(� �. ' _...r�. ..__ . .
<br /> ._. .._ . .. ... � . _ . _._ . . . . . . , .._ .. �
<br /> , � 1 ' : .
<br /> . � � " � . . ,�,.�..
<br /> - - � 99��,���� �
<br /> .. p�fOrm any zcts or execut� any other insBUtuents that mi�ttt prevent L,end2r from fully
<br /> , • exercising its rights undar any of the terms. covenants and condition§of t�is Assignmant.
<br /> �
<br /> . : < � (b) 'the l.eas�is v�lid and enforceable in a�ordaa�e c,ith its tenns and i�as not��n
<br /> ' altered,modified,amende�or terminated,and none of e�e cerms aud condldons thereof hvve be2n
<br /> . , �� r�aived in atry manner��hatsosver except as �pprove� in e�riting by Le�der.
<br /> . -_ ..--- f
<br /> (�j The Lease Gill remain in fu11 foace aad effec�and shall aot b�altered,�o�i�C�,
<br /> � amended or terminated nor shall any ter�or conditioa thereof lte waiverl it�any m2i�r�a1«sg��
<br /> �. withaut tha prior written appmval of LeaidQr. -=
<br /> .� (d) Th�re are ao defaul�s now existing wtder th�Lease aad there exis3s uo staxe of �`��
<br /> . ; fass which,widi t�ea giving of notice or lapse of time or ttat�,would constiutte a defautt under =;�
<br /> � � dz,t�se; and Borrowez w�l ffulfill or gerforffi ear� aad euery coAdition and caven�Lender ���-
<br /> f. I�-..�b�the tenant/lesses therewider to�s fulfilled or�erfornae,d,�shall proeaptly gi �
<br /> � 3 copies of any�utice of default by Boxrowa.r ander the L�se r�eive�by 8��raar�s. �'�
<br /> +.•�. �:.
<br /> E,:.-
<br /> � (e} So lon�as any partion of ti�SSCUred Obl'igations�..Lsl!remain in whote ar ia p�ct �_"
<br /> .. ' ' nnpaid,unsatisfied and/or ung$rforai�, �oYrower w�11 uoi convey w anot�er or enaimisEe�sY `-
<br /> ' .' �...� interest it has in the Lease or in the Premises. �"�'"
<br /> . •!�.z ��-.,
<br /> " �.: (� `i'�e terms aud the execu��of this Assi�ent have beE�duly authot��� �-_
<br /> ...��� �ssary and appropriate corporate or m:Q�:'sership a�tion on behalf of Barra�aer,as aPP =--
<br /> .►
<br /> � �. �a�n��4• Dsfault and Remedies _
<br /> . • �� •� (a) Tur�an any Event of DeP-�.Cu c�dez the�:.n Agree�as'�.,Leadgr�sy,at i°�s c�w:a,
<br /> „�� � �s�:�of the foliowing,subject w F�C t;.�.zoval,��zegu�`lr-�i�mFt m�:sa��dr�.i�lt
<br /> . . � �f �,�nt to the Laan Agre�ment, v�ith the c�sss�L{'mcluding attornzys't�)t��e s�:,.ane
<br /> � �� . by thz Boreower and includ� in the��:t� ��I°�ifr_�; (i)ca.us$th� I.e� �o�e�;.1d at
<br /> . . � � private or public sate to the hi�hest bL�u for cas� in ac�ord�i��rit�► the provisia� ,�`1.�e
<br /> . ! � Uniform Commercial Code or att�er �,icabte law as enast� u�d"•$State°f '4 `1_ �a'r ;
<br /> - �� � • t (iii)as�ume the L,ease,des;�ate a third party m assume the Lease v�'assi�n�a S�ass�a s:tiu*d
<br /> . � .' parry;(iv)assume the LQase or sublease d�e Leasa or the Fcemisrs eo a thir��r�"J: (v)s�ek to
<br />- � �� '�� have a rereiver a�Opointed pvrsuant w c��o�3 of the Loan Agr+�emeat;ar.�iv7 exercise any
<br /> a, other right ar r�n�y the Lender may buve by conirac.t,at law,o�in etluiiy.
<br /> ��. `�� I,eader is h�reby veste,d aith full p�wer to use a11 measures.laga� and equitable,
<br /> ..;:-�:�,��-R:. ro�
<br /> -._���..::;<`�: or ro r to enforce shi�Assignment, including the dght of Lender or
<br /> = •�-- s--"�
<br /> .,...� deetned by it necessary p Pe
<br /> .- its des�gnee s�cznter ugon the Premise5�ar any para thereof, witb or without�Orce and with or
<br /> n
<br /> without prac�:�sf law,and taYe poss���of ail ox any part of the Premises togMhEa�vitf�a�l
<br /> `y.:�._,..,.�. •�. : ts and acco�mts of Barrower trs�.�tting
<br /> '' - , ��-sonal property,fixtures,dasuments,`�ks,records,Pape
<br /> ��'~ � f� "�� ���sr�,zo aad to exclude the Eorrower.its agents or servants,wholly therefrom.Barrower�aereby
<br /> _.� `�,,...._ ... � �:L�u fiill power and authority to Lerzder to exercise all right�, Privileges and powers herein
<br /> :a�`':��j=��'�� granted at a4►y and ali times hereiaa�z,without notice to Soaower. LCi2QE7 S�III�I�fs uudrx no `
<br /> ``Y�t.,, : obligasion ta ��::.asis�or prosecut$ any o8 die righis or claims assigaed W it hereunder or w
<br /> ";�'�• . °� aut aa of the obligarions of the les�elcenant uader the l.ease and daes not
<br /> Rerfonn or rurry Y
<br /> assume any of s�►e liabfli�i,�in conne�tian wit�ar arising or growing out af�iy:e cavenai:ts and .
<br /> �.
<br /> . • g� _
<br /> .. .��: -3-
<br /> , .' � .
<br /> . ` �---^-�--�,�"°'-" , . . ----_ - --!
<br /> ... , �' • . .
<br /> � � •. " . . . ;-�:
<br /> �. � � . . . � � � • . . . � -_
<br /> � , ' ' . . . . � .. .
<br /> . . . � �� �•� �_- - --
<br /> �: . .
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