<br /> .�
<br />- � 1 �
<br /> �9" �06007
<br /> NUN•UNII�URM CuVE�IAYi'9.Bc�rimYes�tt1d 1.ttldtr fURhef Cat��nant and agrec a.v follaw�s:
<br /> 1!. Accekr�tMr; Rawe�d.ks. I�tsit+r �Il,�l�e notke to Borrower prior to accelc�ration following Qorrawer's
<br /> kaicM ot�y cor�t or M/rea�/i�thii.See�t�ty 1��e+�t(but na!prio�to�cceler�tioe unde�panAraph�13�nd 1T
<br /> M�y�liarb I�w�ori/a Mhtrwta).'.['�t��otke�!1 Meciry; (�)the detault;(b1 the�ctioa required to cure tl�e
<br /> r.. �hrlt�(c)�d�.�ot las tiw 30 i�Ito�the dNte ttie�wN�ta�Iren to Borrower,by wYkh tMe delawlt mu�t be cured;
<br /> � , Mi(n fMt Fal�urs to c�rc N�e��1e11iwl1 e��!re[ote�tM d�h Meeilkd 1�,tMe�otke saiy n��rlt is�ccefer�rtiaa ot ihe eu�
<br /> �+�+�r�•��r t�t��ot c��o�rcr.T�e nalke sball fnrthcr infonn Borro�ar of tha r��!ta
<br /> nlrlate a�er a�celeratto�ad tb�et�h tti 6��oo�ut ictlon to atiert the non-�irience of a detault or ae�y other
<br /> de(esre ot sontowet tp aCCek�atlo��N Mk:It t6K+defaW3 is rot c�red oa ur oniorr iiic dwie spbi:Ii��i��i6d uaiit�,�i.c�u'ri
<br /> af ib o�tM��nwtn iM�eri�te�ty�t i�tp�li�af,�il w�.s�ecN� by �t�in Secari�► t�n�e.c wi�haue t�rther
<br /> �i aM NY I�rok�tl�e Nwer ot�le iui aqp od�er naella permiet�by�pplicaele law.Lender shul bc eatitled to
<br /> colMct aU ex�� I�e�re� I� �w�tht+ ra�edia 'roridai In t�l� Mraarapb l9, includtng, but nu! limited to,
<br /> rea�ou6le�ttor�eps'l�ee�a�i sa�b ot dtle e�Mewc�e.
<br /> It tMe pwer ot ak is I�talce�,71rq�tee�U�ecord�uotice ot detault in esc6 county te whlch any p�rt ot the
<br /> ProMetr M beaai a�i�11 w�il co�ies otsncU�otke i�ti�e isa�aar pracdbed by applic�bla law to Borrower aad to tho
<br /> ot�er���eeuriMi by aMil�ble I�w.ARer tYe tt�e reqrlrsd by a�plkable I�w.Trwtee susll at�e puplic nottce of
<br /> Mk to tl�e pt�soM�N is t4e w�uer�ceibed by�lieable law.Trwtee,wiihout demaad on Borrowar,sbaU seU the
<br /> Prorerty at ptilk�MCNo�to the I�at bidde��t the tiae aad plsceawd unde�the ternw dat�nsted tn the nodce otaale in
<br /> o�ar�ore Nrce�t ui iu�y orde��ottee detan�i�a.Trwtee m�y patpone sale ot all o�any paral of the Property by
<br /> wblic auo�uoesa�t at t6e d�e a�d pt�ce of any pre�loudy u�duled sale.I�ader o�its designee msy purchase ttie
<br /> Pro�q►at uy nle.
<br /> iip� recei�t of�sy�e�t o�the price bid,Trastee �hatl delirer to the purch�er Trustee•s deed comeying the
<br /> Pro�erty.TMe redtaN in dise 1Y�'a deed srall be�risa tacie e�We�ce of t6e truth ot the statemenb made thereia.
<br /> Tra�ta Ytll a/�1y tMe�roeeeds ot tbt rale ip the followin�order.(a)to all e:peo�es of the sale,inciudieg,but aot limIted
<br /> to.Trw�tee'�tea ts/er�itted�r y�l�ratile Isw�sd rea�oaabk attoraey�'fe�;(bl to ap aums secu�ed by tbis Security
<br /> Iaatroaeaq a�d(e)asy esaia to t6e p�enon o�persoot leptly entitled to t�
<br /> 20.Le�ier iw Poera�io�.Upote acceleration under paragraph 19 ar abandonment of the Propeny. I.ender (in
<br /> persoa,by ageat or by judiciaq�•.appointvd recsiver)shall bc entitled to entcr upon,talce possessian of and manage the
<br /> Ptoperty and to colitet tht renu oi the Property including those past due.Any rents collxted by Lender or the receiver
<br /> shall be applied first w ptymeat of the costs of msnagement of the Property and collectian of rents, including, bnt not
<br /> limitod to,raceiver's fc��premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'fses.and then to the sums secnred by
<br /> tbis Secu�it�•Insitument.
<br /> 21.Aeeo�reyasce.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security lnsttument�l,ender shall request Trustee to t '
<br /> ' t�+convcy�tlta Property and�h=Il aurrend�r this Security Instrnment and all notes eridencing debt secured by this Security �
<br /> Instru�nan�to Trusta.?n�stee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons � ,
<br /> legalZ�r rnlitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. i- -`
<br /> � :+:v�.0 w"�'�i..w i:�'"w'.a.�uL�:.i�:.21t5 ,f'�li'i ri'R�jilojl iiviii 23�c if}tliiic iciuOY�i?iiaifc3uu'n}�NGiii$5iia�:'c.xivi ifUbiCC '
<br /> to any Tnnta appointed hereunder by un instrument rocordod in the wunty in which this Security Instrament is recorded. -
<br /> V4'ithout conveyance of the Property.the suoces.�or trustoe shall succeed to all tht title,power and duties conferred upon �
<br /> Trustee herein and by appHcable law.
<br /> ?3.Rtquest tor Notke�.Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale bc sent to Borrower's address
<br /> which is the Property Address. Borrower further requests that copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be sent ta each �
<br /> peison whe is a pazty hercta at the address of such person set forth herein.
<br /> 24.Riders to tYis Security Ieshy�ate�If one or more ridets are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> this Security Instrument,tbe cavenanu and agraments of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> supplement the covenants and agam�nu of this Security instrumcnt as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> Instrument.[Check applicable box(es)] �
<br /> Q Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condaminium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family Rider ��.
<br /> ❑ dnduated Payment Rider � Planrse� Unit Development Rider �� s�
<br /> ❑ Othec(s) (spa:ify] ,��;
<br /> BY SIaNiNG BE�ow, Borrowtr accepts and agras to the t�rms and covenants contained in this Secusity
<br /> Instsument and in any rider(s)eacecuted by Bonower and secorde�with it. �
<br /> .�`� ,,.�',.�. ....J'��� . �...... .(Seal)
<br /> �ewey' �`. ��n�,Qr • y���� -8orrower
<br /> 1�i� ������5.�. .($CA])
<br /> a�e�'HemTriger . . ... .... ............sorrowe►
<br /> STATB OP NL�BRABSA...............H811..........._..........._................_...............CO13Aty 88:
<br />' Un this..........Lsz............day of......Nnuemb�r....., 1989:._,before me,the undersigned,a�Vofary Public
<br /> duly oommiseioned and qualiSed for eaid cuuntY. pe�onal2y came .....Dewey.R.._xeainger„and................
<br /> Dianne M. Heminper, hueband and wife to me known to be the
<br /> »................................... ......................-•-•-------._._...-----...............................---•••.--•_ - -
<br /> ideatical pereon(8) whose name(s) are subeeribed to the toregoing instrument sae�acknowledged the eaeeu- ;� -� -
<br /> ' tion thereof to be ,,..,,...the i r .................voluntary act e�nd deed.
<br /> ................... .._.......__......---......._..............--
<br /> Witneea my hend end notasial seal at ..__..Grand..IsYand�_.Nebraska .....��d County,the �
<br /> ..... ...... ..................
<br /> date afaresaid.
<br /> My Commieeion e:piree: i� !� ��-3 �'�
<br /> � ,
<br /> L � +
<br /> oaaMtrr�wra�r� .......�..�.,��:n...�...r. '` .. �%,�..�.�z..�........................
<br /> ....._ .... ..
<br /> ce�s a s�s� �.,,►� .....
<br /> �� qual Employment Opportunity/All�rmative Action Employer M/F. �`i
<br /> --- � ��._..._.._..,..._.- (so+c. seav tnU t„+. ra Acrno.+ee�m.m� . .----�...._ _ . _._ . _ . .__.. � ' �_
<br /> r
<br /> ti �
<br /> �
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