. j
<br /> --- _�. . ` . " `i' _ _.. . " . _�—,;
<br /> �. '' ��- ��i.��� - .
<br /> , .
<br /> ' . •(c) AfF2p�:��b:�t�vs and regufattons.trtciudng.�rithcvt I:rr�taticn.iP�Ar�rEeena�vsth Otsab:!iC�3 Aa.42 U.S.0 S^aion �210t ot ss4(aad�
<br /> � rcg��ons�onu'g�_d tharunc�:r)and cl tan'.ng end bui:�ng lavs end�cgu!31'.ons rc!aUng to tho Prop�rry by u:vtu�ot�r t�ral.statu or mm'd�f .
<br /> � ¢vthofiry with juds�:et:an ov�r th�Fra�erry.Fra°.�riiJy ero aad cicil tro ob:.ctv�d cnd w�:?r0 crfih!n c!rt�rLJ r�.�acts.and�Il rfghis.i:t�nsss. {
<br /> � ! pr.m�b.arsd xeti�:e�s o!aowpattty(traudng hut net l:rtited ro z4ning vcrEsnoas.f7rzd�1 oxa��tians tas rten�antormtng ��.�s,end firr�l insp�ctun [
<br /> . • . { eparovzs}.�vhether terrparary ar pemTancm,wh:eh ero mzi�rtal to tTw u:.o aad eawpattey ot ths Proparry,preacntty aro snd�hall b�abtansd. �
<br /> . ' presenrd en4 whero nsc:sssary.ten�ucd: �
<br /> . ? (�Grantor ha�1ha d�i and ts Qu�y�nhariz�d to ox:eut�and p�riermlts 0lk:g3t:ons andar this Dosd ot Trust 2nd shs:so er.tioais dv rtm and sha!!rt�
<br /> ' , � mrd3iq with tho provts'.orts of any�atuts.tegu!at:on.or�nanco.ru.e of Isx.aor�aq ar aihot egteemer[I whEch may bs tirt�rg a+�(iramot at any urte: �
<br /> • i (e){Vo actan or prcaedng fa ar t.ha:l be pendr�g er ihraa�ned wh!df mEght tr2tertally affod tho Progarly;and
<br /> f (�Gr�nter has nat vto!atad ertd shaD nm v:a�.o erry s�atute.regu'�on.erdnanae.ru:a of law.aotmaet ar a2hsr ao�eerrrnt firtr.�t►��'.n�,but rtot Grtited to. . •
<br /> ' Yrtosa gorsrr.rtg Haiatdovs Nl�tetla!s�+�rh'.di mt�tl m�etia.�r sfta-ci itt�Prapar[y or LCnda�a d�tts or Imerasl in Yrs Pr�-rry p¢r�su:�t to ihls Oead af
<br /> . ; 7rust
<br /> •� 3. PRiOR Q=�3 OF T�diiST.Gtamar represarria and warrams that there ua no prtor deads of trust atfeairt9�Y P�a"�P+`�ti aY�as sst tflrth
<br /> .� . .� ` ; an Sct��t�_a��to Uds Qa�d ot Tn�.rfi�h Gmntw egtess to�yr and perfomi in a timely ma�mar. It ttrrze a�z:yr�ra�dr�e�of trust than ,
<br /> � Grantot 2gmzs'C pay a!amourrts a�xed.and petiorm ait a�;'gadtons re�fred.�usder suoh dssds of trusi and tha indstr'.ECO:ass�urer3'.1'�?tsb�a�d furthat
<br /> ' sgeos that a��ft undar any�ior d2ed of trust sfiaJ ba a dafa�t urtder this QEad of Trust and shai emi�?e!�ndsr to s7�E-„►r:�a�vd�'�as�r'rai;sd
<br /> herein er in�`C�g�i'.ons to vm:ot�len�r vra��bo emiCad in tha event af arry�`�r defevti
<br /> . , { 9. TRAPISF=.m�F'`HE t�Ft03��i7Y G3?B�IEFiCiAI GN7ER�STS[N�lcl@:'`�s?:S G�CQ?.$OYYER3. !n t}�.a eirani o',a�.ol-r:z�� ta�.
<br /> � • aarmact for c�:t transfer ta�r persan of a➢or rry pan af tha:ea!�:,�a.^-L:�z r�.�;.:ia A.a any tM.erest thxE+n,w oF.a�•s�a�s:�ra�t
<br /> ., i im.er�sl ta'���or Grar,!:s;:f Borroiver a�Ci.�arrtcr[s nat a c:�.*�r-.��'�'�..'.r�-sa-rs�z:�•s=�car�on.lirrd�d liats.T�!ca'►�'�Tl.p3rC�:^'�i'ir r:r�cr .
<br /> `,::i::�:�`"" -•�; ! ���r_�,. .o�r. .z�,..artder may.al its op'•fon d�d:te�a outsiar��3�z:.a�a�a+�:.�a Obi.�uions plus scau:d Ur.eres2 3ti:�m.tcTn7���2�artd
<br />'�''':�'' ; . °�'�';,;, i i��=+e �...a�ft�'s request,QtdJ1I0f Of BOffGh.Sl.as trte�se rtay Ee.s.�'.��.s-�ra*a eamplete staterrem set�rtg ienh 21 of;�st:d.S-r.+r,rxt.trc�s.or
<br /> ' � '`r' �-ers.�s�a�priate.2nd tha e�Rerrt of the:r respective avurtanhlp irttetest�. . -
<br /> 5� AS9IOH61@R OF RENT9. In cansidera8on of the Ohi?ga�ons,xfi:sh are sewred by thls 03ed af Tnist.Qr^arr.,��d.u3nt���8 to ts�ier all . _
<br /> . . ` Ci�toYs estais.d titie.irRerest,dam artd demand rts�r a�rmad ar hereafisr eoqelred!n�9 ex�ting and Murs!-��t�hr Prap�'sty pnci�ng . .
<br /> � . ^utenslons.ren�and cu6teasas).ai)a�aemerrt�tor use snd aocupanc�ot the Properly(eJl such t�asas End�v hfi:c^ms�;:�t"Yn or aral.are .
<br /> � � ,iereaRer�efarred to as ihe'leaae��.end ailguarartttes at lesse�s'pertortrgnoe�mder U►n Laaua.topsthes w!�tt�L�rr»9n'.n scsry�:rntr�g ri�t to .
<br /> � oo:: �and rec�iva ul af ths►arrts.inoame.reaelpii.tevetnws.issues.profita and oiber Inoorne a1 any nanu�rt�w ar Pr�re.?."n Q.�crr.li��lnoome af '
<br /> • any aaYure oor,�ng,..cn dnrtr•.,arry redetrpllan perlo�under�he Leaaes or fram w arlak�p aut ot iha Rrayerty irtciu�'usa m[Mrnt:nitYmr:s. rerC�, �.
<br /> ' poranta�reM�.PanCnO or aorrmon ans m�nrtana comribul.bne.t�eri�Insuranae contrtbimons,eot�cior�cy ront.�.��.:cra:t+�dam�pe3 ta9cr�ing . •
<br /> . � detautt tn sny leas�.all�aa�df{seYaLls u?sdw any pa:tcy af insuran�o eoverinp Iata ot ro�is rasuri�ng hem un�Sn;n:,�;!c�ar,imi by desvuctton ar "u
<br /> _ } dartfa�s to thePr�y al pracieQr paYat�e�o cosuii a1 e F�sses'd euarctso 01 an aytan to Furc�u»tR�R�o�tiy.dl�,xd�dtrlvad ham tho �;� ..
<br /> tErmfnai;an a rijectlas�p1 anY I.eas�ln a E�ntvuptcy ar ofhar inaoM�rtey P �n a,and t9 p o o e e A e Iremeny rl�t�err��ldivn dt arri.ldnd which(irarna s
<br /> ... -�- --- - m�y hs»�I nat any bsa�o urrcln tha L,�aio�a eny oowpsri�t ot lhs �cperry(a.l 01 ltsc a bnve ara hnra�t'.ar ca'itc2;v a"/�:s�r t r 9:t+�3 t h s'RmR9�. TM�
<br /> uss] m�n1Ts Qu�jtC!t�tho r;�t,poraar end aulhorty a'vin to the Len9e�to aai;ect and eDDN ttsa Rmnt�.TY.1s rtz.:�;rrnm:s rir�,dt��aooardansa�Ith �
<br /> ,� , e p p i�c��tit�Ir+v:ttN�t�n u�atrd b y this asss 9 nmm�Is inund�d ro be opedHe.pa�leeisd end dloali upon�lh!re��rytl,�+a oB Rim Qt��d of Tnra�.att as '::;�;
<br /> pravtd�d by epp4:c�bt��tata IaN a�am�nd�d ham Urrr to L'rtr. As tort a�Q�ors is rto deieufl under tho 04l� LMB Q�I II I�DMd G1 Yfltii.LAPI d ET�9fIiS
<br /> � • Cirenta a rsvoeaLle Ilo�aa to cottut e11 Rmts hom ths Laaus wtton�and to use cuch praoesdo En timrrlofe 6ujirmaaopr r.:inr Haxavcr,lander ��'�'.
<br /> '. rtfay tt any WrM nquJr�tirantor to d�pestt ait R�nis IrRo en scoauM m a t n t a:r�e d Ey t 3 r a m or a L ort d or a t L m�d a fe t n s t'r a r l c�. U p r r�r h�a�t i n t h s p a y r r�e n l �.r,:�.
<br /> - � - � oi,ar In ttu pertam+er[e�of.arsy o1 ihs 064�ttorro.Lsndar may at its apiton t�ke por,sessan of thn ProperIy and hsva.t�.si,rrnna�a.Iu�2e snd aperate tha �y.
<br /> P on temr and tor a qdoA o!tme th�t Lender deems propei. Lendnr may proaaed to eoCs�and teeeNO al R�t'�s tYatr�thn(sc(�rry.and Lorsrl�r �.�:
<br />. � �` 1 IidtlS IUU pOWEP LD t:79h8 81IBl8i10RS.�BR6Vd1I0i19.repairs m reptxomoma to tho Rmperry as Lsndor may deem prapsr. I,�:tas ar..c�pplY a7 Renta fn —=-
<br /> � . = Landefs aote�saeiton to payrtem ot the OLIlgattons or ro the paymarA of fia cor,t at cuch alie�aUoria,rersovaL'ons,ro�.'ra���nts aad srry -
<br /> . ' � e�ensas irtcidem to tafdrg m�d reta;ntng possesslan of fhe Properry pododca:.y and tha managemarR and operaL'on of 5t�Pr n�a�ry.L�c�zr rtGy t a e p ths --
<br /> P�A�Y ProPo�Y insured and mey tYsct►arge snyr taxss.d�argea.otams.8E5055T11EJIi5 811d OthBf U01CS VYhiOh�113y&�Cdli3. Thi�CfQJ7.170�It)CII�J Ot t�tESO -
<br /> . . ...-. aG!ony trey ba oafd from th�Rents reoe&ed,and any unpa:d ama�mta sha!I tro add�d to ihs pr(ttet�sal af 1ha �
<br /> ObUg3t.'Cna. Yhrzn Errri�rrts.to�e'.her w:fh
<br /> oiher oosts,ahaU Yacarre Rar1 of the Obl!ga�tans secured by thls Deed of Tnis1. =_-
<br /> � 8. US£IWD 11AII�7'�El�IA1�E OF PROPER7'V. Grar+tnr shz:l tsk3 all a�'.on�and�any ropa'.ru rteedu�ta rrvi'.r.'��:r+th3 Q�,tn;sty in gaad czn�';sn. ____
<br /> • Qrarrlor ahaJf rtot comrit ar pom�t arry waste to be wmtit:sd with to�pod tu iha Proporty. Gtantor sha11 use Utim Pr�•aat�Sy(n w "�v,t.n
<br /> � app�:caMa law and ins�uan�a poi:etas. Ciranta�sha!!nat rt�b any aitora'.wrs,addUona or frtoxwemeMS to th3 Prqo�rty w.9r.r,n tsndefn�rfsr r.:itten ___
<br /> cansertt Wdhast iirtiiirtg iha taregohig,all aRerattons.add2ena en�improti�rtrrde to the Pmperiy sha9 be s��oc!to ihi bp7t``d�11rC5.��Ls�cng{eg ----
<br /> ..' � - to Lortder.shal not be:�maved wiUtout Lendefs prtar wr(tten corr�nt,azrd sh�l be mzde at Grardofs sntaexpen��. °
<br /> • �...
<br /> T. IASS CR DAltA4iE Gr�'a7 sha11 beat iho etrtlt2 rfsk o1�,7�::�.ih�fl,dostruct'.on or darr�ge(cumAatively'Loss x Datm�1�.x t:4e P.^_�efty or any -
<br /> '� .;.rt:on the*eot from any ca�.�Witatsoati�r. In tha euem ot a,r I-.�>ar Da�.Gramor sh�!al iha o�Uon of lt�st�r,r�.'r th��it��31"-ry.arty to its
<br /> ,::1;:'�, ��ry P�f aua a�ui:en or pay or eause to be pa'.3 us!.3r.dar tt�e dr+ar���i:,e`�i r,-a.acsl vaacc,af L`,a aifected Pra�sny. _-_
<br /> �-r>,;;,... •. , — �
<br /> . e. INSURd:��. 79te Prope r ry wf0 be IcQ�i�rs:ro5�r's�::���:.�a:do,r�.::=�^�ta�rr�rq o���aga:nst a7 E�z.^,t�ir.rA�frr{�!c?a nr da.�y:r��3 blr --
<br /> , '� �� R o o d.e a r t h q u a k e.t o m e d fl 2 r�d 8 r a.t h e ft ar at'x��:�?�•tr�oxterR r e q urM b y Lendsr. Grartar may abtdn 1ra�c-.rr,ri xa U�0 Propw',��nan;lcft
<br /> ;'� aorrpantes as are ac�p�_as'e r�Lender in it�soie dlsus;'.a:. t it=_:nsurance poL'dos shn.9 ra.,�:.=1ho fn.vrance mrr�n f w pru�{de Lender wif:�:is�*. _
<br /> � . 30 dEys'u+m�tea rtoUoe before such paii6ea�o attered oT cartaelled tn any r,�:,ar. The insur�nco pZ�eta3 atai9 nama Lender��..�
<br /> payee ov lhst no���r omisston of Grantor or arry�is�person sha7 aR9ct the dght ot Lortdar to bo pad ttio iaa�avxo�ra�eeda peftafr„.:g'a�
<br /> ' toss or da�of thfl Properiy. fn tha ever�t tinintor fatis to soqu�JO W R121liT2'•tl UItIJTBJtOET.LBJtdBt(SfIAi Q�Gti»(!9�1I�1C0 3;mry 110 fA�t118d (23�)iTBy __
<br /> ! � in fta e�serC!rm�rocuraappr�insivanoe oatiera�upan tha Propo�ty end tha inwrana►ao�shall 6a an adr•r�yrrjr8ia and be21[*�ri�!as °—
<br /> ' d e s c r(h e d�t'*.e'R EIA�BUR EMENT�dF O,MOUM3 IXPENDSO BY LEND�R'psua�aph and sea�red A�tr�. Qrs�r,�r.hai tvmt:h�T vfiB� -'-
<br /> evEdenae c:�_surance in6catng ihe re�tred caveragB. Lendsr maq aet as smomoy-In•iacl br(iraata in rtnldrtg�9�!iing da'm s u r,'„ar��a r s n o o �::-
<br /> . po lcies.eanc+a!ling atty poliry ar ertdotsing Cirantots narro on any d►afl or negoitabk3 instrurncmt drawn lrj any irts�t:o►. A:i nu:b:rtcurance pdIr.i�:s shail ba �..
<br /> intre�8�ety a�signed,plcdgod and dtalYnrod to Lendor as t�.r.Stsar cewrity tot thn Obl'.gaVona tn tho ovem oT�asn,Qrtrt.cr eh�i�e�atety g(va L,entfe�
<br />— � writt�n Rct�ee and l.endor�s authodzud to mafco prool of t� Eaah insuranao aort�an (s�rected to rtatcr�pay+snr.'n Qm.�1��c'L3nder(nstead of to --
<br /> • � Lenda�a.3?arrtor. U:-Szr shall have the ri�n,at its sc�c�lton,to apyly such mon�s tatvard tho Obtl�ttor.�oc t�s,•trJ�?i�c.-h oi ro�i`�rtg and `r::-
<br /> ' � '!' res:orir.3!l�E��:per!y G!.',7 arnwnta may at Londers opLOn be ayp!od in iho invarse ordor ot thn duo dates tharaof. -
<br /> ;,-
<br /> ' 9 Y�.�/;ILi,Fc°dftt'i�COVENANTS. Qrar�tor sha:l rto1 Initlat�or oonrarrt to any chan�o in 1he zar�ng lxs�,laa�a pfir.�e aavona-*��ia�.ng iho _
<br /> us�o}L*a rl•��er�v�:•.an�cndefa pdor wrttton wn�rrl. if Orarr.ore uce ot th�Praporry traoomos a nor.-x'crrrir�x�o��et eny u::-� �svt�cn, -
<br /> , . Crar�'or�.�1,.i ea:..::,�:r��arit such u;o to bo c6soomr,��i cr abertdoned vfthoul tha pdav wdltgn cansorri o11,3s-,�r. Cir��:wI!1 Imn�,�di�e,�j�proY�do
<br /> � Lender u'...".�f^.:,en r.c�s a•:��Y ProPosed changos to itw zr�vr..3 proy(r�ons or pr�vato aovon�rRO aftt�ciing tha Pro�rtY. ,
<br /> 10. C�aa3',l�yAftON. Gramor shaU imm�aiely pra��l$o Lertdor with�vr'.tton noLeo ot arry actual or 1tTs.���aocut.^:r�n�t�cr+ ar om[r.ent dom�:n i
<br /> . , p�ooee�'•�I��taning to iho Praperry. AIf moni�a pa to Grantar(rom aa:�:ndermaP.�or mkfng are tr�retrj esci�[ad to t�:��'s�2^.�G�..:.t'I3aep�i�od •�'�:�
<br /> � � flrst m Th0 Fayrt�em of Lortdofo anom�ya'to�a,leg�/o�n:,�s nnd oth.T a�r:�:ir,du6np apprat:al feea)in car�d3a��et9u tts�cr.��s�:;.�.�ca�om[n�rtl
<br /> doman aooec�ngs and then.at th�oytton ot Lendor,to ih�payrt�m o}th�Obt:g,.^Uons ot iho msurat!on ar ra�a:rdJ tfis Prop�'f. • •
<br /> . T
<br /> . - '
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