. � j �__ ___ - _ . _ _. . .---- —___.. .
<br /> � . ; ; o,ox,,s�s ���o o��us� g�� -�0�.�� ���8�
<br /> . '� � I.cafl F���8878� (C�u�nue� '`'
<br /> .. � I&w nr by(¢sLreske law.
<br /> TAXEB l�MD LlEK3.Tt�taa�,nrtng 6mW'ac��a'aunp tD t�o t�un0 C�s es+tho R�c�tstY ar�8 pa11 ci ths Qses at TNSt
<br /> i R�[!. Tcustc►nlsa�pay wAan duo(ond tn a:l e�renta gRar ta d�:rtqusr�cy)e7 taxas.:R�1 t�f.a»�naab.cR=B�MCtud!n8�ates
<br /> . . � end 8ew6r).P.�s art�ir.c�CSiL'oas tsvta�t�alrtst ar cn cccnurtt at Use RcayecfY.and sh�Qay whe�dt�e a.'1 ciart�s for waAc dcna on ar Nr `
<br /> � � tn:ere53 ai len�adsr t�Q d ct Tcusf�exoeFl���sn af lax�6�e�'�rr.arih�rt�at d�art@ Ceuo9At es alh Penv�te Pr�t"ded en Ihs Oes�
<br /> , ' � ot Tn�L
<br /> � • Fe�IIFe'RTY DA51ldQE It�1RU!l�IL�.Th9 ta�our:rtg pro+�ston3 re'ating to[ns�g ths Rrop�t4y sre a p3rt at W5 Des�o?TnrsL ,
<br /> • ���;se C4[nausetae- Trustcr sRa7 Orocure and mainiain ga'�zs a?F.re tnaara�oa�lih sand.aJd e�nd2a!covtxegs ea4oissm2nb an rs ' .
<br /> • - �eyiticement Qa�tor ihe fu:l irts�trabSe vahte Cavedeg a7 im�rovsrr.ent9 er�it�RE81 Pro�°ttp in an amouni s ��a'�io&vC.r3 sy��a+�o!cn�
<br /> • ; aoirtswance otausa�anA w�th a s�sdard mor�qrtgee cta�a tn tavor a4 lertd�. Tn�ta sha7 aLso proauo art9 ena:rttafin ea�*e��err`tva gcnernJ
<br /> I;ab'lity ins�cranoe in stuA�a er'taun�0s L¢nder may requast with tr�teo+uW Lertde*D�irtg named es addEon2f irs�EEs In ssnh L'ab::cqt
<br /> ; 4 ��P�. Add:Honary.Trusi�r sha(1 maintain sucl+other[nsura�sce.tnMuQng but na1 Lm.ited to ea�rd.Eustness trt'.emiy�an.artd
<br /> haRSr t�urar�ce.as Lendar may caasonaD,y reA�i- Po�.ktes sha9 De wr(tten in(am+,amourtts.eovara8es and�a�ts reasoira0ry ezeep4�b'e to �
<br /> - �- - - Lertdsr and CSSUeO by a tomFanN ar taicQanies resscnztt.y aa:agfsb:e to lead¢r. Tnutar,uyan res�uest at LenQer�w;�de6lrer to LeaQar from .
<br /> � �rt[e t0 dcae thB patk�es or tertiflcate3 ot Ir�uranCe in tarm�ary to lender.indud[rtp sEpiCa'dcns 4ha1 eovaraqe.s w�rtot ba pnce''+ed or . :
<br /> drtdaished w(lhaul at teest tan(10)days'p�ter wr[tten notG:e to Lerzder.Each tr�sutanae Dd1cY A1SO sha7 trs�t4e an enQorscssr�nl Rrovt 'd.ng ttzat ---
<br /> eoverege in tavor at Lender w+�rtat tis ImR�41n a�/way Dy at�y aeC omis5en ar d3te�.+2 oi Truster er eisy alfi�r parsan Sha�d U�Rsni . ,-,,
<br /> Preperty at any dcne tteceme t�d[n aa sre�s�nat�d EY tho Direetor o!tne Federal E�rsc�l Mtu�agerr.en!Ayeney as a sperlal t!eod ,r:-.^,
<br /> � tiamrd ar�.Tn�tflr e8�ees to obtain and maintatn Fmderaf Rocd trts�uar�s fcr tlse fitl c�rq�td adndA21 trplartce a7 fh�ioen.uA to the ma�mum _.�
<br /> • P�Y limits sei under!he t�iaLbnal Ftaad t�terance�ro�sm.or es oih9nx5e�esiw7ed by t,ander.artr!to rrat�tn such tnsurarroe tor irt9 term at -�Y�
<br /> • Ut9 lo8n. � j'_�'
<br /> E7�H�ID1Tl�ES B9f I.EIGDEA. M Trtator t�ts to camDM��Y Dravl�on af Ws Oeed a!Tnai.a H arry 6c�an or prooe��h commsnoed that ���.,:=-
<br /> > E7 HID
<br /> ' �,t wauid ma�a`JY��ect Lenders iri'.erests tn fhe Rrc�a�tf►.lsnder on Trusta's 6et�t!m.ay.but s9saB nat Ee re4utred tc.take anll���'it Lar.6er ��':x:�
<br /> Qeems eApnPfate. Any amcussf tAat lartder e�sad�te so dninp wGlOear int�st at the cate Ora�dSd tar tn tts Nole from the Qats Uicurred a pafd ,4.--r
<br /> • ., by Lender to the dats af repaymerd by Tn�tor. A.9 s�h expo�.ai Le�s oP9en.wID (a)De OayahSe on demtrtd�, (b)be tQded to ihe balanCe
<br /> . .,.•` o!tts!,[ota snd be aDAar�oned emar�en0 be paY��w:th anY irtsb�mem payma�ds to lteeama due durtrt9� l�the term of anY eAA�� -
<br /> ;�i''� tesursrtao Ro1+aY or (n�the cemai�in9 term of Use Note.aT (C)�e ttea#ed as e ba:laan psY�t whtch wu7 Ee Que and payahb at tha No4es maita[h/• —
<br /> s�----� .,..•j 7'hLs Oeed alTrust elso w�seaiue PaiR�gnt of ttmse amourta.TPce rlgMs pravided far ln this paza�aDh sha0 6e tn e�an to any oU,er r[ahts ar arry �
<br />_..::?�;, , tt�rredes to whch lBnder may be eMi`Jed on accourtt o}fho Qefcl:��.My such ec@en by L�mdQ Sha9 no!tre constrtied es curlrtg!he detn�df 5o as to �.w
<br />=;,r;� ' b Lsr�rs�er irc:i any rertsedY that it othetwtse wavld have Fuuf. -°=-._
<br /> �i`� �: �SLi�iGL'iTY:4�FENSE OF TtTLE.The tai:aHtrtg provfsforo c�ailrt9 to owrtershiA of fha ProPer4Y em a Psut at th�Cead o!TrusL ��,-•:--
<br /> �:'�
<br /> . .r�' Tflte. Trustor vrertnr►t9 that (a)Tnutor kctds Sood and marketabio GNs cf recard to fhe ProSedY in tee stmPie.free an4 deat a!eA flass and --
<br /> � � .�:1�;;,r� __—
<br /> •� ; � encumbrances ofher ihan those se!torth tn the R9ai ProA�Y d��on a in anY tiif�e tns��ratsoe O�Y.titte t�aA.or ftnal fiIIO GOfniOn�tted(n ---
<br />`:d t3va of.artd aooeDted bY.Lender in conneetion wifh Uds Qeed a!Trusl.ertd (b)Tnistar has fhe tuA rlgh;Pow�.and auttwriN to execu'.e and _
<br /> - �• det'ivar tAis Dee�o?Ynut to Lend�. _
<br /> - ' Det�n�e o?Ttqe. Subfect to the exco�LO:+in the R�4�Ah abav�.Tnuta warranb aRd rv�taever detaad the EUe to rhe ProperlY agatc�t fhe
<br /> '. lawfttl delms ot 8.9 persorts.
<br /> r. OFFAtLT. Each o!tha ta�owtnQ,ai fhe otiiars c`Lende►.shalf ccrtsSih�te en event o!Qeta�M(�vo°t o4 Q�!s��a`de�¢'is Qeed°t Tnrtt
<br /> Rtlault on 4c�D'.eQr.ese. FeIlure a!Trustor to nwice any payrtsnM when duo on fPso Irt�ck:adness.
<br /> � � Oefautt on Gfhu Pat,fascntm. FaIIura of Tiistor v.�ifts?n Us�5mo�equned by ihis QeeQ af Trt�t t�m3ko anY Dall�nt t�r t�zes or iriswanee,ar
<br /> � � any oitier payment rtac�..'Y to pravem f.3np ot or t'�dfm�d'seftarpg o1 arr�t&�n. --
<br /> � (�bnes Oel�Ytt. Fa�uro af Tn�i��tu oamp:�wtth e�y oih�ts�m.ebllgaftan,caver.artt or eondHan eosdained tn thls DeeO ot Tnat,fha
<br /> �. Ho�i ar in any at fhe Retated Oxumer�s
<br /> � BeleeUve CailaLraQmlk�. Ths Qaed a!Tn�t or arr/of ttio Re(a�d Oxurrsenfs ceases to be tn t�7 fc,r.rA art0 eRect prtc[u�ng tvlurd ot anY -
<br /> � �•� eailataral documerds to ere�ate a va,5d end Derfected:c�st~:",r intec�t ar t'�en)et anY tlms er,�t�anY re�.
<br /> •, � Dea4�ar tnsotrtaey. Tha Qeath o!Tn�stor or th9 dl�'.ution ar t�mtnation of Tn�'�a�,tatsoa es a patnp�vs�'nr�s,lhc�irUa.'vaney o?
<br /> Tnuta.the eADalntn�en!o}e re�eiyer ta any part a?Trw�s property.enS+aSSiQnment f:r hle berseft ot aeditors.anY A�e o1 era�tor�rrakoN,
<br /> ' ' a Iha commenoameat o}anY arooat+d��0�tnder anY banlwDUY cr tnsdvencY Iaws bY a�nst Trustor.
<br /> �, .. ' Evenb Atitc4�r�Guarrtta. MY a?Fhe Qreoe�np everds oocurs w:th cesDect to anY Guarantar af enY ot fhe Indebtadness or Euryl��arantor
<br /> . d�es or bocomes Ir�campeter�t.ar revaic�er�yutes tt.s errJidty of.�ir�t:Lty unEer,am+Guarn�tY of th�lndsbtedndss.
<br /> AQireree Ctun9e. A maMrtat eduerse ohenge aavr�'n Tn�ta's 8narw�ial enrtC[tlrn-a a L9T� beBeves ttfe prosyect ot paymeM or
<br /> ,. . � p5r(omutnc;e o!the Irtdabtedrtess is fr.�a'red.
<br /> . ?�}, � Itilccts�lty.Lender In Qood tEfth d�nv iisLlf insecur0.
<br /> „�r, RiGMS�tID REIAEDIFS OI�I OEFA4Y.T- L'pi:�ihe oocu�renoa of any EvEnt ui Qafat9l and at any Urtse U+ereettsr.Tn�tea or Leadet.�ifisc�tton.
<br /> �,�_ .�ft:�. may F,xerc�e a�ry osie ar more of ihe fo'�swtm„•:tghb and rema4ias.in ad�iUan to arry oit�er riBMs ar reme�es pm'uSded by ta'k �
<br /> ''� Aceeteratlon apon Oelautg Add"acs�1 Remedtr.�. If any evant o!default aaurs e3 Ger tne terms o!ihe Note sectped harebY.Lender may
<br /> � ' declare a11 InQ�tedn�s securad by t`�Q�ed of Tnist to be due and psyabSe and the p.art�s shaD therAt�on Qeoome duB end FaYeble wdhoit!
<br /> : anY Pre50ntmet�t,demand.Protest aT�^:tice trt any kin0. 4henaafter.lea�r ma}r.
<br /> ta) Eiiher in person or by aLert.vr:fh or WithoN brtnpiny any eeUon or Prooaodin9,a by ce r�:+ge appointed by e cnurt nrtm wiihout
<br /> . ,' . � �u{�1si,-d to'.M1a a8equaoY o!(Ls:r�ui17.enter eipan an�taka pass�:cn o!iho Pteperty.ar arty pat•1t:��reo1.in(LS own nama a trt qnt nsme =Y
<br /> k �7'.`rustee�aRfl dC artY 8C'L wt.:J,�:t deom3 rteoa�ary ar d�'m�tn Us Freserve the value.msf�e'.3:•3;ry or rentabiGtY at the Proyert�,.c'�sr1
<br /> cT the Praperty ar ir:1G��t In ths Prop�ty;ir�craase tho Ir�ome hom:�he ProAetty cr Groigct the secuAly o!tho PropectY,en0.viAlh Gr wt�.hsut
<br /> � � aking pcss�icis ct tt:�PtoRetlY�suo for or a.herwtse cotiect fhe renis.issu�+�s�.pro5b a!tAe PropeAy.Inciu�ng those past due and
<br /> �; � anpald.and apyi,r��e same.less eosb end eo�enses o!operaEcn and ca(�edl�+�.Ir.�iudir�a8ertxiYs�taes,to enyr irtdebtedness sec�ued �-
<br /> br:hl;Ot�ed o1 Trusf,all in 5ttci:crt:�r es lender may deiertninc� Ttse etRortr.a itGaa t�ttd WdnB s�esslon o1 the Propedy.th9 coUecflon
<br /> ', � �°.
<br /> � , .. � ... --. -r--r':-:..Y' .aa. .e.. e5ti . . 'C?i'`'_"'__�"..:...�;�.:.: _ . � . ., . . . ,e��Y: .-..
<br /> _ '_""rk'„". - ' .},,. . � - ..f$�,' _ . _
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