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<br /> � 5. Bdauu't9 or H�1o�rrrty Insvrnate. Borro`�•er s�aii ke�p the impmvemenu rtow existing or hzreafter erected on the _
<br /> " E property insured against loss by ftre, hazards included within the term "extended wverage"and any other t�azards, includin� - -
<br /> ` it i ttoads or�looding,for�chich I.ender requires insnrartce. This insurance shall be maintain�in the amounts and for the�S�riads _
<br /> ' �� that Lender requites. '[1ie nsutance carrier providin�the insurance shal! be chmen by [iorrotiver subject to l.ender's appror:al,
<br /> �' F �vhich shal� aoi be unre�onably �vithhrld. If Borro�ti�er f�vts to maintzin cover.s�e descri6ed above. Lender may. at Lr_nder'S —
<br /> ;�,�;.? optiun,obiRin wverage to protert Lender's rights in the Pmg�rty in 3ccerdanee�vith para�r�ph 7. �
<br /> . ' �:. AI! insuran�Folicies and rene�vals shall 6e acceptable to Lerzder and shall inclade a standard mne�age c(suse. L.e�er �
<br /> �`�� ' .�� shall have the cight to hold the policies aad rene�vals.If Lender r�quires.Borrower shal!Rromptly give to Lender all receipu of �
<br /> p�id premiums and cenetval aotioes.[n et!e event of lass.Barro�ser shail�ive promgt aotice to the in_urunce carrier and L ender. �
<br /> �=;�,+� Lender may make pmaf of loss if rtot m�a promptly by�o�sower• �
<br /> ��� Unless 7xnder attd Buman�er o t h 2nvise a g c�z c i n�v r i t i n g•i n s u r a a ce p r o c e e d s s h�i l b e a p p l i e d t o c e s t orntion or r s pyr of the
<br />-.W� pnp�rtyr damaged•if tha reszor�tion or r�air is e�onumirally fe�ib�e.nd L��'s secnrity is nat(essQned.If the restoration or �
<br /> re
<br /> - . --- repafr is not economical)y feas��le or Lesider's s�rit}+would be lessened.t4�e insuran�pivaeeds shall be applied to ths surns
<br /> � �_ secvied by this Security in�-trumen� wheiher or rtai then due. �+rith anY eAcess Pzid to Bnmotiver. if BomotveY abandans the
<br /> _"...,, property,or dass nat ansu�er within 30 days a rrotice from L�nder thzt the i�su�uxcre c�rrier has nfferad to settle a cluim,th�n
<br />;:,�:-�_-;� i,etaier may 6ollact the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the pme�ds w repair or rescote the Property ar te pay �1i11S
<br /> ,.',��°: . � secured by this Security Insttument.wh�tk�r or ttot th�n due.1'he 3�-day gerind wiA isegm when the notire is given.
<br />`_"��.A:= in writin an a lication of raoeQds to rinti sbali not ext�nd or
<br /> -s:�.��.� Unless Lender and Borrouer othenuise agree ' g. Y pP P P F�
<br /> �`',' a� postpone the due dxte of the monttilY PaYn►ents�ferred to in paragraPhs 1 and 2 ar ch�nge the amaunt of the paymrats. lf
<br /> ��''_' under parag�sh 21 the Pcoperty is�cquiied by Lender.Bosmwer s ri�ht to any insuranoe policies and prrso�¢ds cesul6ng fr+�m
<br />`::,�%� damage to the E'roperry prior to the acquisition shall pass to L�der to the extent af the sums secured by this Sec�rity[nstnunent
<br />"-;�:_.- immsdiately priflr w thc asquisition.
<br />-_ns:��� lication;La�sd�oicls.
<br />- =-_�� 6.OocopaIICy,A�eservation,Mainte¢ranoe ant!Pt+niedFon of the Property,IIorsowe�s I.oan APP
<br /> --,���� Borrower shaU aaupy.estabGsh,and use the Property as Bormwer's principai residasoe within sixty days after the exenition of
<br /> Y�-�.�%� this Security I��uument and shail continue to oocupy tt:e PropertY as 8orn�wei s piincipal residen�for at leas�t on�year after
<br /> ''=''-=:-�
<br />-;.,7;��, the date of acc�ancy.unless i.�zder atherwise agrees in evriting.which oon4ent shall�saY be nnreasoisa.bly withheld.arr unl�
<br />-=T .. extennating ci�vwnsta�ces exist which are beyond Bomower's comml. Borrawer sfi�all noi d�stmy. damage ar impair tlze
<br /> _��_�� p�rty, allaw the property to deteriorate.or oommit waste on the Properh+• Eanb�ver shall be in default if any forfeiturz
<br /> -�;��i action or prooeeding.whettier civil or criminal.is begun that in Le�er's good t'�th judgment oould t+esult in forfeiture of the
<br /> ---'��' pro or otherwise materially unpair the lisa created by 4his Securinr Instrameni ar i.ender's se�urity interest.Barro�ver may
<br /> _•:-:.=��;� P�rtY ig� ��the aaron or praceeding w be dismissed with a nili�sg
<br />__,.�.� cure such a defauit and reinstaee.as provided in patagraph try
<br /> " — t2�at, in Ixndei's good faith deicm�ination, precludes forfeitu�of tl� Borrower's intea+est in the Property or other matefsal
<br /> -_ -p`" im�aira�nt of the iien created by this Seauity Insuviaent or Lender's s�urity int�s. �orm�r�:r sha11�1S° b�in default if
<br /> �-- Arrsnwer,dwing the lounn application pmcess.gave waterially faLse or inaax�rate iuf�cmation ar s�t�eats to Len�r(ar failed
<br /> -- - �s�provide t�mJcr t+rith any material information)in cormection crith u�.�,loan evidenc�ed try the Nart�.including,but aot lianted
<br /> — _ �o.repr�tvfi;r�:>coaezming Boisower's occupancy of the Propecty��,grincipal residence.If dus Security Insuucnefft is an a
<br />-=,.r�sr:�'� teasehold, ���uer shall comply with all the provisions of th� I�;�c�� If BorrourFY asqui�xs fee title tn the Property, t1t�
<br /> leasehold and the fee tide altall�ot merge unless Lender aSre�s w[�CE c�tr�er in wr9ur�•
<br />--____ - 7.Ptotection of Lee�rs Btghts[n the Pnoper¢g.If 8orrower fails w per�'arm tis�cuvenants and agreements oontained in
<br /> _ tt�is Security Insmimeni.or��zrx is a lepJ pmoeeding th�et may sign�cantly affect Lenslei s rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> -. prac�eeding in bankruptcy, probate.for ca�amaiion or forfeiture ce cn enforce laws or regulrliarr�). then Lender may do znd
<br />.---=�--�• pay for ahatever is necessary to pmiect the value of the Propercy and Leisder's rights in the Pm�ty. I.ender's action.mcay
<br /> --- --�- - inxlude payin� any sums s�cured by a lien which ttas prioriry over this Sacurity Instrt�ment. appearis�g en court, payin$
<br /> - �•�onable attomeys fees and entering on the Property to make rcp��irs.i4lthough Lender may tafce action uader this paragraph
<br /> 7.:.ender d��:s�ot have to do so.
<br /> Ar.;; :�m�mnu disbu:sed by Lender under this para�raph 7 shall beoome addltionai debl of Borrowu sea�red bY this
<br /> �rit;r r�,^trs�iri�� Unless Borrower and Lender agrce co oiher ter�:=.of payment,th�e arteovnts shall bear interest fm�t�
<br /> - �te of di�'��Y::nesit at tha Note rate and shsll be payable. with ir;.,:,sest, upon nuace from I.ender to Borrower rrqu�%tinf�
<br /> - - ���t.
<br /> ge Mrt��;e it,�t�ir�r.�..1f L.ender required enorcgaSe insurance as a canditurn�3f makins t9�e loa�secured by this SecuuS�,�
<br /> — [nstrume�t. 13►�rn�,-.:r Juall�ay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage t.svranae in effect. if. for nny reason. rl�c
<br /> --— mortgag:,i�s::i�rar�:�az�r-.�:�„s requirad by Lender lapses or oeases to be in effect.Borruwer sI::J}pii;�the premiums requir�.i in;
<br /> obiaia caver�.c=•:s::•.`�e�1lEdlY eciuivalent to the mort�age insurance previonsly in effzct, at a cast,9uisstantially eguivaient to tii.e
<br /> -- --� oost to Borrow�r as�9t�:�nrt�age insurance previo�ty i��effcct, from an altern:tr��:tgage insurer appm��1:�y Lender. If
<br /> substantiaSl.�e�;,.ivalent mortgase insuranoe caverage i.�u�i available.Borrower�l�r11 Pay to Lender ezch macu3x:sum equa!to
<br /> one-2welftti���:tJ�e yearly mortgage insvrance Qremium being paid by Bc�rrower whe�the insuranoe oovrrage lapsed or cea.s�d tv
<br /> ---------� be in effect.t.,,'nder wi11 accept.use and retain these paymenu as a te�.� reserve in lieu of mortgage insvrance. Loss re�.a.yvr�
<br /> Fo.m aaze s�so
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