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: i' � � _-_ ._.,.-. ._. __ ' ... . <br /> �: <br /> � � <br /> • �. <br /> Uy�FtiK�t Cn�r���.rs I�iirrowrr.�nd l.ender c�,�enAnt and aFree ur fullaa�.� <br /> ` 89--�105995 <br /> 1. Payment uf Frincippl wnd Interest; P�ep�y�ment and l.�tc Charge�. Rorro�ti�rr shall pn�mptl�• pay� ��•hcn dur <br /> thc prmc�p►il of and intc:r��st�n the de�t c��dcnce�l b?�the Nnte und un}�prep�+ymcnt i�nd late�harges due under the�utr. <br /> 2. Funds fa�Taxes and Insnraace. Subjert to ap�hcublc lua ar tn a H•ritten wa�arr hy�der,aorrci���rr shall pay� <br /> (�' to 4ender on the day monthl}�pa}�me�its are due undrr the Notc�,u�i�il the Ne�te is paid in Puq,a sum t"fiunels")rquaf tu <br /> � one•twelfth oE (a) ycarly taxc�s nnd as5essments which ma� attain p�iuriey over this Sccurit�� Inslrumr�u; (b) yenrly� <br /> _ lensehald payments oT ground rents on the Properry. if any; (r) yeaely hazard i�tsurance premiums, and (d) yearl�� <br /> mong�ga inzurance pr4miums,if un��.These items are cnlled"cwcrow•items." Lender muy�estimate the Funds due on the <br /> basis of current data and teasanable estimates of fLtute esrrow•items. <br /> The Funds shall be held i�an institutinn the deposits or accounts of K�hich are insured or guarnnteed by a federal or <br /> statc Agency(including I.ender if Lendcr is such un institutian). I.ender shall apply� the Funds ta pay the escraw items. <br /> Lendcr rnay nnt cha�ge for holding and applying the Funds.analyiing the account or verifying the escrau�items, unless <br /> I.ender pays Harrower interest on the Funds and upplicsble law• permits L.end�r to make such a charge. Borra�wer and <br /> Lcnder may ag�ee in writine that intcrest chall bc paid un the Funds. llnless�n ugreement is made or applicable IaH� <br /> requires interest to bc paid, Lcndcr shAll not bo required to pay B�rro�ver uny intcrest or earnings an the Funds. Lender <br /> shnll give to Bonowe�.without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits ta the Funds and the <br /> purpose for which each dcbit to the Funds was made.The Funds arc pletilged as additional tiecurity for the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> lf the amount af the Funds hcld by Lender,together with the iuture monihl�paymentc of Funds puyable prior ta <br /> the due dates of thc escrotY itemy,shall exeeed!he amnun�re4�uired to pay the escro�ti�items when dae,the excess shall be. <br /> , at Bottower's aplion,either promptly repaid to Borrower or ccedited to Borrower an manthly pa�•ments af Funds. If the <br /> amount oPthe Funds held by Lender is not suftic�ent to pa��the escro«�items when due,Harrower shal)pay to Lender any � <br /> amount necGSSUry to muke up the deficiency in one or mare payments as required b�•Lender. � <br /> Upon payment in fall of All sums secured b��this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund ta Horrower <br /> any Funds held by Lcnder. 1Punder paragraph 19 thv Prupeny�s�old or acquired hy•Lender,Lender shall app�y,n�late� <br /> than immediatcly pnar to the sale of'thr P�operty or its acquisition by Lendcr,any Funds held b�•Lender at the time of <br /> applicution as a credit against the sums seeure�i by this 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> 3. Application af Paymeets. Unless applicable law p*ovide�otherw� payments recei�•td b�� i..rnder under <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to late charges due under the Note;second,to prepayment charges due under the <br /> . Note;third,to amaunts payable under paragraph 2:Pourth,to intecest due;and last.ta principal due. <br /> 4. C7�uga;Liens. Borrower sha{I pay 311 taxes.a.csessments,charges,fines and impo�itinns attributable to the <br /> Praperty which may attain priority.over this Security ]nstrument,�and�leasehold payments or graund rents, if any. : <br /> Bottower shall pay thtse obligations in the manner provided in paragraph�4.or if not paid in that manner,Borrowcr shall ° <br /> pay thesn on time dircctly to tha person owed payment. Borcower shall promptly furnish ta I.ender all notices of amaunts '. <br /> to be paid under this puragraph: If Banower makes these payments directly, Borsau•er shall promptly furnish to Lender ; :.- <br /> receipis cvfuauiii�iiin y6yi7iei�ii. � -� <br /> Borrower shall�promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument�unless Borrower:(a) �� <br /> agrees in writing to the payment of tho obligation secured by the l�en�n a mun�er acceptable w Lender;(b)cantests in good <br /> faith the fien by,or defends againsc enfi�rcement of the li�:n invlegal pmceedings whiuh in the Lender's opinion operate to ' <br /> prcvent the enforccment•of the liNn or furfeiture�f any part of the Property;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an : <br /> agreement satisfuetory to Lendet sulx�rdinAting�the lien to this Security lnctrument. lf Lendcr determines that any part of <br /> � the Property is subjec[ co a lien which may attain pnority over 1h�s Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a <br /> natice identifying the lien. Barrower shaU satisfy the licn or take one ar morc of the actions set forth above within 10 days • <br /> of the giving of notice. <br /> 5.� Hazard lasurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements n��w�existing or hereaPter erected on the Praperty <br /> insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards for uhich Lender <br /> requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintai�ed in the amoants und for the peric�ds that Lender requires. The <br /> insuranee carrier protiiding the insuranee sha{1 be chosen by $orrower subject to Lender'�approval which shal) not be <br /> unreasonably withhetd. � <br /> Atl insurance polieies and renewals �hall be acceptable to Lender and shaU include a standard mongage clause. <br /> Lender shall hAVe the right to hatd the policies and renewals.lf Lender requires, $orrower shalt promptly give to Lender � <br /> aU receipts of'paid pr�miums and rrnewal notices. ln the event of'loss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance � :_. <br /> carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof vf loss if not made promptly bv Borrower. '" <br /> Unless Lender and Bon�wer otherwise agree in proce�ds shall be applied to restaration or repair ��'� <br /> of the Property damaged,if'the restoration or repair is economteplly Peasible and Lender's security is not lessened. If the : <br /> restorativn or repain�ic not economically feasible or Lender'�security wauld be lessrned, the insurance proceeds shall be <br /> upplied to the sume�t�cCUred by this Security Instrumeni, whether or not tAen due, with any excess paid to Borrower. if. <br /> Barrower abandons the Praperty,or does nat anawer within 30 days a notice from Lender that ehe insurance carrier has <br /> offered to settle a claim,then Lender may cc+lfect the insurance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore <br /> tht Pdop�rey c�r t��ay sams securcd by ih:s Secunty Instrument, whcther�r nnt then due. 'i'hr 30-day period will begin <br /> when the notice is given. <br /> Unless I.entfer and Borrower otherwnse agree in writing,any appti¢ation of proceed�to principal shall not extend or <br /> postponethe due daEe of the snanthfy paycnents referred to in paragrap�s 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.lf <br /> undet paragraph 19'the Propest};is acyuired by Lender.Borrower's r�ght to an}�insurance policies and proceeds resulting <br /> from damage to the Property p.r.'�r to the acquisiaon shall pass to Lender to the extent of'the sums tiecured by this Security <br /> instrument immetiiately prior ta the acyuisition. <br /> 6. Preservstlon and tifaintenAnce otProperty;I,easeholds. Borrower�hali not de�tro�.damage or�ubstantially <br /> chdnge the Froperty, allow ihe Proprny to detenorate or cornmit a•aste. If Ihi� Secunty Instrument i5 on a iea�ehold, , ,_ <br /> Bcnr�wer shall comply wrth the ptavisions af the lea�e.and�f florc��wer acymret fee t�tle t��the['r���+erty,the Ieatiehold and <br /> fee title shall not merge unles�l.ender agreec to the merger in wrmng. <br /> 7, protectian of Lend�r's Rights in the Property: �1ortpaRc lnsurance. lf H��rri�wer failti t�� perfc�rm the <br /> cc�venants�nd aFreements iuntained in tMc Secunty)nst:umenL��r�here i�a Ic�al pr�xeedmg�hat mn� tiigmficantly�affect ' <br /> Lender's nghts in the Property (such as a proceeding �n hanktu�tcy�, prnbate. f�r condemnan��n cu tn enf��rre l;i�c� ur ' <br /> regulati��n�),then l.ender tnay do and pay ior whate�rr n nrre���r��t���rutect the�•alue nf the Yroperty and I rndct��f1�I11ti � <br /> � in thr 1'mperty. Lrnder's actirn� ma}• mrlude paying asiy �umti�erured hy a hen whuh ha� rn��nty u�er tbi� �crur�t� <br /> ln�trument.a�ppeanng in r�}mN rea��,n�ble attor�eyti fsc�und es��rnng nn the Yr�,rcrt� t��rnake�cr.i�r� A�thnoFh � <br /> l.cnder m��•takc acu�+n undcr th�s p,�raf!rapl�7,l,cndcr dnc�n��t ha�c t��d���i� <br /> Any am�,un��d��hur�etl hy 1 cn�rr un.ler tfm E,ara�r.►pl�".hall he:<,mr:i�1�7�tinn,�l deht+�t Hnr r�,arr.rrurr�l h� thi� � <br /> Seruttty Inctrument 'l'nictiti N�,rt�,u•et�inci i-cttdcr ak�rec t����thrr tri ui.��� {�.,�n�rn� tt+e�� .ttainunt�•,h:ili h;•�r �r,t,:r.t f!nu: � <br /> the ddfr. �+f �t�tihut�entctit �1 thc 'ti�+te talr .�n�l �h:�ll t�r E�.+� i�,lc• «ith u�ti•rr.t u��,m +irtt�r fi,�m 1 c•nJrr tn Ha+n.��ict �� <br /> rci�ur�.1�!ti�t r�}mcr�t � � . <br /> � <br />