�� _ _ . _.
<br /> ._�_,�.,� . _._.< .. ._�_,
<br /> . . .��•. . .' , � . . <. -
<br /> ` '�.'" .� ` k�k'�'` y--°-- ----`-- -(. ---------- , ..4 • — n .
<br /> -- - — ._- `: t�y.'����ci�e I�azi4gr or u Qea�f'frdal inie�est ir��tivcr. !f all or�ny part of the Property or any'srt,�rzst in it � _
<br /> � is sold or transferre�(or if a 6Enefisial interest in Borratver is sold or traasfemed and Borrower is not a natural persa��•a+ithout B
<br /> ` Lender's rior written consQni, l.ender may, at iu cpsivn. require iaunediate paymant in full of ail sums secu:ed Dy this p,i �;t, :
<br /> . . `� Securiry lnsttu�ent.However.this option shali not bP exercised by I.ender if exenise is prahibite�by federrJ lav�as�f�.�x date � ; .
<br /> • of t4iis Secnrity Instmment. �'
<br /> If Lender exercises this option.Leader shall give Earrotiver notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a�Seri�d mf noi � ,'�;-
<br /> . less than 30 days from the date the noaice is delivered or mailod withia which Barcoaer must pny all sums szcu�f.by this __
<br /> � • ' gecwity Insuucn�n�If Sormwer fails to pay tttese sums prior to the e�iradoa of this perio�i.Lender may inva3e any:�m.edies �
<br /> ' ' � gerautt�d by tnis Security Instrument without furthQr notice or demand on Borro�ver. '�`-•
<br /> ' � 18. �arovtvca's Righ4 to �etc�stute. lf Barrower m�ets cer[ain condiaons. Bomuwer shali have ihe riat�. t�� have
<br /> —�-_—� =-= enfarcenent of ihis&�urity lnsievment di.esontinu� at 2ny ti�prior to the eailier of: (a)S days(or such a�cr�sriod as ��_,
<br /> " -�• applicabls taw may spzcify for reinstatemenz) �fore sale ot the ProgErty pursuant to auy pawer of sale concai°r:d in this
<br /> u
<br /> ���- ° 5ecurcty 6�..�uur.tent:o�ib)�itrY af a jadgmeni eaforcin�tIus S�cc+.riry inmarnent.'those conditions are that Bnrro.;er;za�FaYs � �':
<br /> �_•
<br /> - •�'�` I,�der a!I sums v�hic�then would be due under this SasuritY Inst�ment and the Note as if no arteleruion ha�c�cu.�red: p�) �s=
<br /> • cures any dzfaul[ of any other covenants or ag�eem�nts: (c)pays all e�enses inrurred in enforcing this Sscnriry u:�Xtument• �::_:
<br /> � ' ' � inctuding,but aot limiud to, reasflnable attomeys' fces;aad(d)takes sucb astion t�s txader may reasonably req�ciae ta assura __
<br /> • '. thas thy lien of this Securicy Instrumtm, lxnder's righu in the Properry and Borrower's obligation to pay the sv�,seu.t�ed by ___
<br /> ,� this SECUrity Insuument sha11 continue unchang�. Upon reinst2tement by Borrower. �his Securiry Insm�.:Lerc a�d tk� _
<br /> � y obligations secu�d herebY shall rem�in fully eff�ctive as if ao asceleration hzd arcwred. liowe�er,tlus right to rei��t.u�shall _-
<br /> - � . :.� nat apply in the cxse of acczlenuon under paragraph 17. _
<br /> 19. Sale o!Floie;Cbauge of i.aan SepvIcer. The IVote or a partial interest in tlm Note (together wit3a tt�iz Security
<br /> Instrument)may be soid oaE os ntore times vrit�out prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the er�;ka�wn
<br /> �, � � as the'i,oan Servicer°)that coll�cts monthly Raymsnts due under the Note aarl tHis Security Insua�meat.Tkere alsm r�ay be one �-
<br /> � ar more chang�.s of the Loan Servicer unrelate�to a sale of the Note.If there is a c3txnge of the Loan Servicer.Evrnvi�er wiA be
<br /> . �I� given written notire of the change in accoTdance tvith F�b'�Fh 14 above aad appliczble laa.The nodoe will state ctr:a.a�sud _
<br /> addres.,of the new Loan Sen+iser and the ad�ress to cvhich payments should be mzd�.The notiaa will also cantais:t�ry other
<br /> . • • � informzrion reqnired by applicable law.
<br /> � �' 20.Ha�rdnus Snbsta�aces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the preseace. use. disPaSal.scarage.or releaue of aay
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Bozmwer shall not do, nor allo�v anyonE else to do, anyth�� aff+tctia8 th' _
<br /> ,, .. ..._ _ ��y that is in violation of any Envimamentab Law.'[he pr�ceding two seatenoes shall not apply w We p�.use.or
<br />_,r��:;: gx��rage on the Property of small quaatities of Ha7ardous Substaaces that are gea°,.�ally recognized to bE appta�iaus t�uormal
<br /> x
<br /> ��� c�sid�.'atial uaes and to mainteaance af the Ptoperty. -
<br /> =:"��s� .' gono�sr��shall pmmpily give l.ender wrirten notize of aay investigation,cL�im,demand, lawsuit or oitier actA:.a by any
<br /> . , . .� �-.eraiaenta]�ar regulatory ageIICy or private party involving the PruFerry aa�any Hazardous Substance or Env�za,rr,ental law
<br /> -- _ - ,ti ; � ��c�hich Borronrtr has actual knowledge.If 8orrower learas,or is uoiifed by any governmental or regulatory auGSr_�ity.that
<br /> as�rrmoval or othar remediation of any Ha�ardovs Substance affectin8 the Prope;ry is n�.Batrower shall;oro�tly talce
<br /> :;vMs;, � aLT.�ecessary remedial ac?ions in acaordance with Eavironmental Law.
<br /> :�,.Y As ased in Wis paragrapb 20. "Ha7ardous Substances" are those substances defiaeal as to�ic or ha7arda*.r3 subat?nces by
<br /> '�!�`. � Environn��nta1 law and the followmg s�sra�es: gasoline. keruseIIe, other flammable or eozic petroleum p�,adrrcts. coxic
<br /> .- • pesticides anfl herbicidcs,volatile solvents,r.a3terials cantainin8 asb�ws or formalde�yde.and rzGiv3ctive materiaLn..As used ia
<br /> , .,. F �hi�paragrapb Zp� °Enyiroraneatal Law"�m�ns federal laws and laws of the jurisdict�on whem che Propscty is lucated that
<br /> relate to healt6,safery or enviranmental pmtzction.
<br /> �•- � NON-IJNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrotver and Lender fiuther s,ovenant au��as fallotvs:
<br /> ''� � 21.Accelers►tfon;Re^sa'�ies.LQader shsll give a�ce to Barrower pr'sor 4�s�le�sition fallowtag B�srm.l4r's 6reac6
<br /> ��ry�£•. . �. of any wvenant or agr��t in thGs Sec�usity I:'�ms�ex�t (but moi prtor¢��eratton under parsa�n����.7 anlccs
<br /> �"'.7.. .:.c•� apP�cable law provYde�athenv�se).'G�z rr.�3fo�sh�.2 speci�9: (a)ttee defavli;(bD�he ucs�on required to�e C�ddault;
<br /> � '' ' ' (c)a dute,noi tess thau 30 days fram C�¢c�ute the aoilce is gDven to Borrowe�,by wLic�the de?auIt m�t bt ccired;and
<br /> '%' ` � (dy thut fsiilure W cwe the deSanit on oa before the date speci�ed in the nott�mny res-_.Gt i�actelern�lc�ati the sums
<br /> -.,:z'�. secm�d by thLs Sec�ritY IQStr�ment and sale of t��i'mperty. ThE rsotiex slin(1 Bai4her infcr.n Barrovpee ott�Y"�E dght tu
<br /> ::�����, nzbn.�¢ute aiter sccelerntion aad tf�e ri�ht ta bric;ca aanrt acttnn to asse�rt 81�¢r�n-ex�s3eao�of a de€i.➢iiR 4U•9IIy OUllT
<br /> - �fease oi Borrower to acce9erat[on aad sale. It!��3efault is not cure�on a�Defnm tQte dute speciiies�L��the not[ce,
<br /> =�- '�{� �d�r,at Its option,�ay require irumedIate payment in fulD of al4 s�s ses�1 by this 3ec�ity Us,rrausnrnt wit�ut
<br /> �"��=':� [nrthes�emand and may invoke the power of sale aa�d any othrr remeaitp permttte�bq n���tcable law.Lnc�sLall be
<br /> :--R`"-�.__-- e3ttItled to colled all expeas¢s inca�rred ifl pursuing tCe remedtes povtdc�in tPiis P�B�Ph 21,iacladin�,b�t�aot 13mited
<br /> -"'"�fii;`^r"� tss,aeuonable attorneys'tees and costs oi tltle evtdcnc�.
<br /> " If the power oi sale is invoked.'�rustec staa':1 r�r�rd a a+�tice of defa•:'.�'�i:ra�tr�county tn wtiicts ar.��part of t�te
<br /> .,"�`�--r�,T`. L�pertq is locate�aad sha1D ma�s��7�s of suc6 no?�ce dn the�nner Prescasl�'�l by upplicable law to Bsc�o�sa and ta
<br /> r� � i�e�p.���p���by ap��asiirl�taw.Atter the time e��asa,zed by applicable law,Trostee shalS ei:ze G�zbllc aatit�e
<br /> i�„r�.:
<br /> -•�•u,=;;• . o!aale to the persons and in the mumcr�.rescrtbed by appttca�l�s fnw.�irustee,w�thout d�mund on B�ro aw.sl�afd�l:1
<br /> =��'s�.� !he Property nt pubUc aucHon to the Itt�cst bidder at the time nnd place and unde�the teams deslg7►att�:i tr�$nottce of •
<br /> ....,;;�;::��. r.ne in oae or more parcets and tn any orBQS Trnstee determines.�'ru,stee may post�tone salc of ali or acr���arce10!the .
<br /> �`�''?"'� • Li:roperty by publtc annauncement at the time and place of any prevlously�odWe�s31e. Lmder or iis �bscigaee muy
<br /> --�j�.. �urct�ase the Property at any sale.
<br /> ;;3, . , ..
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