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.. ! <br /> S <br /> � � � <br /> U�1!(IR!11 l'l►��i�hAV ly Nt��ca��Cf All(��_CIIIICf�u�C011111 t111tI aNt1c.�,t��ll�����. ��"""� �0�98 6 <br /> t, f's�ment uf Prl�cip�l And leterest; Preppyment and I.s�te Ch�r�es. H��rra��rr�hull prnmpll�• pa� whcn dur <br /> the princip:►I i�PUnd interetit on the drbt r�idenced hy the Nute a��d any prepayment and late�hnrgr�dur undrr thr Nutr. <br /> 2. I�undg tor TAxes r�nd Insurance. SubJect tu i�ppl�rahie law or to a�vntte����ai�er hy Lrndrr.Borro�ti�er�hall pay <br /> to l.ender an the du}�munthly pa}�n►ents are due under the Note, umil�he Note is paid in full,a�um 1"Funds")rquai tu <br /> i ane-twelfth uP: (a) y�carip taxcs and ussessments which n�ay� attain rric�rity o��rr �hi� Securit�• Inslrurnent; (b) yeArl� <br /> ° ' leasrholci payments or grc�and rentc cm the Property. �f an}; tc) }•carl�• hl7ard insurance premium�: und (d) yearl� <br /> m�rtgA$e insurance premiums,if a�iy.Thts�items are catled"escraw•items." Lender may e�timate the Funds due an ihe <br /> basis a3'current data and reasonable estimates of Puture escrow items. <br /> The Fundy shali be htld in nn�nstitution the deposits or accounts uf which urr iusured or guarnnteed by a federal or <br /> �tate agency (including Lender if Lender is such 3n institution). Lender shall apply the Funds ta pAy the c�scraw item�. <br /> Lender may not charge fur holding and applying the Funds,�nalyzing the account ar verifying the escrow items, unless . <br /> Lcnder pavs Bonaw'er interest on the Funds und applicable law permits Lender ta make�uch a charge. Borrower and <br /> Gender msy agrce in wtiting that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is mude or applicable law <br /> rcquires interest ta be paid.4ender'shall not be reyuired to psy&�rrower�ny interest or earnings on the Fundc. Lender <br /> ' shal!give ta 8arruwer.without charge.un annual uccounting oPthe Funds showing credits and debits ta the Funcis and the <br /> purpose for which each debit ta the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security i'or the sums secured by <br /> thisSecuritS•Instrument. <br /> If the amount of ihe Funds held by Lender,together with the future monthlr;pa}rments af Funds payable prior to <br /> the due dates of'ihe escrow items,�hal1 exeeed the amount required to pny the escrow iteims when due,the excess shall he. <br /> � at Barrower s aption,either promptty cepaid to Horrower or credited to Borrower on munthly payments of Funds.If the <br /> amaunt of the Funds he1cD�y Lender is�ot sufticient to pay the escrow items whrn�ue,Burr�-�KCr siial!puy to Lendtr soy <br /> � amount necessary to�nal�up the deficiency in one 4�r more pay ments as reyuired by Lender. <br /> Upon paymen.t iR full of all sums sc�cured�r}this Security lnstrument. Lender skall pron��tf��re!'und tu Horrower <br /> any Funds h�b}E.ender. 1P under paragraph 19 the Propert� is sold or acquired by Lender,Lenai�s s1�a11 applw,�zo later <br /> than immediateT}pri�r to the salc of'the Property or itc acqus�nuc�n by• Funds hcld h��..ender at �(�.�time of <br /> apptication a.a a�vtdit against the sums seru�ed by this Security lnstrument. <br /> 3. Appliqtian at Payments. Unless applicable law p*ovides ot€te�3se,all payments re::ei��.���� 1�eader under <br /> paragraFhs 1 and 2 shall be applicd:first,to IAte charges due under the'��ate:s�cond,a�prepa}�sne�t.c.�Z�rges dtie�inder the <br /> N�ne:third;ioattsi�unts payablc under�+aragraph 2;fourth,to iaterest due:and last,to pnncipal due. " � <br /> 4. C�arges;I.iens. f3�rrower shall pay all taxes,asses�ments,charges,fines and impositionc 3ttributuble to the <br /> Property which may atta�n priority aver this Security lnstrument, and teasehold �+ayments or ground rents, iP any. <br /> Borrowcr shal;pay thcse obligations in thc manner�+rovid.d irt paragraph 2,nr if no!paid in that manner.Borrawer shall <br /> pny them an timc directly to the persan owed payment. �rrower shall promptly furnish to Lender al)notices of amounts � <br /> to be paid under this paragraph. 1f Bormwer make�thc�e payments dire�tly, Bormwer sha11 promptly Purnish ta Lender . � <br /> reccipts evidencing the payments. � <br /> Rnrrnwer�haU nrmm�tiv discharae anv lien whuh has pnorits•o�cr this Security lnstrumcnt unless Qorrawer:(a) �.-.- <br /> agrees in wri�mg ti�the pay ment of the�bi�gation�crumd hy the lien in a manner acceplablc ta Lender;(h)contcctc in gcx�d �_�- <br /> faith the lien by,ar defends ngainst enfotcement uf the lien m, Iegal prcxeedings which in the I.ender's opinion operate to � <br /> preveot the entorce�ment af the lien or forfe�ture of any pan of'the Pmpeny:or(c)secures Prom thc holder of'the lien an <br /> agreemtnt sati�factory to Lender subn�dinating the lien to this Secunty Imtrument. If'Lender determincs that s�ny part af <br /> th� Property is subject to a I�en whtch may attain pnonty over thi� Secunty Instrumer�t, L,ender may g�ve Borrower a - <br /> natice identifying thc lien. &�rrc►wer shall sati�fy the lien or ta:;c orc ar more of the:sctu�n��et torth above within 10 day�x <br /> af the giving of notice. <br /> S. Haurd lesur�nce. Borrower shall keep the imprvvementa now existing or hereafter erected on the Property . <br /> insured against loss by fire,haz:irds included within the term"eatended coverage"and any other hazards for which Lender <br /> requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amountti and for the periods that Lender requires. The <br /> insurance carrier ptoviding the insurance shall be cha�rn hy H���rawer tiubject to Lender's approval which shatl nat be <br /> unreasonably withheld <br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable tu Lender and �:hall include a standard mongage clause. <br /> l.ender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires, Borrower shal)promptly give ta Lender = <br /> all receipu af paid premiums and renewal notices. !n the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance r�^ <br /> carrier and Lender.Lender may make prcwf of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. ° d <br /> Unless Lender and$c�rrower rnherwise agree in wnting,insurance proceecis rhall he applied to restoration or repair ;•s <br /> of the Aroperty damaged,if the restaration or repair is economically feacible ac�d Lender's Security is not lessened. lf the ','� <br /> restorat�on or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened.the insurance proceeds yhall be <br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security instcument,whether or not then due, with any eacess paid to Borrower. If <br /> Borrow�er abandons the Property,or does not an5w•er within 30 days a nofice from i.endec that the insucance carrier has <br /> offered ta settle a claim,then I.ender may collert the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore <br /> the Property or to pay sums�ecured by this Secur�ty Instrument, whether or not then due.The 30-day perind will begin <br /> when the natice is given. <br /> Unles�l.ender and Rarroa•er otherwise agree in a•nting,any application of pruceeds to principal shalf not extend�r <br /> pcntpnne the due date�f the monthly payments ret'erred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of thc paymcnts. If <br /> under paragraph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender.Borrower'S nght t�any insurance policies and procccds resutting <br /> from d�mage to the Propeny pnor to thc acquis�tion shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secur�ty <br /> lnstrument�mmediately priur to the acyuisit�on. <br /> 6. Preserv�tion and Malnten�nce of Properry;l.esuseholds. Borrower shall not drstroy,damage or sul�stantially <br /> change the Property, allow• thr Property to detetiorate or commit waste. lf thiti Secunty Instrument iti on a feasehold, <br /> Bormwer shall cnmpic with thc provisions of the Icase,and if Borrou•er aeqwre5 fee t+tle t�the Pro�+erty.Ihe teasehold and �__-__ <br /> fee t�tic 4h�i1 nat merge unlcss Lender agrees to the mer6er�n a•nt�ng. • <br /> � 7. Protection of Lender's Etights in the Propetty�; vlurt�age lnsurance. !f Horrnwer fa�is t�� �ecf�7rm thc <br /> cavenantti�and agreement�c�ntained�n th��Secunty In�trument.c�r therr i�:i lrgal pr�ueeding that ma� �ig��f?cantly affect <br /> Lender'� roghts m the Property (tiuch as a prc.�ceeclmg in bankrurtcc. �rc�hate, fc�r ri�ndemnatu�+i c�; te� enfnrce lawti e�r <br /> regulatu�ns),then Lenciet m�ty dn and pny for w�ts�te�•er�t nece�tiary t��Fr��crct the�alur��f the Pru�c:rsy and Lct*.cfer'�nghtti � <br /> tn ti►c Yn,perty l.ender's act�ons may mclude paym�; xm curn5 ucurcu hy a l�en uhi,:h ha5 r*«�nty oticr tht� Serunt> <br /> lnstrument.appeanng in cnurt.payinfi rea.vnahlc att�rnet�s'fecs and entcnnk�m �he Pn+�ert��tc�make rc�;►ir+ r11th<�ugh <br /> � I.cnder ma}�take actum undrr th���:aragrnph'.l,entler d�tK n���h;i�e tr,dr 4u <br /> Any amnunttid�tiburtiec9 ht�I.eneler wider thi�para�;r.�rh 7�hult hc�•omu ad.iitumal efeht��f 13c,rr�,urr ,rcured hy tl�i� <br /> 5tt urrt� lntitrurnent t'nle�s f1�+�ruuc�t:�nd�lrr a�tte<�tc,nther terrm�,.'�+a�mcnt.thc�c.unin�nt�.hall tx.�r�nt�•ie,� f r:,m P <br /> !l:e date uf tl��.k�ter�rntc+it <e! !t±c ti��tr r�ttr and �h_ill �+c ;��:ti:�nlr N�t1, in�rr�•tit. urrn n��tirc lrrui 1 cii:�c� i�, li„�n,..rr � <br /> reyue�t�n�;�+a�mrnt r� " <br /> a � <br /> , � <br />