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7/12/2021 4:21:46 PM
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7/12/2021 4:20:21 PM
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202105872 <br />elements. Such easements shall run in favor of and be for the benefit of the owners and occupants <br />of the units and their guests, families, tenants and invitees. <br />18. Signs. No signs (including "For Sale" or "For Rent" signs) shall be permitted on the <br />exterior of any unit or building or any other portion of the condominium without the written <br />approval of the association. However, the Declarant reserves the right to maintain on the common <br />elements such advertising signs as may comply with applicable governmental regulations. <br />The reservation of rights in this paragraph shall be applicable to any real estate added to <br />the condominium. The right reserved under this paragraph shall terminate at such time as <br />Declarant has conveyed all units to unit owners other than the Declarant. <br />19. Association. The association has been or will be incorporated in Nebraska to provide <br />for the management of the condominium. <br />20. Membership. Every person or entity who becomes a unit owner shall be a member of <br />the association. Any person who holds an interest in a unit merely as security for an obligation <br />shall not be a member. <br />When more than one person or entity is the owner of the unit, all such persons or entities <br />shall be members. The vote for such unit shall be exercised as they among themselves determine, <br />but in no event shall more than one (1) ballot be cast with respect to any unit. The vote for each <br />unit must be cast as a whole, and fractional votes shall not be allowed. In the event that joint <br />owners are unable to agree among themselves as to how their vote or votes should be cast, they <br />shall lose their right to vote on the matter in question. If any owner casts a ballot representing a <br />certain unit, it will thereafter be conclusively presumed for all purposes that they were acting with <br />the authority and consent of all other owners of the same unit. In the event that more than one <br />ballot is cast for a particular unit, none of said votes shall be counted and said votes shall be deemed <br />void. <br />21. Maintenance of Common Elements. The association shall maintain, repair and make <br />necessary improvements to all common elements, except for those portions of the common <br />elements that the owners of the units are obligated to maintain pursuant to Section 11 of this <br />Declaration. The portion of the common elements that the association shall maintain includes, <br />without limitation, all common facilities and improvements, landscaping, drainage facilities, <br />roadways, streets, parking areas and sidewalks. The association's duties for maintenance and <br />repair of the common elements shall include the exterior portion of the units and building, the land <br />upon which the building is located, the space above the building, all bearing walls, column, floors, <br />
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