� -
<br /> .�
<br /> 1 �
<br /> . 89-i 0596'�
<br /> 18. O,,,ptbn to Fo►�ctos�. Upon the occutoenCe ot a�y d�fiult hereunder,Benefi�iary shdll have the option to
<br /> tar�cloM thh T►u�t DNd Ia th�rn�nn�►pio+id�d by�sw for the toreclosure af mortgwts on�e�l praperty.
<br /> j� };. For+b�snc�l�.Bwufk�atY ar TFUSt� Not a WaivK. Any forEbaasar�ca by 8eneti�fsry or Ttustee In
<br /> �x��l�lrq�ny ri�t or nmadY M»undtr� or oth�nreisa�Sfc�rd�d by�pplic�bl�I�w. �Mlt not b� a waivec o!or pra
<br /> Cludt tht tx�d�of Imy suCA ri¢�t ar o�m�dY hKtur�dot. Liktwi�t�th�wai+eer b�e &s�efictu�or Trustee ct u►Y
<br /> d�fault ot T�tor unde►this T►ust OMd sh�ll not ba d�m�d to b�a w�ivee of any other or similu dataults tu0sa
<br /> qNrttly oocurtirq,
<br /> te. Tnxtor Not RMawd. Eacarnion at sh�tim�for paym�nt or modific�tion or�rno�tiz�tionotth�wrtu
<br /> saund by thh Tnnt Orec!�snt�d by BMefici�ry to any waasor in iM�rst of Trustor aMlf�ot opKat�to rel�t�.
<br /> in any mannK� tA� Ilability of th� oNpna! Tn�:tor �nd Trustor's suacator In iattre�R. 9tntfici�ry sAall not h�
<br /> epuind to oonwrw�e� prea�din�a�inn wch waa�or or nius�to fxt�nd time foc p�ym�nt a oth�rwi�modity
<br /> amortiz�tbn af th�wrta s�ournd by this Trust D�d by nason of any d�mand msd�by tM oti�inal T�ustor�d
<br /> Tru�i succ�in intK�st �
<br /> 19. 8�ficlan►'s PewK:. Wlthout aH�ctin� th� IiabilitY ot th�Trustor or snY other p«'�on li�bl� tor th�
<br /> p�ymmt of any obHlNtion huNn m�ntion�d, �nd without sfhcti�q th� Q�n ot cMr�of thi�Trurt Owd upon
<br /> any porcion of tn�Fmp�ty noi�en or theretoio��ni�ssaq as Hcurity for th�futl amount oi aii unpsidobltQatlor».
<br /> B�n�tkiary may� irom time to tim��nd without notice (i) �el�a� any p�so liabN, (ii)�ct�tM mnu�ity or
<br /> sit�r�nY of tM t�rrtn of�ny:uch obligstloris, tiii) gnnt other indutgence�,�(ivf rdiae3�a � �;16r oiuse to be
<br /> ni�a�d or rkonwy�d at�ny tim�a4 8ensfiei�ry':options any parcei. po�ipq�A�~ „V�`,.���, r,o(�Y.ty) tsk�or
<br /> rel� a�y oilwr or idditbnal security for sny obligation herein mentiomd,or���malce�-oomPvtitioM or other
<br /> ursn�nmq with d�bton I�relation thereto.
<br /> 20. R��yanc�bv Tnist�e. Upon written�equest of Benaficisry satinp that all wm�seaursd h�rtby hs+r•
<br /> bw�p�id� and upon wrrendtr of thls Trust Dred�nd the �lots to Trusts�tor eancell�tion and�eta�tio+�u�d upon
<br /> p�ym�nt by Trustor of 7rustM'�f�es, Trustes stt�ll reconvey to Trustor,or th� person or pKSOns lay�lly entitled ;�
<br /> tMnto,without v�Ra�ty,any portbn of the Property then heid henunder. The�ecitats ia such�sconvtysnc�of �
<br /> any mstt�n or facts shall be conelusive proof of the truthtulncs�thereof. The gnntee in�r►y�econvey�noe nt�y be "-
<br /> daeri�d as°t1w p�no�or p�rsons le�ally e�titied thveto". ! f-``
<br /> ��.:
<br /> 21. Notk�. ExqPt far any notica.demands. �equem or otner wmmuniwiioas r.quind urxisr.pPiic�iir ''. ' �-.
<br /> , law to b��ivsn tn�nother msnr9er,whenav�► Bernficiary, Trustor or Trunes gives or sarv�s sny noti�(includi�,
<br /> witl�aut limitatlon, notice of d�fwit and notia of s�le), demands,requests or other communiqtion with nsp�ct ;
<br /> ta adis Tnut OMd, �sch wch noti�c�, demsnd, �equest or other communicat�n sh�ll be.i� wrltinp snd sh�ll b� ;
<br /> aff�otiv�only if tha same is dNivarad by penonal sarvke o�m�iled by certifled mail,post�9s orep�id,retum ncsipt
<br /> rtqwst�d, addrtss�d to the addnss as sst forth�t the beyin�ing o�this Trust Oeed.Trusta�Q�reby requesis that a
<br /> cof�ll of any noik�ot d�fautt,sny notiee of sate,required or perriai3sed to be yiv�ihe Trustos.heteunder,bs msiled
<br /> io it st t!w addna at torth at th�beqinniny of this Trust Oeed.Any puty ma�at any tima Manqe iu address for
<br /> sueh�otlat by d�live�inp or maiHrp to the other R�n�es he�eto,as�fora�id,a notice of such eha�e.Any notice _
<br /> hKeundK shall b�de�m�d to hava bean given to Trustor o�Benefi¢ia�ry,when given in the rt�x��ur designated herein. �
<br /> �
<br /> 22. Gowmino Law.This Trust f�ed sh�ll be govemed by th�t�ws of the Stata of Nabtaska �
<br /> . � �
<br /> 23. Su�ors and Assiqns. This Trust De�d and all terms,oonditioris.asad o61lg�tion:herein �ppiy to snd �'�"
<br /> inun to Lh�b�n�fit of and bind atl pac�"s�s her�to,their hein,ley�tees,devi�es,penonsl rep�+ese�tstives,wccessors —
<br /> and sssisru.T'!�e trrm "Beneficiary" sh:Ff inean the owner and ha[eter of the Note, whether�er not named as Bene� , ���'
<br /> fir�sry hereln.
<br /> 24. Joint�nd Several Li�bility.All caenants and agreerrtenu at Trustor shall ba joint and seveal. , •
<br /> 25. Sw�rabiiity. In th�e+rtnt any one or more of the pravisions contained in this Trust Oeed,or the tVote or
<br /> any oth� Na�rity in�tnm�tgiv�n in connection with this for any retsun be heid to be invalid,i{legal or unentorce�
<br /> �bis in arry►esp�ct,•wdn in•aiiBity, iiies�iity, or unenfurceabit�ty shali; at the�o�stton of 8enef7ciar'Y.�+oE���Y � .
<br /> oth�r prarlsion of this Tru:t Deed,but this Trust Deed shsll be constrved as if wcb irni�GCd;illegal�or unenforceable ,
<br /> provision hsd narer b�en contained heni� or therein. If the liert o�this Trust Deed is imriii�i or unenforce�ble�s to,
<br /> sny part o6 t4e debt, or if thf lien is irnalid or unentorce�b�e as ao any part of the Proaertv, the uns�cured or .
<br /> p�riially uwnd poRion o�the debt shail be completely paid prioc tb the D�YR►ent of the�emainin�and secured or
<br /> ptetially s�aar�l poRion of th�dMft,and all paYments made on the detst,vrh�t�str voluntuy or under foreelowre or
<br /> othet�r►fotcaaat+lnt aCtion or procKfu% shali be considered to hive heen first paid on and:�pplied to the ful)pay � - _—
<br /> m�nt of th�t pation of tfi�d�bt which is�ot secured or not fully sewred by the lim of this Tr+�st Deed. '
<br /> 26. Numb�r and Gender. Whenever used herein, the sinpular numGes s3:all inctude the ptunl, the ptunl, �
<br /> tht sirqular,and th�ust oi any pend�►sh�11 be�ppticsble to ap genders. �
<br /> 27. Aee�ptsne� by Trustee. Tr,�Stee accrpts this Trust wt,er,this Trust Oeed,duly executed and acknowl-
<br /> � �d�d.+s rn�M a public racard as provided by law.
<br /> �
<br /> � d �
<br /> �
<br /> � .i
<br /> �CJ. 7/S'� �B�JU�J O�f! � .
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