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<br /> �_.._ , ��o������
<br /> � ' � ,.,,., clL.ial Y¢ita�a��a��II3'!'O?.iIP,T. If all or an att of the Property or any interzst in it �
<br /> - --- � i7.i� r�v�'w�2 9:0�... ���....r.._ Y P �
<br /> is sc,ld or craasfera�(or if a beaefidal interest in Barrovuer is sald or transferced and�arrovler is aat a natural pErson)vrnnout
<br /> • � Lknder's priot written consgnt. Lender may. at its option, rz9uire immediate paycrtsanc in fiill of all sums s� bY thfs ��
<br /> � S�nriry In�ttum��t.However,this aption shall not�exercis�by Len4er if exerci�e is pmhibited by fe�terFil law as of[tie date v�.
<br /> � ' of this Sec�anry lnsmimenc. '-"'-
<br /> ' � if Leacter eaercises�his apuun.ir�!der sba11 b�ive�orrower notice of 2cselcration.The nasice shall pmvide a geriod of aot _N
<br /> h
<br /> � ' ' tess than 30 days from the daze the aotioe is dzlivered or mailed withia which Sono�r must pay ail sums socured bY this _
<br /> .� � � Sewxiry Insuu�snL If Borrower fails to pay tkese sums prior to the expiration of chis periad.l.eader rt�ay invake any re�edies �
<br /> • .' pPrmitted Y�y this S�curity[asnum�nt withaut furthet r,orice or demand on Borrower. "`'
<br /> � 18. Barrnwa''s R[g&�t to Reinstate- If Borrower tnaets certain wndiaons, Eorro�ver shall 6ave ttte right to dave �
<br /> -.�- .-- - - eafaroem�t of thi�Sp..surity Insrrutngnt discontiaue�at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)S days(or sach uther period as �°
<br /> � at of sale oontaia� in tlus
<br />_ . ' --�---%_ 2PPliczble law maY sg�cifY fo4 teiastatement} befo�sale of ttie FrogeTty piusuaat to aa� gosvxr
<br /> t �'-' ,�. Secunty Inshvment;or(b}en�y af a judg�aeat eafen3��s�CUr��Y[nsn'ss�ns.'Ihas�cott�lnons aie that Botrower:(a)FaYs �
<br /> �
<br /> � lender all sums wluch thea wauld be due uader this Sec+uisY Insuwaeat�d the Note as gf ao 2sceleiauoa hxfl�ccumesl;(b) �:
<br /> ' ' pir�any default of any acher oovenaats ar agr��nts; {c)pays all expebses iatvrred ia enfarcing this�tY ���t° E=
<br /> iariuding,Eut aot limited w,masonable atwraeys' fees;and(d)�akes srich action as L�der m�y teasonably�uire to assu� �_
<br /> * tbat tLe li�of this Securiry Instna�nt,LEadtr's rights in the Froperry and Borsawer's obli�ation to pay the sums saau�ed by g=
<br /> � �F I � �ftty Tnsm�eat shall oontinue uachanged. Upon reinstatemeat by �orrower, this Security iasuument aad the
<br /> ; � obligations sec�ared heieby shall remain fully effernve as if afl a�cceYeraiion hasl«xutred.However.tivs right to reinstate sha11
<br /> 3- � aot apply in the case of acceleiaa�ion ander paragraph 17. .-
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; ��sa�e oY L.uan Serviser• The Note or a partiaF interest in the Note (together with this SECUritY
<br /> ; Instrument)may be sold oas or mnre tunes without prior uatice to Borrov+er.A sale may result in a change in the entiry(tcaoa►n _-
<br /> � as the'Loam Servicer"3 that colleas monthly paymenrs due uader the Note�this Sec�nc5+Insi�vmen�Thcre alsa may he oae _.
<br /> � ar mate�hnnges of th�I,Qaa Senricer unrela:ed to a sale of the Note.If thEVa is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borr�wer wil!be �
<br /> �� given wriu�n uotice of t�e�ange in a•ccoidan�e with Para$rap�14 above and applicable law.Tfte natice will state ahe name aad
<br /> add�es.s of cse new Loan Servioer aud the address to ahirb payments shoul�be ffiade.lte uotice w�71 also oontaia any other
<br /> � infarmauoa reguised by apPlicable law.
<br /> Zp. ��g�s�a�es. Borrower shall aot cause or permit the presense. ose. disposal. stbrage.or release of any
<br /> =:•.-�.- ' Hazandous Substaates on or in the Pm�erty. Bortower shall sot do. not allaw anyoue else w do. anything affectin�tiie :
<br /> _ .. ° ptoperty that is in viuiEtia�of aay Envimnmeutal Law. 11�p�liag two senxences shaU Qot agply to the p�,t�se,or
<br /> storage on the Praperty of small quantities of Ha7ardoas Substaaces tha�t are generell!c�oL�i�ad�°b�aPPmpriate to uormal
<br /> ` - xesis2eatial uses and to mauitenaace of the Pmperty.
<br /> Bosmwer sha11 pmmptly give Lender wntten notice of any investigation.claim, demaud, IawsuIt or orhsr acaan by any
<br /> . • govemraental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Praperty aad sny Ha7ardaus Slibstaace or Emrironmental Law
<br /> _ - -� •�, • af which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borra�ver lea�ns,or is aotified by r�aY govemmeatal or�gvla:nry autharit3l.�
<br /> . .. asy remuval or other rEmediation of any Ha7ardons Subsraace affeaiug ttie PrapeueY is a�Y.�°�'��pl'0�puy take
<br /> • . ', t• �:i c��r.emedial ac�ions ia uccordance with F�vIronmental Law.
<br /> ' ��.��d m this paragi'aPh 20, 'Harardoas SubsCances' are those substances defined as�s�s or i��siuus substances�y
<br /> '`'� Eavua�utm�i law aaissl r�e foliowu►g substaaas: gasoline. &erasene. other �ammablz cr vsaric peteulr�am products. touc
<br /> L
<br /> � •. pesticides�d heibicific:��clatile solvents.materials wntainlag asbesws or far,n�d�yde,�d radioaaive�naLs.As used in
<br /> _ �,.r;,.;. this para�raph 20. ",cmi�s�eental Law" means federal lawc aad laars of�ju�s�acdon wheie the Fragerty is located that
<br /> -. �. ,. relate t�health.saf�zY'�rcr.�rimnmental pmieMion.
<br /> �" � • :�,3 '• NOl�T-IJMFORM COVENAN'f:.I'rorrov�er aad I,ender further covenanc a.::i�ee as fel,'�:�s:
<br /> .:r;..�. ��,�.�
<br /> - •. ��.+�;�; 2fl.��cEleratton;R�e�les.II.�dr.�shall gioe antice 40 l�actuaer pdor w ao�f fi;IIowing Barmweri9��i�ss
<br /> :�;,,f;,t��t,,s, .
<br /> ��. : '�� oi any oav�nant or agreanent in �'�Ls Secarity Iasbrtuneat (but uot �rinr W acccle�t:rsa aader pnragra
<br /> a tn�es the detantt;
<br /> =t-;'' . �:��`�'. ePP�bte taw pmvtdes otherwise).'i�e natfce sP�l,1 sFecifY. (e)thc detnul`�4�SD t�e action reqnire�
<br /> ;_�;�;,. , ' :.. ("�)a dute,aat iess t�n 30 days Pram�¢�e dute 4�e cottse Is gIven to Bora�au-r�r.by whicb the default mv3't be cmcd:aad
<br /> _ �,�r ��tha3�ure w cure tha defauLt ca or hxfore the date specified in the aotIce may cesult in ae�e�nt:on of 4he s�s
<br /> - -��';...r,l�v�. se�u+.�Lk t3Ls Sec�uity Instrt�e�:flad sale o!the Praperty.'d�e QotIce shaD iurther inform Borrn�ver oY the r[ght to
<br /> �-�-=-��°',_,-,:� tria�te�tfi'.�soceleratIon aad the right to brIng a cou34 act�oa to a�'•ert the aoa-ea�,tpace of a detanl� ar any ot�.er
<br /> .e�!�t�Y Vl.;L17_•
<br /> -:��.:::;.,r=-�= ��c�' +i;orrower c.�aacr2eration and sale. It the defanit is not cu�rtd on or beiore the date spectttcd in the notior+
<br /> -...,"s�"�� ,- , ent in(ull of W15vmE secwed by tdf,Secarity dnstmm��i w[thout
<br /> r:.�.:���,.;� Leadrx. at[Ys ogtF..a. rwa; reqnire immcdtate Papm
<br /> -_���� fluither dananc�ua�uucy iavoke the power oi salethe reaedies provtded ta��itt��pllkabi�e��w�.'butdnot tim ti ed
<br /> -- ���,+^w•, eatltled to oolltd aT��iacarred tn putsaing 2
<br /> -!`° .. W,reasauabte attoraeys`ffErs and oosts of tttle ev[dence. oP the
<br /> .}'.;; -;'�;:-�t U trlte power oi sai$Lv ifle�'t�, 1Y�Stee shall reoord a aetice oi dtfunit fn eacik cssi�tg+tn wLich an3'P�
<br /> f. ,,..�>, prnpert},�S locxitrd and sh�ll rs:i��.r�sries ai sacL ewtice in We manaer presraibeil bY s�lilli�bie law¢o Borrovrex an.�1 to
<br /> `���.� o
<br /> ' the other persans���e�J kg�s�l«ble Iaw.After the tim�requircd by appllcable lav�.'Cnuta s�l give pobllc not�tce
<br /> `"'�;�>•" of salle to the persa�amL tm t17r.e�^.nner prescr[bed by applicable law.Trutiee.withaut demand ort.l3a�ravr�,shall sell •
<br /> ..Y�..✓x
<br /> =W��•.• the ProP�Y a1 P��inttsas�ca�sJtr.�ighes!bidder at tiir time and place sud nnder the terms desi�E�t�ia ttce noHce oi �
<br /> `""".'"= sale in om or�ore���s sz�iir�,Y order Trastee deteim3m�.Tmistee may postprsas sat$of a:i,css s�ny parce8 r�tl�e
<br /> _�,_._„
<br /> '=�.. b nbl�c sr�uncie::�et:m.the time and place aY aa�g prevtdusjy schedul�r•ct��.I.euder ar its dcsfgnc�:��,ay :�
<br /> ,:�::�#--..;° Proi�' Y P . :
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