lndenture, as proceeds of propeity taken by the power of <br /> eminent domun or sold as provided in Section 2 of Mick V hereof�or(b)out of moneys a�re�atin� <br /> SS00.000 a more rcceived by tde Truata dnrin�aay calendar yesr, pursvant to t6e provisions of _ <br /> Artide Vlll of t6e ladenture,as pmoeeds of property takea by the power of eminent domain or sold _ <br /> �s provided in Section 2 of Artick V hereof,in each such case upon paymeat of the principal azaount � <br /> � thenof to�ether with acc�ued interat w the redemption date. <br /> SEC770N 3.Whenaver the Company shall propose to redeetn tess than all of the outstanding Bonds = <br /> of tht Series due 1999 on any redemption date. the Trustte, instead of selectin�by Iot.shaU select �'� <br /> ihe ses�ia! nwnbers of the Bonds of the Series due 1999 to be ndeemed 4ia whole or in part� by� <br /> pror�tia�,as neariy as may be,the a�re�te principa!amount of the Bonds of the Series due t 944 to ; <br /> be redeemed amon� the re�istered owners of the Bonds of the Series due 1999 aceordin� to the <br /> principal amounts thcreof re�isten;d in their respective nama. ln any such proration. the Trusta <br /> s1�it make such adjustmes4ts, reallocatians aad eliminatians as it shall d�m proper to the end that <br /> the principal amouat of the Bonds of the Series due 1999 so prorated to any re�istered owner of tbe <br /> Donds af the Series due 1999 shall be f1.000 or a multiple thercof. by �ncreasin�or decreasin�or <br /> eliminatia�tbG amount whicb would be allceable to any such register�d owner on the basis of exact <br /> Froponion by an amoune nw exceedin� 51.000. The Trustse in its discretion may determine thc , <br /> pzrticular Bonds of the Series due 1999(if thtre are more than one)re�istered in the narae of any <br /> 9 <br /> � � � J <br /> ti <br /> r <br /> . = �3 <br /> s. � <br /> 1.��.. � <br />