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ti02I05872 <br />opportunity to be heard, assessments imposed upon unit owners for violation of the Declaration, <br />By -Laws and rules and regulations applicable to the condominium; and reasonable charges for the <br />preparation and recording of amendments to the Declaration or statements of unpaid assessments <br />levied or imposed by the association are enforceable as assessments under this Section. If the <br />assessment is payable in installments, the full amount of the assessment is a lien from the time the <br />first installment of the assessment becomes due. <br />34. Priority of Liens. The lien of any annual or special assessment is prior to all other <br />liens and encumbrances on a unit except (1) liens and encumbrances recorded before the <br />recordation of the Declaration, (2) a first mortgage or deed of trust on the unit recorded before the <br />date on which the assessment sought to be enforced was recorded and (3) liens for real estate taxes <br />and other governmental assessments or charges against the unit. <br />35. Capital Improvements. Annual and special assessments, other than for capital <br />improvements, may be levied by the Executive Board of Directors of the association. Any special <br />assessment for capital improvement shall be approved by the affirmative vote of unit owners <br />representing Sixty -Seven Percent (67%) of the allocated interests, present in person or by proxy, <br />at a regular meeting of the members or at a special meeting of the members if notice of the special <br />assessment is contained in the notice of the special meeting. <br />36. Binding Effect. The covenants contained in this Declaration shall run with the land <br />and shall bind the Declarant and all persons claiming under the Declarant. <br />37. Enforcement. Enforcement of the covenants contained in this Declaration may be, by <br />proceedings at law or in equity, against any person violating or attempting to violate any covenant. <br />The proceedings may be to restrain the violation or recover damages and, by the association, may <br />be to enforce any lien or obligation created by the covenants. <br />38. Amendments. The condominium established by this Declaration may be amended, in <br />writing, by the Declarant at any time during the period that Declarant shall retain developmental <br />rights and control as set forth in Section 6 of this Declaration or by the unit owners of Sixty -Seven <br />Percent (67%) of the units at any time. The condominium established by this Declaration may be <br />terminated, in writing, by the unit owners of Eighty Percent (80%) of the units. <br />39. Severability. The invalidation of any one of the provisions of this Declaration shall <br />not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. <br />40. Reformation. Consistent with the intent of this Declaration, to the extent that such <br />intent may be ascertained by the terms of this Declaration, any provision contained in this Decla- <br />
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