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<br /> -—'-=�' -- . . . . ---- . .. -c..�-- - - ._ _._.
<br /> �L.i • .
<br /> � - . .
<br /> _ , . `� . . . , • • .f.:..�-.�b._
<br /> ' , ., ti ,. r•�' .� ;'; • ' � _ __ ._-_ .___.--......_---"� --' �-----�--�-•
<br /> t
<br /> � � � . y�o g�0 ����� .
<br /> .. . _ , �.,,-
<br /> ticable la�v in effect at any tunE, aU rights that !�.��:-
<br /> � � (d) To tlie extent g2mutted by aPP 4-=,`°-
<br /> � * �e in any auth+orizatioa or license issued co Dehtor by the Fedexal �`�>._
<br /> I3ebtot may have at any
<br /> - :� Communicatioms Commission ar any state commission to gera►it Dzbtor to construct and operate �__
<br /> . cellu1ar or other tefecommunications system(s)(coltectively.the°i'�latorv Authorizations"), _
<br /> �_:-
<br /> ��
<br /> � � , togezher a+ith any riShss to payment ugan any aansfer of such Regulazory Awhorizations.or any k.�,�.,
<br /> ��,-
<br /> � otlt�r transfer or uansaction iniende�to resWt us a uansfer thereof or the obtaicaing of approv�l ...
<br /> ".;,;,;..�� or authority ftom the Federal Comtuunit�tions Commission or any state coa�missivn for another �LL-_`;:
<br /> ,< n-.��� persoa or enzity,instead of the Debtor.to ogerate one or more telecommunic�ations sYstem{s). -_
<br /> -. - � ` 'bles and intangi'b!e pr�perty, including without limitation, --
<br /> , � �g) p11 geaeral intan� ri to receiee payment u}mn any
<br /> • : 'i , rights�under Connraccs, ri�hts to gayment of azry kiad, � race�or amouuts due ut�er -
<br /> � transfer of 21ae Regulatory Authorization or otiier assets,i�s�ra�nce P �������QDdwill,
<br /> �•, �'.� insurance policies.Fatent rights,uademarks,service marks.coPYng�
<br /> ., regisY�ations,license rights,rights in intellectual ProgertY,software,soRwaxe lice�ses,comPuter �
<br /> . programmi�8 (in�uding soun:e codes, object ca�es and aU other embadiments of computer
<br /> .'. � pr� or information), licenses, co�ge:ate and ot�er business records, refunds or
<br /> pme to Debtar by Secured Patty ur 1�1'Ti a�d�e�er
<br /> : �, indemnifrcation,all amounts owed at any .
<br /> inta�gi�le gersanal pmPeriY of tlte De6tor af erery kiad and nawre (collectively. "Gene
<br /> ` .. �=n�•
<br /> "G"',.' It.'.
<br /> . ��� pil merc�aadise. iaventory�goa�s u+��or he�eafter owa2d hI•�e Debtor, -
<br />. - ". includi�,without limitation,a.i�.�SSCn'her equipx�aent,m f�r with all$oods aad�r�als used _
<br /> ac or s�a�g such merehandise.�'�oIY�a
<br /> �`�f. �;-��� - � or usable in manufacturing,Pracessing,P �� � w finished gau�.s
<br /> _ . goods in aU states of paodu.ction,from raw�rials through work in-p gr�ss
<br /> '`""':�'�.f� • (collaxively, "Invento '�.
<br /> ,�,�k:��,,� �°- g with�tiutitation
<br /> pu pro�s aud pmducts of any of the fure oing,in�ludin8�le to che Debtor
<br />_;�'`;��;,;;:.' , '�') ,indemnity,cvarrantY or guaranty I�Y
<br /> -,���F;x.;ti;: (��Y��PrQ��'Js of any insurauce �..� a ents(in aay foru3:
<br /> . . ., from ti�e to tis�wi,h respect to any of che Csllateral, Cn)anY P Ym
<br /> _�'�=,�'�r"'� , ��due aa.d payable to the Debtor froma time to di�in connection with a�y
<br /> `f�.��^.,__Y:;; whz►tsac+�t)m�.s3s �-
<br /> art of the Collateral
<br /> _-_ -,;-'�-:.'r- cequis�inczr�,confiscation,condemnation,seizure ar forfeisure of all o:�.:.y P s�utd sill other
<br /> -``'"±��:±�v=
<br /> bY�Y L'��ernmental authority,(iii)the rights to payme�.t dr�cn'bed above aad aa�.
<br /> -�:_��"' aatounts from timB ta dme Faid or payabte uader or ir►connection with any of the�'A1T�teral,aad
<br /> .4�:�L;�-, roceeds in the form of EqaiPmg�t• Inventory,
<br /> = roceeds and noa-�'ash p m
<br /> -_-� ,: •., (iv) any and ail cas9�P 'bles,chattel paper,documents, insnuments.certificated or
<br /> "`�. -.. C�neralIntangi
<br /> --- •~;�?••` Conuacts,Accounts, „ ����_
<br /> -_,_=��:�:"^'��-� �acertificated securiries or other proc,ads(wllecrively, �_--
<br /> ���.�;�v:� DEBTOR
<br /> ---
<br />