�;� . _ . ' , - --
<br /> - `� , ' , , . ;�— ---..__ ,� ;
<br /> . . �� I. � , .. _�_...h.__�.. �_..._ .--r---_.,.�._.�_ 1 .._._.__ _ .i -----i—�`- 'f'`�
<br />. . - ��� ������ �.
<br /> ` .i;�' ' . • E��,rC�a ecerar�¢eccunt r�:d�ths tads�ef Real Esis!��a:temen!Frcaadsiras kct oi t97B ea smsnds�fiam ttins t� ths3. 1�U.G.C. s
<br /> ;<� �Gtlt e3 ss�.{°�ES�A•�,en➢oss enot�.ot ku►th�t iAD`•+�to t�a Funds cai9�lasser amaunt. it ea,tan��nay.at�ny ttr�e.e��oc2 and
<br />. si lt��9 Fan�s i� nn ar-s�nat rtnt to exe�ths ks36r�r.aurti. Londa�Ray esttr.ata ths[moan4 nf fund9 6ua an tRa�as.'s o!Qusr�i2 6aia
<br />_- „ _� Cafl nitIIaniDl��attrs�tn o!r+rp�6xuraa of t9�tura�sanw[ta��r,s er olh�nv�o ire lceardurts w�r1 a�P�ie t�r;. :_.
<br /> 4..` , The Fund� eha8 Gs hef.A in tn lnst�Y(na rrT�osa depas8s ara InSUreG by a t�dwai e�rtaY. ir[sin�ment�y. er enffil (hctu6�
<br /> _ �°. - - _� Ca�ss�.°4-=�� auch en hsL'�,tlan)ar t� any Fe4srQf Ha�Lotn Bank. LcaN��_."g"!ttu�F�,�a�to g�y ltse E�oH Fisna. �'=:
<br /> ' i itndsr may not Cherq�Banoxer tor hold�►n and a�p�tyh� 4ha Fundl,annut�y 1nat�rztrt�tns Yscrew accunL or�ify„g 4R�Ea�-rr
<br /> i Itemf,untess t.andv paya BoTaw�r htaros!on th�Fc;nds ans a�p".etb9e liw pwm$s Lan�to rtsaka 6ucM�chsr�. Hoxr�sar,l�6or
<br /> } . �
<br /> J• may 2�ura Barrox��to p3y e eaaiins chsrqs for an hdependant cdal es!at� t�c rsgor�hQ senrica usad by Lsnder b cor.rtmctlon wEi1
<br /> thts toan.un3ess oppc�abi9 taw provides olhsrwsa ldnless an�raert'�et►i t�maQe or¢pp'.icsbte(aw teslu�hL�es!t�Os ps:0.LsnGar
<br /> '? 1 sP.a9 rt9i�a ra�uFed to pay 6arroxer eny i�29ra:.t or 6arnietQa on tRe Funds. 8enowar ertd l&sedEr rt'.�y cgrea in�ti'�p,hOr.irres.�tai
<br /> dr
<br /> � ':---�_�} &�r�..�! &4�9 Da g:9 ar► 4hs�'wrs6s. lefi�she9 q� to Borra+rer. wRRau2 eharge, � ennual aceauni�fp O}th� �ur,r3a. BRna�c,�
<br /> J`� �-� r.rsd�e end ds7�8a to th9 FunQs and the purRasa tar whtch etcl�da53 to the aunda was m,�6s. Tha FertES era pter�.d ea aQd�bnal
<br /> ,��� ..- f� secur�3+tat a0 sums sxwed by thts Sxurk�►tnstrun:ent
<br /> °- __�-= t!�:�Ftued3 he.b by LenJer e�xeed fhe anteunffi perm�ted EO Oa heTd bY aDDIi¢�.bi�t�w.Lend�5h�.9 eesounl to 8orrt►vrer fat tiw �
<br /> sxesss Funds h�erEanc�w8A th�requfesrtienb o!�pBcabta taw. It ths amaunt a!the Funds hu0 bY�d�r ai a�/��rtbt _-
<br /> -;� sufiicf�n!to pay tha Esuow item�when 6ua.tsr.der may se rtoLTy BarroXar Un v�p,and.in a�cA case Batro+��rr sRaf�ty to L�x►dor ¢-
<br /> �,; �s emaunt rteesssa�Y tv maka u�tR�ddciortcv.Batrowsr shau maxs aa tha Qattcieney In na n:an than tvroha ertenUib va,�r�n'l.�.at �:-
<br /> , � �`• tandef'a sot�dEseratlan.
<br /> • • � IJIIcn paym�! B tuB of e8 sums sezured 6y this Soaifdy Instrumen�Lr�der sha9 pramyth/B!uftd to Bflrrawer any Funds he79 0p "-
<br /> �� l.ertder. t}.urtder Fara�aPh 21,Lsnder sha9 acquYe a saH fhe ProyeM.Lnrtsta.Rrior 4o tno acquts�tcn or safe ot ttri PtaD�Y.sha� -
<br /> sIIaPj any Wr.�s Qald by lertQar rfY ths tltfs n!acWisBkn ar tsa�tt a eredZ a�1ns!the sarns securad 6Y fhs S�cufty In�tcrn�r�L �'-
<br /> �� �.Appliestlan ot P�e�tt�. ltnt�..s�pPc�bie I�w pmvides otherv,tse.a0 palRr'.ents recsi+e�d by Lender unQ�er�anQcapRn =
<br /> $�h ! and 2 tha➢tra c�ppFod:frsL to anY G�Fayir�i charpes due undar th0 Nat�sscond to emounts Paya61�unda R�T�Ph�thkd —
<br /> �#:. ta hterest due:tourth.to p�ric�a!dua en�lest,to anp tus o�arses due under ths Na�.
<br /> _ , �,� 4.C�ta�t� Uans. �artc+�ShaB paY� �.����•e�• �� �d �[�OS�ian� 8iV$tsi�bta to tha Ftep1� --
<br /> wRt¢A �s�aY attain Rr(onty o�r t�tt� �.scurRY InstrumenL and�easeho� Dayrnet�La cr qtflund renb. Pf er►y. @acrower fR�.1 Qty thoG� _
<br /> � ah9�Tcns h tt�s rt�anner Rra:��paragreyh�ar B rtoi D�„�at mannsr.Borrower chaa paY them on time dl�oct.y to 4ns poraan __
<br /> F awad RiYmer+L 8arrower shaB:�:�ptty Mm�h W i.�ender aY rtoHces o9 emount�to tre patd uada►thts pt�a4�P�+. I!Boarawer mnY.cn =
<br /> t�s OaYmenLS Q'recty.Borrower shap prompir tumish to I.end��eca�pts euidencirt9 th�psyn+snte.
<br /> . _. Bartow�t sP►aY PmmDth dLSChsr�any Gsn whteh has pAotdy over thB SeeurRy instrumant anless Banower.(a)t��s�wrRk�g t�
<br /> ths pnYment of ths abfgatlon seeuwd bY tha 6en h n manner eceePtabte W Lsnde�:(b)eontests b Qood takh ths Ren bY. a de�!aoQO
<br /> - .. ¢�sst�niorcaman!a1 the I:an b.feqal0roceedhps whiet� b ths Lendefa opinGon operate W prs+rent tR�entarrarnw�!e!9r�Qrr.cx�a�,
<br /> • ' aea.�ces trsm N+�hotder of lhe Yen an+�'3 saiBfactory to Lender suIIardt�aUnp t!re Yen to thls Sac�ritl/Irtsfr.�s"L tt l�tnCof
<br /> '_. ` ..;� d�miRes thsf:u[r;!patt ef the Ptop6rty ts 5r� 40 a �en whiCh may afir�priordy over thSs Seq�yr fr.�:'«rtfe�sL Under tety QtRJ _
<br /> .��;d. '.: �i:ssi
<br /> ?.'•r;;�f :��•r;y Eortowar a n�.�sr i.:�ntiyby ths 6en. Borrax�sr c1taB eaVst�,�ths Ben ar tehe�+or more o!the aet3crts s�P:lrr�l aDovs HR�►h 16 daxY
<br /> :n;;4��.�«�•#a� at ths qMnp ot r.:.is. •--
<br /> "ut<«;.Ix'_j..•';
<br /> +�:r.<111:,.� 5. Hazard��r�:at�± Ic�aurance. Botrowa► sha! keep the irr�tayetfients ;r:a a�dsth� ar hereatt6r ¢�t!Fd Cn thR
<br /> �:_�-�.i.,,. . .
<br /> ,.,.,.;,;.,.,,•• Froperty hsursC�q�ai��t toss-ti;•:ie. haaMs rncl��d wRhh trts 4erm �CSed eover�ga and anyr atr+�r r.:a�rds.hc(u�np fba�a ar�.
<br /> --�.r, '.:,:'�
<br /> _-=,r,;� _,�; floodinp, for whS�n Lrrtdar r�quYse insunt+os. 7'P►ic hsuruu� shal tse��k�ts�d b tho orrtoienb an0 r:i th� C�sr6ads that Lortdo�r
<br /> ruqutes, 7he 6ns¢rance carrier prouidRp the hsura»oe sha➢6e ehosBn by Bc�wer subJect to Lenda's aypraval whieb ol�al aot"so
<br /> --• • �rtraasortsbt� wRhhetd. It 8artowa►taib to mahtain ceverage dese�ed abc�s.Lender crtay.ai Lertde+'s optkn,obf�fn cati6r�go to
<br /> _ "_ '��'� arat�c2 Lendefs r(ghLS tr�tttm 1���rty In eccordanee wlltf�e.m�3ph 7.
<br /> ;r�,_, .•
<br /> -___._;�.�-,•�•r:�. AY hsurance paRCles e�.1�asr�rewab shaR bv Qccepfabla to i.enEer end s?�aA hclude a standard martg¢�Ct6usa 6ctndar ahafl hm�
<br /> ;-,','`�,��,.� th�rfph!to htiSd the poBCies snd renewlis. I!len�ar requtss. B61f6W8f?1TL2Y Rf01TIPlN QAIB IO LAi1Odf S,1`'3Ci�L9 C���1}�].71D
<br /> -_;��i.�?_.�� and ran�wal nol;�s. In tha e+iant o! bs9.8orrower sha➢pke�rOmp!r.�i.�to ths hsarence clrtier as��artder.LArtOer mey mf�lce
<br /> ----=-`_ sj= Groof ot bss(t not�ide�rc:!s,t�j by Borrawer. ,
<br /> �%:`Ek`==r�--- Unlus I.ander u*.�er;�rra►'athanKis��in wrRir►Q,Lsmu.�nee procoeds shai be a�GSad to resforatbn a rep�Ir of 4ts�RraDony
<br /> -==;;;_`,;,.r
<br /> -_=•�,;,.,.Y: damr8e0,�tne r�'aratbn cr:�fr b eeonomicaly tets�le and LsnBers e,z�curityy ts aot tessenad. I1 V�e re3tontio�n or reglY is Rot
<br /> u
<br /> ----�:c.��:',� '� economictiy tea:�w I.sRders sacur�y would be Iesseno0. the Insura�ru•r•rxaeds shaD be aIIa".�.,�'`��.h3 su::� t�s:rr.!ey t�:tt
<br /> :=��-`:."-4� S�curBy tntUUmenL �e'tAer or no! than dua, wRh any a�ess paid to E�:r'�wer. t! Bcr►awer ebarttcr:v�s Propaty. or doa noi
<br /> -,"��' ; amvnr wRhln 30 daya a noLice hrom I.ender that ttw hsvranc� cerrier has oII�red to soltia a cietm. t�rn l.enWr n�y coiwat tho
<br /> -:-„��=�;:<�� 6nwnnca proceoQS. L.ender may usa ths prcceeds to reod► a rasian tM Property or to pay suma cacwsd �y thi�t�xb
<br /> - -, .. tmwmenL whettbr a not tnen dua The 3aday period wa b�pn wh�n ths natk�b pl�r�n.
<br /> - •�
<br /> "��:�`�:%,�1� 1}nfess L.anter and Borro�nrer oitteewiss r,!�ae in w�4h9,u►y eRplicaticn rf praaeeQS to prlrtcpal s"�,].R�!e�dand ar postpana 2he
<br /> � �'�°i;�,,;'�' �1, das dais o1 tha mont�y Payrneisi�referre�tro lm para�aahs 1 and 2 ar cijm�iie tho arrtount ot tho pa�*�t�. N urtdmr psnynDh 29
<br /> '��';��'` , ����` ' tRs Property b acQuired bY�der.8ortowciYS r'pht to anY hsurance PnNc�es and Drocae8s�esutinp Mcm damupa to tt�PrmD�Y A�► =
<br /> --;:;:�' ;.?r,Y�i' . - to �a �cquPaRbn sha� �s �a iLende� to Us� �Rent n!ths sums secarsd by th�s �:r�► tnstrument hn�sd+ftry Orior ta itw
<br /> '��.,,��'� .. _;:'}. ac�t)sklon.
<br /> - _�- ,,;,, 6. Oaccc�.Tr�y, RSCrarervation. M�intenanee ahd Prat,�sUon ot fhe P�roperty; Borrawe�'a Lr�an
<br /> �•:. � `�'''t� MPIIcaUon,C[t�ll�sdi. 8oaowYr shal occuDY.�atabFsh.�rtd usr��.'.e RroAQnY a9 Bortowsfs(a'iu�+Aal r�siddtCS wthlr�abdSt
<br /> , �.�.
<br /> .t,�. daya dfiier the�cu'Lcn a�tlri� Srcuri�l Instr�,m�nt �nd slul eonthus to er.cuDY ths Propertll as Bor:�-s^u`a 9Anclpd r�ak.yna lar at
<br /> bts! ans yaor afier ths da1p. rrf ocCUpency, unlass L�rtdw ctherwis� tprws in rrrt7n9. ar►►(ch canser.2 3J�a7 c�ct (1t umntsonsby
<br /> • wRhtNtd,�unbss mQer.:WlYtQ ct:umsUnces exkt wtffch a�iflayortd 8artow�'i comrol. Bnrrower s![a9 rct Cecsc'_t�Ctam�or tn'Mir
<br /> ':.:r!: � tfte Proparty.a[iQ'�r!Ra Pre,,�ty So datar�neta,or cartm$vras!s on ths Praperty. Bortower eha�b�h d�fmitt Y any fal���ctkm ar
<br /> yj;6,ha.
<br /> :.�:?:•:-�y';�; Frocssdin9,mc[.�I,�rss ct�7 cr�fiminel.is 6egws ihni h lertdde Qaad fa�h j��rnen!couJd resuR tn fai!aRrann c�'the Pro�ty o�otAmMfi�..O
<br /> . ' rt�ataridy ImpBtr U.'8 Ben crc�,.'�d by thls Seeufry [nstntment ot Lertder's seeufdy hLeres� Baro�er ma�r euro such a �4u!! v:d
<br /> • • �ahy�tatg,gp ptpv[ded h perJgl�pn 18,by ceushp ihe actien or proeeedh�f.o be dism.tssed wUh a ru�a thaL h i.endn'a qoofl taYh
<br /> ,. detecmnattor�. pre�udes torf�iture a1 ths BorrOwers htdtest h ltts Property Or other mateAt) ImpnYrt'�ent o} ths fien C1�aSb dy thFs
<br /> &eour�y InaWmen!ct Lenderc wcufty hterosL Barrower 6hal also be b daizuR N Barrow�.darfrtp ths bfn epy�cttlas�Orooass.
<br /> gava rt�a?eria2j false or haccurate h2amsatlon ar s.*a:er�nts to tfx�der(o� laB� to provlfle Lsnder w$t►any m.ateriat�la�mttF�) h =
<br /> �� cann�ctlan w,th th�toan eyYiancrd by the Nob,hCwEhQ,but rtoi 6mbd ta.npresentatfona cortcsminID Baroyrsl� cncaPencY cf the =
<br /> � Rropartj[s s pnc�bd residence. t!tDb &cu�iy iesDrumeM td on� bt�ROA. Barower stu8 camply wRh �A tta pranl�lons of tt� �
<br /> . i ioasa t1 Berrower ncquires toe tdio to the Rroperty.tha buoAoJd and ihs !e�tdle Ghal not merpa untese ths Urtdr eQrsM t0 @hs �
<br /> me[p8I h wrPii"�y. Farm ooze v,sD
<br /> i "
<br /> � F+oaavan�mla� V{;o 2 016
<br /> ---- -4
<br /> ; -..._ , ......--�i
<br /> � ; �
<br /> j �. ; na�
<br /> � � - - -- — — _ _ _ - �
<br />