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Z '�:- . . . h=.'.';:'`, . .5 <br /> . . . ..�- . � � � .c <br /> + . <br /> , . .. , . <br /> _ ...- .:' -.:.__•- --. -. . .- - --' — --_-`--`- ^ - `-- _----_ ---- -_ _-- - — - - --- — <br /> _ ,_ .. ' .� . , . ._r . . '.. . . . <br /> . . , ,r,: " <br /> • • �-z�.•� . —:-----: _ . .. . .. _ . _ ,. _._._ .. . — _._ . , —_— <br /> � JOB D1.�2SJCI 102327 di/29/1999 <br /> : � � 9.Cend�mn�3den.Tt�ptuceeds of any avuazd or cl�m for or conseq¢ wnnection vrith any � <br /> � coudema�tton or oiher�n$ of t�e Pr9peny. ar paet[hereof. or for comreyance in lieu of co�emaation, are hereby . <br /> a5sigged aud shall be paid to Lendee.s�Jea to t�r ce�s of any mnrcgage.d�of m�st or o�er sesuzity agrezment arith a s', <br /> li�n which has priority over this Deed of T�vst. � <br /> � ' 10. Sorrower Pd�t ReiPased; For�uanre By� �Io3 a Phlsive�. Exte�ion of the au� for payraent �r � <br /> ' mnd'sfiration of araortization of the svms secured by this D�d of Truss granted by Leader to any s�scessor in interest of � : <br /> � . ` �., �� Bt�rrower shall aai operate m releas�.in any uiarm�r. the liability of the original Banawee a�Bunower's successe�rs in <br /> • . . interess. Le�r shall¢ot 6e required to commense proceafings against such successnr or refuse to exteud ara�for pay�ent � . <br /> � � or othetwise mudify amo�tian of the sums s�cured hy this Deed of Tsust by ceason af any demau�m3de by ttte 6riginal � <br />` ` Bo�ower and�oirower's susoessois in interest. Any forbea�auce by l.ender in exercising any rig6t or remedy 6ereu�er. . <br /> � or othEC�rise afforded by applicable law.shall aBt be a waiver of or pmlude tke exerciss of any such right or remedy. � <br /> ' . -.. il.�utr�;s a�a!As�B�Ea�sl;�oia3 and S�verall��Diliiy,Co-�#�ae�s_ The coven3nts a�¢d a�eements hereu+ � - . <br /> .. comaine�shail biud.aud[he ri�hhts �' sh�ll imire co.the m�ective s�oYS aud assigas of Ixa�er aasi Bomaora, = <br /> snbjea oo th: provasions of paza�u Lri hereaf. All covenanss a�agreem�nts of Burr�rreT shall be joint aad�vezal. _�r.:, <br /> . Aay Boria��ear whfl co-signs this Ba.�i at Tmst.but dces nnt ex�the No2e,f a)is co-signit�g d�is Deed og Tnut on1y es� �"t..: <br /> 4��.ia <br /> i•- <br /> . . giant au�comrey tt�t�omu���er's inte�st m the Pc�apetty to Tn�ee u�ter tl�terms of this D�of Tn�t.N)is eoi o ='=x:_�_ <br /> ant ����4 <br /> . gersonally lialble on th:Note ox uffser this Feed of'Tmst.and(c)aBr�s tYrai Leadet aad agy oihtr Bmmwer l�erwn�'ea �g:,.:ti- <br /> . „ �ray a�e��eue�.�diiY•fiiFs�.or make auy ather accommndations witim regard to die te�ms of this Deed of Tn�st az � .t_�_-_� <br /> � th�Nete.w-'t4hout tttai Borrower s�.�.^�t and without releasiu�cfras Bormwer or modifying dvs Deed of Trust as t9 t� r.�_'- <br /> � • ':i�: Borro�vez's intetest in the Pmpecty �1"`-�r <br /> � �. � ��'� ' lZ. 1Vatice. Except far any r,fl-�: required uader applicable law to b� �ven ia aunt�,-:e manner. (a) any uotice�i =--� <br /> ����•- <br /> , � �oisower provided for in this Deec3 of Tiust shall be given by detivering ct cr by maili n such nntice by cerrified mail �,,�-� <br /> � �. �� addre.ssed ro Borrovuer at the Propeatp flr at such other address as Bonower may des�goate lry ffieic�to Leudet as ��` <br /> . . # provided heiein,aa+d(b)anY aotice u Ixuder shall be given by certified mail to Leader's addcess s�ated h�'sn or m such —i_-- <br /> � athsr address as Lender may desiga3te by uotice m Bo�nwer as prcnride�i herein.A�r nfluce provide�foi ia dns Deed of �M- <br /> � Trust shall be deemed to Gave 6een given to Boirovrer or Leufler when given in the*+�r^�P*designated herein. �`Y- <br /> ....._,_�.. �., 13.Gov�in�F�;.Sev�rabllIty.The ssa[e aad local laws applica�Ie tn�is Deed of Tmst shalt be ci�:laws uf t1� -- <br /> : jiuisdiction in which�C,.��--.veity is locate�. 'The foregoing sentense sbalt�:rs":n�t the applicability of Fc�d's�ai law w dus �W°_ <br /> .£. Deed of Tnist. In the e��.'�:.e�y pravision or clause of ttus Deed af'��.rs.-sz the Note con8icts wiBn�p�cabte la�r. —. <br /> . �•:i sach con9ict shall aoi����a.�.'�-avisions of this Dced of Tcust oi the Note wtnch can be given effect witha�s tia: �_ <br /> conflicting piovision.���e�the provisions of this Deed of Trust aad the Note are declar�d to 1�seveca�le.:i►s __ <br /> ' ,�' used heaein, 'cosis".. �"�"�.�1'attomeys' fees'include a11 sams a�the extens aoi pm2u'bite�by�r�icable 13w or <br /> � limited tterein. —� <br /> �•. 14.Borrower's Capy.B .c�.�r shall be fumished a ca�..fnrmed capy of the Note and of this Deed of Tcust at r�e <br /> � qiarse of ea..*LVtion or after resotd�::cu hereof. <br /> . 13. C'.ehabiltiat[on Lo�n A�reement. Bflrrower sba:s �i�ll all of Borrowsr's cr�Ugadoas uader aay te�ue <br /> �y rehabilitation,imPray�� or other loan agreement w�=�:.Borrowea�_..ecs inta wi:h Leade=�s <br /> . •� apnon� maY requi���-ower to exocuce an� deliver to Lens�.er. in a for=,.a::eptable to I.� assi�nmeni af any — <br /> � rights,daims or defenses whi:.h @nrrower may t�ave against ra.,�es�o su�?y labur.�,.:-:.als ot services in co�tion <br /> . ;c;- � <br /> . .,,i�� with i�pmvements arade w thr Frq�:cy. <br /> ,.F� 16.Tra�er of th8 Property cx u�eneflcial Tnierest in Eorruw�. If all or any Q^�.n:�:�:the Propeny or any inte:�t <br /> • in it is sold or uaas�f2ated(or if a benefccial inten�st in Borrower is sold oT uansferied and Borrawer is aot a aatm�l <br /> ' peison)withaut LeBdee's prior wriuen consen� Lender its uprion. sequirz immediate Pa3►men4 iA of all sums <br /> � . • secured by this Det�i of'IYust. However.this opuor�shall unt be exercised by Leuder if eaen�ise is p�a1'r�?:it:z3 by federal <br /> � ��''' law as of the dase of this Dced of Tmst. <br /> '� Tf Lender eaercises this option,Lender shall give Borru«.�:otice of acceleiatioa'The notice shall provlde a���.sd. <br /> . ., of aot less than 30 days from tht date the notice is delivered or uiailtd witlun wluch Boirower�st gay all su�s�aa�.�' <br /> � ' by this De�d of Try.�:. i.�Boirotver fails to pay d�cse sums prior to the expir��on of this period, I.en�er rap is�c�:J=-Y <br /> � ' remedies permitted[��7�9�is Deed of Tcust widiout funher nouse or demar.d�rs�orrower. <br /> � cr <br /> NoN•UMFORM CoVENAN[S. Bormwer and Lender fvather covena�u and agcee as follows: _ <br /> _ ' .' ::�f?' 17. Ao�on: RanatIes. Exeept as pmvlded i� �?a�raPh 16 h�eoi. upon Bonower's b�acb o?�y <br /> � �ovensmt os ageement of Borrowear in this Deed of'�nsst,i�ciuding Bormwer's fsd�to pay,bY the e�nd oi 10 <br /> '. , ._�' caie4dar days uiter th�y are duQ,a�op simc�seeured by thts Dced o!Tren�,Lende�'Rrlar to aea�,a�c�fon slu�il glve _ <br /> hy <br /> notioe!o Borrawer a3 provlded in paragr��v.1Z �f s,.^e�[fy3n8s il) t6e D�escb; (2)t6e s�Eau i�uiral to cvse <br /> � �; arag <br /> 6 wi7ich sncb bsesch <br /> ' � sucla�ir.�ch,(3)�date.�t les�Ct�w 2ti dav5 G�th�e c��a(xe Che rtotice ts mait�l to Baremve�. Y �--. <br /> • `.;;t;';+r + m�sst�e e+u+ed;and(4)iha3 faL"c,.�-e to cure�.a�Drea��m or D�ore the date specitled in the�otice may in <br /> . ��� � accelerattoa o�the s�m�s secirres�by t6ils��if Tcust�d sale of the PropeRy. The cattce shxll fuat6�tafarm <br /> . � Borrowcr of the n�Fj�7B fia reiastaie after uoc��mud«Aad 4he r)ght to bring a couat adton to assefR t�aonexLst�ce of =_ <br /> � a defacilt or an y di�.c defense of Borrnr�er os•,n�:�leration and sale.lP the breacto is not cured a��r 6efore the date _ <br /> .-',.; speclfial in ihe�ae.Lc�dQr,at[.eader's optlr�n,�y dec[are ail of the s�mss s�by t�is D ce d o f T r u s t to b e _..- <br /> ;'�?�;;;1:' tmmedtatdy due and pmYabla crdticrut furth�deman�ai;ci:may invoke the power�S sale aad any other�c�tes -- <br /> ..i,�;,,,,., �`- <br /> pe�mitt� by appllca4fte lazv. L.���er shaYl be eniiiPe� c:a callect all �+easonaDfe a�b and ersPease� t�� li� .::_ ; <br /> ::_;. <br /> _ purauinB the rea�"ffi provtded i�r�is pYrr�?b 17,inriadln8,but nu�t Iimited to,reasontbk attc►me9s'fa�s. ,,._ <br /> r' ' <br /> _ I�the pon��p!e 1�i�voked.Trerst�:a�t�ISI reccrd o aottce ot defaalt in racb ooumy In cvG3c�tl��bie�to <br /> ��'�R se�$ �,uat ti�s+eof i� [oc�te�u-�s�11 m�5ii s�pf�s ot��ice tn the m�nner prescribe� y�F� ���° <br /> �� �3�3msi�c�d to th2 oZhs�������sait�d by agglIcustn law.Alier t8�e lapse af such time ss�y be r�-iae�by ;�z:: <br /> `,'::, apFl�Ca�te law,Trustee shaDi pnbltc reottce of sate to!he pasons�nd In We manner Prescribed�Y appt�a,bie -- <br /> Isw.Tnntee,wttho�dcmaa�on Boirower.shal!srll t6e Pmp�iy at publlc auction to tbE high4st bidder at the time <br /> � an�plaoe and�de�r t�e ee�ms dcslSnated dn t➢ie nottce of sale in a�or mor�t parrds and in s�orde�r as Trastee <br /> � • • may determtne.Trustee meY D�Pone rai�of aU or any rrarc�l of the�irnpetty b1/public anno�asu�at tbe ttnte <br /> � ��aFase�t any prevtm�sly s-she�nied Eeie.L�cder or�endar's d��gnee may piaub�te the Ptaperiy d a�sak. <br /> • { �Jpon �Pt o!P�3�e�rt of the Qrtee bid►'I'n�ce shall detiver to W�e purcrhzser Teustt�'s dc�J t�nveyl�g ths <br /> . � prup�iy sold.The ree[tats tn trie Tr�atee•s deed sGaD be pr[ma facte evidence of ths tr�h oi tC�e t�ai�e:mts mffie <br /> � � therein.T�uste�shaU ag�l�t6e pmoePds of the sele in the folIo�'faS ardv:(a)to all r�soaable o�ts and expen�s o3 �-.Y <br /> � � fhe sate,ipc(ad�ng,b�Qot ItffiiiM to,Tr�tee's tEes actaally i�auTed�!no3 raare t6an S S5 0!t6e�ass sate price. <br /> . � � reas�n�hie al3oraeys' t�aad e�L.of t[S[e evt�cace: (b) to all smns secvred Dy thls IIee�of Tr�att aad (s) tlie <br /> ! aeoes�.U a�Y+to ths pe�sor�or�rsor�Qe�,;?ly cn1[8tcd tE�tu. <br /> � R'ebrn:3o 20976-0 1/98 0!$g�t133(ReCOSB'-C2�1 CO�y«g83iCh� Cd$y�Ct1D�Q�SI Pade 3 of S <br /> ; .'.-r-.-..-__ <br /> -� -- -- - - - ------ - -- <br /> � —�—'_' .—----- - . _ ._ _ _ _ . _ _ -- <br />