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� � <br /> 89-- 105962 <br /> � If Lender required mortgage insurance us a condition of mahinF the tc�an secured t�y �his Securit�� 1�15ttument, <br /> � . �orrower shalt pay the premiums rec�vire�tv mauitain thc insurnnce in eftect until sach time ss th:reQt�itemrsit.Pc►r the <br /> i�surAnce te�mir�ates in acrordance wiih 8or�ower's and i.ender's w ritten agrecment or applicabt�e lativ. <br /> 8. iwsptetlort. Lende:or its agc�t ma}make reasonable entries u�n anci inspections af thc P�cgerty. Lenclu <br /> � shal)give Borrawct notice at the timc af nr prior to an inspcctian speciPying rcasanabls cause fat thr inspection. <br /> , 9. CoMkmnation. The practeds of'nny award or claim far damnFes.dircct or consequrntiul,iaconnection with <br /> . any candcmnatian or ather teking of uny part oP the Propert��, or for can.•e}•nnre m licu of condrmnation, nre hereby <br /> � assigned and shall be paid ta I.ender. <br /> ln the e�•e��t ot a tetal taking of the Aroperty, thc pracrcdti sl�ull I+e:►pplied tc� the ruins sccured bv this Security <br /> � lnstrument,w•hether or not thcn due, with any excess pa�d 1�� t3��rruwrr. In �he e��cn�ri u panial tAking of Ihc P�oprrty, <br /> unless Rorrower end l.ender otherwise pgrrc in wntin�,the sums se�ured b� thi4 Sccunt��Instrumcnt�hall hc rcducecf by <br /> : the amount of tho prciceeais multi�lied hy thr Pollaw�ng fract�un: l++l thc totnl amount ��f ihc sums secured immediatcly <br /> before the iakin�,divi�ed by Ib)thc fu��markct �•aluc of�he Nmperty immediatcl��hcfbre thc taking. �1ny balance shall t+e <br /> paia to qorrower. <br /> If'the Property ��abasidoncd by Bci�mw�cr. or iG nftcr n�hre h�• l,cnder tu Hrrrow�cr eha� tltc cundtmnar���'erc to <br /> � m�ke an awYrd ur sdtle a cla�m for dumagrs,Hc�rruwer tuils to res�nd to d.cs�dtr w•�ihin �0 dA�•�af'ter thr dntc the noticc is <br /> , given,l.e�der is authanzed to callect und apply the proceeds,ut its apt���n.eit h�r tu r��stnration or repair oP the P�aperty ar <br /> to the c��ms se!�ured by this Set+�rity lRStrume�t.a•ts:t:�cr or not ih��duc. <br /> Unless Lrndcr and Borrower otherwisc agree in writing.anp:�ppl�rati�n of praceeds ta prin�i�)shall not cxtend ar <br /> . postpone the duc date of the mon�hly payments referred to in pareg�uphs 1 unt12 ur change ths umaunt c�f such payments. <br /> 10. Bonower Not Released; Forbeantnce By Lender Nat a Nai�cr. Extensian of the time for payment or <br /> modiflcation af amortization of the�ums securrcl by this Security lnstrument grnnted by Lender to any succcssor in <br /> interest af Bar�ower shall noi aperate to releas�the liability of the original Hnrrow�er or Bormwer'S successors in interest. <br /> Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings aga�nst 3��• sueressnr in interest or refuse to extend time for <br /> , payment or otherw�se modefy amonization of the surr�s secured by this Secunt��lnstrument by r�ason of any demand made <br /> by the original Borrower or Borcawer's successon en�rterest.Any forbearance by Lender in e�ercising any right or remedy <br /> shall not be a waiver of'or preclude the e�ercise of am right or remedy- <br /> � 11. Succe�sors u�d Assigas B�uad;Joint and Several Li�tbilitg�;Co-si�pners. The covenants and agreements of� <br /> this Security Instrument shaU bind and t+enefit the succ�sors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subje.:t ta the provisions � <br /> � of paragraph 17.Bonower's cavenants und agreemcrets shall 6e joint and several.Any Bonower who co-signa this Security '� , <br /> Instrument but does not execute the�ote:(a)i�cw-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgpge,grant and convey ;: ;- <br /> �hut Borrower's interest in the Propett}under the terms c�f th�s Secvrity lnstrument;(b)is not personally abligated to pay � <br /> �= �' <br /> the sums secure►i bv this Securitv lnstrument: and(c)asrees thut Lender and un5r other Borrower mAy aRree ta eatend�. _ _ <br /> ' ' irtadify,forbear or make any accommcxiaiions with regard ta thc terms�f tt�is Security thn Note�vithout�� _ <br /> that Borrower's consent. '� <br /> 12. I.oan C�arges. if ihe loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject ta n law w�hieh s�ts maximum loan '..: <br /> churges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charge�collecied or to be collected in � <br /> �, connection with the loan excead she�g�rmitted limits, �hen: (a)any such loan charge sholl be reduced by the amoum <br /> , neeessary to reduce ths charge tathe permittod timit;and(b)any sums already colle:.ted tirom Borrower which exceeded . <br /> . permitted limits will be refunded to Sorrowet. Le�der may chaose to make this refund by reducitzg the principal owed <br /> under the Nute or by making a direci payment to Bqnawer.If a refund reduces principal,the rednctic�n will be treated as a <br /> partial prepsyment without any prepayment charge under the Nate. � <br /> � 13. Legislatton AReetieg I.ender's Rights. If enactment ar expiratian of applicable laws has the effect of � �� <br /> ' rendenng any p:ovision of the Not�or this Security Instrument unenforceable according to its terms, its option, � � <br /> may require immediate pa}zttent �n full of all su�s secured by th�s Securit�, Instrument and ma}� invoke any remedies — <br /> • � ,' permitted by paragraph 14�.If Ixnder exercis�s this option.Lender shall take the steps specified in ttz�second paragraph of — <br /> .i paragraph 17. <br /> 14. Notices. Any notice te}Yanower pro.ided for�n th�s Secunry Instrument stealI be gn en by delivering it ar by � <br /> mailing it by flrst class mail uniess�applicable !aw requ�res use of another methai. The nouce sh.all be directed to the ?� �. <br /> Property Address or any ather ad�ress Borrower designates by not�ce to [.ender. Any notice tcr Y.e�der shall be given by ''•"" <br />, first class ma�l to l.ender's address stated herein or any other addresti Lender ciesignates by notice to Borrower.Any notice : <br /> • provided for in this Security Instrutstent shall be deemed to ha��e been gn•en to Borrower or Lender when given as provided . <br /> . in this�aragraph. <br /> l5. Gore�ni��1��v;Severability. 'fhis Security Instrument shall t+e governed by federal law and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is locatai. In the event that any provts�vn or clause of this Security Instrument or the <br /> Note conflicts with applicable law. such conflict sF�al!not atfect other prov�sions of this Security instrument or the Note <br /> whieh can tse given etfect Kithout the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security tnstrument and the <br /> � Note sre declared ta be seyerable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrovvcr shall be given ane conformed copy of'the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. Tnnater o!the Property ur a Beneficial lnterest in Borrower. If all <�r any part of the Yroperty or any <br /> interest in it�s sold�r transferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural <br /> person)without Lender's pnor written consent, Lender may,at its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums <br /> secured by th�s Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be eaerrised by Lender if exercise ts prohibited by <br /> federal law as of the date of this Security lnstrument. <br /> If i.ender eaerc�ses this opuon, I.ender shall give l3orrower notice aE'accelert�t�on. The notice shall providc a penod , <br /> of not less than 30 da}�ftom the da,te the notice is delivered or mailed within sy.hich Borrower must pay all sums secured by <br /> this Sccurdy instrument.ld'Bonower fails to pa}these sums pnor to the exp�ration of th�s penod.Lender may mvoke any <br /> rcmedies petmitted by this Secunty Instrument without Purther notice ar demand on b�orrow�er. <br /> 1lf. Borrower's Right t� Reinssate. If Borrower meets certain cnnd�ti�ns, f3orrow•r.r shuhP have the right t�have ' <br /> enlorcrment of thrs Security Inctrument d�sc�ntmued at any time pnor to the earlier nE(a)5 day�fc•r si�ch�ther penod ac <br /> appl�cable!aw may specify fnr rein�tatement)hefnre sale r�f the Prc��serty �ursuant t�anp pnwer c�i wle c��nta�nect in thiti <br /> { Seeunty Inctrument;or fb�entry uf a�adgr�lent er�fn�cmg thn Securuy In��rumrnt '1 hc��e e�mcl�h�mc are that a�+rr!,wer <br /> L (a) pays l.ender ali cum� wMch then w•��uld he due uncf�r th�� Secuntc Instniment and thr '�3e�te had nc� aceelrrat�un <br /> ciccufred, (h)curc< <my default uf an�• e�ther cuvenantc�,r �greement�: (cl pa}�� alt rx�.en�eti incurred in enfr�rcin� thi� p. <br /> �Ca:llilRy It15l��UTI1£IN. inrl�tii�n�. fiut n<�t I�mrtcd t��. �ra�nnublc attnrnc��ti' fcc�. and (dt takc� wch arii�m.�� I cnd�r m��� <br /> re•astmabl} tryu�tc t�� a�sure tha� thc licn c�t ttn� 5ecutrty ln�tr�ment i ciidcr'� richt� in tl�c !'r����crh ;�eid Hurr„��i•r'ti � �� <br /> ��t�hp..ah��t� tn i,av the wtti< <c•urr.d hv thiti tic�urit� I:itilrumcnt �hali ,.�•ntinitr uu.h:in�;rd 1 �+rn rc�rnt:itrmrnt hti !' . <br /> k+ <br /> �i:rrt:�usrr ►f>>�Sc�unt} In:ftamenl �uic7lhr��fil��;;tti��tt��r�utcct lictcFn �h.+ll te•rnain liilh ctTc�h��•,���f n�,a�•crl<•iah�,t�f�,��l <br /> ��...uitecl (lnartet. tht�n���t+�,rrin�t�tle�halltsnt ap}�ly�t��he_ase��t.n�el+•r,�iu�n urulrr (,.ir:�r,r.���h. I i �•� I ' <br /> � <br />