_'�' � � •. . ":'l,}' .,. � . .i..�_......._.. .�. ' - _ .
<br /> r-_�=-r.7�T�x . .. . _ . . _ . . . . . -.-.—,. .. _ .-_
<br /> .. .; _ ` �. , 1�.i.��::. O' � ' _.__..��._ � _' ""_ � l`�i�.--
<br /> RJ _ '
<br /> � -
<br /> �G� , � Y7.Trnnsfer oE 4he Prog2rdy or a BeuelictaD Inte�st in�arrm�rer.If a11 or any pan of the Property cr any interest in it _
<br /> is sold or uansfem�i tor if a beneficKal interest in Boirower is sald or transferred and @orrower is nat a natural peaon)without � 4
<br /> . � � Lendar s prior writtesi consent, Lender may, at its opLion. require immediate payment in full of al! sums secured by this � _
<br /> � Secutity lnsitument.Hoaever,this opiion shall nat bs exerc+s�by Lender if exeti•cise�s prohibited by federa!!aw as of the date o
<br /> . . , •'�;' of this S�rity 1nst�ument. �
<br /> :;� � If Lender exercises this oprian.I.ender sha11 $ive Eorrower notice of ncceleration.The notice s�aU provide a periad of not � -
<br /> � • tess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this �
<br /> • ��.; Secwity Insmiment. If$nrnnver fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this petiad, Lender raay invoke aay remezlies
<br /> �.�, pemritted by this Sacurity Insnvment wiL'�out further nQti�oa demand on Borrower. �
<br /> . . � : lg, �orrower's Right to iteinstate. If Horrower meeis certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have �
<br /> � ' ' enforcement of this 3ecurity InsUvinent discontinued at any cime prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or•such ather geriod as • __
<br /> . �� ..�_�• app&cable [a�v may specify for reinstaLement) b�fore sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale rnntained m tfris
<br /> � • •� =; Securiry Instrument•or(b):r.~�-cf a i�_dgment enforcing this S�urity Instrument. Those conditions are that Bomower.{a��;;,:+s __
<br /> - �' �er a!1 sums which tTM{.�����:��:-e a-��e under this Serurity Inswment and the 1�[ate as if no acceleration had occurr�:��..��.•
<br /> '`:�;�z.� �:>-es a^.� '°c•,�t of -yV�w�,�%��°�= �r agreeinents;(c)pays all expenses incuaed in enfcrciue this Se:urity ins��'��:t: .
<br /> ��...�_ atry•.
<br /> �.°c,':"�'�C.,� � j :�::;:��;. !a;r>n.t limitec! to.r�sir��='=:.��:rneys'fePS:and(d)r:1;es such action as Lender rr�r m��ora6iy ;equirc to Ws.•aue
<br /> ' 'r;�;' � �:;�:the iicr.�:ruyis S$curit�+Insnsua�� f�.�-'s r'�*_rs i�she Pn�:s'y and Barrower's obligat;cr.cr pay the sums secur�br
<br /> '<< �is Security Instrument shall cantusnc �a•:c'�d. Ci�cn mi:�nent by Borrower, this �.°cvrity Instrument and the
<br /> , . t! . obligations secured herebp sha(I remain fully effectiMe�if no acceleration had occurned.However,this right to reinstate shall
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration nnder paragiaph 17.
<br /> 19. Sate of Noie; Change of Lattn Serv[cer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (toge:her with this 3ecuriry
<br /> " tn
<br />.;���,• '�';.' Instrum�nt)may b�sald oue.or more times without prior notice to Barrower. A sale may result in a change in the entiry(kROwn
<br /> as the"Laan Servicer")thzt collects monthly paymenis due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also may be one
<br />.-`:.,,�' or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Nate.If there is a change of ttie Loan Servicer,Batmwer will he
<br /> •• ' ' given written rtoiice of the change in accordance�vith paragraph 14 above and applicable lav�.The notice wiil state the name and
<br /> ;;; .. . uddr�s of the tmw t.oan Servicer a�the addresa to which payments si�ould be made.17ie noiice wip also contain any other
<br /> ; ' informatian requieed by applirable la�v.
<br /> � "� ' � Z(1. 1�[uz�rdous SubstuFtces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use. disgosal, storage, or release of any
<br />= � •� - Haznrdouh Su6startc�s on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allo�v anyone els� to do, anyth�ng affectin� the
<br /> � • Property that is in viotation of any Environmentsil Law•7`he preceding two sentences shall not agply to the pre�ence,use,or
<br /> , stora�e on the Property of small quantities of Natardous Substans�es thtu are genetally rerognized to be appropriate to norn�al
<br /> �,.,.� T. r�sidetttial usss and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> ' ' Sorrower shall promptly give Lender�vritten notice of any investigstion,claim.demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> - ' govemmental or regulatory agetsc��or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substanc�or EnvironmentaD Law
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority, tt►at
<br /> -°- ,`�`'�= any removal or other mmediation of any Har.ardovs Substance affecting the Property is neressary.Borrower shall pramptly take
<br /> `.:,��:::.'`` '? aif necessary nmediat actions in acoordance with Environmeatal Law.
<br />-� c��•�<:
<br /> ��_•�,..;.-=,�- _ As used in this patagraph 20, "Hapardous 5ubstances" are those substano�dc�ned as toxic or hazirdous substances y
<br /> -'�`'''' '� � Environmental Law and the foilowing substanc:s: �asoline. kerosene. other�a.-rsna.'�[e cr. '�xic petrete��un praducts, toxic
<br /> 5..--_i7.^:7..:..•..
<br /> -=ti;,r,t•;;,�'�. pesticides and herbicides.volatile sal���.cs,materia:s containing a.,�tssstos or formaldehyde_-�.�i:r..Lioaccive materials. As a:. m
<br />_- ,-�:#:� this parograph 20, "Environmenta! Ls�lr �ezrs f�eral laws aR� laws of the jurisdictic� �?��:. the Property is locac� that
<br />_-��;��r�>.;•�� • relate to health,safety or environme�::�rn%�ct'san•
<br /> ry_ '�_-;;�.�. NON-UNIFORM COVENAIv'T�.i�,:roweY�3 Lender further covenas►t and agree as f�:?�tHS:
<br /> ��,,,�,,.��4i��,a� 21.Accelera8lan;Remedics.II.�e�r shaS��i;e�ottce to�orro�ver�prior to ucceterza��follo�v€rc�;i3r�a�ro�ve�'s breach
<br /> _--_-° of any coveuant or agreememt ice tlrl:z Se�rity Instruatent (!,Itut no1 prfur to aoce4er+�iiraa ynder �.�g,eaPh 17 unless
<br /> -==tl'_?�4._,,,�.� aPPltcu�ble law provides oiherw�se).'Lize aotic�shali specify: Ea)the defaait; (b)�E:.d�SFli T2Ij11ITC'fI t0 C1IIPC td!E�:1IL�
<br /> by w1u�.he defau7t mas2�e curnf3�~3nd
<br /> v--�'��.::— (c)a date,not less tLzun 30 days ffmm the date the Qotice is given to Bor�ocrer, �
<br /> ;�;.y;�:�;' � (d) that fitilure!o�ure eLe defuult on or bef�re the date speciffed in HC�e Q�.�.*'te may r¢salt in aoceieraYton of the�.uns
<br /> =����#`� secured b tteis Seruelcx Yr�sirument and sale aff t�e Property.A'he noticz sl�sill.��rther infaran�asrnn'iar oi 4he ri�ht to
<br /> ```°`�'��a��_f reiissiate a�tee urceier�:�pa aud the ri�t to �rtn„r a caurt act�on¢o asrFat t:liY:r_ou-e�stence o�a d,�.ienit or uay afher
<br /> `-`==;;=r<<'t��'� .� defense of�flr+ower to aocelera�.uu.:�?d sale. I�the default is noi cured on or befarz i�,�s �te s;.��ed in the Rotice,
<br /> - _°-_°= i,ender,at its opttnn,may re�.tine f�cr�e�lIaie pu9m►ent[m full of ttll sums s�ared E�y t�}L�ecurity lusirument�vlthout
<br /> --____= furttcer demand and u�3�invoke tih-e��s�w��8 sat�e and any other remedtes permitted tn�'�21i�includIng,b not timtied
<br /> -------- eutltled to collect all experses ir_�,°es��3�iE �� .si'vr„t6e remedIes prov[de�in thls ps+ragriRb
<br /> - - to,reasona6leattoraeys'Peesaaal�a:�:r��xiy<:.tdr.nr.e.
<br /> ----- 1[the power of sade is inva�ra�, '��a.,�tee �t?7 record a nottce of defauit[n esed caunty in whic6 any part of the
<br /> -__ �_-- ptoperty u lflcated und shaU cenail�af��ies of such notice in the manner prescribed by appficuD2e iaw to Borrower and to
<br /> --=--==— the olher persons prescribed by�.gzl.+�ble law.AfSer the time requiretf by a�piicable law.7'rustee shnll give publle noHce
<br /> of sale to the persons an�in t�Ce a:anner prescribed by applicable law.Ttus2ee, without demand on BorroKer,shall sell
<br /> __=---- the Property ut pubQtc�ac2don to the hi�hest bldder at the tir►�e and pluce and under the terms des6gnated 1n the noiice o!
<br /> ----=--- sale in one o•r nx�r�:��.rv3s und in any orde�Tntstee detem►irtes.Tn�tcr may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the
<br /> _ --��=-_-.�.__ Pro�rly by pu6lfc ann�:�nce�aest at the time and place of z+ny prevtau.�y scheduled sale. I.en�ec����r [ts dtslgr►t�e may
<br /> --�•�����N� purchase the Prop2rty at any sal�. '
<br /> =_,� .
<br /> _ ---_�,�;
<br />