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_� ' • ._i� .�... . _ . �. ..J • � i <br /> .- .; . _ ' " - _ _ . _ .. _ <br /> ':.. i.-^-. .:. .. . . , . . .,.. ,,. . . . . _ .. . . ..� r <br /> ; - ' , . �` • . • <br /> ` ,.-.��ti�-7y��1�4CF_:ri:r-1� .. �.—�t _�__.__�.. .—._..._�..f�._..,_. ' ' � . •'_ ` . . <br />, . � . • � <br /> �,' <br /> • . Ta�ETHEFi i'�/I'fH alf the improveinanu anw or kerc�after erected on tPce property.and all easements.sPPurtenances.and _ <br /> fixwres aow or henafter a par4 of the pmpzr2y. All r+zplacem�nts sind zddiaons sha11 alsu be oovered by this Securicy - <br /> � �� � Iristn�ment.All af the foregoing is referred to in this SQCUrity Insuument as the°Property." �. <br /> � BOIiEtOWER COVENANTS that Borrawer is lawfully sei�i of the esinte hereby mnveyed ar.d has the ri�ht to grant and __. <br /> • ,� canvey the Property arcd chat tke ProP=rry is unen�umbesed,exc�pt far encumbrar:ces of record. Soreoner warrant�.and�viU - <br /> � ' defend generally the tide to the Pm�erty against all claims emi demands,subject to any encumbrances of raror�. <br /> • ' ' THIS SECURITY WSTRUMENT combirtes unifflrn►covenanu for national use�d non-uniform rnvenants with limited �!�_ - <br /> � • , :. variaGans by jurIsdiction to constitute a uniform securiry insirument covering real property. . �`� <br /> . UIVIFOIiM COVENANfS.Borrower and L.ender covenant and agree as foUows: �d► - <br /> � � . � Y. Puymzan4 oY Pel¢s3pa1 a�d Inlernst; Peep�3+m�at and Lat� Ch�rges. �arrower shatl prompdy pay wrhen due the � _ <br /> �: .��,�-• principal of az!d interest on the debt evidencEd by the Noie and zny pr�payment and late charges due under the Note. <br /> �.,�,.m,e�:-� 2. �'uads for�'�rrs aad Insucuctse. Subject to applicable lavl ar to a written waiver by I.ender, Borrawer shall �ay to � -� <br /> _. � Lender on the day muntttly payments are due�utsler the Note,until the 1Vote is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly tax�s � <br /> . � � -; and assessments wluch may attain priority over this Security In..nruinent as a lien on the Progerty;(b)yearly ieasehold paymenu � <br /> - . • '.F or ground renu on the Progarty,if any:(c)Yearly hazard or psoparty insurance premiums:(d)Yearly tlaod insurance premiums. <br /> • ' �� if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurance pr+e�iums, if any; and($any sums payable hy Bomowez to i.endet, in accordance with <br /> �, ' th�provi�iaas af p�.ragiaph 8,in lieu of the pzyment of mortgage insurance premiums•T'hese items are called"Escrow Items." <br /> . , ' • �- ' Le�der may, at a��ti*rr., collert and hold Fut�in an amount nat to exceed the maximum amflwn a lender for a fedetaliy <br /> .. . ;�� ' itlate3 ir��e �.� requi�for�arro�c�r's escraw accwnt under ttie t�eral R�I.Estate S��Ci�r�t Procedures Act of <br /> �,. . . � 1�;4�s.�..�.�r��tv a,��,��LT.s.e. s�►an 269I Et se�.("R=�l?"•,,;.sIesa:���:�e.:�- �apPUes Yo t�e Funds <br /> . �.P`,�fG4Y��k��,�jf £C'uT...'tx,33�+IS-1L�IS..�.L';3• jfiT���ii•��.:::'�' .i7IlE.C011eCI 2II� �IL1iGf .'a:.'1:a 13 :vi c�...'lJ.:'�..;'�:fII 2.:��.'..��fS�.:AI011IIL. <br /> ��,'':� ,i j��;�,,.��:��p�g�:'t":z�.^�O�li�i ur�'1u�.�i:: _C rite basis of c"ur,e���ass i�7;1:�..2.i��:��-"3'���^� �.iy��:i�I''°S,_c fI1LL1IC <br /> ••i;�,4�••�•'�H'"j�� f• �£.CZL'fk il:L'Z[F UI'Q1ft�r,:�S Itt PL'�'3tlii.w�C�r�iYll�Ii`�..1'`�8 tctY. <br /> :',(.t t.:;i,� ��''nt,��� .. t.. ?5 �:.L' it�"J.i�i lT 3�'..3c'l'E i ' CIlC}r. LT�LIttII"i..i=-;�Iir•._-r entity <br /> ` :;,, ,,, � <br /> 'Crsc r�s s.�.lt be he(d i��ssf ��tutin� u'�ase r3e�x. r � <br /> ,��; ,.._ r. (in�ittdits�Lender,if Lender is s.w=m9 institution)or in any r-�a:�.^al Home L o a n S a n f c.L 1�3°.r s h a l l app ly t he Ftus�s t o p a y t h e <br /> �. `:"';'•"'��" Escro��v Items. [.endcr may not clv+rge EorroK•Er for holding an3 applying the Futtds,annaaSly analyzing the escroct zxQnn�or <br /> verifying the��crow items,unless Len�e•r py}:�Boaower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits L.ender to make such <br /> •-� • a char�e.However, Lender may reguire Bartmv�r to Qay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax reportin�secvice <br />°'`'�• usai b1• Lender in cunnection u�th this toan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an a�reement is m�de or <br /> �' � applirable law requires ineerest to bs paid.Lender shall not be required to Qay Soanwer any interest or eamings on ths Fundy. <br />�;i'��;�;':• '.� Borrower and Lender tnay agres in writing.however.that interzst sha11 be paid on the Funds. l.ender sliall givc to Bonower, <br /> ���'-' -- � without charge. an annuai usconnting of the Funds. showin�credits nnd debita to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> .=��{•'¢x;.��,' . <br /> debit to the Furtds was m:sd2.The Funds are ple�ged us addidonal security for ull sums sr.cured by this 5ecurity Insttument. <br /> =°�=� , If the Funds hetd by Lendcr excc�d the amoants permittod to bc held by applisubl�law.I.t:nder shail arcaunt to Borrnwer <br /> -.-<,:��:::-,n <br /> __: .:*'�_„, for the excess Funds in acsordnnce with the requlrements of applicablc law. If[he amount of the Fu�tds hsid by i.ender nt any <br /> "�'-�'���`� timc is not suf4iciant to pay the Escrow Items wh2n due.L.ender mny so notify Borrower in�t,in 6uch�e Borrowcr <br /> '`=.d->��?�.��� shall pay to L.ender the umount nzce.ssary to make up the deficiency. Botrower shall make up the deficiency in na more than <br /> �-_-=��;.�;� nvelve manthly Lender's soie discretion. <br /> _.�___,;�;;�,� L'pon paycttent in full of:�.Sl sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. Lender shall prompdy refuad to i rower any <br /> •,�,'_ Fun:tf held by Lender.If,un3vr psrugraph 21,Lender sfLA z�cquire oT sell the Propertp.I.ender.prior to ifie acqui��icn or saie <br /> ��-':'='�� af tk�Property,shall appiy any Funds held by i.ender at the time of acquisition or s�te as a credii against the suins��urad by <br /> �_°--`-' '`�� this��rity Inswment. <br /> ` - --�'��� 3,Agplerattnn of�yiuu�t�.Unless applicable law provides othenvise.a!1 paymenu received by Lender uader paragraphs <br /> —_ , -�■ 1 and 2 shalt ba applied: f�s�ta any prepayment charges du�under the Note; amounts payable under para=raph 2; <br /> -__ third.��interest due;faur�h,to�rincipal due:and last,to any I:�.z charges due under the'.�Inte. <br /> _ •�,.t"harges;Lfens. Barra�rlx shall pay all taxes,ass�:;�nenu,char�es. fines and�m{sositions auributahle cc dr�1.'roperty <br /> ____�� ai��ds. �*aay attain prioriry over titis Sacurity In�,rum�nt, �-��leasehold paytnents or gn���nd rents,if any. Borro:er shall{say <br /> _== _ 4tt_c:�A~ligations in the manner provided in p:P�raph 2,ar if noi paid in that manner.8oaower shall pay thero on time dircctly <br /> — tu dt�.:�zrson owed payment.8orrower shall promptly furnir:�to I.ender all notices of z�*.tounts to be paid under this paragraph. <br /> -- _-=- If 8����n>>ver makes these paymeas�_directly.Borrower shall rn.mptly fumish to Lertder�ipss evidencing the pay*_�ants. <br /> ___-=— Sflrrower shall promptly di�charge any lien which has wriority over this Seruriay C,^vrument unless Borrovler�.i:�a�rees in <br /> - =_—_- ��mting to the pa;•.�_�:t of the obfigation se,sured by the lien in a manner zcceptabie to Lender;(b)contests in gaoc�;ii,ri:the lien <br /> ---�+�:�� by. or defends���:�ss enforcemcnt of the lien in, legal proce�dings r,�roS in the Lender's opinion operate to �r•:veai r��e <br /> --° enforcement of the lien;or(c} .,,:ures from the holder of the lien'ar�aa�-::nt satisfactory to Lender subordinatir:��.':e lien to <br /> --- _ this Securiry Instrarnent. If Le���r determines that any�Sart ef the Property is subjeit to a lien which may attain�riority over <br /> _ -;;�q;;� this Sacuriry Instrument, l.en�rc-,-�ay give Bonower a not:ee idcntifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br /> -:_ - --� more of the actio�s sei forth above within 10 d:��s of the�ivin;uf notice. <br /> "-;��:�����?F;';� Form 3028 9190 <br /> :.._�-� <br /> ---����': Paga 2 ot 6 <br /> ----�c;'f`� <br /> 5:�� <br /> �rN;��::���� <br /> T�.��, <br /> - '-_i<+...-. . <br /> _.a�r <br /> _r. ' - - <br /> - _ _ .. ' . '__ - __..____-___-_- - _'_=—s-_.__-- <br /> -1�,�' - — -_- --- - _ <br /> ..��i°• ' ' . . • ' '' : ;;* t w ' �.Y:L r ' ,l�r ,�..i�,rs• ..,,g _ <br /> .; �� i-a:'..� ' '� �-`'� -� �.�ti .�.ct -.-, <br /> _�.a_ . - •• . . . �� '' r f�� S ��_�i -. .._-.a-- <br /> ,,,A!%Yr�-��� . . _ . . .`ii�.�-'f�ll� .` ;'. Z \ �� 1 �J�_ _ . <br /> 'Sin'i �i �i�''tiii. :z z.- <br /> � . • :.3 . , � . .. _ - ..a : _ S_';r4 _ E - __ <br /> J � _ :. <br /> .-_. . ._ �..a ... . � .. . . - . _ .:.A'�,'.r�i�•�i:'1- .:t'.. �'� . .�:��L. •-u> •*- _ <br /> _ _ . . ., . y ; ' . � . , . ' .., '�1, µ ��'A �*� _ <br /> � j i� �Sf . } -- :�1�vG1n� -i+ i �j� a . • , ' ����y� -_.- <br /> y ` ' � � - i� Yr � ��t i � �..,. • <br /> �� ., S,. ,a��l�' � i� .i` ���d��,N'4 �a ��r �� ,.h�,e' �'titq�� �ro � .t.r-r _ <br /> ,y. . . . � .. - r ti �,(M1�� • . . y� r2, �ti��1 . .� � L 15�..� t y �_"_ <br /> Y F ,� �;�SP: . . '. �1 :C� � . -. .� - l,a�.j(.- ,1>,{7����1 {-e•��' � ',�tl�,d,;}G'h,, �.3_s .�+ <br /> �. ., �s� � . . .�, i4;�� - . •..���:.�i:�.. �;•7�;tS-� ��(��R��?tt'i ) ��,� -.��t i['�°_tg .'_ <br /> --�.,�I����t - �. 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