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<br /> �9° 1059�5
<br /> UN�FORM COVENANTS. BotrnwGr and l.ender covenant and a��ec�Po11o►�s:
<br /> :�.,�, 1. P�yirnt of Priact�l ae�laterwt;PreMyaseAt�i I.ate Atar�es. 8at�awcr shall promrtly pry when due
<br /> ' tfie ptincipal af and interest on ahe d�rbt evidenced by the hlote and any prep�yment and I�te rhArgcs due under the Note.
<br /> 2. F��for raxes Md Iesrruce. Subject to�pplicable law or to a wntten waiver by Lende�.@o��awe�shall pay
<br /> to Lender an the dsy rr,onthly payments arc due undsr the Note,until the Npte fs paid in ful1,a sum("Funds")equal to
<br /> one•nvelRh of (��yar{y taxes and �ssessmente �rhich m�y attain priority over this Security Ins��ument; (1.i) ye�rly
<br /> leauhold psyments or jraund rents on the Property. if at�y; (c) yarly huard insurance prcmiums; and (d) ya�ly
<br /> mortp�e insurance premiums.if any.These items ue callcd'•escrow items.'•Ltndcr m�y estim�te the Funds due oa thc
<br /> b�si�of current data and ra�soaable atimata of future escrow etems.
<br /> Tbe Funds shaU be held in an institution the deposiu or:scounts of which ue insured or guar�ntad by a fcderal ar
<br /> state asrney(includins Lender if l.¢nder is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to p�y the acrow items.
<br /> La�der msy not cha��e for holding uxi applyina the Funds,analyzing the acCOUnt or verifjring the escrow itrms,unless
<br /> Le��der p�ys Borrower interest ot� the Funds and applicabk faw permits Lender to make such a charga Borrower�nd
<br /> 1.ender may aara in�vriting that interat shall b�paid un the Funds. Unitss an agroement is mtde ar tpplicable law
<br /> requirp interrat to be paid,Lrnder shall not be roquired to pa�r$�,rrower any inter�t or arniogs on the Funds.l..ender
<br /> sha11�ive to BorroMer�w�ithout chsr6c.an�nnnal accounting og�he Funds showing credits and debits to thc Funds qnd the
<br /> purpose for w�hich each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are piedged u additional security for the sums secured by
<br /> tbis Secwity Insuuttsent.
<br /> IP th�aaaaunt of the Fund�held by l.ender,together virith�h,e f�tstre monihly���rrsants af Funds payabtc�riar ta
<br /> the due dstes�f the acrow items,shaCD��xoed the amount requcrvd to psy the escrow items when due�the eacess shall be,
<br /> at Borrorver's�nption.either prompt9y cepxid t�Borrower or cc�da4ed to Borrower on monthly payments of Funds. If the
<br /> amount of tDe Funds held Ny I.ender is mot sull'icient to p�y the escrow items w hen due,Borrower shall psy to Lender any
<br /> amount necessary to m�lce up the def:ciency in one or mare pa}�ments as requirod by Lender.
<br /> : 11pon paymrnt ua fiti�of a]l su�s secused by this Secnrity Instrument.Lender shail promptly refund to Borrower
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.if�ndsr p�gaph 19 the Property is sold or acqnire�i by Lender�Leader shall apply.no later
<br /> tban immediateiy prior to the sale of thc Property or its acquisition by l.ender.any Fhnds hetd by Lendsr at the time of
<br /> sppliattion as a credit�airut the snms secured bg this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3• A�ado�ot Pa�b. Unkss appli�cabl�li�v pmvida osherwise,alt pa}ments received by I.ender under
<br /> . psajraphs 1 aad 2 shall be applied:first,to l�te cl�argss due ueder the Note;second,to prepayment chsrges due under the -
<br /> Note;third,toamounts payable under psragraph 2;fourth,to imtenat due;and last,to princ6pal due. �
<br /> �. L7u�r�Le�s. Borrowet shsll pay al1 taxes,assessments.charges,fines and impositions attributable to the `
<br /> Pt�operty +vhich may attsin priority,over this Security Instrumrnt, and lasehold payments or ground raiis, iP any.
<br /> Bono�ver:hall pay thae obligations in the manner provided in par�graph 2,or if not paid in that manner�Bonower shall �_ '}�'
<br /> Oay thern otf time directly tn th.r.rv�n g.�,.�w��=,n�..,��.�����Y�.����i uiT,ib i iG Lc�iu'cf a�i noiic�s oi amOUptS
<br /> to be paid wjder this pua�raph. If Horrowrer mskp these psyments directiy,Horro�ver shall promptly furnish to Lender £
<br /> reoapts evidetu.�ng the psyments, -
<br /> Bomowrer shall promptly di�ch�rae any lirn�hich has priority over this Socurity Instrument unlas Borrowar:(a) :
<br /> ajrea in aritin�to tht psyment of the oblisarion secured by the Urn in a tnanner acceptsbk to Lender.(b)contests in good
<br /> faith the lien by,or defends s�ainst enfoncement of the lirn in�kpl proceedinp�vhich in the Lender's opinion opente to
<br /> prevent the enforcement of the iirn or forfeiture of any part oP the Property;or(c)aecures from the holder of the lien an �
<br /> ajnee�ner►t aatisfsctory to Lender subordinating the lien to this 5ecuriry Instrument.If LeAder determines that any part of
<br /> the Ptoperty u subjxt to a lien which may attain priority over this Stcurity Instrumant� Ltnder may give Banower a
<br /> notia ida�tifyina the lien.Horrower shali satisfy the lien or take one or mon of the actions set forth above within 10 days
<br /> of the aivinE of noticx. �
<br /> s• 1'lasara Imraace. Honowa shatl keep the improvemrnts now existing or herafter erected on the Property �
<br /> iruured saainst loss by flre,harards included within the term"extended oavr;rsge"and ang other hazards for which Lender �
<br /> roquira insutxace. This insurance shalt be maintained in the�naounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The
<br /> insuranoe can�ier providing the insurance shall be chosa�by Horro�rer su�lect to I.ender's approva!which shall not be �
<br /> unreasonaWy writhhdd. ,'��,
<br /> AU insurance policies and renewals shaU be acapuble co Lrndet aad shall inctude s standard mortgage clause. ;��
<br /> Lender sball ha�e the right to hold the pa�ticirs and rrnewats. If Y.�der roquires,Bonov�er shall promptly give to Lender �
<br /> all rxeipts of�id prcmiums�nd rene�vaB notices.In the event oFtoss.Borrower shali gn�e prompt notice to the insurance �
<br /> carrier and Lender.Lender may mafce proof of loss if ciut made Rromptly by Borrower. '
<br /> Unless l.ender and Horrower otherwise agree in writins,iiasursnce praceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair �-
<br /> d'tbe Property damaaed,if the restoration or repair is eeonomicafly feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. If the
<br /> ratontion or repair is not ecoaomicatY�r feasibk or I.mder's seccuity would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secnred by this Secc�rity Instrnment� �vhethu or not then due.�vith any excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> Bono�►'tr abandons the Property.or daes not an,cwer within 30 days n notice from Lender thst the iasusance casrier h�s
<br /> oRend to scttle a cWm.then Lender may cu!]ect the insurance proceeds.Lmder may use the proceeds to repsir or restorr.
<br /> the property or to py sums secured by this Security Instrumrnt,whether or not then due. The 30-day period wi11 begin
<br /> �vhen the notice is givm.
<br /> Unkss L�ender and Borrower other�vise agree in writing,any appjicYtion of proceeiis to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone tHe due date of the monthly psb menu referrod to in p�ragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.lf
<br /> ut�dtr p�raaraph 19 the Property is aoqaired by Lender.Borrower'�rigtit to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> ftom dama�e to the Praperty prior to the acquisitinn shall pass to Lmder to the eatent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument immediatdy prior to the acqvisition. �_`-_--- -
<br /> 6• ���do��M MaLteu�ce otP►o/er�;Leateholdis. Borrower shall not destroy.damage or substantially
<br /> chsnae the Property, albw the Pmpeny to deterionte or commit wute. lf this 5ecurity instrument is on a leasehoid,
<br /> Borrowrer shall comply with the provisions oPthe lease,and if 8or.rower acquircs fee title to the Propeny,the leasehold and
<br /> fa titk ahall not merge unlcss Lrnder agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7. Protectlo� of LeNder•i Ri�b in the Propierty; Mort�age �n:unnce. If Borrower fails to perform thc
<br /> eovenants and a;retmenta contained in this Secunty instrumrnt,or there�s a legal proceeding that may sign�flcan�ly afFect ��
<br /> � I.endet's ri�hts in the Property (such u a proceeding in banicruptcy. probate, for candemnauon or to enforce laws or
<br /> retulationy.then I,ender msy do and psy fot whatever is necess�ry to protect the value of the Propevty and l,endcr's nghts
<br /> in the Propetty. Lrnder's act�ons may include payins any sums secured by a lien which has pnoruy over th�s 5ecun�y �.,
<br /> lnsirument.�ppeanng m court,paymg rrasonable attorneys'fee5 and enttnng on the praperty to make repn�rs Although ���
<br /> 1.ender r��y t�!4e acuon un�u shts psrsgraph 7. l,ender dce;not have tv u10 so. � �•�
<br /> Aay amounts dtsbursed by Lender under th�s par�graph 7 shall berome add�t�onal debt of Borrower cecured by thi� � �
<br /> 5ecunty Insirument Unless Bnrrower and I.ender ngree to other trnns of payment,these amountti chall hear m�cre�t from ��
<br /> �he d�te of disbursement at the Nc�te rate and shall be payeble, w�th interest, upon ne.tice fr�m 1 ender to Nnrr��wcc
<br /> request�ng psyment
<br /> _�
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