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<br /> A 50.0 foot wide strip of iand fying atljacent to and Rtortheriy of The
<br /> � Burling4on Northerri anc� Santa Fe R�iiway Company's 10U.0 foot �,__
<br /> v+ride right of way, being 50.0 feet wid�on esch side of sai� Railtrvay _ .
<br /> � Company's i►lfain T�ack centerline, as now located and constructed --
<br /> � ;,��; upon, over ansi across the SW�4 NW Y•NW'/a of Section 26,
<br /> . � `A � Tawnship 12 North, Range 11 West of the 6�' P.M., Hall County, --
<br /> Mebraska, lying between two fines drawn paral!�el with �nd distant,
<br /> C.� N:.
<br /> res�a�ctivefy, 50.0 feet and 100.0 f¢at Northeast�rly. as measured at
<br /> right angies frorn said NBain Track cereterline, bQUnde�i on the South _
<br /> � � snd 1lt�esi by the South and West lines of said SW'/sIVW'/�NW'/e, and ��T
<br /> . ;.:.�
<br /> w...._ ��" con�inirtg 0.39 acres,rr�ore or tess.
<br /> ...-� � _
<br /> � An undivided one-half interest in the Northw�st Quarter (NW%a) and the Nar4h
<br /> � � Half of the Sou��rs�st Quarter (N'/�SW'/.) and the Sou�hv�est t�uarter of the
<br /> - �--�- • South�ae�O.uaa�r tSW'/�&�tft/.) of Section 35, Township 12 North, Ranga 11
<br />- West¢f tl�sa 6"' �.III�•. Hail Cuunty� Rlebraska;
<br /> .v� •
<br /> � � ' (�n usr�:+�<<�ed one-l�aif interest in the North Half of the Sou2heast Quarter
<br /> I°'f'`��` �N'rZ 8�/:.t and the Southwest CLa�arter of the Southeast Quarter (SW'/4�E'/.) aQ
<br /> "``-+r �. � ' in SEC�4n 36, Township t t North, Range 1'6 �l�est of the 6'" C�.«f:..� Na11 �
<br /> '« • �ounty, Nehrastca; �
<br /> .�,r�;'�;, . . ',..
<br /> _,:_,?�..;.,....
<br /> �-�=•��:.-'� �•y�� An �I��YuPded o�e-fourth interest in the South Halt of the �l�r��v� Q�aareer
<br /> • .�'4
<br /> . . A (S'/st���✓.%1 of Section 36, Township 12 North, Range 11 West of the�f^ P.M..
<br /> . , Hall C�u�ty, Nebraska, excep3tng therefPOm a tract of land more particularly
<br /> =;.;::�;•, � described as:
<br /> -- ��..
<br /> - - _ ,�
<br /> - -.;`.::�=���
<br /> —"=�°��� A tract of Iand located in �art of the South Haf� of the Northv�est: ;
<br /> �–�=�=��� Qu�rter of Section 36, ta�rtrnship 12 North, Range 11 West of �is�
<br /> -�;�_'-:=�,n
<br /> �;_-:�;:�;;:,,?�, 6"' P.M., H�p Caunty,Nebraska, de�-ibed as faliows:
<br /> -:.:y=:�:+;'.��.
<br /> - T��`�-'` } R�fccring to the Southeast Comer of said Quart@r Sectiom, thence
<br /> :�=��3
<br /> �°=.;_��:;: :•. Noe�iserly a distance of 668.85 feet along the r�ast line of said South
<br /> ---��,�,`�,;�� Half of 4he Northwest Quar�er (S'/�NWY.I to t�e Point of Beginning;
<br /> " ��"`��'�'�'��' thenae Northerly deflecting Ou degrees, 00 minutes, Oa seconds a
<br /> .. ��,�. �
<br /> - �-''�- distance of 42.92 feet along seid lina; thenco Nor�hwesteri�+ _
<br /> s:r.l--.—.�;:�...�„_�.— _
<br /> = deflecting 54 degrees, 37 minutes, 32 secortd� left, a distertc� ai'
<br /> '�,.�,, .,:-:.�;-.�� ; 579.06 feet slong the Southwesterly existing Highway 2 right c�i'
<br /> ���.: � • . w+ay line; thence 3authwesterly deflecting 94 deg�ees, 22 minut�. -
<br /> �-.aYr� ' `. .. ..
<br /> •�.r,:f,.: . '" 44 seconds lef4, a dssta�ce of 45.13 feet along the West line of ths
<br /> ���'' � � ' propea�ty owned by tha Qrantorlsl; thence S�sr�thesstorly deflectiR� -_
<br /> . �� aG �Sc�rrees, 34 minutc:, 30 seconds left, a di:�r.anco of 60a.55 fcr,t: =
<br /> � . 'a to t�e�oint at i�eginnirng containir�g 0.54 acrr::, more ar fPSS. .-
<br /> • � _
<br /> ' .,,;,�-��� ' ThQre v�ri0 ba no ingre�� or egross over tho above-described tr�r:B
<br /> . � from or to the remainci3r of said South haif o'f the Northwar�f: _
<br /> • �' ' ' nuarter, except, aver ane conditional �estricted accessies), such =
<br /> � access is to be permitted only ig it does not exceed 40 feet in width, =
<br /> � • and only so long as tr�effic upon such access(es1 doas not eMCeed 10
<br /> � � � vehicle movements per hour as determined by the Department ot �
<br /> ' Roads in accoPdance with the procedures indicated below. The
<br /> � ' centerlinels) of the access(es) (is, are) locaterJ northv�est 488.59 M
<br /> �;
<br /> { • _
<br /> . • . ,
<br /> � { '
<br />