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�_:� .. .-- - - . <br /> --�,,--. --_ , . <br /> --�. , <br /> --`-�,� _ ' . _ _ - _ _ _-. . .. .. .. _ '___ ,. . ` �.T� _ _ -` . <br /> ' . ' ' ,.�C,�,�4. . . . < 'f!. .`.G�.'�`.i•V <br /> . . ._r.t,`�. ...�y:�.N . __�....�-- --_. ._....L__-._.__.._._-_+-.�____._`.__ __. <br /> . 99� s.�. �. <br /> prinr�psl smouM of the indebtednass�ecured by tMs Q�d o7 Trust,n nt^rtdading sums a��verps reate r�Q��of this Q22d of � <br /> Trust,exxcned tRe�riglnaf princlpal amouni slated hareln,or 8 5�------ QO g .�. <br /> 18.MlscaStana�us ProYtslaas. <br /> (a)@ora�awer 81gi Roisase�.Extension of tha ums tor¢aymQnt or rtwdiflratton of amnRizatlan ot the sums secured by th�.s __ <br /> � ' QeEd o!Trust grante�by Lender Yo any successor in tnterest ot Barro�rrar sh�11 noi oparate to�eteasa.ln any m�nner,Ma tiabili- _ <br /> � �� ty oi tha oflginal 8arrowar and Barrotvefs successors in intere5�Lendsr shali not be required to a�mmance proceefiings <br /> . ' � " agains!such suxessor or refuse to extett�time fot paymant cr othenxfss rttadityr amQ�tIon of the sums sacured by thls — <br /> OaEd oi Tnest by reason of any damands mads by Eha oflginai Barrowar and Banowers successors in interest. _ <br /> � (b)Lar►daPs Pa�xera Withau:aftecting tha rra�iliiy¢f eny o�er p�rson tia h l a f o r t h�p a y mant af an y obfi gaiion herein rttan- _ <br /> � hoaa�,anr!vfstt►cut aRecting the I�an or charge of this Qasd of Trust upan any partion of the Properh+aa3 thsn or thareialore <br /> � ' re!eased ss secsuity fnr tita Euft�mount oi a11 unp�ld obi?gatIans,Lender may,from tima to tims and witisout notice(q relaass _ <br /> , =�-, any�'„or so �l�:b!s,(t�)extsnd tha maturity or alier any ofi t►1e terms ot any such obliga6ans,(i33�gtanl otttsr irtdu!ganoes,(iv) �- <br /> � ~�""�"�. : refQass or 2oonvay,or causs W be reieasesf er reoonveyed at arry Urrta at Lendais opfion any paroel,portian or ffiI o9 ti�s <br /> , . pro�efty,(v)hake or re'.aase atry otRer or add�tanal secudty tor any obi:gaitan herein menUansd,or(vi)make compos3�ons or <br /> othar arrengem2nts witfi debtots tn reia�on tltareto. <br /> � (c)ForDeatanee by Lee�der ltot a WsIvar.Arsy tort�arartoe by Lender in exsrdslrtg arry right or remady hareundsr,or oSh- <br /> ' � e�Ise affa�ded by appf:cabta lar�,shall rtot be a wai�rer ot or preduda tha exerctss of arry su�right or rem$siy.The procure- <br /> mant of insuranoe or tha paymani of taxes or othsr lIens or chargas by l.endar shall rtai ba a rr�iver or Lendets dght to axel8r- <br /> � � _ � ats tha maturity o!the indabtedness�cured by 4hfs Dees of Trus! _ <br /> . . ; � (d)guceesacrs and Assfgns Bound;doIni ar[d 8evsraf Uabpity;Captlons.TPie cm+onants and sgreemes�hera:n oois- __ <br /> talned shall bind,artd the rights hereundsr shail Inure to,the respactive successors and assfgns oi Lender and Trustnr_A!1 <br /> � � covenants and agteements of Trustnr shall be joint end several.The captians and headings oT the parag�aphs of this Deed of <br /> , � Trust are for oomenianoe only and are not to be ussd to interpret or defina ths prov3sIons hereof. <br /> � (e)Request ta�Natice�,The parii�hsreby re�uest that a oopy oi any nntfce of de�`autt hereunder an�a oopy of any notice <br /> of sale hareunder bs mailed tn each party to thfis Qeed of Trust at the address sat forth above ir�ths rtsanner prsscs�ed bY <br /> Eppltcab!a lary.F�u�Ai for any ather notice requir�ed c+nder appiEcabls taw to be given in artother manner,any rtflii�pr�idc-�for <br /> � � irt fh�Oeed of Tnist shall De given by mailing such notice by cer6fred mail addressed tn 0►a oiher partias,at tha ad,dr�s set <br /> ' - forth above.My r,ut3.a�provtded for in thls Deed oi Tnut shal)tre eftecBve upon matling in the manner deslgnate0 RarBire.lf <br /> _.,.�,t_:. ._ � tn�or is ma�tiv��:a persfln,notfce sent to tha address sst!orth abave shatl tie notfoe to all sud►persons. <br /> (�fa�;.;�e�?ur�a�-�'-ar may make or�use to be made reasonabie entrte3 upon and inspections af the Praperty Pmvfded <br /> . , ..�� that�zr�.:.��'r�t��°c�7custor rtetce Qrfor to any sueh inspectfon s�ecifying reasonabta causc3 thereTar reiated to Lende�s iriter- <br /> ... ,.;� est ir 13`e�s'a�st'1.� <br /> �•. ;°,h�.�r (g)�s�:-cx��,-sra.Upon payment of atl sums serxtred by fiis Deed of Tntst,Lender�-�i:request Ttusteci to�ci'sti$Y th8 <br /> �. �, Property arui�,�L�s�rrender this Desd of Ttus!and all notes evidencing indebfesfness sewred by this Qeed o3 Trust to <br /> -- °= Trustee.Yru��°s11 recflnvay the ProTserty.without yrarranry artd witlievt change 4o the person or{r�sons legaliy entitled <br /> ' ther��.Tnutor s:rl pay aq cosis of recordation.if afi►. <br /> � � ' (f.T�G�essanal Property;Sacur[tyt Agr�wmant As additional security for the payment of the Note.TrusLor hereby granis <br /> � LE.^W�,:ander the Nebrastce Uniform Commarctal Code a secv.r.ty interest in a0 fixtures,equipmank and other persena!DtoperlY <br /> . . us�+ii ppnrtec�r�afith the rea!estate or impruvements lo�.w.'thereon.and no!othenxise dedared or deemed to be a DaR oi <br /> :-;�.;.'t.:; • the real @SI828 93a.l7L�d heTEby.Th13 111SVtIrtISltt 8he11�i6 lXl+:�..�'�d as a SSCUrity Agreement under satd Code.and tha Lender <br /> sfiall hava a:l"-c-��':s and remedios of a sc-�v.�i party unEar said CoCe:n edditian to the rights and remedles created tutder <br /> ��:"�..�', and axcrdesi'�`:,'_-a�s�er pursuant to this Dess af 1rus�DrevitQd thai 4:.�+.�e:'s dghts and remsdies ander this paragraph sha.l <br /> � --�iss und4r any other securiry agresmert�ig�ed by <br /> .:.,;,, ;::, be cumulative tiE�-,��3 in r.a��:�:i�Itmi!aflan oz�,Lende�s e���.�and re,.�. <br /> -•=�- .s,.•�s3r�� Ba?+��sr orTrusw:. _ <br /> It;,�,,'Y, ' <br /> .;;, <br /> ;�y�,...w�r f`i :i�.ieas aris��r,:.c�nbr.t�.�.�ruSYOr hereby vrarranLs�-•�reFresents that thare iss r��la7aul2 under tha pm �c:rys a7sy <br /> '-"�'�;��� ' merr,�age,deed�'r�L�sL Isas=cr•purchasa contract describing all or arty paR of the ProAeRf'.or other oontrad,tn_�w�o�t or <br /> :'.�r��•�`%_r;A: agreemeni oons_::.s.r�.�a Iten or encumbranrs against a11 or any paR of the Propetty(coltecUvelY,'Lians�.extsting as of the <br /> ;'t,�.� ��+�.•h data of tt�is Deed cr 7rust,and that any and al!existing Uens rematn unmod�ed excepi as disctosed to Lender In T�fs wri�- <br /> _ ' ten disctosure of Ifons and eacvmbrances provided for herein.Trustor shail timety parfonn all og Trustors obiigatlons, <br /> �:s�•a::�•;-••.,:, <br /> . _ : `:���,,;: cce�^ants,representaUons�^��vc�rranties under any and atl e�stlng and future Uens,shail promptly fanhrard 4n Lender oepies <br /> -- _,_:,.,..,-, pf�j!,�fly��of dafaul2 sent t:�c�:r�.acL'an with any and aU e�r4g or future Ltens.and shall nct witho�Len�ers prtor wriiten <br /> w.=�s,�� cens�ni tn any mannnr modify'+^r��tavisions of or altaw arry tut�re acfvanoes under any exisUrvg or tuture Ilens. <br /> --_ (j)Appllcatlon ct Paymertis.Uniess ofhafwise requtred tiy law,sums patd to Lert�et hereurtder,tnduding withaut�1milatian <br /> —_ --- Ler der W ttte atr.��rsl:s�'ei2��wing ufrom T p tot a d�Bo�rrower in su�crder as Lender In tts so e discret;on deems�desIr <br /> _ -�`��:�E� QI�t� <br /> -�-c�ar%�,�'�� �},;�3,�y��III If an �:��ln�sn o1 thts Oeed of Trusi canfllcts vfth epylicatrte taw or t�dedaTed Invaiid ar athen¢t�unen- <br /> ��_�..Z,«I:• <br /> Y <br /> "�- ,._�;'' f�c��i*r.l�.such canflfct or i;.:r�iliJ��r shall nat affect the oihcr�,•rnistons of this Qead at'�n,�or the Na?e wht��n��w:�°-n <br /> ;_.��,� eHecY vritho�t the ra�flicting p:�YSlon,and to�.s end the�.�tr�;mns af 4~:s�ed of Tr��t��S the Noi�;n3•''r�,�-��r�I:re�:•r- <br /> _=LL a-n�-_,A�� erabte: <br /> ��_�' (�T�9.rr u�.7ns"TrusLCf and°8orra�r.��r.°�ha31 include boih s!ngc:��,^and pluraf,and when tha Tnistas and Borrower are <br /> iho:;s��:rr:e pet�cn(s),those te��� uacd in this D�cd ot Trust shalt be interehangeable. <br /> .�"=r"-`°'=:'� t cTm)�;ovemin8�.aw.This�c��at Trust shall be govemu9 by the laws of the Stats of t�ebraska. <br /> - :-:.�.�-T,�� . <br /> °-° _ �-�sa <br /> :;?i�;�,::f�' <br /> _ _{.. �. <br /> :���:r <br /> - •.,• <br /> :-:, . <br /> i�.. .�Y• <br /> • , i �� C• ..L•:�a1�vbA . <br /> � �� � Tntstor ha,exeaP.ed this bea�o;,r��t aa m ip�r.#�,�axve. <br /> � ' � Cote Facdly Rev6C�flle LivC/ �n,�iit' � '/ <br /> �� �.._._ - '// . � /C , <br /> ��.r.. � b�s �r` b : .�. , I <br /> - � ( oy �e, Truatee) T^�fDi ( sephi s K. Cota, Tsuetee)Y"�'"� <br /> , . � . <br /> ' . YrustDr Trustor <br /> . .�. . . , • <br /> i' � � <br /> �. _ --- - _ <br />