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<br /> � .� 11,Evarna ci�s�u(L The toL'o�tng shsil�nsti4uts an Evsnt o1 Csfault und3r this Q82d of Tnist �9� �����
<br /> • . • (a)Fai:urQ to pay any tnsfal!man4 04 principal or interest or any oU'tsr sum secur2d Rereby kvhan dus:
<br /> . � • (t�)A brea�a!at QslauR u.*tdst�ny R���'�n�ntaln901n t3te PtolB,ihts QBe�01 Tntst,srry of tha Loan lnsirumartts,or any
<br /> � oihar lten or enrumbranoe upan tRs Rrogerty; .
<br /> '. `f {c)A�rrit o1 oxetuL'On er at�chmIIn!ar Ersy slmi?ar��s s4�at1 Ce entemd agalnst Trust�r which sh�i1 trenoms e i:an on
<br /> � • lhe�raper4y or any parttan thereof ar[niaresl Uterain; "
<br /> ' � (�Th.ero shafl Qa fi!ed by or against T�stor or Borrsurer en actian undsr any present er fuNre fed3ral,state or oth2r s!�tuta, �
<br /> • � . law or ragu.atian�eiatlrt8 to�an4crttptsy.�nsoNenzy ar etheT�i:oi fer debt�rs:or thare s+�al!be appoinied any trusi9e,rsA.eivsr or ',
<br /> • � � ' t?�u!�a4cr o!T�ustor or Bssrsa�r or of s0 cs any part ot tha PmpsRy,or ths renb.[ssuss or prolt3 thuroat,ar Trustar ar Barrawar
<br /> • sha'.t m�ke any ganaral�ss!gnmQnt fut the Bsnafit ot crsdi*.ars:
<br /> � (e)TRa�!�,transf2r, teasa,as�:gnrttanl,canvay�nce or furtftsr enaim4rance at all or any paR oT or any interesi in the
<br /> - � Prog3tty,eithai�ti!untarity os tnvo!untarity,vrithaut tha oxRress writ?en oQr�sent of Lendpr,pr.�Yid80 thei TrustCr ShBJ b2 p2tmi4-
<br /> ---T:�- ted to exesx�ta a t�ara of ths Propsrty that doss rtai oostt2�n an opiian to pareha�an9�.Pv��arm ot�vhici�Qaes n�3 exc�d orta
<br /> • : Ye2� .
<br /> (�J�barsdanmant of the Progerty:or _
<br /> -.. (g)Ii TntsMr is rtot an ittdividual,the fssuance,sata,trartsfer,ess'gnmsnt,canveyar�rx�flr.ertcu��a.�nt mase than{d a ,
<br /> aorporai�)a tata!oi peroent oi iffi issuad artd outstandi�g stcck,ar(it a ��4ttmtd��p)a tct2!of p.raent
<br /> ��- �� � -; oi partnErsh3p intanasts,or(if a limited Cahisly aamgany)e Lo�S ot p37t»nt ot th�limiied L2b7fiy�ny '�
<br /> # interests or voting rlghts during the pertad tfi�s Qasd of Tnist�?rc�:ns a iien on tha propsrty.
<br /> • � 12.Remedfea;Accateratton Upon Dstautt in the everai oi E��}r Event ot QefautY Lendar may,�viGhoui notir�exoept as�rir�d _s.-
<br /> by law,dedare sil indebtedness se�xtrtd h�areby to bs d�e an�payaD.'e and Qhe same shs!!thereu�on becorr�due and flayr�Dte with- �_�_
<br /> �� eut any presentment,damand.psotes!or rtatio�o�any tdnd-ThereaFier Lendar rrr�y: ��:::
<br /> ry (a)Demand That Trusiee exercise the FaW�rR OF SALE grantad Rerais�,snd Tna�ies shs11�eraatter ca�e Ynisiofs Intsr- _
<br /> � . . , esi tn the�roperty tn be sotd and tP�s pmnaeds to Cs distribufsd.aq in t�e m�nnsr prov:d•3d In�ha Nebraska Trwt Qeeds lic� --_-
<br /> � ,;; (b)Exerci�s any and all rig.h�pmvtdad for in any ct th9 loan tnstruments or by ivra upcn oocurrence of any��nt of
<br /> . , � QefaulZ artd .=.
<br /> �� },; (c)Comaceacg an zctien te fosectase thts DEed of 7rust as a rtwr�q�g:.a�aa'.n2 a ca�e^r�:r,or sg��ti'.ca9y er►Taro�t any of the •� _
<br /> , ,. ooves�ant9 hareof. -
<br /> � Na remedy herein oonfemad upcn or resenred to Tru3ba or Lendar is inteaded to 0a exeL��lve oi any a�Qr ramEdy herefin,tn fha Loan -
<br /> . �k ; tnstrumenis or bl►6aw Provtded er permitted.but each shaU be cxsmufativa.shaJ be tn ad�iHon i4 avary aUm e�srrrr�dy g:^ren hareundeP. . -
<br /> --------- : :�j U the Loan Inslrutttents flt rtouv or he?oafter e�ds�ng a!taw or in e�ity cr py st3tui0.artd maq bs a�re��sd oo:�:rq+enLy.Irtds�r3adetN.ly
<br /> - ` ' orsac�esivety. :•���:
<br /> . �� 13.T�ustae.The Tn�tea may�sign at any Gme without ai+aYe.and Lender may at any tlms snr!+��tlnut cause aypoint a s� �•�
<br /> �,` ' cessot or ssPwtitute Trustee.Trusteo shail rtot ba lieb�e to any p�t�o.tncluding xrihaut lim�tatFan LsaQer,Bamraer,Tnistor ar any pur-
<br /> r chaser of the Prop�arty.tor ariy loss ar d�nage ant�ss due to�ctess or wUltuf m'�dud,artd shall no2 be re�r�ed to ffike any aclf�an �#`
<br /> � ' � in oonnecflon wrth the enforcement allhfs Qeed oi Trust un!ess indemniP.ed,in+�aiLag,for s!1�sts,compensat�an�rr�enses wti!ch ==--
<br /> . � � may be assoda�d tharewith.[n addiSon,4rustee may bewme a purchaser at any sa:e of ths Pragerty Wd:aaf or under the pawer e!
<br />