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<br /> Qaaaacr f5F.1 HEl) at 3sc4t�a �.�+�� tl�see (7,9D� �otioahlp �ie.en tld) Hm�th. l4negz
<br /> 7en (10) u��c ot ct+. r,ch P. it. aR�4 n po.► ot 1.�¢ flre tl). Je�nette 8+�uJl+rl�lno.
<br /> a�i2 AeinR in �i�� Ctey n! Cse� Yalas:�. €�11 Cauexy, Hebeeake, oad Qare ,_
<br /> �et�Rc�i�tt• 'aarel��S a+� tvlla:+a: .
<br /> dr�imins st the soa�tlipant cnener ot ceid Southraec auatCer ot ihe Hocthotet
<br /> quortet :SL1 H�sl): tUenea t� t19' .11' t2" a, sloa� aad apon tt�e Routt� liese oi
<br /> eaid f.outt�ea�e qc�acter �t the No►thrn�c q�rnetec t.^•P.! �L!). • dl�t�ae� nt Orie
<br /> 21�vne�e�J 2i�ree QunJeed S�veatern and 1VO T�ntho (U1T.20D teet to tUe eoU�hvLet
<br /> enrn.T of eild $p�alt�Iant y�iArtsr of th� llottll�aet qqprtl� ISCj NF�): Lf1lrtCE
<br /> U QO' 02' 06" E� �lonp end apao tt�� an�t lirtw o[ •wltf sooch.a.c Qaarcer vi the
<br /> IJartl�east t�nacter (�£) nr!). e dlotenee a[ !'ive Qundr�d 1lsane� P.lqt.t (52e.OD
<br /> tcat Lo tbe woall+ue�C eorner o[ Gosd� Svboasielo�f th�nr� � 09' ?6' 49" t.
<br /> slong and upan ti�e anutl� llne eE +ald Gat�du $�.bdlvieia�. aisd YYRO L�la� �laaR
<br /> :nd upcn tho prolo++R�!ioa nf !�w oortb liaa ot [.ot Qs� Ql). Jit[ttel�Ci�
<br /> Su6dSvt�ion. a c�YsCsa+'s u( C/Rl�t lt�rn,9r•d Wit�ety tvc+ tn9 Sw��et� PJKt llunJ[RdCftts
<br /> (49Z.72) S •' to ■ palnt vl�irl� Ir Rl�bt� y1+4 (OS.Oy+ I��t *eet oE @�e GpctTtK&eC
<br /> eocner af•b`d Loe Ot�a. �1)o J.an•et. 3ub�1!ls�iaion; tAsaea S QO° 00' 00" tt.
<br /> parallel �.i� the eQaC ISaa oE a�id L�t �ae f�). �ennette Qclvdiri�lo�. a
<br /> ti�t�nee mC Qas Qaa�r��l Sp•en[; j�.+vr (D7L.0) Eteti thencC S �9' 1�' b9' L.
<br /> pssolle� vl2b oc�8 Ft(fp (SI?.Uj� f4�! noAth o� the soc�th 1lrie oi sAid i.Ot Ott�
<br /> (1). 9tanetts S,�bdi.feloa aad 1C� prolonptton. e dl�t�ne• ef 7'l�tee Uandiad
<br /> Cf�t.t� f��ir QZA-S.0! Le�C fo s polnt �o tl�� e��t lin� af s�QA Lo! Qnx (1). �
<br /> J�pi��tt• :ah8f�i�ior; t4�enre+ S 00' a0' d0" V. Alon� n¢d vpoa th: eeot lsae oE
<br /> a�ld Lot tise (1). .7tear.i�t� Sabdl�r���or. s dlataree o[ fi�Q� lSO.Op le�t to tfts '
<br /> � .�+.th.��t eoti��� at �a1d 9.oe anr, �1). Jsanettn Subdhioiort thtnce S e9' ab'
<br /> 47" l., alon� �r� apoo t6e tant:�. 21ne o[ Jeaar�4t• Snbdirisfon. Y �irtancn.�l
<br /> 7ortr (60.7JJ $•��t ta U�e ennthotsQ eoxner ot eafd Jtanttee Rn6dl�LioQ• atr� �
<br /> a2nr� 6��1n� n poQet on ttir e�+C 1lne o[ asi�i 5mi4hr��r rnurter oF tl�e RoiNsrt�t
<br /> Q��oreer �4nE•21E1); curn�� S t10' RD' QD" U, �lon� �rtd opan th• •e�C x3ne ot rald �.,
<br /> Soot6e�ec' qnnre�r of thc t�orth��ae q�re�rtor (SE1 flE1). � dl�tRnc� ot Three �
<br /> IInadr�d �'d�r �c�d 51xt� Sovo� �lundrr:ehc p0i.S7} !@•�t to thr polnt v� ' �
<br /> ' , b�Einniog .
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