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� � <br /> 89-- iU5982 <br /> 11NlF(�11M�OVENAN'I'S �rtaw��and I,ende�cavenant and aarea as fallows: <br /> f. Pay�e+�t of Pri�ci'al ui i�teral;Pr�y�t aw�I.�te 41��t�es. Aarrower shali promptly pay when dur <br /> r• the priacipal of�u►d interest on the debt e�idenced by the Nate and any prep�yment and la�e charges duc under the Note. <br /> 2. Fo�it tor Tsxa�t�awce. Subject to applica6le law or to a written waiver by Lertder,Borrower sh:l1 pay <br /> to Lender on tht day monthly payments aa due under thr Note,until the Note i9 paid in Pull,a sum(•'Funds")equal to <br /> onrtxdRh af: (s?.yarly taues and usessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrumenr (b) yearly <br /> k�tehold payment� ar �rt►und rents on thG Propeny. if any; (c) yarly hazard i�surance prem�ums; and (d) yearly <br /> mortpse iruurancr premium�.if any.Thae items ue called"acrow items."Lender may estitr�ate the Funda due on the <br /> bssi�oi'currait data and rasonable atimates of il�ture escrow items. <br /> The Funds shall be held in sn imtitution the deposits or�ccounts of which ue insured or guaranteed by A federaf or <br /> state a�eacy(includin=Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the acrow items. <br /> Lender nsay not chuge for holdina and applyinE ihe Fund9,analyzina the account or veriiying the escrow items,unlas <br /> Lender pays Borrower iaterat on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Bonower and <br /> Lender may a�rae iA writina thu interest shall be psid on the Funds. Unless u►aareement is made or applicable law <br /> r+equira iaterest ta be paid,Leader shaU not be required to pay Borrower eny interest or esrnings on the Funds. Lcndu <br /> thall pve to HorroNer,without chuae,�n annwl accounting of the Fvnds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br /> purpose!or which ach debit to the Funds was madt.The Funds ue pledged as additional security for the sums secured by <br /> this Secwity Imtrumrnt. <br /> If the smount af the Funds held by Lender.together with the future monthly payments of Funds payable prior,to� <br /> the due dates of the escraw items,shall exceod the amoant roquirea tQ pay the escrow items when due.the excas shall�be, <br /> st Borm�ver's�ption.either promptly�epaid to Borrower or cnditec�co Borrower an monthly payments oP Fundc If the <br /> ameutet ot'the Fur�ds hetd by Lender is not sutticient to pay ttie escrow items when due, Borrawer shall pay to Lender any <br /> =mount n�ry to make up the degciency in one or more paymenu as rcqmred by Lender. <br /> Upon paymrnt in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrnment.Lender shall promptly refund to Barrower <br /> any Fundt held bry Lender.lf under pir�graph 19 the Pmperty is sold or acquired by Lender,Lender shall apply,no late� <br /> than immadiately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender.any Funds heSd by Lender at the time af <br /> appficatian as a credit asainst the sums securod by this Seca�rity Instrument. <br /> 3. A�1icaHo�ot Psy�sb. Unless applicabte 8aN provides oiherwise.�Il payments raxived by l.ender under <br /> g+rrr,Se�n�h!1 ar�d 2 shall be appli�:first,so latt charges sfut under the I�ote;s�rond. ta pregagrec�t ehsrga dns unsier the • <br /> Notr,third,to unounts payaDle under pus�raph 2;fonrth,to interat due;and last,to principa[due. F <br /> 4. C�arNr,�. Borrower shall pay all tua.assessme� and impositions attributable to the <br /> Property �vhich may attain priority.over this Securih �nstrummt. and leasehold payments or groure� rents. if any. ' -- <br /> Anepnlrrr ehwll nwY thr.v nhli�tinnc in(h�msnnrr�+rnaief�rl in nwr�or�nh 2;t�r if pnt�i�l in t}tf�t tn�nner_.$nrt[fver ehall � _ <br /> p�y them on time direcdy to tl�e person owod paymrnt.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lcnder all notia�oi'amounts �-- <br /> to b:paid under this para�raph. If Bonowea mskes these psymenu directly.Bonower shall nromptly furnish to Leader ; �� <br /> reoeipts evidencKnE the payments. . <br /> 8orro�ver ahall promptly diachu6e ang lirn whieh hu priority over this Saurity lnstnemrnt uekss BorroMer:(�) • <br /> a=rea in+vritinE to the payment Qf the obtig�tion aecuraf by the lirn in a mtnner acceptable to Lender;tb�contests in good - <br /> f�ith the lien by,or defeads apinst rnforcement of the lien in.leaal proceedinas which in the Lender's opinion opente to <br /> Prevmt the enforoement of the lien or forfeiture of any psrt of the Property;or(c)secures fram the holder of the lien an ' <br /> ajr�eement aatisfactory to Lender subordinieing the lien to this Security Instrumen� If Lender detesmines that any par�of <br /> the Property is subjxt to a lien whicb may ittain priority over this Security Instrument. Lender may gitie Hatroaer a . <br /> notice identifyina the lien.Horrow�er sh�ll satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set fonh abave vaithin 10 days <br /> of the�ivin�of notice. <br /> S. H��ard I�anMCe. Borrawer sb�ll keep the improvements noM existing or herdfter erected on the Property <br /> ensured a�inst loss by fire,huards included'�►rithin the tesm••extended covenge"�nd�ny other hazards for which Lender — <br /> requires insurance. This insurance shall 6e maint�ined in the amounts and for the periods that Lender rcquira. The � <br /> insurance carrier providinE the insurance shall be cha�by Borrow+er subject ta I.�nder's spproval wliich shall not be <br /> unrenonably�vit6held. ` <br /> '� <br /> All insurana policia and rmewsls shall be accepEable to Lender and shil! include a standard mongage ciauce. = <br /> Lp�der shall have the right to hold the policia w►d renewrats.If La�dtr requires,Borrower stsaIl promptly give to Lender - <br /> all reoeipts of paid premiums and renew�l notica. In t6e event of loss.Bonoaer shall give prompt notice to the insurarccc <br /> curia and Lender.l.ender may m�ice proof of loss if na enade promptly by Borra�rer. <br /> Unless Lrnder and Horrrnver otherwise sgree in wriqna.insnnncx proceeds shall be applied to ratcntion or repair <br /> of the Property damsgod,if the restontion or rep�ir is xonomicslly fasible and l.ender's security is not lessened. If the <br /> ratoration or repair is not economic�tlly fasible or Lender's security Mould be lessened.the insur.ncs proceeds shall be <br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security Iastrumtnc.whether or not then dne, with any excess paid to Barrower. If <br /> Horm�vet abandons the Property. or das not ans�ver within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insunnce camer hu <br /> oA'aed to settk s claim.thrn Lmder may collect the insurance proceeds.Lendcr may use the proceeds to repiir or rcstore <br /> the Property or to psy sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begin <br /> �ben the notice it givm. <br /> Uakss Lernd�er and Borrower otberw�ise agree in writin6.any application of praeeds to principal shall not eztend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments teferrod to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.lf <br /> un�da pangrap6 19 the Property is acquire�by Lender,Bonawer's right to any insurance policies and procteds resulting <br /> from dama;e to the Property prios to the acquisition shill pus to Lmder to the eatent of the sums secured by this Secunsy ,-___,_ __ <br /> lnstrument immediately prior to che acquisition. • <br /> i. Pt�tallo�a�d M�i�te�aeice of Pro�erP�;i�auelwlds. Borrower shall not destroy,damage or substanually <br /> ci�atiEe the Property. albw the Property to deteriorate or commit wute. If th�s Secunty Instrument �s on a leasehold. <br /> Borrow�et ahall oomply with the provisions of the lease.and if Borrower acqu�res fee t�tle to the Propeny,the lersehold and <br /> fa titk shall nbt merse uafess L.ender agrees to the merger in writmg. <br /> �. Proteetio� ol Leider's Risbts tn the Pro'erty; Mortp�e Inrurana. If Borrower fatis to perfurrn thr <br /> covenants and aareements contained�n this Secunty lnstrument.or therc�s a legal proceedmg that may s�gnificAntly affect � <br /> L Lender's riahts�n the Propeny(such u a proceed�n6 in bankruptcy, probate, for condrmnat�on or to enforce laws or <br /> t+ejulations).thm L.endet may do utd pay for whatever is necasary to protect the valut of the Property and Lendrr's nghts <br /> in the Prapeny. Lender's acnons may include psying any sums seeured by a I�en wh�ch has pr�or�ty o�er this Secunty t� <br /> testtts:r.:zt,appes:tng in caurt,pay�ng rtssansbk attornty�fr:s sn�entrnng o:�th�Prn=.�ny t;�n�ake rep��rs 41thc��gh �� <br /> Ltt�der may take action ur►der th�s paragreph 7.Lender does noi have to dc�so <br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under th�s pava6raph 7 shal)txcnme addaic�n:,i deht rf Hi�rrower cc�►urtd h� th�ti ;,, . <br /> 5ecunty Insttum�n! Unit�s Ek+rrc►wer and Lender bgtee to���her termc nf pa�ment.t he5e am��unt.tihali�ear mtere�t f rc�m <br /> Ihe date of Q�sburxement at thr. tiote tate �nd LTtali ht payable, a�t� �nterrct. u��n nohc� fn�m 1 emier t�� li��rr��Nr� <br /> rec�ut�aina psy rttent <br /> � <br />