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<br /> '' � Any uyplicnttaa of rents shall nat cu�ax�ya�va eny��fault or InvrJidats: nny a:hsr Ngi�t or ecmedy of Lendsr. 71'�is _
<br /> .� � . � assi�nt of rents of tl�e Progserty shali tcmiinatc �vhen the debt seaurcd by the Sr4urity In�trum.°nt is pai� In fuIl. �.t:
<br /> � .; IEi. II�is�rluaur� P�ao�vre. if L�nder rcquir�.s i�amedlEte paymznt ln full under P=Ya�raP4� 9.Leader may invake ,�:.
<br /> � � the pov�er of sule aad any other rems�ie� permitted by qpplicable tu�v. Lend2r shull bz enUtic� to collect all ew�e��es
<br /> .. . ' iacurred in pursuing the remedies provtded in this paragraph 18,incIudiag, but nat ltmited to.rea�oaabie attomrys'
<br /> � . �� fees aud wsts of ude evidence.
<br /> If the pavrer of sale is invoked,TrustBZ shaU record a notice of default in eash caunry in whkh anY part of th�
<br /> � f Froperty is locaied aad shali mail coples of such notice in tlie manner prescrib� by applicable law to Boaower and
<br /> _ . ,�� � to the osher gersons pr�c�'b� by apglicable law. After che time required by applicable'law,Trw�tee, shall give public
<br /> - �'f-��- - j natice of sate to the persons and in ihe maaner pr�crilsad by applicable laiv. Tn�..rtee, withaut demand on 8ormv�er,
<br /> `�='.., � shall s�il the PtogertY at public austion w the highest bidder at the timt and p12se aad under the teAns �zsignated ,.°-_
<br /> � .. � in t�� n�rice mf s°de in one or mnre parcels and in aay arder Trustee dete�mines. Tnistee may gu�tpone sate of all _
<br /> ; j or���.::.+�1 of che PropgrtY bY Pubiic a�on�xm�at at ti�c dme and plecs af any pn:viausIy scttedulerl s�1e. L.�er _
<br /> � -,,:;,.' f .'-
<br /> �..ss;r�..�l or i���� �ay punchase the Prugerty a� any�Te. � _
<br /> � �' � U�an :ecQ_ ' of Pnt of eiie rice bid,Tnisi� .�1 deliver to the pum.�aser Tm�'.es's d�,d canr•eying t3s� =-=
<br /> •'�;;.«,. , r 'P- F� p � . .e �.:r-:
<br /> Progerty. The rec��s in the Tru..r.ee's deed�ill T�a�erim:�::e evidenca a���cruth afilis r�'�� m;de th.��-e�.. �--
<br /> � � �'� Trustce shall apply the praceeds nf the sale dn ihz fe:lawiag arder: (a)ea�?I c�sts and ex��s af�r>.�€s.�g ths par,rer _
<br /> .j;• of sale.and the sale,including thz naymrnt of t�:Trustee°s f�s actualY;r �cutred,not tn er.�d SO -
<br /> � ;�,;.•`^,'•.�� of th� principal amoant of the Lute at the tim� of the c�xc�ation af default, aad xs:,�an�bie �tameys' f� as
<br /> . • ;•,,�''` ermitted b law;(b1 to all sums s�cured by this S�curity �nt; �.d (c) anY exsess to the gWson or persoas
<br /> -�{:,� g y -
<br /> `. �r..;,: `�� tegauy�nuuea w tt. —
<br /> If the I�IIdEt's intetest iII t�us SeCUtity /nstmment is h::�hy che Se.��y and the Secretary requires immQdiaYe
<br />, ._'•%��.�� pay�-.�: ia full undez paragraph 9,the Secretary may inr,3i���e no�u3i^_�1 Fa��rf sale provided in the SIr�1:
<br /> - - -:';,�•'%.�. Far�::?/�osigage For�clasure Act of 1494("Act")(12 L'.��r__.?'ol et�q-)�Y re�n�ia�. a foreclosure com�r.i..,M-.,:r.��: � -
<br /> � , :'�.sy�� desi�ed nn�ler the Act to cxim��+� foraelasure ��u� �°'�t�e Prap�r+ as gm:�*�'.�u. �the Act. Na�. :�ue --
<br /> . }: ', p�ing seatence shall depri+rs �e Secnetarl af��s'.�.� �thenuise a;•r�ilnble to a dxnder under rhis paragr'�ni� 18 -
<br /> . ' -f or applicable law.
<br /> '';:i�;; Il9. Reoanvepanoe. Upon pE3�t �f�:Il cvzas s�cred by this Seturimy •.►,ent, I.eader s'��queet ':�ssee
<br /> �,
<br /> -;��� , ta��vey the Ptoperty anl�Jl r��ader dus S��f ��uvmE,mt sad all noies v:idencing�ct seczx� tsr tiis
<br /> , " ::" ��eca.�y �,,,ent tc:Tras_�°. 'Crn:`.ee sh�ll[��velr ihe L�m�er.y withaui watianty.�d withcsut c._i�:3':`�'w�'�
<br /> :��..,{�:u�'�.� t
<br /> ''. , `;F�; or gersons legtill P � FaY aa3're6nrdation wsts.
<br /> ''--.,,..1',i�ff;�, u�,7ifte�. tv €c. �:�ct► eisan �ac �rsans �'.?rSl
<br /> :�%�•., +F:r: �^. Suhstituis '�'li�. L�:.i�er, at ito optiva, msay€mm timr ta tir� m,m:��e Trustee and ��..� a t:�aa,��,r
<br />:'.�;�.:-`.��s:���'�,'� �. cr-,�3„ to any Truste� appainte� Fx��nder byan ins�vm� ��� ��e���Y iu c:.ucli this�ecutin L-,,�ax�:,.t
<br /> .� ���� . �e�r;�Jed. Withflut cantsym�:of the Prope�cy,the suc...,.a+ar mutee shall su c c s:�m a ll t hs ti t te.Pu�ver�..di n3:s
<br /> ....�... eesr
<br /> ' .�°. � •,:fs : confemed upan 1Yu..�2e2 harein �d bYaPPlicable law.
<br /> ;.;����•'. . ' � 21. Request for Natias. Bflrrower requests that copies of the nouces of default and sale be sent w Bortower's
<br /> • ;-.�. r: � addcess wt►ioh Is ths Property address.
<br />�.�3`�,yw'.^,.. ..
<br /> -_. �,,_;7,,� �2, Ridas�,o qhia S�ty(u�t If one or iaore riders are ex9euted by Borrowez and recozded togeihsr with
<br /> _��°•' •.:i�
<br /> -: � this S�urity insimmen� the covenaut� of each such rider shall be iacorporated iato aad shall atnend and supplemeat
<br /> �`=-' •.` -� ths covensn� and agreements of this Security tastrunsent as if the rider(s) were a part of thIs Serurity Insuument.
<br /> -��-;�'`,,` [Check applicabie box(es)1•
<br /> _=%�;.`-'' -.
<br /> _;'�.._.:� e
<br /> ..�,�_,���,-:7r
<br /> -___t.�;'�="" � Conflaminium Rider � Greduatea Payment Rider Growing Equity Rider
<br /> ��a
<br /> -_x:�-,_�;��-� D Pianned Unit Developuceni Rider � Adjustable Rate Rider RehnbUicazion Laau Rider
<br /> - - �:�..
<br /> >:.T;.;•:..
<br /> -`-"_-"g='�-. 0 �'oa-Owner Occuparicy Rider � Othet [SP�jfY1
<br /> _=r.�� —
<br /> =:iY.S:'-�.1..
<br /> --':!--'::� SY SIGNINCi BELOW, %iarrower accepts and a�cees to tlte terms oontained in pn�es 1 throu;h 6 of this Security
<br /> �p�—�`'� Inc�m�meni and in Pay tideris) executed by Liorrov�es and rr�orded �vi.li it.
<br /> r��'�'�` —
<br /> =�,;:R=_ .
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