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<br /> _ � - -�- - . -
<br /> � ' i?.Tean�'�er ot the Pro�eriy oz�BPaefisial Ltt�ta�srrower.If all or any part ef t�e Prop�ty or any intemst in it
<br /> � is sold or txansferre�(�r if a boneficial inwreu in Boirower is sold or transfert+�aII�Sorro�++et is nat a aatural��rsos�)�vithout
<br /> � F,ecder's priot written conseat. LRader may. at its option, require insmediate payment in full of a11 sums secured by this ��
<br /> �• � S�utiry tnsirumem.iiowever.this option shall not h�exercis�d by Leadsr if exetcise is proh�'bitrd by f�eraf taw as af the da2e
<br /> . of this Securiry Insuum2m. �_,
<br /> if Lender exe�ises this option,Lender shaU P,ive Sanawer�otice of asceleratioa.The natice shall provide a period of no1 �;_'
<br /> � • less than 30 days ftom the date the norice is delivered or mailed within whic6�arrower mnst QaY all sum.� s�cuu�d bY this
<br /> �c
<br /> . ' � Sec+srity Insuumeas.If Borrower fails to pay tliese sums prioY to the eapirarian of this period,lxnder may invofce any re�aediea �::
<br /> p�.�rmitted bg+[his S�surity insmiment without funhe4 norice or demaBd on Earmwer. �
<br /> 18. Bornuwer's Rlghi to Retnstate. If Bormaer meets cenain ooa�itions. Borrower shall have the right co have
<br /> h �
<br /> � � � eaforcemEnt of this S�v�ry Iastnim2at disconUm%ed at any tim�prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such othe�period as �
<br /> �.�,,�_�a: applicable law may speci��+ for reinstatement) 6efo�sale of ths P�op�ty+ pursuant ta any ga«er of sale �ntaiIIed in this
<br /> ..5. :.�. Securiry Insuumenr or(b)entry of a judgment enforciag tflis SecuritY tas�ent.Those cauditiaas are that�rrorfer:(a?p�Ys _
<br /> Lsa�zr sU sums which then wmild be d�te undei this SeQUity Iasmimsnt an�the Nats as if ao acceleratiun ha�occuired:(b)
<br /> - c�u+es aLy default of any ather vovenants or agreem�ats; (c)FaYs all expenses!ACUrred in enfonting this Security instn�teat,
<br /> � � � iacluding,but not limited to, ceasonabte attomeys' fees;and(d)takes sa;.h acaon as Lea�ee may reasoaably reguir'e to assure
<br /> , � thai dce li�r►of this Security Instmment.Lxnder's rights m the Lmmperry and Borrower's obligatioa w pay the sums secur�by �
<br /> f this Serurity Insnwaent shatl continue vnshange�. Upon reiastatement by Bceaower. this Security [nsteivaeat and the _
<br /> � ' obligations sezund hereby shall remain fuily effecuve as if ao�r.celeration ha�ooGUrred. Hoe�rever.ttris rip,ht to ceiastate shall _---
<br />: �- aot xpply in the case of acc�xleration under patagtaph 17.
<br /> • 19. Sale oi Nale; (C��a�a.aan Servic�. '['�e Note or a partial in::r�c in the Note(togaher with this Serurity .,
<br /> . �- Insunment)maY be sold atx�ar�aore ti�without paiae nrtice w Eorrower.A sal�may�esult in a chan�e in the eat'rap(Icaavm
<br /> � " '� a3$ie'E,oza S�rviceT')th�atll�ps s�onsIilY Paym�s r•`:.,.��mder the Note aa�this Secuat5+i*+ �ment.11tete 81so s�vay be oIIe
<br /> � or more chaages of ttte Laan�c�z'ugrela.:ed to a sale of the Note.if there is a c�znge of the Loan Secvicer,�onower arill Re
<br /> ' � , given written aou�e of the�be in a�rd�ce vrith F�B�Ph 14 abave aad applicable law.Tf�e aoticE v�iU state the name aad
<br /> ' • addnss of the nsw Loan�.:ser aad tIIe addcess ta w�ch payments should be m3de.The uaucx wili also wntaia aay ather
<br /> � iafarmation re�uired by a�iirable law.
<br /> � - 1A. ga7ardacyy Sn�staaceq.Borrower sball aat ca:�or permit the greselre.use,disposal, scorage,ar�Iease of any _
<br /> �ar
<br /> . .-. Hazudons Substaaces on or in the Property- Bormur�shall r.at do, aot allow anyoae else to do, any�inr� affeaing tlze
<br /> ' P[OpEEIi}/th3t IS lII V10�idlOA Of SIIy EDVII+O�JliCIIttll L�1tY. �kz F�two senteaoes shaU aat agply w t�e g�eQOe.ure,or --
<br /> storage on the Propexty of small quanrides of Ha7ardnus�-','�;ne:�ir•'a are g2a=saliY recogn�d�°1��pPt'°�riate w anrmal
<br /> cesidenual uses and to maintenance of the PcupErty.
<br /> Boaower shall pm�pciY give Leuder wrfitten aeair.���aay c-Y-esagation,c�E�, demand,lawsuit or nttu�acxiaa by a..•-y _
<br /> � ..��.., Sovemmental or regulatasg'�,;e�c5+ar pmrate partY ia�ci�ai�g the Property an�any Har�rdous Substaace or Er.vi.�enmental Law
<br /> � of which Bormwer has ac�:al knowledge.If Bosowfr`•�ms.or is aoaf ed bY assY govetnmental oT regulatory aiuhoritY,tLat
<br /> • , any cemoval or oth�r rem�liation of aay Narardons Substance aff�aa8 t3�E ProF=n3►�s�sa�7'�BOnO�r shall promptly r�ice
<br /> ". . all nccessaiy remedial actions in aocasd�n�a with�nvironmental law.
<br /> _. ,�.', As used in this p��1A, 'Li:�us'+.ous S2.`�xs"are thase substanoes definEd as toxic or ha7ardous substans�s by
<br /> =__ - Environmental Law an� th�L•sL'aw���:.�.�',�.�: �ai3ne. kemsene. oth� A2anmable os touc getroleum pmduas, toxic
<br /> - � � ' pesticides and herbicIdes,�:efa:'.e solve�.�a;z:�:�.hn�ning esbestos or foim��l�yde,and radioactive ma:�rials.As used in
<br /> -- �, ';4...,,:• this Para�raPS 7A. 'EnvL�.�ental Lattr' �Eans f�rsl, Iaws and laws of th�ju�diction ahere the Prugen��s located that
<br /> relate to health safety or environcasntr3�tr.:ution.
<br /> "-"•�'�•�•� � NON-QFA u-�RM COVENANTS.D�cra�ver and dznder fur�:*�onvea�nt ar�agree as follows:
<br /> --.::y:.,�, .
<br /> �-._ 21.Acxaz�tian.Rz�edies.I.Qn��r�aU g��e�c$W Bc:r��rer pslor to arceleratlon foIIowf�g Barav h 17 uniess
<br /> ;::.:'"-`,;_ �:'`. oi any eoaenant or agcrxars.nt in t6ls Security L�t�ent (but aot prfor ta t�aoelerat9�n under paragraF
<br /> - � c.able law prnv[des�Ifrcawtsa).1`he no�tTice s���ecitY: (a)the detauiu(1s)t�ct�t�an cequired�a c�cs t�e dQt�alt;
<br /> ,��.s,,��,�••..� ()�date.not le�t1�w"s9 days 6rom the date tHie�atice is gtven to Bor�o�¢ff,foy whish tlte a2far13 m.tt�it i�c cured;and _
<br /> -- - ��-_,�i (�t�at tailure to cure the default on or bPfore the date speciflgd tn the n�31ce may r�lt ta wxeleta��n oi tAe s�s
<br /> �`'~��'.'.� " secnred by this Securlty Instrument and sale oi the Property.'l�e notIx sball furthrr infornt Borasnwpr ai tthe c�lght ta
<br /> :�::'H`'-a�� X reiastate atYer aaceleraiion and the right to 6r��a court adton to asse�thE non-exlstence af a deistult or an�other
<br /> ::��� defease of Borrawer to acaleration and sate. iff ti�re defaalt is uot cu�on or before 4hE date speritIal tn the notics.
<br /> -=
<br />