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<br /> �C`fK_t ' _.__ '—_'_n_ " _ _ . _ �'t'4`. . " _ '----__—_-'•' ' _:_' ' __ . .. ..Ck - .
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<br /> �S'!i A� � �� OP gcBIIS'i IH r"'� �IB� OF Y� � S � � �
<br /> a U�S�D Jd3iil� 218 19�9 ��0 -
<br /> v • ���.�.�
<br /> PARCEL ii2
<br /> Pdortheast Quarter af the Northeast Quarter (NE�NE�) of Section
<br /> C3ineteen (19), Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11), West
<br /> of the 6th P.r1.
<br /> and
<br /> North Tcventy-cne and Five TentY�s (21.53 Acres af the Sautheast Quaster
<br /> of the P�ortheast Qu3r�er ISE�NE�) of Se�tion Nineteen (19), Taam-
<br /> �hip Ten t iQ) t�orthe Range Eleven (11), irJest of the 6th P.t4.,
<br /> excsptinq therefrom 0.132 acre conveyed to the City af c��ood River.
<br /> by Gee�l recorded 3une 13, 1979p as Document No. 79-003714.
<br /> PARCEL #2
<br /> z`he South Half of th� Suutheast Quazter (S}SF$) of Sec�ian Eighteen
<br /> (18) in Township T�n (10) Narth, Range Eleven (il) West of the
<br /> 6th P.is., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />_ Exceptina therefrom a tract of land deeden to the City of Wood
<br /> River, Hall Couaty, Hebraska in the Wazranty Deed zecorded as
<br /> Document #76-003722 in the Aall County Registez of Daeds Office
<br /> �nd more particulaziy described as follows:
<br /> A tract of land located in the Northwest corner of the Sauthtirest
<br /> Quarter of tPie Southeast Quarter (SW}SE}) of Section Eighteen
<br /> tl8), 2bwnship Ten (10) Nosth, Ranqe Eleven t12) West of the 6th
<br />_ P.24., in Ha1L Couaty, Nebraska, mose particularly desczibed as
<br />_ follows: Beqinning at the Northwest (N[7) corner of said South�rest
<br /> Quazter of the Southeast Quarter (SW}SE�) thente zunning EasterZy
<br /> 30 feet along and upon the North line of said Southwest Quarsci�.x
<br /> of the Southeast Duaz-ter (SW�SE}) to the actual poi.nt of beginnir_gj
<br />- then cQntinui.ng easterZy 247.5 feet along and upon the North I.ir�
<br /> of said �outhwest Quarter c� the Southeast Quarter (StT�SE$)f tf:enc�
<br /> deflect;.rn right 90° an�s ^;�ning 176 feet :3outherlyf thence �.s�-
<br /> fleatir� tight 9(2° and run:_:_c:q 247.5 feet Westerly� t��c� deflz�^
<br /> ing rignt 90° a.n�. �unning 176 feet Nartherly to tk:e ��r,.ual poi�._
<br /> of begi:.ning c��t:-.:�:.aing 43,560 square feet (1 acre) :���� or less.
<br /> Da 3, r,� 21at day of Jaauary, 1999.
<br /> . �
<br /> ,,��,►���.. ./e_ 9'�.n Q �rr� �
<br /> r-.:�.�• m Elaine L. G�ssl�am -
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