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<br /> � F3013ftOV1�R COVENAN'I'$ that Eamo�r is lawfully seisQd of the estate hPre6y con�eyed and ha�t�e ri�ltt to �
<br /> : , � c�rant aad aanvey the progerty an�thas the Frc�gznY is una�cum�SPred, except far encumbrances of re�rd. Barcower �:,_
<br />-` --- ,_ � w�tants�d�vUldefead��cerally the tide to the Property ags�inst aft ctaims and demaads.suujix:w ariy enc�mG,�� -
<br /> :I of tecoid. �__
<br /> .j.�g y'ECURiTy INSTRUMENT coinbiaes uniforat covenants for national�e and nan-uniforai covenaz�ts with �
<br /> . , limited variations by jurisdicaon to constitute a unifom� ser.u�ity instru�aent covering reaZ pmpQrty =
<br /> � . . UMFORIl� COVENANTS. Bflrrower and l.ender cov�antrro er ��ll�a�lwhen due'the naci al of,a.nd interest
<br /> --�---, 1. Fsy�t o���J. Inie�ci safl Laie �rg�. P Y P P
<br /> �""`�� on,the debt evidenced by thc Note and late charges due under the Note• '
<br /> =� ``'`��=� 2 I:?��Iy�� of T�,T2�rr�oe, aa�3 04La t�ag�s. Borrower shall iaclude in�mnnthly paym�t� �.'.__
<br /> '� T —.T.�� together �■rith thc priacigal and interesc as sei forth in the Note aad aay late char�es,a sum for(a) tax� a�d speciai e_:
<br /> :•���. E„�smgats levied or to�e fevied against the PregertY,@)leasehold paymsnts or ground ients on t�e Pr�pacty, aad �.
<br /> . . ,"y, (c) Premiums for �n�,•a�sA required uader paiagrag� 4. In any year in c�fsh tiie I.ender must pay a taartgaSe _-
<br /> ��'. in..�ttanc�z premium w the Secretary of FEqusing and Urbaa Devetapment ("SeMetarY°).or in any year ia which sucS =
<br /> �` if b.�sr still hel� the Szeeu�}r Instrume�t, each r�ntLly paymeat shall also
<br /> ' . . � fl�, p�emimn wauld have bcea required
<br /> � �`�; include either. C) a sum for the annual �srtgage i�°uiance pre�ium to be paid by Lxad�to the Secretaay.or(ii)a -
<br /> k�;�� ��nthly cha oe insiead of a rYtortg2ge iusutauee premil�m if this SetuTity �ncm�m�tt is held by the Secretacy+. in a
<br /> . � �onable amnunt to b2 determiaed by the SecretaiY• ExcePt for the mnnthly cYiarge by the Sec�etacy, th�e items =
<br /> . '�- � are cx�lled °�vw Items° and tite sums paid to I.eader are calle�'i "FscroN Fuads."
<br /> � . �des�y,at any time,wllect and hold amnunts for Fs�Items in an a8Sre8ate �aunt aot to eac2ea th� _
<br /> �n;,n„m �nunt that �ray be required for Borro��'s escrow a�..�t uades the Real Es�tR Settlem:at Pco�
<br /> ..�. +:::•:• `�� �� /��of 1974,12 U.S.C.��31 et seu.and �plem�:�,� re�ulatioas, ?A CFR P��t 35�0.as they may�P a�eizal from
<br /> !'-(!'dCiS n._ .
<br /> .i;',�„4�:-:, � . �me co tim�('RESPA`?�_�i that the cusbion �.��rrve permitted by RE��t�: f�r unsnticipatac! �is.^����s oi
<br /> . .;fi+;;;;� `:� �:• '� disbursem..�v� he:are�a�,:rroaer's L";.l...ents ate available in tke 2ccount �l r�n����a a�munis ^�for�
<br /> ;• . �t��' '� mortgage in�sr-..�� �-�,LL. ._
<br /> � � �` ff the aa�,,,::.�s ��r��E..s:��.:«=��ow Items excxed the�u permitt� �w�z�r1::!�;r RESPA, I�eader shalt ,.
<br /> � a�
<br /> .,;F:': < ,e.rount to Horrcn:r fo=r".�..;:.�ss r:_.�s as required by RESPA. I:the atuaun�s c€:���3 by Lender at any tim:
<br />:.`,i�;F;;:�; �,:nflt s�_���r�s:':�e.�--'�� L:�s wtten due. L.ender m.��^_otify the �i?ar�a�rss ��'.°�nire �o���t to ma'ce
<br /> T,;;::�,: ' ::�Zh� s�atr; �z :� ft�.,3 �-�nL•�'.-��.
<br /> .._.. � �-` g�'° �
<br /> =_ ��� The�.r_�s Funds a��'.eWbe���=on�1 ssc'.:s%�`::••J:.i:��rs secured bythis Serau-�.�i*'��waz:rs. �Ersr����
<br /> - :raders ta Lender the fi:'_:payment of aii such s*�=,�=r'ower's axount shall be credited cvith the b2.us�e:ema�aia8
<br /> ;�:='':I`• for all insiall�tt items (a),(b),and (c)and any�mLz�e ia.,�vrance premium lastallment tha.t Lender h� m�t bec�me
<br /> `��; -;' : obHguted to pay to the S�retarY.aad Lender sLall�:ompfly mfund aay excess funds to Bonower. Immediutely prior
<br /> -_�.:t��„_ to a forealnsure sale of t�:Progerty or its�cquisition by Ixv.der,Eorrower's account shail be credited with any b�ls�e
<br /> -:::.; ��:: remaining for aIl installments for items (a). @),and (c).
<br /> `,�f��.: �:- 3. Appliatioa of Paymasi9. All payments uader paragrapbs 1 and 2 sball be applied by Leader as follav�s:
<br /> -_w '�� ir��tST.eo the mortgage insuran¢e pr�miunn w 1�p�id by Ixnd�r to the Secretary or w the monthly cl�arge by the
<br /> '�"° �• �.j`-;• Secretary instead oS ttte�ntWy ntorcgage insurauce premium:
<br /> ;�:���.:-':� SE�� D, to aay tas�cs,special assessments, leasehold paymenu or ground mnts,and ffre.flood and othes hazard
<br /> ,-:y,, a�s,
<br /> --...a.Y b:..,;R; � in..�vrance prerniums, tts require�:
<br /> -°= f�T= THRtA. to interest due usder the Note:
<br /> - -__Cz�:� FBURTH. to amoztization of the principal of the Note: and
<br /> --- EIFd'H, to late charges due under the Note.
<br /> -- -.-T~y,��� 4. Fice.Flood�od Ot6a �d Insivaa�oe. Bonower shall insure all impmvements on the �rap�ty, wh�her
<br /> --- -.°::y�•w now in ealstcace or subseqnentty er�. agninst any hazards. casualaes, aad condngen�ie�, including�'ise�for whIc� .
<br /> -_���''��•. Lender requirea in.��uraace. Th�s ins�°nce shall be maintained in the amounts and far the gerlods that Lender
<br /> --�-�.
<br /> h
<br /> ''� requires. Borrower shall also insure :=1 improvea�ents oa the Pcaperry. whx�Er nocv in existenre or subsequen y
<br /> r_-.i�i�;�T�■
<br /> •�.;.,��:_-=_:, — e�ted, against loss by tloods to ths er.*.2nt required by the Secretury. All n�a�r,�a: s*r:11 be cazrie�nrith compznies
<br /> y="4`=-'� approvel by Lender. 3he insurar.s�:, poSicies and any n�ewals shalf be hei� �y:.�'c:l� ar.� sh�l i�luQe lass p�ya�l�
<br /> Y�-�.�_-,:. c1EU� jn favar of,aad in a form aweptable to,Leader.
<br /> - """�-'�'Y:` ' In ths eveat of lass,Borrowrr shall �ive I.��zr immediale nodce by m�.:l. Lxuder maY sna�e proof of loss if n�'i
<br /> Y,-�'''- , . a�zde promptly by Boaower. Each insurance cc.��'�e/ wareraed is hereby a.ahorized Fund d'u�ied ro�aY. payment
<br /> ;;-;:r 4�.,a : for sich loss dlrectly t� Lender. iastead of tn ��zrower and to Ixuder jcintly. All or any psut of tt�e insurance
<br /> ;':>•;.-.;F r;��:' • pror,eeds may be applied by Lerde�,2t it�option,either (a)to the reduction of the ind�biednsss under the Note aad
<br /> °' '` •, . tl�iis Securiry Instrument, firsa ta�._'�3:nquent amounts applied in the order in paragra�� 3.and then to prepa}tm�a
<br /> ,:T-��_ .,''�'.
<br /> .-.;�.�>„',°,;:, ep g Pe li�:ion of th� raae�ds to the
<br /> ���:.� t of principal, or (b) to c��rescara�.ou or r �ir of the da�na ed Pro n3►• MY app' P
<br /> -.-�^:.;;::,.�.. ;.
<br /> -�;�':��<- �.�: pra�cipul shuil not e�c�or pastpone the dne dnto of the monthly payment�wbich ate refemed to in ps�,--�ngtnph 2,or
<br /> -� � ::`:�::' .'' change the amounc of surh p�ymente. Any excess iusur�ce procceds over an amount required to pay uil buittanding
<br /> - -� •; . �r iadebtedness under the Note aad thls Securiry lnstrurnent shall be Paid to the entiry Iegally entitled tliereto.
<br /> ' • Ln the event of foreslosure of this Security Instsurr�ent or uther transfer of dde to the Property that e�dnguishes
<br /> � . � .�� the indebteda�s, all right, tifle and interest of Bonower in and to insuYaace policies in force alu�ll pass to the
<br /> � purchaser. Boaower's inm App11�lion:
<br /> ...xi������.r
<br /> 5. Oaru�m�y, Rzaeivatian, MaSnt�noe �d proLe�ion of ahe Propeitg►;
<br /> . � _ Leatd�oids. Borrower shall oc�cupy,est�blich. and use th� FmPen7 as Bo�wer s prinsipnl tesidenr,e within sixtydays
<br /> �. . ;t�;� after the execution of this Sei�uriry lnscnunfnt (or within siaty days of u la:er sale or m�..�:'iu of the Properry) aad st�:1
<br /> ' �,a��!�; continu° ro occupy the Progerty �13�nb«er's prlucfpal residence for at leust one ye��n€ter tDe dat� of occupaacy.
<br /> • nnie�s Lecder detereni^_es t��t r':?::ire�ens Wil� caus� undus hardsh"ap for �flm;���, or unless extenuating
<br /> • . circumstances exist wi�ir.� ar� [sti�oad Borra,rer's conuol. Borrovrez �-':.31 noti�j 1s�$er af z��r ex�enuzting
<br /> . , NF�ItA�liFHA DE� OP 7RU5f t�l�Xr.
<br /> ' • ooa.�:a s�:�:..�:.ceom�s��:�a Fage Z r,f G
<br /> 3
<br /> s • �
<br /> _� .
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