� ... . . .....
<br /> .. ' � - . :�:�iieci.
<br /> . , - - ---.._._ __... . _ . --- -• --
<br /> . � . .
<br /> _.�._..._. _ ._�. .__.� . .
<br /> , _ . �._,_. �_� _ - - — - �
<br /> .. � � � i���� �
<br /> ��' ._ �
<br /> �, � Rgrform uny � or execute any cuher ic3strurt�ents that might prevent Lender from fully '�`
<br /> exerc�sing its righ�s uader any of the terrns, eoaenants and wrtditions of this�ssign�ent. �_
<br /> ,' � (b) 'ihe Lease is v�ilid and enforceable in accordartce w�tb its terms and has not been
<br /> � ,, j �lcered,mo�ified,amendsd or terminated.and noae of�he terms and cot�ditio�s tAereaf have bsez�
<br /> � � ' _ i waived in any manner whatsaaver except as approved in cvridng by Lender.
<br /> �
<br /> .. ---�_ ; -.
<br /> � � (c) The Lease will remain in fuil force and effect and shall ftot be aitered,rnadifi�d.
<br /> � � azrtended or terminat�d aor sFiall aay te�n or condition therenf be waived in any material respECt,
<br /> � °t without the prior writte�approval of Leader. �•-=-
<br /> �.
<br /> (d) '1`�ere are no defaults aow existing under the I.ease and�deere exisu�o state of
<br /> • facts which,with the giviag of notice or lapse of ti�e or Isnsh,wouid constitute a default under �.-�
<br /> the L�ase; and Bo�o�ver will fulfill or gerfarm e�h attd every candition aad covenant of the �;_.
<br /> , L.ease by the tenant/lessce thsreuIIder W he fulfillc�ar performed,and shall promptly give I�ender �,.
<br /> copies of any aotice of defauli by�aYeower under the L.ease received by Borrower. �_°
<br /> � . � �'c, �
<br /> • r, (e) So long as any po�¢ion of the 5ecured�bligations shall reanain in wbole or is�pact !,
<br /> . � •;�M..
<br /> , ��� unpaid,unsatisfied aIIdlor unperfor�ed,Borrower aill aot convey m anoi�er or encumbe;'az►y -
<br /> --. � � int+erest it has in the L,�e or in t he P r e a n ises. �
<br /> � �;�.� �
<br />, � (f} 'I�e eerpas aad the e�aecution of this Assiganaent have been duly autharazad by atl �-
<br /> � � r�cessary�d approg�ar.�corporate or�em�ership action on behalf of Bonower.as applicable. _
<br /> � --
<br /> � , . :� �eciion 4• Defauit an8 dte�ies
<br /> =�tu�� � . �. � (�) Upon azry Event of�alt uader the Loan Agreemem,Lender may,at its aption,
<br /> _,;�_,.
<br /> '�.;'�' .. � �;.� ",� do an3+of�:a following,subject to FCC approval,where cequired:(�ateempt to eure dce default
<br /> . ;:�r�� pursuant co the Loan Agre�ment, with the ca�[s thereof('uncluding atoar�ys'fees)to be bome
<br /> ��."• r= '`'� by the ��rroaer aud included in the Secured Obligatioas; C� cause the Leas�t°�s�ald at
<br /> `�=::�� .��� private vr �S��fic sale to the high�t bidder for cash in z�ardauce with the pro�isLai� of tha
<br /> �;;s:�� , •
<br /> � . . �, Uniform��u�ercial Code oY ather applicable law as e�act�d in the State of �.
<br /> � , •. (ii7 assuine the Lease.�rsigna�s a third party to assume the Er�as$or�ip the L.eas�.�a t�ird
<br /> ' P�Y; Cv) assume th�e Lease or sublease the�sc:or the Premises w a ci�Lzd party;(v)seek w
<br /> •� � .. � have a rec�eaver appointed pursnsnt to ' ? �, :.f the L Q�a 4grametrt;and(vp e.:.°rcise any
<br /> _ ather rig�r_�b remedy�e Lendzr may have 6y cont�ct,2r.Lz�*a,or in equity.
<br /> 'l.. � .`r. .
<br /> ,. . , ,.
<br /> :°�;�: .., �+:.�,�� �. (b) Lercder is hereby vested with ful!power to use all measur�,legal and equi e,
<br /> �`�y-1`�•'�'•�� ` :�eemed by it ner,ess�y aa proper to enforse this Assi�unent, including sie right of Lender or
<br /> __.�„ .<,, ;.
<br /> '°��''j''`''�.�: its designee w enter�c��the Premises,or any parc thereaf,with or without force arrS with or
<br /> ."�, . �'` without proce�s of la�y.au:^��]��esession of all or any part of the Fren4is�s wg��+ith�II
<br /> '� : ':;.• ' � � ers and accauats of Bano�+�r relating -
<br /> — ' � personal property,f�..+:..�r'�s,books,records,PaP
<br /> °-���-�_,;fj;. t�ereto aad to excl�dry�tc:�orrower,its age��as servants,wholly d�eart.�r��. 3�orrower hereby
<br /> '�= , '.�_. ;:. &rants fult �ower aad authority to Lender so��zw:ciss all rights, prie�e��cps a¢id powers herein _
<br /> '�~?��;�°• geanted a����.-�y aad all times herei:.::.�r,withc�u notice to 13ks�:�awer. �s�Qer shap be under no _
<br /> - � obligation eo exercise or pros�.��i�::.�y of tha�ights ar :�:�r� assigred to it herEUnder or to _
<br /> .:.,�,.. :,
<br /> "� � .. perform or cany out a.�y of dae c%Sigatio�.s oi'�i�e lessreltenant undsr r�$Lease and does not �
<br /> y,.•�.��. ' , assum�any of the lial��J:�:ies in connetxioa cai��c;��arising or growinb�S+Lt:af�he cavenants aad �_
<br /> ';�t{�. �-
<br /> . '_ _�- '•-
<br /> !'�'�:� _
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<br /> . . ��.
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