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. . <br /> - .. -., <br /> . . <br /> _.,�. --- . , <br /> ------� _- - -- -�-----...._..._ _ <br /> �.--T. <br /> � _. <br /> _ : -��":�s:.�c.. ,. . . ' . . , ' ; ' . : � ` '�� ` , � � ,�.�,t,dcii�;� <br /> ' . � �R <br /> � . 'I'6GETHER WITH all the improvemxnts now or hereaRer e�ecied on the pru�rty.and all easements,appurtenances.and _ <br /> `s fiatures zow or hereafter a part of the property. Al! replzcemenqs nnd additions shall alsa be wvered by this Securiry _ <br /> � � Instrument.All of the foregoing is referred to in this S�curiry Instrument as ttte"Property." _ - <br /> � BORROWER COVENANTS that�orrower is Iaw:Fully seised of the estate hQmby conveyed and has the right co grani and c�_ <br /> .. • ', ; k �nvey the Prog.rty and that the Fropzrey is except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warranu and wiU "` <br /> e <br /> • ,;� defend ger�erally the titte to the Praperty againsc al!claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of recard. � <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform aovenant�for national use aad aan-uniform covenants vrith limited � <br /> . -` vaziationa by jwisdiction to canstitute a uniform security insa�ument oovering real proparty. , � <br /> • .', � UNffORM COVENANTS.Boaower and Lender covenant and agre�as follows: � <br /> � "��.• 1. Pay�ent of Pi3ncigal aa�i Intere5t; Prep�yment and Late C�es. Horrower shall promptly pay when due [he � <br /> �-�--"•,,; <br /> „ .�.� prin�ipal of and interest on the debt evidenced by t}:e Nate aud any peepaymant and latc clrasges due un�er ths Note. � .- <br /> .;�,�,y,;g 2. I�'uads far Taxes and Insurauce.Subject to a�iicabfe law or to a wriuen waiver by I.ender, Borrower s��ll pay w <br /> `-�� F: L,e�_°-on the day momiilY Pa�ents are das�Iot=,��the Nate is paid in fuU,a sum("Funds")for.tW?;.;�_y taxes <br /> :;: nui�rss:ss�ts�vh'ch may attain priority ov;�this Sect:r_���:�as..�-:�e�c as a lien on the Pruperty;(b)Year1Y 1�:.7a�{'���nents <br /> ''� u c•:����cr_�;:as P[np_rty,:`::�-ry;(c)Y�i;�1=:�M•:u,�=�T�?�c'7�:ce.;�;:r-.�x p�tniums;(d)Yearly flaad ins•:..�v�.�iums. <br /> �����.,�:;�; �:,��`•.� u:.��,•., ;eh yeariy mortgage iasi:r�.��premiums. :,�:����.'-,.�f s�payable by�orrower to lxnder, in a�.r�re with <br />;,`���Y.� t4`.,•;� '�e;�.:sions of paragraph 8. in iieu of the payment af�x�+��ge insurance premiums.These items are called"Esa*:w Items." <br /> � • Leader may, at any time� collect and hold Funds in an amount noi to exce�ths maximum amonnt a lend�r fos a federally <br /> ;. � ' related mortgage Man may require for Borrower's escrow aocount under th�federal Real Estate Settletaent Procedures Act of <br /> �; �� . ; � 1� 1974 as a�tendEd froni ti�tte to time. 12 U.S.C.Searon 26U1 et seq. ("RFSPA").uniess annther law that appliES to the Fun�s <br /> =� •�• - , aets a lesses amoant. If sfl. lander may, at any time. collect and hold Funds in an umount noi t�ezc�ed the lesser amonnt. <br /> ��`'�''�� Ixnder may estimate the amoant of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasanable estimztes of eapenditures of future <br />:':;;;:,:'��;;'.;.: Escrow items or othorw[se in acc�rdance with upplisvble law. <br /> � Tiie Fundv ah�ll hc hcld io un institution whn4e deposiu arc insurc� by w fcscicrFO .�gency. instnimentality. ar entity <br />,:�`�•=;;r,',�° linrluding l.cixicr,iF l,cndcr iv�uch an insatution)or jn nny Fcdera!H+�me l.i�an pa��k. Lcndcr shail npply thc Faad�to pay thc <br /> �scrutv Items. f.cnder m:►y r.ui�harbe�orruu�er for holding und applying tfiz FumtK,ar►nuafly analyzin�the e�crow cecawnt.or <br />' .'J��'V s,-��� - vcrifying�hc ti�:c�aw Itcros.unicss Lc�rtder pays Bonower intcrest on�he 6'un�s und applirable lar�psmiits Lender to m�ke such <br /> • �,�, <br /> �;;�.;:.�� .� n chargc. Ffowevtr,4.cnder m�y rcquire Borrower to pay u one•time chlrge for un independent re.zl e.atate wx reQorting seraicx <br />..T`;;.:;:".,� usc:d by L.cndcr in canncctlan with this loan. unless upplirable law provldcs othen►�isc. Unlass an a�reement is made ar <br />"'�•:•=• `''• app�icable law requ'ucs intere�t to be paid.I.ender shall not be required to pay Borrotver any intetrst or earnings on the Funds. <br /> -,;,,_yu:=.f., <br /> --=�`�;:;�. Borrawer ancl L�ender enay agree in writins,however.thai interest shzll be pzid on the Funds. Ir�nder shall�ive to Bomower. <br />�" �=.-.:• <br />_=`�'�`� without char� annual accounting of the Funds, showing creciits arc�debits to the Funds and the purpose for ahich eac <br /> = <br />