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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 9839 (Cont.) <br />2021068/0 <br />SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT <br />NO. 201404177, A DISTANCE OF 61.75 FEET; THENCE N01 °32'50"W, ON <br />THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF WEBB ROAD, A DISTANCE OF <br />1058.11 FEET; THENCE N90°00'00"E, A DISTANCE OF 1139.24 FEET; <br />THENCE S00°00'00"E, A DISTANCE OF 1036.14 FEET TO THE NORTH <br />RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CAPITAL AVENUE AS DESCRIBED IN <br />INSTRUMENT NO. 201306652; THENCE S89°12'41 "W ON SAID NORTH <br />RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 566.34 FEET; THENCE <br />S00°49' 17"E, CONTINUING ON SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A <br />DISTANCE OF 44.00 FEET; THENCE S89° 12'41 "W CONTINUING ON SAID <br />NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 357.49 FEET TO THE <br />POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 27.48 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. <br />SECTION 2. City shall retain and reserve to the City all existing public utility easements <br />and public rights-of-way. <br />SECTION 3. City shall reserve and retain non-exclusive easements over two strips fifty <br />(50) feet wide for access, ingress, and egress, and to operate, maintain, repair, replace, and <br />remove the irrigation wells, pumps, electrical connections, pipes and related irrigation equipment <br />located on the west side and on the south side of the land described in Section 1, above, said <br />easements to be used for the purpose of providing irrigation for and water to City's agricultural <br />lands located in the south one-half of section 6 and the southwest quarter of section 5 all in <br />Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. Said easement <br />shall lapse upon non-use by City and its assigns. <br />SECTION 4. Conveyance of the above-described lands shall be subject to the annual <br />agricultural lease agreements existing at the time of conveyance. <br />SECTION 5. In consideration for this conveyance the Grantee shall establish, construct, <br />maintain, administer, and operate upon the aforesaid lands a State Veterans Cemetery pursuant to <br />the authority granted by Nebraska Revised Statute Sec. 12-1301(1)(b) (Laws 2020 LB911). <br />2 <br />