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202106455 <br />D. To designate my spouse, SHERRI D. PANAGIOTIS, as my primary beneficiary, if <br />living, otherwise my issue surviving me, per stirpes, in trust or outright as contingent <br />beneficiary of any benefits payable under such Plan on account of my death. <br />Section 2.21. Incorporation of Powers in Nebraska Uniform Power of Attorney Act: In <br />addition to the powers enumerated above, my Agent shall also have the general powers set forth in the <br />Nebraska Uniform Power of Attorney Act, NEB. REv. STAT. §30-4001 et. seq., without limitation, <br />except as otherwise provided herein. <br />Article 3 <br />Third Party Reliance <br />Section 3.1, Protection of Third Party: No person who relies in good faith on the authority <br />of my Agent under this instrument shall incur any liability to me, my estate or my personal <br />representative. <br />Section 3.2. Alternate Agent Affidavit of Regarding Prior Agents: Any party dealing with any <br />person named as Alternate Agent under this power of attorney may conclusively rely on an affidavit <br />of such Alternate Agent that those persons named as prior Agents are no longer serving. <br />Article 4 <br />Administrative Provisions <br />Section 4.1. Reasonable Compensation to Agent: My Agent shall be entitled to receive <br />reasonable compensation for services rendered under this power of attorney. <br />Section 4.2. Nomination of Conservator: I nominate my Agent as conservator of my estate <br />for consideration by the court if protective proceedings for my estate are hereafter commenced. If <br />my Agent should be unwilling or unable to serve, then I nominate my Alternate Agent as conservator. <br />I waive the requirement of a surety bond for my conservator. My Agent shall have the power under <br />the Nebraska Uniform Power of Attorney Act to name a conservator for me. Any nomination made <br />by my Agent shall be made with the same priority as a nomination made by me. This power shall be <br />effective immediately without regard to whether or not any other power under this power of attorney <br />is then effective. My Alternate Agent shall have a power of nomination with my priority, but <br />second in priority to my Agent. The nomination may be of my Agent himself or herself. <br />Section 4.3. Resignation of Agent: My Agent and any Alternate Agent may resign by the <br />execution of a written resignation delivered to me or, if I am mentally incapacitated, by delivery to <br />any person with whom I am residing or who has the care and custody of me or, in the case of an <br />Agent's resignation, by delivery to the Alternate Agent. If no other person is available, a resignation <br />may be made to the appropriate court. <br />Section 4.4, Revocation and Amendment: This instrument may be amended or revoked by <br />me at any time by the execution by me of a written instrument of revocation or amendment. <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />