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:�. <br /> � � <br /> �. <br /> l�Nlt(1R�7C(�YENAtiTti llormw�crandLenderca�•cnantan�l.�Frrra�full����.. �J-�-��.05991 <br /> i. P�yment ot PNncipnl xnd Interesh. P�epay�ment and l.Ate('har�es. Barro���er �hall pmm�tly� ra>� ��hen dur <br /> the pr�ncipal��f and intere5t on Ihe debt rtitdenced by the"Jote and un}��repa�nient:�nd late charges du�under thr N�tr. <br /> 2. I�unds fo�T�xes�nd Iasuranee. Subje�t tu a�phrable I�ta'�u tn;�eti•ntt�n ticaicer b}�Lender,Ao�m�ser�huU pa}• <br /> � t�Lcn�cr on thc ciay m��nthly paymenu are due under the N�te, un��l thr Note ic paid in full,a`um("Funds")eqtial tu <br /> ' ,�r►e-tw�ellth nf: {a) y�early taxcs and astccsmrntS «•t�ich ma�� unuin pnurity ���er �hi. Secu�it�• In�trument; th? >'early� <br /> � Icasehold pa>ments or ground rentc on the Propenp, if un�; ic) yearl}� harard insuruncc premiums; t�nd (d) yearly <br /> mortgxge insurance premiums,if any.These items are cal(ed"escrow items."Lender ma}•estimate the Funds due on the <br /> basis of current data and reasanablc est�mates af future escraw�tems. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accou�ts of w•hich are insured or guarAnteed by A federal or <br /> state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institutian). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items. <br /> Lender may nat charge ibr halding and applying thr Fundc, analyzing the account or verit'}•in6 the escraw items,unless <br /> Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appl�cAble law permits Lender to muke such a charge. Borrow�er and <br /> Lender may agree in writing that interest shall be paid an the Funds. Unless s+n agreement is made or Applicuble luw <br /> requires interest to be paid, i.ender shall nat be rcquircd to pay Horr��tier An}•interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br /> shall give to Borrower.with�ut charge,an annual accvunting oPthe Funds chawing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br /> purpose for which euch debit to the Funds wt►s made.The Funds ure pledged as additional security for the sums secured by <br /> ' thisSecurity Instrument. <br /> [Sthe amount oPthe Funds held by Lender,tagether with the future manthly pa�rne�►ts of Funds payable prior to <br /> the due dates nf the escrow items,shall exceed the amount required to pa}•the escraw items when due,the excess shal)be, <br /> at Honower's optian,either pramptl}•repaid to Borraa•cr or credited to Harrower on monthiy payme�ts of Funds. if the <br /> amount of the Funds held by Lender is not sufficient to pa�•�he escraw item<<ti�he�a due,Borrower shul)pay to Lender any <br /> amount necessary to make up the deficiency in one ur more ps+yrnents as required by Lender. <br /> Upon payment in full of al)sums secured by th�c Security tnstrument,Lender shal��romptlp rcfund to Borrower <br /> any Funds held by Lendet. If under paragraph 19 the Nroperty is sold or Acquired by Lrnder.Le�ider shall apply,no later <br /> than immediately prior to the salc of the Property or�ts acyuisition by Lender,an}� Funds held by Len�er at the time of <br /> appiication ac a credit against the sums cecured by this Seeurity]nstrument. <br /> 3. Application ot Payments. Unless applicable la�p*ovides other�vi�e,all paymenls recei�ed by Lender under <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to late chargcs due under the N� prepacment charges due under the <br /> Note:third,to amaunts payable under paragraph 2;fourth,to interest due;and last,to prinripal due. <br /> �. Charges;Lterts. t�orrower shall pay all taxcs, asses�mcnts,charges, fines and ir.�*=c±siti��ns attributable t�the <br /> Yrap�rty which may attain pri�rity ovcr ihis Security Imtrunieut. and leasehold payr+�ents or ground rentc, if any. <br /> Bormwer shall pay these obJigat�onc in the manner provided in paragraph 2,ar�f�at paid.iz�that manner.Horrawer shall <br /> pay them nn time ditectly to the person eW ed payment. Barrower shatl pror�e�tt;�fnrnish tm i.ender all nutices af nmounts � <br /> to t�e paid under this paragraph. lf Borrower makes these paymeRts d'erect�}.Hc�rrower shai@ promptly furnish to Lender <br /> receipes cvidencing the payments. j ='- <br /> Bc�rrower�hall promptly discharge any t�en wlticn nas priorir}�o��cr tiris�ecurity insirumeni un`ca.s�urr��wrr:{a3 _ <br /> agrces in writing to the payment of the obligation secured hy the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in guod -_ <br /> faith the lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in, lefial proceedings which�n the Lender's opinion nperate to ► <br /> prevent the enfoccement of the lien or forfe�ture of sny part of the Proprrty;ar(c)secures from the holder of the licn an <br /> agreem�nt satisfactory ta Leader subordinating the lten to thic Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of , <br /> the Property is subject to a Ecen which enay attain prianty over th�s Security ln�trument. Lender may give Borro«•er a <br /> �otice identifying the lien.Borrowet�halk�atisfy the lien or take one or more af the actionti set forth ubove within ]0 days <br /> of the giving of notice. <br /> 5. Hazard lnsurance. Borrower shall kcep the impravr�eots naw exicting or hereafier erected an the Property <br /> insured against Ic�ss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended co��erage"and any other hazards for which Lender <br /> requires insurance. This insurance shaU be mainta�ned in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The <br /> insurance carrier providing the insurance �hall be ch¢sen by Borrower sub�ect to Lender s approval which shal) not be = <br /> unreasanably w�thheld. � <br /> All insurance policies and renewals chall be aceeptable to Lender and shall include a standard martgage cls�use. � <br /> Lender shall have the rigb to hold the policies and renew•als. If l.ender requires, Borrower shall promptty give to Lender � <br /> all receipts of psid premiu�ns and renewal not�ces. ln tite event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt nouce to the insurance <br /> carrier and Lender.Lender may makr proof af loss if nat made promptly by Borr�wet. � — <br /> Unless Ixnder and Borrawer other►c��e agree in w•rit�ng,insurance proceeds shap be ap�lied to restoration or repair � �_ <br /> of'the Property damaged,if the restorattr�or repair it economically feasible and Lender's s+t:curity is not lessened. If the <br /> resioration ur repair is not economically feas�ble or Lender's secunty would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be <br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due,with any excess paod to Borrower. If <br /> 6vrrower abanduns the Property,or does not answ•er within 30 day:+a notice fram Lender that the i�tsucance carrier has <br /> offered to settle a claim,then l.ender may collecl the msurance prc�ceeds. Lender may use the proceeds�ta repair or restore <br /> the Praperty or to pay sums secured by this Serurity� lnctn�mc:Rt, uhether or not then due. The 30-da� penod wi13 begin . <br /> when ti►e notice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and&!rrower otherwise agree i.n�nung.eny appl�cation of praceeds to principa{sha11 not extend nr <br /> postpone the due date af the monthly payments referre�.to in paragraphs 1 ar�d 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> under paragraph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender.Botrower's right t�ar,} insurance policies and praceeds result�ng <br /> from damage to the Propeny pnor to the acqu�sition shall pass to Lender t�the extent of the sums tecured hy thiti 5ecurity <br /> Insirument immed�ately pnor to the acyuis�tion. <br /> 6. Preservation and 1laintenr�nce of Property:Leaseholds. Bnrrower�hall nrn de�tr�y,damace<�r substanhally <br /> change the {'roperty, allow• the Property to deteriorate ar commit a�aste. If th�s Security Instn�ment i� �rt a leasehold. <br /> �rrowcr shall comply with the pm�isions of the iease.and if Bvrrowcr aryuires fce t�tle t�the I'ro�+eny,the leatiehold and %___`_-- <br /> fee t�tle shall not merge unlesy Lendet agrees to the metger�n w rinng. <br /> 7, i'ratection ot l.endcr's Rights in the Property; tilort��e Insurance. if Rornnver fatl� to perfc�rm thc <br /> covenamti and a�erccmenis ccmta�ned in this Srcur�t}� Ins�rument.��r therc��a IeFal pmrrcdmE tt��►�m:�y yignifiruntly e+ffer� <br /> L.ender'ti right� in the 1'r�peny (such a� a rrc•ceedmg �n hatikruptcy. prc�bate, f��v cimdrmnat�rm nr t�ti enfc�rce IaHti e�r <br /> �egulatina�s),then Lcndcr ma}•duand pay fur ahatr�er ts nccc�tian t��pmtect the�alur��f�hc Prc�perty:,nd l.rndcr'�righrti <br /> �n thr {'ruExny I.cndrr'ti aru��nc mey include p�+��ng anc tiumti secured hy a l�cn ttihirh h:�� �nnr�ty c�.rr th�� Secunty <br /> L Instrumrnt,appenrin�in r��urt. p��}�n�t rra��mahle attc�rne}s'fees and enterinEt rn�the Yre+��crt� t��m�kc rcF:+irr �11th��uf:h <br /> 1 ender ma} t�ii�c aclu��i undrr thi��E;r.�rh '. 1 endrr d�,r�n„t ha�e to d��«� <br /> Any aninunl�d�sbur�c�l M 1 cn�lcr un�lei thiti r�t.��;r.iph'• .hell hc:��tne,��1�ltti,mal dcht��f F�1•rn,wrt wC�uttci ht thi� <br /> Sccuriiy in�trumcr�t 1 nlrrti Nnrrourr .�ud 1 en�ei a�:rer 1i�uthcr trrrn�uC��;���r�r���. �1��•.r.+nu�uiit�.h.�ll Nrar i�ilcrr.� fr„m �tQ <br /> thc �t.�tr i�f �1��hur�ctnrnt .il Ihc ,:�,t�� r.�tr .�nii �l�.tl) hc �+.n:�t�lt•. ��it}: int��.•�t. ��(.�t. r��h.i• fr��n� l .�i,'.,•t ;�� I���rt���.c. 1C� <br /> s <br /> rcyue.t�nG�1+-���r:cn! ��, <br /> i� .. <br /> � <br />