� __
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<br /> � � ' ��""" �105967
<br /> ch�rfles or to mike any payments to Any existing prio�Ilon holdors or benoiiciarie�, Banefictary may pracure such
<br /> intunnae and m�ice t�ch{aaymen�Any amounu di�bursed by BeneflciAry pursuant to thi�P�r�graph 8 sh�ll become
<br /> addiLion�l indebtr9neu ot Trusto� sscu�ed by thii T�ust Oeed. Such amounts sh�ll ba psy�ble upon notice irom
<br /> Ben�ficiuy to Trustor�equastinq payment ttiereof. �nd shdl bea�inte►est from tha date ot disbunement st the r�ta
<br /> r. payable from tlml to ttm�on ouutanding p�incipi�unci�r cha No�a u�icss paymci►t o!interesi at such rite woutd be
<br /> contrary to sppllcible I�w� In which event :uch �mounts shall bt�r interest at the hi�hast rate permissible under
<br /> appiicabls I�w. Nothi�p eantain�d In this PsvsgtaRh 6 shall re�uire Benetieiar}�to incur eny axR�nte oE t�k��ny
<br /> •ction heteunde�.
<br /> 7. Ws10nm�nt of Ra�t�. B�n�fici�ry sh�ll bav�th�right,pow�r and autAority durinp the contt�uu�c�of
<br /> thb Trust DMd to coll�ct th�rn�ti, Iuua�nd protib of the Rrop�rty and ot any parsonal propa�ty lac�ted th�wn
<br /> with or without taki�y pouasion ot the property affected hereby. and Trustor hereby�lunlutety and uncondi•
<br /> tlonally �sst�ns all such �enu, iuues and profiu to 8eneticiary. 8eneficiuy. however. he�eby cansenu to the
<br /> Trutto�i oollection �nd retmtion of such rent�, iswes and profit:a:th�y accru��nd b�om� Wyabte so long a�
<br /> Trusto� li noL at such time, !n default with re�pect to P�yment of any indebtadnes� secured hereby, or In the
<br /> petotmma of ��y �9reemMt hersundar, Upon any such defautt, 8eneficiary msy at any time,either in penon, �
<br /> bY aymL ar by s��iv�r to be appainted by a court, wlthout notice�nd wtthout regud to th�sdaquacy of any
<br /> secu�ity for th�indtbtedntss hareby saaued, (�)e�ter upon�rtid take possession of tha P�operty o��ny p�rt thaeof,
<br /> and in its own��n�w�fior o�otherwise colleet wch renu,iuues and protits,including thos�past dut�nd unp�id.
<br /> �rW appty th�tune. I�eost�and expensh vi opention and cotieciton, lnciudin�r��tsc�iuibti«ii��i.iy� ��as,upon
<br /> �ny i�debt�d�s secured hereby,�nd in such order as 8enefieiuy may dete�mine;(b1 parform wch acb of�epair or
<br /> protectian as nuiy be necessary or p�oper to conserve the vatue of tha Propeny; (c) teue the s�me or�ny part
<br /> thereof tor such rontal,tertn,md upon such cunditions u its judgment may dictate or terminate or adjusi the tams
<br /> a�d eo�ditlons of any extsting lase or le�ses. Unleu T�ustor and Beneficiary agree othervvise i�writing,a�y applip•
<br /> tlon oi �enti, iuua or profits to�ny irxlebtedness secu�ed hareby shall not extc�d or postpone the due date of the
<br /> instaltment p�yments u pravided ln�aid promissory note or change the amount of such inst�Um�nts.Tha entering
<br /> upon �nd taking posuasion of the Property, the collection of sucl� mnu, issua and p�o�u,i�d the sppllcation
<br /> thereof a�afores�id,sl��Il not waive or cure any default or notica of default hereunder, or invalid�te�ny�et done
<br /> puau�nt to such notice. Tn+stor also usigns to 8meficiary, as further security for the pertorm�nce of the obligs-
<br /> tlons secured henby, �II propaid renu aad ail monies which may h�ve been o�msy herafter b�d�Rosited with sais! �
<br /> Tcustor by sny las�s of the PropeRy, to secu�e the payment ot any rent or d�rniges, �nd upon default in the �:
<br /> pe�formsnea af any of the provisions heceot. Trustor aproes to deliver such ranu and deposits to Benefidary. De-
<br /> livery of w►itten notice of Beneficiary�s exercise o! the rights gnnted hereie,to any ten�nt occupYing s�id premises �_'`,'
<br /> sh�ll b�tuffici�nt to requi�e ssid tenant to pay said rent to tNe 8er�etiC��ry untii iuRner nvtice.
<br /> 8. Condemnati0n. If title to any pan of the Property shekl be t�ken in condem�tsiion proceedings, by .
<br /> right of eminent dorn�in or similu action,ar:h�ll b�sold under thre�t of condemnation,ali awuds.damages and
<br /> prxeed�sn hereby usi�n�d and shatl b�paid to Beneilclary who shall�pply such�wards.damspe�and p�ocads to
<br /> ine wm seeured by thls Trust Oeed,with th�exces:, lf eny,psid to Trustor. If Yruscor�eceive9 a�y not�ca o�other
<br /> intormation �eg�rding such actions or proceedings, Trustor shall give prompt written natice thereof to Btneficiary.
<br /> Beaefiei�ry shsll be entided,at its option,to commence,appeu in and prosecute ln its own name any su�h action or
<br /> proeeedinps and sh�ll be antitlad to make any compromise or settlement in connection with any such action or
<br /> proceedings.
<br /> �
<br /> 9. Futun Adv�nca. Upon request of Trunor,8enefici�ry at Bernficisry's option,prior to reconveyance of
<br /> the PropenY to T�ustor msy m�ke future advances to Trustor.Such future advanca,witN lnterest thereon,shall �=
<br /> be secured bY this Trun Oeed when aidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby. � _:..�
<br /> ���;
<br /> 10. Remadies Not Exclusive. Ttustee and 8eneficiary, �nd each of them,shall be entitled to enforce pay
<br /> ment and performance of any indebtedness or obfigat;ans secetred bereby and to exerciso ali�lghu and powers under
<br /> thia Trust Deed or under any other agreement executed in cannection herewith or any laws now or hareafter in ,
<br /> force, notwithst�nding some or all of the such indeb2edness and obligations secured hereby may now or hereafter
<br /> be otherwise secured, whether by martgage, deed of trust, pledge, tien,assignment or otherwise.Neither the accep�
<br /> tance of this Trust Oeed nor its enforcement whether by court action or pursuant to the power of sale or other .
<br />� powers heroin cont�ined, shall prejudice or in any manner affect'frustee�s or Beneficiery�s right to reilize upon o�
<br /> enfqrce any other security now or hereafte� held by Trustee ar Benefici�ry, it being agrepd that Trustee and Sene- ''
<br /> flciary, and each of them, shall be entitled to enforce this Trust Deed and any other uarity now or hero�fter �
<br />" held by Beneficiary or Trustee in such order and manner as they or either of them may in thei�abseluie discretion
<br /> d�t�rmtne. E�to remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to T�ustee or Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of any
<br /> oti�er ramectiy nerein or by iaw provided or permitted,but each shall be cumutative and shsll be in addition to every
<br /> other rcmedy given bereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute.Every power or remedy
<br /> provided hereunder tt�l�Trust Deed to 7rustee or Beneficiary or to which either of them may be othe�vise entitled, ,---____
<br /> msy b�exsrcised, concurrently or independently� from tlme to time and as oiten as may be deemed eupedient by
<br /> Trustee or Senefieiary and either of them m�y pursue ir�consistent remediez. Nothing here+n shall be construed as ,
<br /> prohibiting Beneficiary from seeking a deficiency judgment against the Trustor to the extent such action is per-
<br /> rnitted by�nr. � l
<br /> 11. Tnn�fer of the PropertY:Assumption. If ell or�r�{ part of the property or any interesi tF,ereln is sold, �
<br /> Ltnnsterred or conveyed by 7rustor v�ithout Oeneficiary's prios written consent, exctuding(a)the creation of a lien
<br /> or encwmbr�nce subordlnate to this 3sust Deed, (b) the crea�ion ot a purchase monoy security interest tor house-
<br /> hold appli�nces, (c) a transfer by devise,descent or bV oPeration of law upon the death of a lo�nt tenant or (d)the �
<br /> gr=nt ot any leasehotd interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchase, 8eneticlary may, ac �
<br /> 8eneficiary�s option, declero all the sums secured by this Trust Oeed to be immed�ately due and poyable;�rovided, �,� ' -
<br /> :�. .
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