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<br /> � � 7'
<br /> �• z.
<br /> � Unless Leader aad Botroner uthern ise agree in �vriting,any application oi praceeds to principal shall not extend or __
<br /> � pastpoae tha due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chsnge the amouat of the payments. __
<br /> ' If uttdeT psragrap$ 19 the Property is acquired bp Lender. Borrar�ei s ri�ht to any insurance policies snd praceeds _
<br /> � resulting irom damage to the Ptoperty prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the cartent of the sums se�ured by �,.
<br /> ' '� this Security Insuvment immediately prior to the acquisitian. _
<br /> � �� ' 6.Pteservation anS Msinteaauce oY Proparty; Leaseholds; Condo�iaiums; Pieaned C nit De�•elopme�ts. _
<br /> , • Botrocver shell keep the Property in gaad regair and shall not commit cvasta or permit impairment or deterioration of
<br /> the Properry and sliall comply cvith the provisions of anp lease if this Desd of Trust is on a leasehold. lf t}us I?aed of �,
<br /> ' --- Trust is on a vnit in a condominium or a planned unit development, Borrosver shall perfarm all of Borroner's :
<br /> - =-"-T—f` obliBations undet t�e de�ltittation or covenants creating or goeerning the condominium or planned unic de�•elupment,che �
<br /> a
<br /> � sc.
<br /> by"lacrs and regulations of the condominium or planned un;t development,and consiituent documenu. ,x
<br /> � • 7.Frotertfoa oS Lender's Security. I4 Borrower fails w perform the covenanu and ag�eements contained in this __
<br /> . ` � Deed of Trs..�,or if anq action or praceeding is commenced cvhich mat$rially affects L�nd'�''s interest in the Praperty,
<br /> � ,'� then Leader, at Leader's option,upoa aotice io$orrower. may make such appearances,disburse such sums,including
<br /> reasonable astomey�s'fe�,and take such action as is neces�arp w pratecc Lender's intsrest.If Lender required mortgage
<br /> � insutance as a condiraA cf making the lorsn secured by this Deed of Tn�.st.Borrower shatl pay the premiums required to
<br /> � ', '-'��, maintain svcc insaraa�in effect untit such time as the requirecneat far suc�►insurance terminates in axordance with
<br /> ` � . Borro�ver's �:3 I,euder's written agreement or applicable lacv. anp amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant tfl tlua
<br /> ." � paragraph 7, �rrith intereat thereon, Ex the agplicable convact rate, shall �come additioral indebtedaess of $anawer
<br /> • q• s;cttted by this Dsed af Trust. Unl�s Barro�rer and Lettder agree w ather terms of pay'rn�tt►E. such amountsh �
<br />`��. �' 4 �ya61e upon aotice fr�� Lender t� Eorroc�c-r r��esting papment themaf.�othing conta.ined in this P��P
<br />�;�; � �.�+quire Lender to incur sap espea..�e vr�e snq a�on hereunder. :
<br /> . '�' 8.Insgc�ion. I.ender may malfp cr cause to be made ressonable entries upoa aarl it�p�tions o4 the Praperty,
<br /> ,+,, ' � �, pro,ria�i d;;sT,i.eader shell give Borr:.�er notice prior to anq such inspecaaa specifyia�:-easarsble cause thezefar re!ated
<br /> 6:, �'. to Lender's i^terast in the Property.
<br />�- � 9.Conc'�atia� 'Tik�proceeds of any a�vard or claim for damagas,�ter�t or consequ�.tial.ia connection with atap
<br /> condemastia�or other:�king of the Property,or part thereof, or for caa:�eyance in lieu of condemnation,are herebq
<br /> ' + assiga�;,��3:;h,all be paid to Leader, subject to tfle terms of any mortgage,deZd of trust or other security a�reement
<br /> � - --• •� with a lie���ich has griority over this Deed of Tnrst.
<br /> 10. Borrower No4 Releaszd; Forbesramce By Lender Not a EtieiGer. F.atension of 2h► time for payment or
<br /> � T edification of amortizar_on of the sums sec�ued:�y this Deed of Trus:�:.ated by Len.d2c to aay�:ccessor in interest
<br /> Qf Bonower and all other parties n� are�r s'�ftet b��e seconsTaci��:�liable shall na4 o�t�3 to r�lease. in any
<br /> ... � ,-;:rt� manner.tae liability of the orig,in;y l3r�xrocver and Borrower's succe�c� :�interest. LrsY3:s shaU not bs requited to
<br /> .'•�l�i . CpII1tY18A?:'LT�TOC2�IAgS 8gS1nSi`3UC�:��ccessor or reFuse to estend time fc:paymens or ottu:rcvise modi4y amc:zation
<br /> •f�. � � •��� of the sur.:s se�ured by this Deed of Trust bq reason of any demaad r��`e by the original Borrower aad Bc^�,:�er's
<br /> suc��ors in;nteresG .�y farbearaace by Lsnder ia esercising anq ri�et���. :emedY hereurfl:r,or o�therwise afforded bp
<br /> ' � applicable ta�,shall not be a vraiver af or preclude the esercise of aay s�:s r,ht or remedy.
<br /> ll.Su�ssors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Sevee�.! i,ia.TM.�=:�g�; �o-siSaers• Th`= °°°eaaats and agree^*ents
<br /> � ' ' • herein coan3ined shall biad,and the rights hereunder sha11 �,:�:�,t-'��resPective s�ccesso�r�and ass��of Le�.�ar aed
<br /> � � � Bonowes,sub}ect to the provisions of paragraph 16 nereof.rl::covenants and agreeYnenu o2 Barrower shall be��`±°{:aad
<br /> . - • several.Any Bosrowe3'who co-sigas this Deed of Trwt, but daes not e�:eute the Note, (a) is co'signing thie I��ed oi
<br /> `.���,r,;,�'' ,' Trust only 4o grant and convey that BarroNer's i�'srest in the Proper2y�c 1`�ander undzr the terms of this Deed of Trwt,
<br /> :�:.; �._:{;. (b)is aot person311y liable un the No�.or under this I?eed of Trusc,and(c)agrees that Le�uda*and anq other�onower
<br /> �=:��_'-;;��,� hereunder map agree to eatend, modify, forbear,or mnke any other accommodations with re�rd to the terms of thie
<br />