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.. . <br /> , . . <br /> --�- � :���.;:_ <br /> . , <br /> --- - � ------- — <br /> s=;:�� . — �— �.— - . •: <br /> ..�� � .. , � . � . <br /> ��. :�.��-,.�i�'• <..- - _ . . � . :� <br /> , _ �9 i�.�"�' � <br /> __.`_� • _ �� <br /> . , �, ata�rd or i?eoperty Ia��wuar.�, �arrower shall keep the impmvemsnts now eaisting or hereafter erected oa �he _ <br /> � < p��Qny���;�t los by �'ire,hazards incl�d�d within ehe tetm °�i coverage"and any oth�r hazards, iacluding �._ <br /> � floeds or fl�ding, for�vbich Lead2r��es insuraace.This inswaace shall be maintaiaed in the amounts and for the periods =- <br /> . �` tbat Ixnder requires.The insurauce carrier groviding the Insurance shall br.chossa by Borrower subject to Lender's appmvai _ <br /> which shall aot be unreasonably withheld.If Borruwer fails to maintaia covera�e d�cn'bed abave. Lender may. at Lea�er's <br /> �. . � . ` t� optton,obtain coverage to protect Leader's rights ia the Praperty in accardaace witts patagraph 7. _ <br /> � . � �.F• Ali in.,�urance golicles and ceuewals shall be asceptable to L�nder aa�shall iaclude a standard mortgagz clause. LeIIder __ <br /> ` . . ` shaU have the ri�ht to hold the policies and renewals. If Leader r�ires.Borrower shall promptly give ro IeadeY al!recelpu of - <br /> < '�. Paid Preffiiums aa�sea�vral notic�.Ia thc event of toss,8osra�er sl�all give prompt notice w tt�e iasuraace carrier and Leader. - <br /> �4 6 i,eader may make proof of loss if ant pr�omptly by Bonrower. • <br /> '-- . Un3ess L�nder and Ba�rower othe�arise agree in�vri aPP� � - <br /> � r,._ , ting,insuraace pras�ds sha11 bs hed to restoration or air o e <br /> ^_.,��;. Progerty damaged,if the restorarion or repair is�oaomicatly feasible�d L.ender's securiry is flct l�ed.If ths restoreriQn ar - <br /> .� .� � ; i repair is aat ecoaomically feasib2e or L,eader's sec�uity would be lesseaed,the insurance pmceeds sha�l be applied co the sums _ <br /> secur�by this S�curity Insbcument. �vhrzhes or not then due. vrith any ezc�s gaid to�orrower. If Borrovrer abandons the -- <br /> �� Ptoperty,or daES not ansvver within 30 days a notice from I.ea�er that the insvtaar.c carrier h2s offered to settle a claim, then <br /> • �,���� iaa►�.zx may collect the ins�rance pmceeds. Lender may use the praceeds to mpair or restore the PropPrty or to pay �+�mc <br /> � Se�uied by t�is Ser�uity Instrument,whether or aot then due.lY4e 30-0ay periud a+ill aegia whea the nutice is given. _ <br /> . Unless Lead�r and Berrower otheiwise agree in v,+riting, anY $PPlication of pmceeds to principal shall nflt extend or _ <br /> � �astpoae the due da�af rhe monthly paymeats referre�i to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the uaount of the paymenis. If <br /> uader paragraph 21 tke�aep�y is acquired by l.eadez,Boicower's right to aay insuiance polici�s and pmceeds iesulting fin� _ <br /> : � ;�`� damage w tfle ProFQnY Frior to the acquisiuon shaU pass to Lender w the extent of the sums secured 6y this Serurity Instcumvnt _ <br /> , `�'�� . imm�iately prior to the�.usition. <br /> - � 6. Occup�ncy. FC�v2tion. Maiat�uaIICe un� Pmtedton of t�e Property, �:.rmwer's Tran ApplIcatton; <br /> Leasehol8s.Borrower��cupy.estab'Lsh,aad v�e ii�Property as Borcower's grincipal resi�.aee wi'�.�..�=`xty days after the <br /> .. ,: execution a�f s�is S�urity iasuu�ent a..cri.�j�.L?wntinw:�-�accupy the Pcagsrty as Borrower's j��ipal reside�for at lea�t oae _ <br /> - -�-;��`� year after t:�e�aate of oocupancy, un1�..v L�r.�.+er othe�uise agee.�in writing,�vhich coaseat�:.*��ot be unreasonably wtthheld, <br /> . . `�r�t� or emless e�ccuating circumstaases er,.:�:which ar�e beyoad Borrower's wnaol. Borcower e�_^At d�atroy,damage or impair <br />_�;�;,;�;;, = the Propsriy,allow the�perty to deterioraie.or wmmIt waste on the Properry.idorrower sha11 be in defj:It if any forfeiuue <br /> • , 2ction oz proceeding,cix�er citi+il or ciimiaal,is hegttn that in Lender's good faith judgment could�su?z in forfeiture of the <br />':':��.� .,_,,; Prapetty os�.,''We�vise materially impair the IIien created by this Serurity]nstrument or I,ender's security inteiest.Boaower may <br /> cure svc�x y��±�:1t and gra�:ded in paragraDh c�using the action or praoeeding to be dismissed with a r.•rling <br />---___ �°••?,� �, ��n:��'s good faflth detear�=.i�i.-n, precludes forfeiture of the Borrowet's interest in the Progerty or other tcu�s:rIal <br /> ��_ impair�:�af tha liea�n�by th� s�urity taan.r„aeat or I.cndss's securiry interest. Bormwer shxIl r,l;��be in defaLls if <br />`�"'�=�.` .=��t�. Borrower,cr�7�IIg tlae 1�^applicatioa�:�s,gave�aierially false or inauurate information or stateme����Leader(or failed <br /> '`.�=�_"�'�;� _ to prav�d�t.ueder with any materiat�i�aiion)In conaeaian with the loan evIdeaced by the NotQ,ia�;:�::.g,hut not li�� <br />-'s'`"'' =u to,r�pres:�,�;ons coaceming BorroR+aL'�s•xcupancy of the Properry as a principal residenez.If�Securiry Insuumeut i•r,:�e� <br /> ���s�,• <br /> _^,^� leas�hai�! c:��ro�ver shall camply ai�:�il the provisions of the lease. If Boaotver acquires fee ride w[he Prey�?. �`-�� <br /> _-___-p;�� leasehold�the fee dtle shall n�t merge ualess I.eni.r agrces w the merger in writing. <br /> �-�_'�`. 7.Ptotecttaa of I ender's I�tlghts in the Propea�ty.If Borro�ver fails to pErfar�n the wvenants aad ag�s:nts containod in <br /> - _;..-���� this S�uiry Insuument,or thers is a legal pmce�ding Wat may significantly ati'ect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a <br /> _.;'i, prooeedir;;i��banluuptcy.probaze,for condemnation or fo�feiture or to enforoe laws or regzilations),then Lendes may do and <br /> :�,�iv►'�'?.!�:�: <br /> .,,_.�._ _ pay for�;is�:aver is necessary tu prot�t the value of the Progerty aad Lender's rights in the Property. l.ender's actions�aay <br /> .__ '°=�;.,,�� includa Fayia� any sums secure�d by a lisa which has priority over this Se�uriry lnsuument, appearip,� in oourt, PaY�B <br /> --�"�° ne�cnable aaoraeys'fa�s and entering on th�Prap�sy!o mak�repair�.Although Lender may taice actioz�i�r�xr this paragraph <br /> - == 7�_:i.�:,,��r�^xs aot have�do so. <br /> _-�-- . Ant� �n:;:ints disbutsed by Lrrn�r u�rler tP►is paragraph 7 shall become addiuonal �s of Borrawer secured�.�� this <br /> --===�s Seeuzity G:.qrn�cnt. UWess Borracccr.:�T�.ender agree to other fr�.sr.s of payment.these amscr�*.s shall bear interest�-�c�t�. <br /> - �:::�.� date of d�:ah2rr.�..��at at�.*.e I�oY�r::,: 5m� shall be payable, wit,': r��:esz. w�J� noiice from Lender to Boxmwer re�-:ra�r.�,3 <br /> �.:,Y� Paymeat. <br /> - --- 8.D?�;Lrgags I�.u��m;e.If Lender tequire�mortgage Insurance as a cc�r:��s of making the loan secured by this SecurIty <br /> �'"-''~-'� Insavmc�:,P.,�;�StmwCi Shell pay thC�-tN�ums cequlled Lo m31IIE�-� ll1G iitJ?±s;ige insuranoe ia effect. if, for any tr�r-,t�e <br /> ----�=_— mortgage irrrar.aaace ooverage requ3rer3 by Lender lapses or ceases to hs in eff:;,t,Boaower shaU pay the premiums reqwi�rl to <br /> •-�°� obtaia c�verage substantially equivalent to ths mortgage insurance previou:Iy i.�effect,at a cosi substaatlally eyuivalent[u the . <br /> - =�-,�_�,'.d <br /> _-�;:_� cosi to Bonower of the +�..ortgage insurance previQi�.sl r in effect, f►bm an�l.i,�ate raongage insu�r ap��.�c�v�f by Leader. Yf <br /> _�_"�.�:�.,� substauti�lty equival�t unsctgage insurance caven�r iy aot available.Borrowc���.:all pay to Lender each�flnth a sum equal to .. <br /> :�- :� oae-twelftla�f ttte y�ly mortgage iasumnce premlum beiag paid by Baaower when the insurance c�verage lapsed or cea.�ed to i <br /> �}' � be in effect. i:ender will ac<xpt,use aad retain these payments as a loss m�erve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve �` <br /> , �M�o-..y �''� <br /> _^::�,�-�.,��� Form 3028 919D <br /> -- __:�_�`r� �dAtHE3(92t.^l.a Fr,p 9 ct s hut�a: <br /> --_.a:,."":�• <br /> �y;. <br /> J4� . <br /> s-� � � .i. . � . . . . ..j:'� ..�..y����}�T,;"t��k��t �f��n-x�v4:.._ <br /> . ,+ - . . • " '- '�}� CSI�.�;i3r�. - ._.. ._ <br /> , . :ti!�=F .tt;,.��,��3��,` - — <br /> ��� � � � • •: ._.. ,... ., .• � � ._ <br /> -s`�f- � � . ' - .Q^r�: �}.�. .n•�.... ��y -i�a� �{-�LFs[.i F.� _,-..�. <br /> •' `�i� t� � •r ' � 1� � '_ __._. <br /> ._�. . v�; _ Yr'�i�'':'�' -a � a�' i�'t?h� ,,._�w_ --� <br /> ..:t« � l..i � • � -r�.� W�w ci. i�,r.'.as r�.a.i:; ;u '�sar _ +'= <br /> • � .i� . . :�n :.',�'�'.'�`°. �`4?a_}�� �.., i ..��;:.�z.�i.��y_= - <br /> .!' . - �- • .. . . � ' . -- . .._•r•�+-� +-. � • �r� As..:a;a ._- <br /> . . - 'Tl,..:��..- �=. _ �;.itre- .tif'e� - � <br /> - . • • - . ' . • . 'f'tYS'"�-i?i:T,y... <br /> _ . . . -_- - � � _ ' ,. . . . . . '•` •'Ml• •s;�y.%l,�y� . .•.cN�'t.::-:..�L r�,`�.��` r . <br /> _ - � . ' " . . � . , . . �.t r� y-' .-i-� - - . <br /> . ' _ . , . . " . . _ � ;1��� f .<��j( •.���y,yi�'' Y'= .. <br /> � . . . . Vl. � ' • ' . . - , . � t�� 6Y �� '��. A�•'C%Ah�t}�Ni.+'� : _ <br /> . - . • . 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