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�!; ' . _"'�}�. ` •, <br /> t ' ' . .Y__ .`F: ` - ' ' � � '�� � <br /> � ..-r . . . .' . "'.. .�_—_.._. . .. . _ . . . .._.. . _.._ � .. _ .._ ._.�.—._ . <br /> • - � � � 9�• ���.i."�'� <br /> . �• �� ' 2 TAXES. Trusior s4�all pay each tnsinilrnent of ail taxes artd spc�ctal assessm�MS of�very t�nd, noti+v or ' <br /> PtCreaftsr isulecl against tPta Tntst Estate or any paR thereW.�atore delirtquency,w(thout no2ice or demartd. <br /> . � . <br /> . � , j 3. iNfiURANCE AI�D REPAIRS. Trustor sh�Il m�intain fre artd exte�sdQd coverage insurance insu�ing the � <br /> � Improvcttt�nis can;4liuting paR o'I the Trust Estate for &uch amoanis and on such Yerms reasona6ty s�tisfactory to , <br /> 8enoilciary. Sa iang as t�e Props.ry is secured by a�ist de�of 4rust or mo�gage, complfance with the insurance <br /> . � � reqa�iremsnts a?the t1rs2 deesi af trust or�nnrtgage�hall be suificfsnt to sat(sfy tha requirements of thls p�ragraph 3 r�?ating <br /> ` t01R3UT8RC@. <br /> „ , Tru�tor shai!prornpUy repair artd r�place tha Trust Estate or any paR thereoi so tha�excep!for ordinary v,►ear and , <br /> tear,tha Ytust Estate sh�il nai de2erlorate. In rto event shalS tha Trusto�commft waste on cr to ihs Trus4 Estate,or commit, , <br /> � � " s�ffar at Rermtt any act to D�dor�a in or upan the Trust Estate fn vlo!at3�n oi any law,ordinance or reguiatlon. Trusior shall <br /> � � " pay and prompily dis�harge at Trusto�s cost artd exFanse afi lians, ertcumbrances and charges tsvigd, impased or - <br /> � ' assessed agatnsi the Trust E�tate or any part there�l. <br /> - � 4. ACTIONS 61FFECTIHG TRUS7 ESTATE. Trustor sha!! appear in artd coniast any actton or proce�ling - <br /> purRarting to affect tite s�cudry hereof or the dghts ot paw�rs af Beneftctary or Trusiee,and shall pay a11 costs and Ty_ <br /> expenses, Irtd�dtrtg cost of evldence ot title and attomey's fees, tn any such actlon or pracesdircg in vrfifch Beneftctary or .,_ <br /> � � `� Tntsi�e may appear. tf TrusLOr tails to make arry payment or to do any act as artd in th0 rrtanner provfded tn any of 4h.L�an __«= <br /> ° Ins2ruments,Beneflai�ry art�/or Trusteg.each in the(r own dlscret(on, wlthout oblIgatlon so to do artd wfthout notiaa to or .,:_ <br /> �� � �� demand upon Trusiar and uv[thaut releasIng Trustor from any oblt�tlen,�ray make or do the same in such nrann�r a.�d to <br /> � � such exteni as efther may deem necessary to prateci the security hereof. Truster shall,immedfateiy upon demand ttvrs�for �'.;_ <br /> • � � by Beneft�Iary. pay ati casis artd exAenses irtcurred by Bes�ftctary tn connect[on wiih the exeratsa by Beneflciary�ths ;._ <br /> � f�regofng�igMs,tnct�ding without timitation costs of evideruu�of t[tte,court cosis,appraisals,surveys and attomey's fer-_s. �:'r= <br /> � -r- <br /> ' S. Et►BlNENT DOMAlN. If the Trast Fsiate,or any part 4her��f or irnerest thedn,be taken or damaged by rea..ron <br /> ' ` � of se�y pubila tmpravemer�t or corbdemnation praceeding, or in any oiher manner indudUg deEd in Ifeu th3�ao# �'�_�_ <br /> (CcPr;rennation�, ar if Te�a�tar recetves any nottce or aL'her Infamr�tion rega:�'�� such proceedtng. TnrS.*.^r stia..h ghie �- <br /> , ;z's=,�;t:� � p,�.r�;c�wrtten noiice thsr�nt to Beneftciary. Trustor s.'-ait.��e�rm71e� to all ca�-�an,awards and otaW-i�'�rn:�?s or �--- <br /> ''�`�•���� ��� �� reltt-�tS�rof and st�.ai1 be em�tiad at its opiton to ca:^:^ss-r��. appe�In an� �a�cute in its own nama :�r� tiN't�n or •�< <br /> •, �;;,�;:.,, . �, � w <br /> .:•.���� proceetltngs. 'l�-�=r shatl also he etttnled to make o.�� �mpra,-::sa cr �G::.o�-i in con�on vuith sw�`+ Y�:4ir�vr, <br /> damage. � -- <br /> , •,�. <br /> �. •�� ' �. �:'�1?"'JiNTMEM OF SUCC�SSOR TRUSTEE Bene�a�r;�c:�ay,`�?!time to 4:�.� by a wrftten[nsut��� �� <br />�. �.;i,.�� .. _ enecuted and acimowtedged by BeneRctary ma�ed to Trustor and ;ecarded�z�Caunty'.n tivhlch the Trust E�t�t� __- <br /> ,, ,� locatc-� and by otherwise compiying v+n'th tha pravts�a�� of tile a�li�te l�:r. �'tl�e S�ate of Nebraska s�abstC�l'�4 <br /> , s successor or s:c:ra�ssors to the Trustee nzmed herein a.a�ng h�r��sar. __ <br /> t; 7. �•.���f�ESSORS AND ASS:�ft;s,. Tt!is S2aarr3 Deeol�:r!�„st appltes to,inur�t�"`��a benafiii dr�!b'.r�d.��t: <br /> � • • • _'; p�es heYc: :�heirs.�� r�rson��,_�ser�r.�,.successors and ass::�. ?he te�r�s`8a,^�3ir�2.�-� <br /> ' • �: s�'�a^r„��.�.r:Y��^��T ar anri hafd�r of any Rra:r.r�sory noi���"c�.h to benaf'iciary.(wheiher or rtot na;�rzx!as 8en��y+h_�atn). <br /> 'i� <br /> � 8. �������R, C.���9UDATION, SALES OFI L�cASES. Tntstot convenants that Tntstor wi;l rtn2 sep. l:.e���or <br /> � ��, ethenrri�e dispas��any of the Trusi Estata ln the event that Trwtor selis,leases or othervdse dl5posas of any p3�t�f tha <br /> � Trust Esiate,BeReftabry may at its option dectare tha tndebtedness seaured hereby tmmedlatety due a�ad payable,Kii':'2h@i <br /> or not any default exlsis. Beneftclary shall conserst to a transfer o}ths Trust Estate to e thirdparty to the extent s�r�r.}�1rd <br /> party m2eis the requiroments carsialrted tn,and assumes the obf 3gaUons set torth in the Flrst Oaed of 7n�st. The c�rc�sanis <br /> cortalned herein shaU run with the Pro{ser4y and shatl remain in fufi forco artd eHect until the Indebiedness Is paid In f�l. <br /> 9. EVEWTS OF DEFAULT. My a!the btlowinp eveMs shall ba desmed an eveni ot detauit hereundsr. <br /> -�•-• (a) detauit shal!be made in the payment oi the 1 ndebiedness or any ether sum sacured hereby w��+due; <br /> -' ''.- :', r= � or <br /> - '-=� -, <br /> ''�' (b) Tn�sior shaU perform any act in bankrupicy;or <br /> ,. <br /> ` �E� a court of competert j�risdtctlon sha41 enteralr �rder.judgmerrt or decree appraving a pet�tEcae�ted <br /> = ag��'�rustor seeking any�c-ec�nlration,dissdutlon or simDar rellef under any present or tuture fede�'.�tate <br /> __.-� ��;�ry,. ..'� or eY�er stai�te,taw or reguiation relating to bankrugicy,ln,oivency or other retIef br debtars,and sur,�mrder. <br /> < <.. j�e.+gmern a decrae shall remaln umracated arid unstay2d ior an aggregate of sixty(60?days(vlheih_�r or noi _ <br /> =-•gvs„,:.. ., .^ <br /> ���:��•..: � cas�:.ecut9ve)from the first d�:�of erttry theraf:or any trusiee,receiver or qquidater or Tns�tor or of al or any <br /> � • . • p2Ff.c�#Yhe Trttst Es?ate,ar afi any or all of the royaltf�. revenuea, �ems, issues or ptofcis th�reo7. �3t:!! lt3 = <br /> t`� � ap�;r�Med without the con�E�sC�r acqulescence oT T�ustor and such appointmert:t�ll remain ttmrat�*.9d 8nd <br /> - _ � urt::�yed for an aggregate af s�ll(60)days(w�ether or rtot wnsecuthra);ar <br /> - � + e, <br /> �_ �.' =_ <br /> . ' � 2 �_ <br /> . ;. �,- <br /> . �,� <br /> . � -- <br /> . �-'. <br /> . • �----- . •� . � � - = <br /> ' • . . .,,; : . • . . . r�;: ' <br /> • • . . � � •.:• �'/�;. � � • <br /> . . . . . . , ,,s,: ;�.,.��,�.,� . ,. , • <br /> .,.., <br /> .�;:;.° . „ � . :;1J.'ir� "'£1: .,r;;�f;;,:. . � <br /> � �p_. . . �1. , ';3';;�? � • �j j';��5a ' ' .- . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> � � . . . <br /> . . . . . . , .. . . <br /> . . � • _ <br /> . <br /> �•. .. _ .. .. . _ _ . . ,,,t;ry;hr _ <br /> .- _ . • - ' . .. • .. _ .,s,�ts-..r'�it� . . - <br /> . - - . . . .�.:l�at"': . . . . <br /> � . , �i-:;ti� . . <br /> ' . . . •�f�.��.1. .. ,.— <br /> - � . ' � �. �)tR�' . . . � <br /> . - . ' • ' � � .. . ' - . • . _. <br /> . . , 4 . . . - <br /> • . , . . � <br /> ti . � • : ' • ' . . . � �. . � � -- -- t' <br /> . �� _ <br /> — -- <br /> — <br /> -- <br />