;.�r��;;��5 ?.c:1Y1.'Y.iil�4J<iJP4�i:�a^
<br /> �%
<br /> . ` _ _._.--- ggo ���o � �
<br /> � � canP.:tts�Jiih apA��� �L�, such conflet 8h3D not tsff;ct aUt2t provistons af thts fi�trRy lns�utrt,.�nt or tha Noto rrhicA C�bo r .
<br /> , , gtv2n efiact w3hou!tha conf�t§sg pmviston.To this end tha provistons ot tt�ls SQCUfc1y Instrumant and Ma►VOto ero d�truCd to i
<br /> , C9 seutitebf9.
<br /> • 1�. B�rrori�r'a �py.Ba�tver shail ba giv2n ona contomtsd capy o}tha Not�and of th�Seeuriiy InsUUmsr►L
<br /> � 1 g, IdBaltYdOU� Subsl8��e8.Borro.ve;sha0 not causs or permd Ms pressnrs, use.di�posal,s2otage.or r��ass ot
<br /> � ' uny He�rdaus 51+bstanc� on or i� tha Propesty.Borrowa* shaD not do. nor el'av� enyona olaa to do,anyth§�9 eft"�tTnD the
<br /> .. • p,9R�ty tRat!s in vlahttan af eny Environr��ntal La�ar. The prsceding nvo seniences sfi� not e�Dly to t�re pros�.rteo.usa or
<br /> ! stor�qe on the Property ot sa�all quantdiss of Haaudous Substences tAa4 ars gencra�}r�oBn��� ��P��to nomiat
<br /> � resid�nital u_s;enA to m�n�nsnco of tha Prop3cty. •
<br /> ~ , @arraurar shaD prorr�pt�► 8Ma Lend� rirFt� noUca o! any �^t(�atEan, cia}rr►, d�. 13wsu� ot ath2r eztton by enY �
<br /> gow'•re�mant�l or rogulatory eg_ncy or prtaate party�►votv�9 the Piop�tl'ar�d 8^y Ha7ardous SLbslertes or ErnTronmsntal Law ot �
<br /> � rvAich 9orrawsr has actual knowfe�e.U Borrotv�t6ams, or is noti°�d by eny gov2mm�tal ot raguhtory author7cy. thst any j
<br /> I rCmoval Or oUter ter�sodsti0n of any Na�udous Su6sffinCe3 efi�ni! the PropBrty G rtse33ssrY,BorroHr.r sha7 pmmpUlr t3:ce a� I
<br /> nseess�y remed's1 ac�r►s tn aa�rdance w$h Em�onm�iat Law.
<br /> qg ug��y� ��q�ategr8g�h 1g,-HS�daus Subs!s�acas°are thaso substenaes defmsd as tax'c or hamrdous subsmncc�bY
<br />, EnvtrOnmerttnl Ltiw end th9 fo'bw5�g sa38t.�nces: gaso{lns, keros�ne. other fammabS9 or �~ re�ot�um produLMS. tawe
<br /> pestictdes and h�bicides.t�otat77e SoFie.^"s-�.�teri�Js contNne�g ashasus or form�ldehyde, and rs,�.�a�iNe materEaLs.As uso0 in
<br /> • Ma paregraph 96,`Envirenmenffi1 Law'r-�a,.s tedersl L�tws and taws af the jurisdktian�e:rs.-e tha Properly is lateffid that reais p. P..�imhcs
<br /> � to hsash.safety or emrtroR-r��l prote�.w�. ,. ,w.:,,,`
<br /> ;_4��'.
<br /> NO�u-1lNdR2�2 COVEaVaNTS.Borrowe�c'smd5r turttrer covanaM end sgree as tor.o� ' `�
<br /> ' . t3o li�nmeni ot Re�s.��*^�e►uncond3ionally ess�ns end transters tu:.er:�sr s'-~�a :snts e�►d revenuas ot tha
<br /> t�c�:y.i��r_.r�er eu+Rarixas Leadsr or l��s agants to co0ect the rents and►e+r���a,i3°:e."any d'rect�eact+��ant o!the .. �.
<br /> . � r�:p�rty to psy ttu3 ra'nts w Lendsr ot lendets aQents.Horvevat. Prtor to I.snd�'s r�sr..+a ia Sa:-�war o! Borrc�rr'rs:..—'sch of '.%�,�4`
<br /> .--- i any covensnt a'aafo¢frt6nt�th9 s^6CUlti y instrumanT, Borrowar shaU coUect and reco;�;a:¢2.^.�a'.d rev2nues c� Lhs ProD�Y :plG'�"
<br /> . as trustee t�r tM bans2fR o! Lender s�� �atrower. Thts asstgnmsnt of rents consiihrtas s.i e=s�sta ess�n"'�snt end not en •. .
<br /> ' ,�. i gssignmenY tar ed�i�lan81 SeCUrfty anty. .
<br /> ' It L.end9r g'.v3s rt.r.rs9 ot breaCh te :�trowef: (8)811 rents reCe3+red by BOtrOwer sh3l1 be he.2�:j BOtfOwet es Wsi&7 fOt
<br /> ben8fii o f L t�n Q�r o�1r.tU b3 s p plled to tha sums sscured by the SeeurdY InsWmenk(b?Lender sht�`I be ontilied cfl w!ieCt und '�;�j,_
<br /> - - • � reeeive atl ot tno r�nt� ef the FroR�Y: �+d (c)each tanani ot the P�ogerty sha� paY ��� d�s�^� u����ar
<br /> � Lendsrs agent an LorsCars wrsten dema.4 to tha tenant � � •� '
<br /> • + Borrawer ha3 rt:i r�uted eny prGzc r�s�nmen!of the cents and hes not end w�noi perfa�r arr�e�t that wau'A D�a� ,�• .
<br /> �;
<br /> . .. . . . E lend�r haan�tsh�fls rf9hts under th=!"-aregreyh 17. f�
<br /> � , � I.sndar sh�►I nc3 br�rc�ulred to entet upan,tIDca c¢�t.+IIl of or mafnmin ths Propsrty before or e7ta�hrh8 notkc a'�reaeA"�: `" �
<br /> ,t1i�:3y; Borrowar. Havre�r,�r.lortQrar or a jusficia�l e,Pahted�onJy�may de so at any tirra there Ls a tr�ach.MY aAA��of�en4s ^-�,
<br /> '" sha9 oot curo or wolva cr�/defauft ar���'.�te eey athar�lDht or ��y ot t.�r►dor.This es���t C1 rents of tha Pro�Y fi+:;�_r
<br /> � � shaU t�rrttnat�wh�n tt+3 d3bt seeur�g7 L�`e Seeurdy Instrum9nt is PE�tr�� 4e.�r
<br /> � � - � 18. �oTeciar,aoro Garoeedura !f Le�dsr re�uDres immet�l�te paymeQnE lan tufl un�c� ParaSreAh 9. �
<br /> • � Lender may [nvs�l.a 3he �aa�ver of sal2 ame� any oUter reened�� perdti4�:d bY apPlica6le Isw. --- —.
<br /> . Le�der shall �o Qn4itlad t� c�tlect all e�emmaes lasurred in puraut�� the reme�les pTOVlded Qn _
<br /> • � � fF thls P�agrapb ��1, t�ctu�i��, �ut nat IdmIU�� to, reaso�eble attor�neya' tgea end eoais ot t1Ue —___
<br /> evid�nco.
<br /> tf 4ha po�vor of saie le isaWked, T�atee ahall reeord e no�tee ot deta�Ct t� each county In --
<br /> � � � whlch any pa� 04 the Pro�erry ts tocated and shati mail eo¢t�s �� auch rtottce �n the manner _
<br /> . , � � . : presert�ed by appt!�1e l�x+r P:� Borrawev rr�J to fhe ot�er per�prescribad bY apP[Yceble law. _-_
<br /> �x
<br /> . `; ; Atter Uso timfl ec��ui.�zd by e�?di�blc law,�ru�tea a���? give pu��ic notice ot sale Lo th� pe�sons =_
<br /> ca
<br /> �. : � and tn tt�� mann�r prescri�� t��,� appiic�ble law.Tr¢�e,wtthou4 deannn� an Borrower, ahat!seil -
<br /> . �•� the Propetly et �vbli�euc4�.::� e� the ht�heai bldder a3 the tirrec end ptace and urtder the terms
<br /> 4i
<br />- . . � dealgnated in �� n���e of aale in one or more parcels and tca anyubl�ic a noune m�nt at the
<br /> � - Tnusiee mEry po�.arEC aafa of ntl or arey papcei o4 the Proper�� by p -
<br /> `� Urree ��4 �tnso �'1 any prevlousty ache�uEed aale. Lender or ite deslgnee may purchase the ___
<br /> - .:;'�'�;t Prvp�..��a.'i erry sale. - :
<br /> `.',,S �1p�,t9 recsipt oY psyrts�:�7, a�t the prlse bid� TrustEe �,`iall dEliv�� t� Sf,a ;usc �*�r Truaiee'a
<br /> � . . de�d convayJng Y3�� �ape�tcy. The recitaia tn the T�u�e'a deed at�a11�ceed ot titE��ura�e In the
<br /> � ,'� tf¢� truth o4 8ha d�(r,.�:a�te made therei�. Trusiee shafl appty P .
<br /> tosiowi�g ordor: (ts) e,� all cQats and exp�raaes of exercidrt� L.'�e power o! aale, �tr.c9 the �elt.
<br /> tnc[ud��g 41'�s paye�z�10!the T'ruatee'a tea actusiiy Insuned. no!to exeeed 3 `�+ .
<br /> I '� ot the �rinoDpaf amount o4 �."�e note at fhe t4me oi the dcclarailon ot detsult, and �easonsble
<br /> �tLorrteys' 4oe� as��a�itt�d by [aw; (b) to ail aums secur�d �s4v�*la Security lnstrurnen� �rtd (c) ,-�
<br /> � any�acaeas ta t�e�a�:r¢on �r par,soe�a le$ai en�Ued to Ds k����``
<br /> ', ft�too I.onder'�t,fercat in tEtts�cucj3y t�atr�m�nt ia l�r�1a �,�3ha S�cr�tnry a�ac1 EP[e ��rctary }.�' �.
<br /> . � ,.,.,,� requir�:a irnms�tate paymens e�i��l u�fer Para�rapR 8. t�te �per�turg►�a� �r.vati� t9�o rtonyudlelsi
<br /> . , ;:�.;;�� power ot aalo provided Iro 4�sQ Slitgto Fsmity Mart�a�a �a��cioaur�e d�st �f t�34 (°JA�t"� (1� US.C. .
<br /> s
<br /> � 3751 e�g�q•)by��quea�,1n4 a taeeelouuv�c�rtm;.:�ascr de�i�Rnta� uncfar�ita dl�t tm cemmenco ,
<br /> � fas�cl�ure a�d to actl tfce Pr�per�/aa �pr�v[ded tn the Att Mnthtn� In the preeedt�tQ �entence
<br /> � � a1ui11 �mprdve ffi� ��cretary of any righta othe�lse evaflabio to a 6���er ura�er thts RaraQraple 1S
<br /> ' 1 OP �p�liC9bS8 M�flf.
<br /> �
<br /> 19. I$�C9tiqt'�3y�ACE. URan p3ym�t of m7 sums sacuro8 by thb Socur3y►n5trumon�L�tsde►chtt(I re�est Trustoe to
<br /> � ' roecrnsy ue Property end shsH surre�dar thb Socuf�r Instrarnent un8 u(1 rta�� s�r�rtti�� d�t s�uro0 Cy thffi Sasufi�r
<br /> In�Wm�'nt to Trust9o.Trusiy3 cha3 roconvoy Ma Property w�hout wsrtunSY ar►a H31�au!cherg9 to Ut9 person or per`ons�pafy � .
<br /> en2$bd to R.SuCA psrsart or p�itorts ShsO p9y eny raCOr�.atiGn Cost9.
<br /> � .
<br /> �
<br /> � � .
<br /> css+a�r-ca�+lca� 7�7s C of 5 �
<br /> i
<br /> _ . 1 .._.
<br /> _; � or3
<br /> � _ � — --
<br />