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; I � <br /> TRUST DEED 89-* 10 59�.4 ���� <br /> THIS TqU9T DEED made tn�s___�Q� a1.(')�pbp�, 19.8.�_.. between._.[�}�q,�.g--�-�--�nd--jr}Q�C�ttY@t <br /> � , C. KlostermeYe%-______ as Trusro�. w��ase adciress�s $.QQ� W- St �AG�—I�AI1�braSka; <br /> Cpmrt�t�al Fedsnl Sav�nps A lo�n Assac�atron, whose address Is P.O. Box 1103.Omeha, NebraaMa, as HENEFICIARY AND TRU5TF.E. <br /> Mrtxaka. �s BENEFICIARY ANO TRUSTEE. . <br /> WITNE�ET1l: <br /> T t T or�v s il rrant to TR ST E ! T US wi wer ot sa!e, the following described real pr rt : <br /> Lot �" ��1� ��� ��►�� ���� o� lo� �4, ��oc�s � �n Stewart Plac� subdi�v�s�on, in �he <br /> city of Grand island, Hall County, NE. Excapt part deeded to the city of Gr�nd <br /> Island in Warranty deed recorded as document no. 83-001150. <br /> Ths mtention being tp convey hereby an absotuts Utle in tee 6imple,logether with all bwldmgs.f�etures,improvements and appurtenances thereunto <br /> h�brging. <br /> Ths TiiUSTQR aovenarna and agrees with the sa�d TRUSTEE and BENEFICURV that ha is lawlully seizsd ot sald premises; that hs <br /> h�s pood, ri�At, and litwful authodty to sell and Convey sa�d premises, thi�t edld ptemise9 are free and cbar ot all Uen9 and enCUmlxenGes exCept <br /> F. Lu t�,h 1 w A�: 1 d,� L r_�..r��hat TRUStOp will watn►nt and detond the tftle to sai,d premi&�s arto the TRUSTEH and hi� <br /> �uoc�s�as and assi�n�lcrever aga�nst the cla�ms ot au persons. <br /> FOR TO1E PURPOSE OF SECURINQ pertormance o1 eacl+agreement ot TRUSTOR heae+n containeci and the payment of S <br /> pr ep rrwCt�t1�er�ot as m�y bs advanced and outstandrng tro�n time fa time urxier a Revdving Pane of Credit Itqroement and Olsclosure ( gresment)ot <br /> �y�n d�M 1►�w;th,�t�initlal rata ot 1�-�sub)ect to ehanga and in�rease As providad in the Agreemero, with aU amounts payable as artd <br /> wh�n provided In the A9ree�ment, but in no event later tha� aixty months trom the+date hereof unies�extended by agreemenl. <br /> TERM: I may obtAln advances trom you under the terms of th�s agreemant tor a parlod of five years trom the date o1 this agresment. Prior to <br /> the end et!ha period in which 1 may obta�n advances you wtll notify me in wntisig i!you intend to renew this agreement or permit me to enter into a new <br /> ayNemsrtt. �you do not oHer to renew th�a agreement or i1 you ofte► to tenew and t do not accopt then my nght to obtain edva�es witl end end 1 will <br /> 0� roquirtrA io rcpsy my loan balance ptus finance charge and other amounts which may be due on the date shown in my linal billing statement. The <br /> maximum teRns ro►rspayment ero ae to�tows: <br /> PRINCIPAL OAtANCE MAXIMUM PAYMENT TEliM <br /> .OtC� .53,000 18 <br /> 3.000.01 - 57.500 � . <br /> 7.500.01 - t2.000 � <br /> t2.000.Ot • 18.000 1� . <br /> 18.000.01 • Over 1� <br /> The nue�►_ot [oenths I �riU h�ve tp repay wiU be determmed by my balance at the t�me o1 termination o1 my credit line. I wlll be required to ' <br /> RnY even morisMy installm�nta based upo++by baiance.interest rate,and term.Trie aan vrn oe amwtizea evar tne cerm assumins v�vt paym�t m�i►riy. ; <br /> TM iMKKI�ate may sMl be increased or decreased throughout the remaining term. <br /> $MQ psym�M to be appl�ed t�rst on tM paymeM o1 intersst computed monthty on the unpaid p�inC+pal balance and�he remalnder of each to be <br /> appt�ed to principal. AII payments shall be made at the oN�ce ot lhe BENEFICIARY, Con�rclal F�d�►al Savinps�nd Loan. P.O. 8ox 1103�Omaha. • <br /> NibrNk�p10I. Or at euCh other ptace as the holder may designete in writing. <br /> It�S agreed by and between the parties hereto t�at whib t�tte is vested in the TRUSTEE erxl until tilmg ot Notice o1 Default.the TRUSTpR shall: _ <br /> A. Retain possess+on o1 the premises and collect the rants and revenues theretrom. � -_ <br /> 8. Mamta�n the bu�b�ngs and improvements IoCated thereon in good oondition and ropair And not allow any waste. <br /> C. Pay all taxes and spec�al assessmonts levied or assesseA ageinst or duo upon satd premises bofore delmquency.and to del�ver to BFNEFICtARY <br /> Cop+es ot reCe�pts showing payment ot such taxes. y <br /> t <br /> Q. ProCUre antt maintam pol�c�es ot insurance agamst the usual hazards of tuo,ha�l,w�ndsturm and other sim�tar risKs. in sums and underwritte�n <br /> Dy ComRames eCCeptable to the BENEFICIARY, wdh toss payable to the parUes as their mterest may apQear. hr'•` <br /> �., <br /> E. "Pay to the BENEFICIARY. �i BENEFICIARY so requ�res. together w,th and in addition to the regulat monthly payments a6 ptinCipal and <br /> interest. on Yhe date set torth tor the malung of the paymeM each month,a sum equal to one•tweMth of the yearly taxes,assQSSmeMS and �.� <br /> premiums on any requued insurance m an amount wh�ch BENEFICIARY shall esii�►i8te based upon current deta and reasoriable estim2�s . ' <br /> ot future reguirements. BENEFtCIARY shall appty such sums to such dems. ShaR nr�!charge(or holding or applying them, nor pay inter�sQ <br /> ta any sums thus hetd.My dtaf�ciency m the amount of aggregate monthly p2iymenSS,inCluding the payments required in this subpa�a�raph,' <br /> shall const�tute a detau�s. The arrangements provrded tor in this subparagraph are far the added protect�ar.ot BENEFICIARY,and e�tail no <br /> �espons�A�hty on the part o1 BENEFlCiARY. BENEFICIARY may accept ev�dence vt the maintenance of escrow acoaunts by any other prior <br /> I�onholder in I�eu o1 the requuflments hereot to the extent suCh other acCOUnts are SCtually m8intamed" <br /> FRUSTOR tovenants arW agrees that a fa�lure to make any payment. e�ther pnnaRaa Or interest on the note sea�red hereby when due and <br /> payeb�e. a!a tailure to comply w�th any at tRe covenants and agreements herem mado shalt arlse the whote sum ot mqrey hereby secured to become <br /> due ar+cf'�ouect��e at once at the opt�on of the BECIEftC1ARY, and BEN�FICIARY shall h�vz the rght to cause Notice oi Oetault to be given artd tfie <br /> �remss8�!o C.^,sa�d.:s prav�ded Aese�n. <br /> , It �s rt+utFxaliy agreed that <br /> A. 'Upo� detautt of TRUSTOR m thp payment at any mdabtedness secured hereby or in thp pe►formance ol any agreement hereunder, <br /> BEN�f'IGAiiY may�edare alt sums secu�ed hereby smmed�ately due and payable by del�very to TRUSTEE ot wntten dec�arat�on ot detauN. <br /> !t BEN�F(C(ARV des�res sa�d property to be so1d.�t shall depnsd w�ih tFiUSTE�th�s Trest Deed.Tho AgreemoM.and au dacume�ts ev�dencmg <br /> e�pend�tures secured hereby. and shall detrver to TRUSTEE�wntten not�ce ot detault and elecUOn to cause sa�d propersy to be so�d �n tha <br /> to�m reqwred by Iaw The 1 RUSTEE snau thvreupon procc�ed to exerGSe tho powor of sate. proceed�ng �n ail rc�spects m compl�anco with . - ------ <br /> N <br /> � � � �� ���. <br /> ��� <br /> �nt <br /> w� <br /> � <br /> �__ � <br />