<br /> h .. . _ . . .
<br /> ._ �_:_�t
<br /> _—.�..� _' _ ---_—.___.__ '_ — . . _._—___"—.__- —.— —__—>._ . -.—_4..
<br /> . . � -
<br /> � � � , , _ . 4 � �a � I` . . . , � f..)_:_'3.vt"v�+t
<br /> . .. �!_ ��ti,v - _.____�_IL.__"�' ._.-�__�.._ --...�._.� ,..� ...._....` . ...._..... ... .._�_. .
<br /> � ., � . . . - ' : ������.� 7_-
<br /> � � 18. pp^�F�R d"'�''p�=s° �i�hout a�fectiaiq t�e liaToi].ity i�-
<br /> � og �y other person liable fog tho pay�sat of aay o�ligatio�
<br /> k;
<br /> • hes�ein mentioaeci, apa� without af€ea�ing the lien or chazqe of �y.:.
<br /> • � t�ie Deed afc Trua� u�aon any gortfon of the property not tl�ea or �__
<br /> � �' �' �hegetofoso release� ae eeaur�tY for the fiall psy�eat o£ all u�a° �;-.�
<br /> ' � . � , paicl obligat�ona p BQ�efiaiasy may. �YOF.li �S�IlO t�a time anca c�ithout _ :
<br /> . AOt�.�@ i � Ir
<br /> ' z.,-�'< .°.
<br /> T`"_�� , (a) rel8aee �ay garsons so l�able;
<br /> : , (�� ex�eud thQ a�aturity or alter any of ��`��-
<br /> , - � the termr� of any such o�ligation; -
<br /> ;� (�) graY►t other indulgeace3; _
<br /> P
<br />... �.
<br /> (d; geleaso o� re-convey or cause to be __
<br /> � relQaaed as re-coaav@ped at �ny tims at �Bgua@-
<br /> • ficia�'a aptionp anp parcol, portion or �l
<br /> . ' � ' � of the psa�ertyS
<br />',+`..`' � ,f%'�' �'� �ake or rolease aiay ot��s addi-
<br /> � ��='=�.;:: i � m�1��ati�a has�
<br /> ;. .,,`��� ��a�3 r���ity for asag
<br /> ._�.�: ... ���r���s os
<br /> : �.. �,; -
<br />'':;` _,'�::;.'�::�:' ��} �� �a��$itions or ex�h�c an�;.:��- _-
<br /> � � , �n�8 .,,��� ��+razs ia relation thereto.
<br /> .Cr
<br /> , - - -- - 19. Govern�.ug�a�. 'a"'�.s D�e3 of Tsnst shall be qoveraied by
<br /> I t-f' -�- ' th*a lawe of the ��ate of N�araeka and, in �he e�ent anY oae or
<br /> � � rrtore of the psmvisioas con�ainad in tlsis Deed of Truat, or the
<br /> ~�'=1_���=:�.Yr. note os aay other seonrity instru�:�nt qivea in �onaeation with
<br /> �=;;;�:,���-°=� �hf s �raaeaaticsn �hall be for any reaeon be held to be invalid,
<br /> �''-���.`'�� illeqal or uannE�rceable in aay reepect, suah iava].idity, ill.e-
<br /> �__�_�...�:1��`'.
<br /> :.:,.�.�:,,,. g�ity er unoaE��cea�bility ehall not affeet any other provfa onB
<br /> --�_��.�:::-;f�. of thfe Deed �€ �ru�t, but the Deed of Trus� ehall be canetrued
<br /> �`ff�-9.�:�� a� i� auch iava3ie�, illegal or enforce�ble provision had never
<br /> -_ -};�i bsen eontaiaad fiaxein os �herei.aa
<br /> a;
<br /> ` ��Yr_-� � 20. gff��� w Forbearanc . �1ny forbeazance by B�snefioiary
<br /> �,,,�•,', or Truetee ia estagcieiag �y right or ramedy hereunder, or otD�er-
<br /> __ =�-� wiae afforded b}� a�plicable law, shall a�t bs a wafver of or pre-
<br /> ---- -��� clu�de t�e exerr���e of aay Su�h rig�it or rem�dy h�re�adar. Like-
<br /> --_---�' wise, tho waivQ� �y� �eaefcbziazy or '�zustoe of aa�y �1�€aaslt of the
<br /> --- - Trustor uns�es tb�s ET�s� �ff 2rust shai� ��� �ie dee�� to be �
<br /> -�"�•�� wa3.ver o� any aiches or snu�lar default s�.Qquentlg occu��g.
<br /> %iiw/A�_�)�.���
<br /> . _`� 21. Aa-aan�c�cn�.�ce bx Truatec�� Upon writte� �c��uest �� ���
<br /> --_ `�,�� Benef3ciasy e����eg that all su� reecuzed hereby LT.�+e been��€�i�
<br /> --�--�� aad upon auresender of �h�� �eed o� ixus� �d the note to t��
<br /> �-��=-='�-�■ ^arazstes gmr eaa�ellati.o� ar,r1 retention a��t upon paymeat �y� *zus-
<br /> _�;;�y� t�� of �ruatee'e fees, Tr�tee shall re-coavey to Trustor, or thQ
<br /> -�^� p8rson or porecna leqally entitled th�reto, wfthout warranty, a�.�
<br /> _` �=<_�wP�. Recitals in such
<br /> -=���� �:. . p�r�tion of �ba �Oroperty than he�d he�eunder. _
<br /> ' ' �- �= re-aonveyr3ncte a¢ aasy matt�ra os fwete shall be conclueive preof
<br /> :�i;.', „
<br /> -�-. I;t..�:�i
<br /> ;;�;�_,;:',•_L``,:, of the tru�l�t•u��esa thoreof. GranteQS in thQ re-conveyar.�$ �y
<br /> = _ -:; :,, be describad ao tl�� pEraom or parsorns leg�,l ly on�itled t��reto."
<br /> ;:::w`�,�;;=,:
<br /> �:°-�n- �r. 22. aaa�an�e bv Trustee. Tzuatee accept� t�nie tnas�t who�s
<br /> =.��•�:'=�:� thio Beed of �"ruat, duly execu�ed aad acknowledqed, fa made a
<br /> ` � � y� publ3a reccrs� ae prov�ded by law.
<br /> --. � . . : ,
<br /> �._ , . .. �� -
<br /> _.. ��,, It� Wg��gg WgEREOF, Tr�astor h�e executed thia Deed of Trust
<br /> -- ���� ► o�a tlae d�te firet noted abovo. -
<br /> :�a: . ,.,.
<br /> --;I�; � —
<br /> � � . Jo� son -
<br /> � .. _
<br /> ..���.�� . _ � o -
<br /> .. � � • l � �l�L�
<br /> � . � ,�. ..� I�or o D. �ohnaon
<br /> . •.;
<br /> ,:�:t�.�.�. °LL�'�d���"
<br /> ;a:. ,
<br /> —_... __ -. 6 .
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