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__ I � <br /> � , . � � �; � gg... 10�81�t � , � . tr� : <br /> !� eoli� t�M�f�tre� oe /���tlKr enewb�raA vithout tla •xpcR�s or vrttten con�ent a[ ��n�ticl�ry. <br /> �.r���.ry ..y. �t 1t� wl• oFtton. d�sl�r� •Il •s.. sse�r.d br ch1• Iked nt truRt to A� lw��l�t�ly <br /> �w aa1 �ay�i►1• M• ��a:s�� to tA� ee�dls• �vall�il� to lt un/�e th• d�tault p�avl�lo�� ca�e�ln�� <br /> � A�s�f�. <br /> � ll. �r�ls ol D�lanit_. Mr at tM koilo�et�a �w�t� �hall 1� �I�wd �n •v�nt o! ��h�lt RuanNs� <br /> r Q (�� ic��toe �h�ll tu� t�ttci to �k� }��wt �! �er twstdls�ne O� IAL�[lit� <br /> E � �et�elMt �r prlwel�al �wi l�t4r��t ar Mr �th�s a�w ��e�r�N h�r�►y vtw�n Qu�=. <br /> O (!� fh�r� b+�� oeeurrd • �re�eh e[ �e �t�rlt w�Mt M►� t�r�. co��n�nt. <br /> Kx�wNt• ee�ltl�n, pravi�lun� [�«�t�tte� �e we�Mty ee�teiM� 1n th1� Or�� <br /> � �t Tewt. th� aot• o� awY�otMs 1e� l�trw�e �rN Mar�y� <br /> �1 (c) TMcs I�a� �tM 11 ��/Ylt �r tM ic��tas !n tM NI►�nt ot �n� �elor o� <br /> W � w��wst 1i�w oe Me�Mraacs iw n�yet t� �11 or Mr p�rt et th� proMcert <br /> � ��� ��.r�r �}w�i fli� • vmirwR�e� ��eltta� tn ►awkw'eep ar �Mll M a�i�ii- <br /> e�ed �a�les�t �e t�wlrMt� oe M�11 wk� N +��ipw�t [er tM �ti� ot eeNlte:� <br /> iw ��nt ts tM �r�etya oe M �lt1M t� NIO[Er M� 11M K �1{l11��w11C� Oi �Y/t- <br /> Mwe• y�i�e tM 'eoMrtY !• e�w�e��. <br /> 12. Aee�l�e�►tle� U �w 0�[a�lt. I� th� �w�t ot M� A�E�Y�t� /MNE1C:a�y My �lCl��! AlI �Il�f�t��� <br /> MercMl Me�y ts � r� �i ►��a�l�. sM eM � �Irll th�s��w 1�eoM �w +�� 'ayarl� vftAoYt Mr <br /> �s��t�wt. �w�. �r�t��e oc a�ele� ot Mr ki�. 7M�t��[t�e, MMttoiarr w�rt <br /> (�) •itAee le ��eww er �r �qwt. �feh e� wftlwrt �rle�ieR �wr �etiew ee ►ro� <br /> e�fw�, er �r ��e�lwr �p�o1�t�� ►r • eeret � vttAert rK�H te tM NNwor �f <br /> �,� ��M���I� ����� �M'� M� ��� ��Y�Q�� �� L!s0 II:or=C=i• a= �% a=== ����Q�� <br /> !w lt� o� w� �e iw eh�nar �f tl�TewtN. a�� N �q �et• vAieb It ���r ��e����er <br /> •M ���lsa►t� t� �c�M.rv� th• v�lw• Mtt�tAtller �e t�at�b11ler �[ eM �s�eer. �� <br /> Mct tMrNf �e lwt����t eMr�ie. 1nee��N th� �neoM eM��tcw oe �roteet t1N ��e�eitlr �� <br /> Mc�ot �d. �1tAout c�kle� po���s�loo ot tM pro�e�t�. �w [o� or oth�rvl�� eolleet eM <br /> r�wt�. t��w�_aa� 'roEit• thtreot. lneludlei eho� �a�t d�� �n� uw�aid� ae� aHl� tM <br /> s�. 1��� ee�t• aa� ����� ot op�eatla� a�i colleetlae. t�eludies atto�nq tN�. u�e� <br /> aey lwN�te�MH� �ee�r�d h�re�r. •11 !� weh oci�� �� NMticiacr Mr Nas�ta�. TA� <br /> ewt�et�� wea � takl� po���s�lon ot th� trwt e�tat�, the collectian o� �MeA t��t�, <br /> i��re� ae� Prolit• �a1 �pplleation eh�r�at �� ��os���i� �hall not crs� or v�it� �nr N- <br /> Eaw1e ec eotie� ot d�t�ult h�r�w��r o� la�aliiat� asr �ct �a� iw r��pw�e te �rel� N- <br /> [�ult oc pc�wat t0 �YCII 110C�Cf Ot d���Ylt M�. aetvith�t�n�le{ ths CM�tlAYMC� !w <br /> p�����lae rt tM pceptrty or th� co2lectlo�. T�c+�lpt and spplieaila:s o! tase�. l�sssas <br /> oe �rettR�• Tr��tN oc ��n�[lei�cY �� M ��titl�i to eurel�� �wrr tl�ht �r��tid toe <br /> lw My et tM le�w le�tcw�t• oc l�r lw � eee�ecMC� of �wy �wwt o! NLwle. !e- `• <br /> �1,r/!� th� sl.jht to ��urcl�� tlr pwr o! Nl�i � . <br /> (b) ae�ne� an �celon to torscloN thl� ONd ot lru�e a� � wortss��. a�pint j __ <br /> • na�tws. oe ���eitieallr Mlorc� �wr o[ th• eov�wants h�rwl; �-- <br /> , ,�sw���..�� ��3�.w�.w . .w.t�i... .I�wlwrwrleM n[ .I�fault awd Aw�n� far vlt. <br /> ..�.�._� �.�--- - ------- ----------- -- ------ - _ <br /> awr • rsittw wotic� ot i�t�uit �wi �l�etlon te CNIii T[Y�tOfF� lOta�fit !a th� prap*st� � - <br /> to M ��1�. vhleh aotic• Trwce� �lw�ll c�w� to 6• dul� iilea !or teeerd !a eh� olEicial _. <br /> ��e�c�� oE cM eawty !a vhich eh. �roprer !� loe�tN. <br /> 1�. For�elowr� b towr o[ Sale. SAoald /seeticfary �leet to for�clos� by �x�relM o[ tM powr <br /> ot ��1� INr�l� cMt� . N�a lcl�rr •helfr +wtif� Tsu�t� Md �h�ll dep�it vith tc�tte tMi� D�M ot <br /> lrwt a�/ tM aote �i �ueh ne�t�t• �nd ��l�Nwe� ot ��M�IltYtN i�sf M� N�Ytt� II�[!`1 �� Tl'IMt�� _ <br /> .y rq�lse. a�� qo�e rpwse oE eh. �.n�, eM z�wtN d+�ll Eil� tor raeord. �o eh� R��l�ar <br /> ot 0�� eftic� fe th� CountY �k�es� th� o:oMetr 1• loc�td. • notie� st d�t�ult. ��ttias forth tl�� <br /> �w �[ cb� Tcu�tor, t1�� fook aRl t�=� or OoeuMnt Ite. of thl� D�d o[ Tcwt as c�eo��e� in ��i� <br /> Mslster �! ON�s ettle�. tM I�al desccipcim oE th� �bov�-Je�crile� se:2 eaat• ao� th�t a ls��ah <br /> �t M �Yliptlas. tac vhieh aaiJ r��l est�t� vss eoawy�� �� �scu�fcr. ha� oeeurrd. �M ��ttin� [orth <br /> tM Mewr� �t �reb �c�aeh �� th� TrweN'� �l�etias te ��11 th� r�al ��t�t� to �aci�tr tA• orlip!!e�{ <br /> � att�r tM l�}N ot �ot Ls� tiwn om (l) �oatb. eh� ?ewte� �lwll �lre vcftte+� eotic� ef th� t!r � <br /> a� �l�e� •E wl� �lcb �]I bt b�tw�n !t� a.�. �n� S �.�. �t th� Ocwi�d� or at tM Courtlaw� !e — <br /> tM f7w�ty vMs�iw �rcA �soNrty i� lee�u�. d��eriYin� th� �roprtr to b� wl� br !t• l�pl J�serip- i <br /> tiow. wi� �etle� ta M wirll�Aed 1n • aewp�p�r of ��Mr�l clreMlatlae in th� Countr �hte�ln �ueb <br /> 'r�rty !• loe�t�i. a�c� • veek Eor flw �S) eons�cutiw welu�. tA� la�t /ublleatiae to N �t l�ut • '�- <br /> tM (10) �r�. �t w�t �oc� �Me thlrty �7d) day�. orior tv th� �al�; �n� tha Tru�te� �h�ll tMw ��11 <br /> Mi� �t+rNrtr �t th� tiM �d pl�e� �eHSnitN !n eh� netlet. i� th� ���t pcoviM� Ar iw iw ei�eet � _ <br /> �t tM tir ot tillw� �alA ootite. �t prbli� �uetlo� to tM hlfhe�t bi���r tot c��b an� �h�ll d�lir�s ' ` <br /> i� �reA ►rcehaNC • �N� to tiw proprty tol�, eaa�l�tou: �ith tl-.a lav !n •lEeet �t tM tta�. <br /> ' w+w r�e�l�t ot the pelee btd. T�we�r �fwll dtllvsr to tha purcha�s. Teuste�'• deei eewv�riw� tM <br /> �ca/�ct� Nl�. Mett�l� ln ch� T�wte�`s dNd �h�11 ►� �rlY L�C1� ��1JlI�C� OE tht liY�I1 OL tM �tat�- <br /> �wt• rN eMr�te. trwtM ahall ��lr th� praced� �E ch� �ol� in t6� Eollovins or��ro (a) eo all <br /> rN��2� rMts Mi �s�s�� oi th� ��1�. fnelurin� bYt not 1l�lt�d to. Ttu�te�'• [k� oi �ot �oc� <br /> tl� � x ot tM i�o�• �al� prlc�. s���a�wl� �ttom�y Iee� �M cost� of titl� �viM�cti (b) ts �11 <br /> ��r �e�esti ►y thl• Dee! of Trwt; an� (c) th� �xc���. f! My. to tha �r� or p�ssau lesall� ea- <br /> t1t1N tMc�R�. Aay Ms�aw. laciwltu� oaneticl�rr, �ur Putchr�� �ald prop�ct� �t �ati �al�. <br /> TM rff�011 COIf�Yttll� CIM �al• My� �Of ��1r CNN� 1�� O! •IM ��lM �iPl�1lrlt� pO�t�� th• ��1� �LO� <br /> tfa� t• tt� �wtll !t �Mll b� eoyl�t�d rwl� !w �wrf are6 e���. notfe� of ov�t�ntrnt �hall b• �1vM <br /> ►r /rilta �elaratlos thsr�of by �ueh per�oe �e eh� ttr �nA Pl�ce l�st �Ppolnt�J [oe th� �al�{ p�e- <br /> vt�. 1[ tb� sal� f• ►ostrond for loag�r clun on� (I) d�r b�rond the d�t• de�ltn�t�d !n tbe notico o[ <br /> wi�. w�tie� eMrNt �Iwll �� �i��u le che wM ��r u ch� orisinai natice o[ ��1�. <br /> 14. ft��lM Il�c EYelwlw. isustr� �ad NMtiei�cr� �nd �ach o[ the�, •lall �� entltle� to M- <br /> ��re� �s�wt MI �er[orwses of �nr tete6t�Me�� o� o►U�atlon ��erre� h�td� � to •:�tei�� �11 tl��t• ,_____-_ <br /> � Mwra wi�r thi� Oee� oE Tw�t or un��s �Nr lwn in�tru�ent er other ��ree�ewt or any lav� naY or , <br /> M�s��[ter M[KeQi. natvlth�t�ndlns �oM or all o! th� lw��►t�Aees� anA ublf��tfon� ��cut�1 h�te►r <br /> vhlch �y wov er iNrswttes 6e otl�ervi�t ReturN. vbether br �ort�aae. dee8 ot trust, pleds�. ltee. ���t�- <br /> �t ed sth�wl�e. IM1tMs t!M seeeptaaee of tl�t• OrN ot Trust no� ft� �etorea�ent. M��th�r br eo�rt <br /> �etl�w oc ptir�uMt te tM porer ot ��le ar oth�s powr� h�rNn eoet�lned� sl��ll prejudlc• or te a�r <br /> r�wr. att�ct iru�t��'� or �Mr��+��r�. rl�ht to re�llse upon oe entore� �nr othar �eeurttr no� or h�c�- <br /> a�t�r M1� by Truste� or Nneflefary� ft belna �`ce�i th�t Tcu�tee ��d denetiei�er. and e�eh oI tha�. <br /> L •MMIti w •�tItII�A to entosee ttrEy Oee� ot Trwt �nl �wr otl�cr •ecurttr mv or A�re�fter heid b� the Sena- <br /> flel�s� or Trwtce !n •w:h orde� and wann+r as ther. o� elther ot tik�. �sy 1n th�ir �b�olut� df�eretlon <br /> �eter�lM. No cewed� herefa eowterced upan or reserved to T�urtee or sene[fef�ry i• inteeded to be ��- <br /> elwlre ot aor other re�c�y tietefr or bT 1sw provlded or p�rw/tted. but csci� nh�ll be ewulativa �nd <br /> �M�II N In Mditian to every othes �ewes� Rtren t�ereunder o� now or I��rrefcer ex/et1n� �t lev ur 1n r` <br /> e��ity ot e� •t�tu[e. Cvery Frwar ar rewedr alven by snyl o( the loan lnetru�cnts to i�uste� or dene- �� <br /> fiet��� ot to vl�ltb tlthe� of tlie� rsy �e �tl�etvlse entl[teA e�y be eterefeed. ceneurrentir or inaepea- , ' t <br /> d��tl�. tra� tl�e to tl�s end ns oltcn es �ny be deewed expedlent by Yruetee or Benetfciery, rad etther fv„ , <br /> ot thM �y �ut�ue lncon�letent reNdle�. Mothlns her�l� el��ll be const�ucd ps proi�IbftlnR �see[lclYCr <br /> t�� �e�klw� • Aeticl��cr Jud�nt �a�1nu Tru�tor to tt�r eatent �uet� actloa is pec�itted br lav. <br /> ' _2_ <br /> � <br />