`•''�4♦L.. :._..��: ��l�>'."� . 1_`iF17:'.�t3,.�5:.�`iti`��C�.'F�.:2iffi��lk`: .
<br /> '�:��
<br /> � . . «u+`FYr • � e 'a. C�f;y�.!:<t� • "'' "__' __""-"""'_.-.-
<br /> . .. ��L,?. . . r 6ti�;;^C` . . . ..
<br /> . . . _ _ . , .��Y'.. .
<br />. . . '_ . . . ± _{.'�4i�3'- ' _ '_ "'_'—__ _�_'_ _
<br /> .�r�a -_ _ �-._,,..-_....� ..__ _. _.__.. . -.-__"_-_�ac..._=._ -' r .
<br /> 2 ` ` -. -—- �.�_ - --- _ - ��° 11304'� ��'1�1��s���D `
<br /> - . ` , � ilrty emawfs di�hutsed by Lendet und�r this Psn:greph shall Decorn�an additionel d2bt of 8otrorr��nd b� s:.cute9 by
<br /> • . ` U�is S3cur$y InsUum_nt Th2s9 emounts sha6 Dear Inter2st hom the dste c�dtsbu►sem2ni at ths t�ot9 rdtB,an8 nt th3 oyttnn of
<br /> .. lendar,shaq ha tmmedststy duo un�payabte. Instrurnsnt untasa 8orrowar. (a) sgrecs in
<br /> � Harrower shall promptty d'c•ahFUge anY Len whkh has�rlordy or�.r this S�ur3Y
<br /> � vrdting to tho paym�nt o1 Yhe oDtg32ton socured by Na t�n in a mannsr acceptable to Lender,(b)cantests tn$aod f1t2h th9 L�n ,
<br /> bY. or dstends agatnst enforcemsr+t of the i:�n in, tegal AroceaQ'�gs which m the Lcnda�5 oP��n opsrata t0 O�t trte �
<br /> � � entorceme,�i o1 the I'�n; or(c) secures ham the hotdar of the Cen an a9resmsnt satsf�torY��d�gubord'nating ths Gen to
<br /> � � this Securit}r Instrumsnt If Ler►d�r detem�mes ttiat any�rt of the Praparty is subjsct to a I:�n wflich m9y attsin pftG�ftY o+��� _
<br /> em
<br /> S�urtty Insuumant,Lender cnsy g►va Borrower a noUce tdentitYEnB tha L�n. Borrower s!►atl satLstY tha f�;n or ta.ko one or more ot
<br /> � ' � » - tha ections set farth abova w"tihln t0 ditys ot the giuTg of noUCe.
<br /> �. � �— S.F6E8.Lendst m3y CoibCt ft�r.std CttetBBS fl��thOrizeO by ths SeCreterli• _
<br /> .. 9. G�oar�ai��t 4icceter�ti�n of De�t �, �,a�s o!p�yrtsflnt da1IIUR.a, _
<br /> _.. �. (aD De��tt �na�r�y. PxceDt as 1'an3r�!by rogutatians i3sue��t th� SecceltuY _
<br /> • ce�nire i�r.a:eddatD p8yraent tn tu�J o!e'.1 su:*s saeurad by th�&eecr��.-s"'urt'�ent H: .���
<br /> . .:,°'.>, , �Bortaw2t detauf2s by faffa�g to pay�n fu9 any ntonih��payrt'.e-:"as��ad by ms SacurtY tnstrument prtor to or on
<br /> ffa�
<br /> . .�•�:'{3'n�'r; � 3?citt� O!
<br /> me aue da�B o�cr►a Ra�monm.y a �"�=
<br />_ ' � � � (�Bcrrower Qefau9s bY taTa�g,far�.Oa:ad ot thiriy daYS,to��*c.-AnY othEr�w`.:gattons con*_atrsEtd tn thl�SecurltY —_
<br /> ,` ': InsC'�r3ni --
<br /> ' �� � tbD Sa,=� Wi�tftou8 Credit A�pro�ral.�a�.snau.�a�.-�..��� aDP�te Iaw CmcLdarg soZiEon 341(d)at thg =�-
<br /> ' GamSt Germsin Oapos?+.ory Inst�Tutans �:�f �� '2 JS.C. :'F2^.,^+id))eed wfth the P�r ePD7='rai o!thg Secretary�
<br /> alrtin+. `� k ��-,
<br /> ,• ,�,1��;.` requie immadate payment in tutl at eti tna sums��urgc�y t'+s�c�+�►Y inswrtrerit� _-
<br /> . .;F�.
<br /> . , �) All or part ot the Property, or a bensfxPai �:�cast �� � s'-s� o�mirrg ap or part of fhe ProDat�►• � sold or —
<br /> � � otnenvise usnsferred(ather than by davise or dsscent),e-V _-
<br /> • (� The Property is not occupte0 by the purchaser ar gra-.:�a�s M1is or her princtpal rost6ertce.or tha Pu�has9r or ___.
<br /> . ;� grsntee does so occuPY ths ProDenY. bvt hs :.c her ue�3 has not been approved in accordanca wtu+ the �`.
<br /> �equirements ot the SeeremrY• ----
<br /> (C) NO WSiV@l. If c'vcumstances cccur that +���i� parm i t L e r►d s r t o r a q u'c e immad'�te payment tn tu'b but Lender —
<br /> � doas not requde sucn payments,t.��sr�a�nat t3�.�s rts ri9hu w'tn�esP��subsequant evc��- __
<br /> _ (d) RegulatIons oi MUD S��:^��r31• �� ���r c�rcumstanees reyu�auons issusd by � SeCr6I3tq wm am:� —
<br /> . � L.endefs ri8his, in the case of payRa�2 d�'.a_�, "-� '�Q�� Q"��'�9 �yment in tuU artd forst.�se B not pa!d.This
<br /> Securny Instrument d¢es not author�accelarati�•mT`ra2ctosure�aot pamidted by regutaUons of the 3scratatY•
<br /> � '` {e)H3eRgage [�02 In3ure�.9Drrower a�� .�+��ihts Sxu�ity insUUmant end the Not9 ere rtot dete�m3ned to
<br /> be e�.'�ra`rsr insuraace undor the Na�'3��1 Hous�B k=2 w3h�� �'dav8190.1—Nom t►►e Qata he�9t� Lsn4er
<br /> . � � may,� t�s aptton requYe �vnediat�payment in fuU o!all sums��S by this Securlfy In..�tnsment A w�ten atatanwtl
<br /> ,s�m'�r�:�au9[90) ftom th9 d3ie hereef, deCBnlnp
<br /> . i of any authoriusd ageet a1 the SeaetarY datad sdnsequent to� �� �
<br /> . � to V�suro thG 3ecudiY�nsQumset end the Note,shaSl ba deeme��mu:LsG�e R%��f ot such heStpblGty.Na2+uP.hslarss3r►p
<br /> the tore9oing.this aPtton muy not be�rercise�by Lander wher►G'�a uaava'ta4�f�i;,�surartco b�ot�.y du�M(.�.id�s
<br /> � � � tat9�re to remq e mflrtgage�sursnce�A:eml�m to t�e Socretary. -
<br /> � , 10. Retnstateme�b eorrower nas a�ri{�'�t to be reinstated if 1.��has requYSd 4nmedia��a�::n h+S!because of
<br /> .:l '� .
<br /> Borrowets faiture to pay an emount due under the Nota ��th3 SECUrr.y tnstrumant Tht� right app'.�'s�x�a�fa�bsure
<br /> ., pfOCLed�rt�9 8!A UISI"dUted. TO tC�Stdte th0 SeCUfRy Ins�.��s^.. Borrower shall tender in e ►ump sum a(1 emounts reQulred to
<br /> '• bring Borrovra�s account cumnt inctuding. to th0 ex:�`�, t�+s7 are obi'�atlons of Bo�rower under this SecurRy Instrument,
<br /> . . ` � fotecbsure costs end roasonabie and cust�mery attomey's faes ar-= exPsnses O�oV�Y fl��ociated wRA the iorecba�cre
<br /> �• � � proceeding.Upon reinstntert[snt by Bortower,Lh�Security tnswmen4 tss'w :ti?obDgatfOns 4hat ft secures ShaQ remaln b etiect es
<br /> �•? ���'� .._. � it Lender had �ot requ�red immsdtate paymEnt �IuU. However�Lender ts���i requV9d to perm3 cefnst8teertstlt iF. f�tend6r has
<br /> ` � accepted reinsmtement after the comntartcement of forecbsure praceedh6s wtth„ t+"'° Ye�'� ����� p��� �
<br /> . eommerteemtirtt of o curtent toreobsure P��d�D. (������nt wtD proaiude forect:,�.�^s on di�erent Qrounds tn thn fuhirs.
<br /> _ or u� reinstatement wi�aQvtuset�►efteCt the Ortordy of the'fimrr�s:oated bY���u�Ir�_:�enA
<br /> ' . 11. Borrower Nmt Reteased;Forbearanec By L�nder P�ot a Walver.6denston dr{+�a time oi p�Y�t or
<br /> �'`�:.,F.. mod�;catton o1 emartirattcn ot tRO sums secured by this Securnyr tnsfrument granted by Lender to anY succassot In h20rist a1
<br /> .��,,:.
<br /> ,�"� ' Barrowor sha0 not apomta to rol5aso the BabIDSy ot the orf6�:'�-1 Borrower or Borrowefs ssccessor in hteres4.Lenda►ehyi not a
<br /> �"` ' required to commence pracesdin4s e9alnst any succass.:-rcr�::erest or rofuse to ext�T'.�C�me tor payme�t ar ofh�nwise mod"ly
<br /> ` i5.
<br /> " ''. -.r,... _� amort'v8tian ot tfie sums secured by thi� Socurity Insw'r.�.�t by rc�:�� ot any demand made bp the ori�hal Botrowet ar ,__
<br /> . � Bartovrer's successors in interes4 AnY fo�renee by Lender in ex3:'3i��S;anY rFght or remedy shatl not b9 e walve► of ot
<br /> � � ;,•zelud�ths eac3rcise af anY right or remedy� _
<br /> � � 12. Successors and AssiHna Baund; �:rn: and Several LtabiBiy; C�-€19nera Tne co��enan�s ena �_.
<br /> ' = agreements oi thN�Security Instrument sF�,t �r.�end CE'���n the successors and assfgns o?Lander and Borrowor.subJ6e1 W tA� _
<br /> �.^
<br /> .. �. provisbns of Pareqraph 3(b).Bartawels�v�n^3nts ard esreemt�nia shaSl be jflhl and seiraral•Rny G�rower'M�fl���� _
<br /> See�rity Intwmer►t but doe3 nat axecL'�c�n'�tote: te)ts co-sl8nhg thi3 Seeurity IrtsWsr.ertl only t�s^'�usi;ape.p�a� —
<br /> . � '.h31 80now(3�S intENeS! In S•''.� ?'oRenY u^y=r fha i�a a}thl� S�curky Instrumnnt; (b1 t� r.a!;sw���� obt�t�P�� �
<br /> :u^•:3 SECU(fS� by thi3 3�C�J'i'( :^Ef7UtLCt:.,EftG(C) C,�ln.� '•R3t L.EJtd�aTtd�itiY ¢�'U% ��°71181 fT y flJ88 �.
<br /> ����ear or r^.ako any cteccr�m��atiens w��: �•r,Jd Cz���c ��of thi� aa:.=�y S'��a•"�asr �r tha Ncts wH.haat cYvit Gc�,Tpwafs �-.
<br /> . . �
<br /> oanscn2. �
<br /> ' 13.Noticea.My notke to eottowor�r�riCe�t:•r o�th��r�'�:'=�r,trumr,nt shs0 be pivan by d�if1�7n9 h ar by ma(�n9� e.
<br /> by tirst ciess msil unbss epplicabte L�v�r„quires usca c`s'.^��thE!fR2thod.Tt�fl notice shall bo dffected 4o Lh�PropeRy Address or ,
<br /> any other nddross Borrower dosignates by natico to Le.n�1�r•�Y �otice to LenQEn eha�l be given by firs!cas me�7 to Lend�a `
<br /> t
<br /> ' � addross s[ated horein or eny addross Lender des�gnates by notico to eortovrar. My notiee pr�:4ed far in tfit� SaCUtRy ��
<br /> � Instrurrt�nt shnfl bo de�msd to havo b�m�y��n to BortovJar or Lend�r uhen gM�n as provided h tP�t�P�Dh•
<br /> � � 14. Gaverr�i��q l.��r; Sev�rel�[lt�y.This SecurRy Instrument sha0 be gov�mad Dy Fe�ems Iaw en8 U'�o taw ot G't�
<br /> _ , • jutudicttnn in which the ProRerty i� 1Gt�:c3�• In tho Gfeni thst 8ny provision ar ciduse o}thSS St�eurity Instrumanl ot the Nob -
<br /> . . . �:
<br /> � � . Pago 3 of 5 �
<br /> L.
<br /> - � F5813.LH.0(t0/05)
<br /> - _..._,_... .. .._. E
<br /> v - � 8G9
<br /> � i
<br /> . _ .-�- --�-------".^—_'"�.
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