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,. ; . .- <br /> , '� . � . . . ( Pa��3 � <br /> 1 �9�7�-1339 ��m '���1.�s �Sl��{V��k� 0� �$E�6TS , <br /> :1 l��n t�a (C��tnuad) - . . <br /> ' ? Qifclt�:htfta. Fe3furo c�t Grantm ar 8ortouer to ccmpfy with any tatm,obE'gaNOn,eovenant,ar ccnd�hon�anh�inrrJ!n an�ottu ct�qreensant c <br /> � bat+.uaan prantar ar Berro�ncar and lande�. <br /> Q•,,r�ar�n��r,ey. Tha d'ssseiuUOn or�rmtn�tion ot t3�a�tor or flenowafs�udstertco es a gofeg busin�ss or the death a!any pzRncr,the <br /> Ir�aNertcy ot Gr�ntor or 8arrow9r.ths eppaintrnent af 4 teceEvsr to�B�nY Part of Granto►of Burowefs proAertY.any ass:pnm9rd ter ttie Esrtafit � <br /> ot taflQ:�ta+s.anY tYPa ot ereditor tvorOcoul,ar tha commenee�r$sit o!r�ny praoeediny uc�Car any bsniwP�Y m insnlvency Saws Oy or egafnst � <br /> ' ' ' �rantcr ar Bacrower. <br /> # Fotee(aStuO.F�sR�hua.0tc. Commer.cem&n2 af toradastae ar 4ort2iiurti pro�edlrtg�.rriset4�a by j�d:r�J Oroe�effing.&Et�-h8:'p.�eDa"`.�.�`'� , <br /> ar rnny oiher nny ereditor ot Grsnior or bY am,{g�verr+Ratffal$qenCY 8�at�st 8nY of the Prop2rty. Haxevar,tiu�s s4bsec@an sha:]not . <br /> ! epyiy tf�tha e�czrd�!t�gsed ffuth d�ut3 by Grtvt��r Cs to th3 v3Qd�iy er reeSOnaD'8n_ss o!tha d�itn Y!�'ch fs th9 bast3 ot thg tareda3ure or : <br /> _ � tareisitrtra procc�d'.ng,provtded ttiat Gran'.ar givss Lend:r vrrittan nouea ot sw�ctNm artd fumsh_�r��as m a sureiy Ooad ter tRa dalm i <br /> s�istectory ta Lend�r. � <br /> Ey�Mp qf�c'c;r,9 Gusran�IIr. Any o!th9 precedrt8 ovanSS oxu�a vtlt?��esg�ct to anY Quamntor ot any af tha IndebtMness or anY Guasantor • . <br /> ' d�s er Eecorrtes incompe'.sM.or re�aices ot dsputs tha vaCdiy� I'ab:aty undsr.any Guara�fr of ths Indebiadnes.s. tts apton, <br /> � rt�y,but sha9 aoi tra teqt�rBd t0.R�t tho Guararto�$esffit�to assu�ne unCOndiNor�aly tt�s nbi•gaUO�artsiag undar ths gusranty in a <br /> manrt2r saUs(actary to Lender.and.In dotng so.ct�e th9 Evsnt o!Qa[sult . <br /> qQyerGp ptatt�e. A maferLal advars&chanBa oaurs In Borrovrer's finartcial cond:tlon, er Lertdsr b¢"�avss tha P�O�af payrtnant ar <br /> psrform3rtee of the Indebt�drt�s is impstred. <br /> � � [nseettrtty. Lender in goad f8ith destns iLelf ins�ure. . ;� <br /> R3(�t te Me. If such a tailure[s cuiaD�and it Grcniar or Bdrrowar has na1 b�n�ran a rto':ce ot a br�ach a?ti�same pro�sian at tt�s <br /> i f�sstgnmard wfihin the pr0eed�n9 Mreive(12)meraths.ft m3Y be cured(and no Cwsr�t nf t2afa�tt vr�Aava oocurted)tt Grantor a Barraurer.ntl� <br /> �3ndsr san�writtsn rtoxce demartdIn9 c�ua o!such ta."ur3: (p)cur�tts9 fa`Iu�e w�n fiResn(t�day�or ib)H the cure reQ�es rtrora than - <br /> �u <br /> HRaen f 1�daYs.tmmed'aie�l tnlUates s1aAs suf8�nt to eur�U+s fs!ture r�:d th�eafteP cor�inua ertd coanA'etes aJ reasonaDSe artd rt�sary � <br /> . staps r�ffcr.taM to prodaoa compUand as&cen as reazonabiy prs�,L : <br /> RIG9ii8/�tJ�(iE6t�1ES Oti O�FAULY. Upan the aecurrersee o?any Evuti of Osfau:t artd at any Ume th�eafter.Lendet may w�e nnTl ene or • <br /> E6t . <br /> " crtare af the`.oUawtn9 dgh"s attd remsd� eldrtton to anY oi�fet ttgis�s cr r�9d:es Prav:dsd by t8w: <br /> " � ' � Att�ate lndebfedness. lsrtQer s.*a7 have the rtptd at its opL'on to dsWare the catU�'ndebffidn�s immedfffi8t}I dve and PaYab!e.tnrludtag �� — <br />. _ . . ' Sf a�+N O�PaY�n�Pe�Y whSCh Borravrer would tr�reGwr�td to PaY• ._...r . <br /> �`,;;:� j Gai:te!Resi4a. Lender shall hav3 tis�rig!et,without not3ce to Grantor or 8orrowQ.i,�Ir•ka Fa�s�an e!the PraDe�tY ar�d cai3ecl the Rer�. � ' <br /> ���: _ti� Irtciad�ng art�aunb past due asd urqscl�t'�zd app(y fhe rtet prooerds.aver artd abs.n�s y2r:Q�s cas�,+�►nsl9he Indebbdrtess. tn t�fteranoe >. <br /> '.,., ,�� � o f i t w r.g h t.L e n d e r s h a U h a v e e 9 S 9 v a '�'�s Drovtdsd tor[n the LAnd�s R:grit to Ca2�SecSOn,a�at'�. 1i the Re�s arB coifected bY I.ertder. <br /> i then Grantor trrevaeabN designates Lendar as Qran'rfs aitomaY-frrdact tu eada�'sa Irs�ums r A S�e c s:v e d i n p a y m e r d t h e r e o f t n f G O c s a m e o! <br /> , . � tirar�or en0 to negaHaYe the same and eolJect th�p.rocsads. FaY+�nts tr1f tenar�s�o�her usms to Lender tn ras�a�e Co Lender's�mand _m. <br /> ' , shall saUsfy iha obtipa9ons for whtch the payments c.�e�rade.whethef ar na1 anY R�F�S��ufds for the demartd e�`�i¢d.t2nder may exerdse . <br /> sfy <br /> , j its dghfs under this subparegraph efthe�in person,by thra�,,,5 n recGiuer. , <br /> j AapafnC RECetud. lender sh�ll have fhe�tgh!tD have a reoeiv�r a�prsfrfr=to takg possesston at a!1 ar arry part o}the FTaGertY.�YUfr Utta 3a�arer _ <br /> . . 4o pcafect and preseTVB tne ProR� eperai0 tho PrapertY D��t foc�bsure ar sele.an0 to q".ect the Rents irom the P�r¢g�/+intt aPD�Y .'`. <br /> . �. � the prooaeds.aver and abave the eost o!tha recelvershlp.agalnst itsn•r.�ebtsdrt�. Tha teCeivEr r�f 38nre wfthout bond it ptnrlir�:lZ4 faw. <br /> Lende�'s dgM to the appdntmon:af a receiver s4�aD e�dst wheV,er or rtot the e�g�rcrt•r�.e ct tt�t�-cperty exoeeCs tt:a trtdet'.s'J.�s�y a <br /> � substanttal arttount Emytoyment by Lender shafl rt�t dsquafty a paf5oa hom serving�rz r�;J. s "_ <br /> . . � ather Rtmedle�.l�andar shatl hava a9 ofher dgh4s and remed`.os provid2d In th�;Ass:,7-*^-.r:'i or s��yr_b or by I:av�. �_..: • <br /> 'ir.•,.";�.:.;• �kctlon o!Rem=dtt3 A csc�ryr bY enY P�h►of a breach ot a prov(51on o!this Auipnme:d:��1 not wnstitu'�a waiver a7 v.��r�Jradice <br /> �11•.:�.;• 1Nalver. kc m dt ��" <br /> � �.:';!.:• E the Oe�Ys�Shts ottsetwise to damar9 diiet wmp:?anoe v r ft h t h a t pr o v t s i o n o r a n y o t h e r provP�fo�. d�`on b y Lender to pursuo�.T,%��:2� <br /> ... .. sltall not�1id9 Purs�t of arry oY,4r_s comedy.and an e:eciton to matw o�en6itures ar take ac" t�perform an obT�a:Uon o7�ra�� �.,-- <br /> e:e <br /> �: Borto�er under ths Assignn'snt after faitura of�run'�r ot Harrower t�pertorm shall not aRect Lende�s n;,ht to deds.�a defatGl er►d exe=�e=� ��� <br /> # remedles und�trs llsstgnment !—=-- <br /> ` - AttOmeys Fel�D�ees.tES. U�-erttu►�rsstitutes s•�!`a%it or BcLOn to entota9 any of the terms ot this Asstgnmord,L6nder shall be er�tiiit�d tD —�� � <br /> ' reeov�sueh sum es the couR may adjudg9 rt�asonah:o as a'e�s�faos at tr1a1 flnd on flny apDeal. Wheiher or nat any eourt sdian is ,_..,.,_ <br /> . �� tnvoh�4,a�l reasonable e�enses incurted bY Lender that fn I.�zrtda�'�u�INOn are nooesc,aN at anY tlrrre tor the pratec�on e!ib[r.',�c�7:�the �, '��. ^- <br /> �, entorcemerd o?it9 rtghfs shaD bscame a parl 01 lRe Indeb���on demartd an�shaafl bc-�r lnterest irom the d�fa a?axperudlUcr�uMt! �. <br /> repffid a1 the rato provlded ia in the Note. E�er�covered bY�r�gPh ftKiuds,wiihcut firr.iffiUon,hawever subJect to arry tmi�a Jnder <br /> ' aypQCab191aw.Len�s attortieY�fses arsd Lenders fepal e�snaes wMiher or rto�G'�Qre ts a Iawsuit.lnctudtnp attomeYB�fees tar banRrvptay �� <br /> re <br /> p�ooeedinps(ineluQ:ng e�fats to modity a vaeate arry autom9aUe aTay a InjuncllCrsl. �=�ea1s end any anUctpated Aost JuQ�ment eoi(ecUan i,,,. ---- <br /> � Ctp <br /> se�ufoes,the eost ol5ewehing ror.��ds.oDffiining tit'e reyorts Qneludinp torecl����arts�,SurreYars'rePo�ts.and apAre158 lees.and tlffe ��.�;,,.___- <br /> , ..,�,s.. ' �.• ; the e�Rsnt permttted tr�v r�tir.abie taw.Barrawer aiso K 7I paY anf►court ca,�s,in edd�sr.rr."o aD oiher surtss pr�rriEss by Law. .�„�..:. <br /> :�_.�. <br /> %�;°;��. • IY[1SCFILANEOUS PROi/IStONS.The SC.ewirg misooUaneous pro�eWarttt e�za a paA o!thts AssiOnmer� _-_.__. <br /> . ''i= <br />